So a quick straw poll. At what point does sex become weird and creepy for most people in the context of a game? For me, I was weirded out by the male GM playing a female NPC and flirting with male NPCs weho are played by male PCs.
I get that I'm pretty new to roleplaying, I've been playing in a regular group for less than 3 months, but this just feels unbearably awkward to watch. I haven't said anything about it at the game, but I'm dreading him starting to flirt with me.
How does the rest of you guys feel?
So a quick straw poll. At what point does sex become weird and creepy for most people in the context of a game? For me...
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It gets pretty uncomfortable when your PC's decide to have sex with each other in the middle of a gaming session.
On the off chance that this isn't troll bait, just talk to your GM, establish you comfort zone and figure it out like a reasonable human being.
Personally, I've never found it uncomfortable, but that doesn't mean you being uncomfortable with it is somehow wrong. It's a very personal thing and varies a lot from group to group.
Like the players? Or the characters?
>Tell GM I'm not comfortable with any Romance/Sex
>He keeps putting it in to annoy me
>Eventually I just pack up and leave the group
I think a troll would probably put forward some unreasonable opinion or something like that.
I also wasn't really asking for advice, just trying to get a feel for how the wider community deals with some things. I mean I appreciate the advice, but I do know how to adult.
I get uncomfortable when the DM has a female NPC flirt with my PC.
Or when the female PC played by a female player tries to be seductive, mostly because I've been into her for a while.
Why does the wider community matter? It's irrelevant to the situation in you and your group. Some people are okay with flirting, some people are okay with lewd jokes and references, some people are okay with fade to black, some people indulge in full on ERP. None are explicitly superior or inferior, they all depend on the kind of game you want to play and the preferences and tolerances of your group. It might just be your group has a higher tolerance for it than you do, but that's something to resolve internally. What I or anyone else do when we RP is kinda irrelevant.
For me, it becomes weird and creepy when control is taken away from the players. For example, if a player starts flirting with an NPC, the GM can just be like "No way fag" and end it there. It becomes weird if they keep flirting despite this, or control is taken away from the player characters (like rape). It's fine for an NPC to be raped if it serves the plot, but raping a PC is just magical realm territory.
The players. I guess if you're into threesomes it isn't bad, but roleplaying as an NPC while they suck your dick is pretty difficult.
>At what point does sex become weird and creepy for most people in the context of a game?
Real quick. REAL QUICK.
It gets awkward about the second a dude is actively pretending to be a girl that's making moves on the dude I'm pretending to be. Not that I'm against romance or even sexual content, I just prefer for it to be delivered in a second hand fashion. Like instead of the GM acting it out, he just describes it.
It doesn't matter, I'm was just wondering what the general opinion is. Or what other anons thought anyway.
That sounds really hot. Did you get to watch? I would legit be fine if a male player and a female player got it on in the same room.
When it doesn't fades to black when things get serious, I'm ok with flirting and implications of intercourse as long as it makes sense in context and doesn't takes the focus of the game but I don't want to hear the GM describing how the barmaid sucks the bard's dick.
I don't give a shit about flirting between characters as long as it isn't the sole focus of a scene and all potential sex scenes fade to black.
Flirt between players is fine. Hitting on npc is fine but i make them role charisma checks. If sexy time happens it's a cut to play and they roll a d100 to see how well they performed. If both parties get a 100 then they are in love. (optional if between players)
It depends. We had ingame PC couples, but we didn't see the rreason to talk about what they do in their room at night.
We actually had a scene where it made sense for them to fuck during a scene, but we just faded to black and continued with "okay, so it's 30 minutes later and you are finished."
Oh wait, I just read that you meant the actual players...
>sexual performance with an individual dictates if you fall in love with them
To be fair, you can make a game of it.
"Roll 20 for butt stuff", and what not.
When a player starts describing their character's sex acts in detail or requests the DM to do the same.
love is strong word i agree more like "would be open to relationship instantly"
This is why roleplaying is for complete subhumans.
The absolute dregs of society only perform it, and think of it as a total life replacement package, where they can act out their wildest fantasies and desires, sexual or otherwise in the presence of others.
Honestly? I'd punch your GM in the teeth. Guy is a fucking creep and a half.
I have a rule that works for my group: if you’re in a relationship in real life, don’t carry it over in character. There’s a couple in my current group that started doing that and I put the kibosh on that real fast.
Other than that, almost anything is fair game. As a GM I’ll narrate up to second base before fading to black. I’ll make NPCs that serve as love interests to the characters, and if two players want to engage in romance I let it go to the length at which they’re comfortable with.
It depends on the situation and execution. I've played through graphic sex scenes without feeling uncomfortable, and I've had light flirtation creep me the fuck out. Done in the right way, playing the right sort of game, in the right setting, with the right people that you have the right sort of relationship with, it's not an issue. Shit typically goes wrong when people don't understand the unwritten rules of social interaction and don't know how to read the room.
Let me put it this way: if I had some embarrassing medical issue (maybe I'm impotent or I've been shitting myself or something), there's somebody I could confide in provided the setting was suitably private. I would not, however, blurt it out to just anybody in a crowded restaurant.
>Personally, I've never found it uncomfortable, but that doesn't mean you being uncomfortable with it is somehow wrong.
This. I realized in my early 20s that I had a lot more tolerance for stuff like this than my friends that I was gaming with at the time. I learned to tone it down because nobody else wanted it, but in this case, you should definitely talk to your GM at the very least.
And if it doesn't change and you still don't like it, do this
I still want to hear about the players fucking in the middle of the game.
I was fucking with you, sorry (although I can always make it up to you by fucking WITH you)
... I get to go on top.
In my experience, the more "normal" people are, the less serious any sexual actions in-game are. I've had players immediately attempt to seduce guards, fuck someone for blackmail, and marry NPCs for political moves, but all of those scenarios were made half in jest and only happened to work out. The weirder people I've played with tend to get weird (pardon the redundancy) about sexual stuff in-game. They flirt with PCs wearing a completely serious face, they try to waifu NPCs and try to marry them for no funny/tactical reason, and they sometimes even inject some kind of graphic description in. Those are usually limited to "I grab her ass" or "I slide my hands down his waist and start to untie his belt" before the GM will start going for a fade-to-black. It's weird to do that shit in person because people will legitimately either be creeped or turned on when it starts, and neither of those is very good if you want people to play and keep coming back. If you're playing online, I can see how it would be much more acceptable.
That's a good rule.
Correct answer
When i have my dick out ready to go.
>In my experience, the more "normal" people are, the less serious any sexual actions in-game are. I've had players immediately attempt to seduce guards, fuck someone for blackmail, and marry NPCs for political moves, but all of those scenarios were made half in jest and only happened to work out.
The people who do wacky sex stuff because it's funny are a much worse blight. Fuck those people.
>uncomfortable with GM roleplaying
>hit him in the face
Or you could do away with the pathetic pretenses and just kiss him, faggot. You'll be less angry if you accept you for you.
It never bothered me. In person, I'd generally fade to black before things get too graphic. I might say "My character spends the night carousing," but that would be the extent of it.
If we were online and it was text, I'd probably go full ERP, but that's because I primarily ERP when it's text only and my partner(s) are usually there for that sort of thing.
when the GM starts forcing his degenerated magical realm
The ultimate rule is to communicate your comfort zone. After that play what makes sense character/setting wise, but for the love of god when anything starts fade to fucking black.
>For me, I was weirded out by the male GM playing a female NPC and flirting with male NPCs weho are played by male PCs.
Get your terminology straight, jesus christ. PCs are Player Characters, NPCs are Non-Player Characters.
"Punch in the teeth" is gay lingo for eating ass, I'm pretty sure.
I'm pretty sure that's wrong as fuck.
I'm gonna punch you in the teeth.
Not if I suck your cock first faggot
It's not gay if balls don't touch.
It gets weird for me when the DM starts getting really into detailing what's happening. I'm fine with a bit of detail, but to really get into the nitty-gritty of what the characters are doing during sex is a bit awkward IMO.
I honestly prefer a fade to black situation since a fat neckbeard describing sex is always pretty fucking awkward. Even more so if you know the DM/player is a virgin.
Our games regularly incorporate human sexuality into them. We fade to black, but there are times someone wants to narrate for something important.
Example: Someone has a wife, and he says that they cover their bed in roses before they bed that evening, type of stuff.
Example from actual gameplay: Just bought some babies from a wandering tribe, gonna rear them up right on the caravan.
First and foremost, the granddaddy rule of it all, if you have to describe the sex, that's already way past the line. Secondly, if anyone roleplays the actual flirting, they are no longer embodying a character, the character is embodying them. Lastly, if the sex provides literally nothing to the narrative and everyone else is left witnessing some guy's personal fantasy for no reason.
Everything else is fine with a GM that is comfortable with describing very basic events. "X entices Y with his/her Z"
Very little of that makes any sense.
If a group is all okay with sex being part of the game, why is it a problem?
Why does roleplaying flirting inherently mess with the IC/OOC situation? You just assert it without explanation.
And why does the last part apply just to sex? It seems more like a general statement of the obvious. If something isn't contributing to the game, don't let it take up screentime.
You are taking it way too seriously. Remember, it's roleplaying. Why does it not make you uncomfortable when the DM is playing a character who's physically trying to kill you?
If you're uncomfortable with sexuality, play a game where it's not present. It's not rocket science. I really do think a lot of people who play D&D have no idea what roleplay really is, and think being verbose or writing paragraphs is being a good roleplayer.
Balls can't touch if I put a protective layer of saliva on them.
Related question.
Why does every bad D&D player always play a female character? Without fail, every shitty powergamer 'but ackshually' nerdtard who wants nothing but to collect magical items and stats always plays some shitty waifu with eastern art.
They're always wizards or paladins, too. Every single time. They're the worst players I've run into by far.
>make a female character
>cant play it as an actual girl unless its futa / tomboy / orc
What the FUCK is even the point them? You are the special kind of faggot that believes all actors are gay becouse "dude penis lmao". Jesus Tapdancing Christ, I bet you also only play as humans.
You uber-nigger. It's a funking roleplaying game. You assume the role of someone else and live fantastical adventures. If you are not exploring all the potential races and genders you have, then you are missing a lot.
Because if your character's charisma is fucking 10, you don't use the words coming out of Brandon the s-s-stuttering paste eater to roleplay him
>he thinks people play D&D to roleplay
...But that seems like a completely unrelated issue?
>why do powergamers play the strongest classes in the game
really gets me thinking
Nah, that's gay.
Not if I say no homo bro.
Woah there, that is not how it how it works.
Just because someone fucks real good doesn't necessarily mean you want to date them. This can go both ways for both genders, no matter what the armchair psychologists of Veeky Forums may say.
In the cases of "rolling two 100s means love" it's not really about the sex but everything leading up to the sex with the act itself just exacerbating existing feelings. And those things don't even have to be "this person is real smooth or hot or nice" sometimes it's a weird circumstance with someone you would never normally sleep with but you do. And in realising something new you get a super hard kick. Discovery mixed with great sex is recipe for a spiritual experience.
I actually LOVE the game romance, I used to be on some forum rpgs where actual girls played it.
I am talking actual girls that I added on social media, like no shemales, and I must have had about 3 in-rpg relationships. one was sweet, she even played a catgirl.
other 2 were pretty raunchy, either way I had great memories and it was a fun aspect of the game which I never felt as hindering anyone.
but I am afraid of social norms, as you can see on this thread EVERYONE is shitting on people who want that, and who like that for extra flavor. recently one of the player character [is online and IDK if he is male but I think he might be a trap] made a pass on my character and I actually found it sweet but avoided reacting to it in any way because I could tell others were glaring at us.
people are anti fun, so I hide it even if just because I can feel everyone judging me, like you OP judge your GM.
It's just a matter of finding a group who line up with your preferences, which can be a bit of work but is well worth it.
>They're always wizards or paladins, too.
femPC man-player here
i play girl fighters. strong women who beat ass are my thing. and i've played some pretty homely tomboys too.
it's not a sex fetish, just so happens my fighter has a period and tits.
This. I've played several female characters. It's really easy to not be a piece of shit if you don't treat it like a fetish.
My favorite female character I played was a female elf rogue. She was not sexy and she wasn't a slut. She was however hell bent on steeling very powerful artifacts in an effort to become powerful enough to stop the BBEG we were fighting against. She eventually became too obsessed and became a tyrant who had to be stopped by the party. Fun times were had by all.
>other 2 were pretty raunchy
>and I must have had about 3 in-rpg relationships
> actually LOVE the game romance, I used to be on some forum rpgs where actual girls played it.
this is the problem with the topic
You just wanted to roleplay a relationship with an actual girl. Not have a character have a relationship with another character.
>playing an NPC
Jesus christ why did I come back to au/tg/istic
>this thread
Does this post make sense to anyone, or I just don't get it? How is it related to OP? What is it even about?
Probably pasta, a reply to the wrong person or schizophrenia.
Establish boundaries in your session zero. Sex is perfectly fine in play if everyone is down with it, and some games even include it in the mechanics.
Generally goes that you can make your passes as much as you want, it'll all fade to black afterwards. Maybe afterwards the DM makes a note of the experience in less than ten words.
I DM'd a one-shot where the party were cons in a penal legion. They managed to catch up with a peasant girl and raped her. It was reasonably in-character, I didn't feel as if an unnecessary or inappropriate amount of attention was spent leading up to the event, so I told them they got what they wanted and that was that. That's about as "bad" as it's gotten in our group
I think a bit isn't bad because sexuality is a pretty basic component of most individuals. If none of the characters in the game are EVER interested in sex then it feels like some weird as sterile nightmare.
That said, I won't actually roleplay anything beyond basic flirting. Players can make sex puns and innuendo all they want, but once it starts getting physical it's getting seriously glossed over.
>She kisses you and brings you upstairs.
>Meanwhile, Thrognak is speaking with the bartender...
Rather than
>She reaches down your pants and grabs your dick.
>Meanwhile Thrognak is watching with great interest.
One is pretty basic "Sure, your character has a working dick." stuff, the second is ERP porn bullshit.
My personal rules are
>I'm not RPing sex, we can just state it happens
>No pedophilia
>No rape
>No incest
>No bestiality
>If you cause me to add something to this list, then I'm quitting the campaign.
>strong women who beat ass are my thing
Of course they are.
Frankly any mention of sex is unacceptable in social contexts. It normalises what should be private and taboo.
>strong women who beat ass are my thing
>it's not a sex fetish
literally all women care about is dick size and money
you're literally proving the guy you replied to right, you know that, right?
Gay men are a lot more about big dicks.
Women prefer Status/Money, an interesting guy to talk about with her girlfriends etc
Dick girth is more important for sex if, the big dick is more to brag about with the girls than anything, but in the same way they would brag about the car, the expensive restaurant, the oh so romantic escapade etc.
And yet when people like you are asked why, the only things you can reply with are the ones that boil down to Judeo-Christian social norms that were in turn a means to avoid diseases before any understanding of bacteria theory and facilitate status exchange through making virgin brides into commodities.
user, you are conflating "Sex" with "Normal human interaction".
In my group, I have no problems roleplaying flirting and the like, it's what people do, but I leave it at that.
It just feel awkward to watch a man coquettishly giggle and flick his hair like a woman at another man.
Depends on how it's executed. Playing on roll20 with some randos over Skype is different than playing at the table. I play with my fairly close friends at an actual table and most sexual stuff is played for laughs. Stuff like trying to pickup bar maidens with bad pickup lines or doing silly shit in a brothel at the worst.
It's not for everyone, in all honesty. I find text-based games make things a lot less awkward, and romance (not necessarily sex) is one of the big driving motivators for most people and a good source of drama.
And there come the strawmen and the spurious assumptions.
Try again.
The OP was saying this is what his gm was doing.
This, yes I was. Thank you.
You may want to take yourself less seriously. It's pretend.
It might help if he'd written it in the OP, instead of implying that in-character flirting is inherently creepy.
I think we can all agree that it's uncomfortable if the GM actually giggles and flips his hair at the players in real life, but there are many other ways of doing it.
Third-person narration, for example, is well within what most people consider "playing an NPC" here.
you stupidly assume that, I was just disarming the "WOW FAGGOTS" point stated on the OP.
nice projection though
Anything more than "I do X with Y". You can say say you do something, but I'm not roleplaying it with you. Don't really have to worry about it though because I'm related to 3/4 of my gaming group.
>the "WOW FAGGOTS" point stated on the OP
I don't think that's what I said. I think that's your projection of your inner insecurities.
Your GM (male) is probably gay or bi. I can’t flirt with men without feeling disgusted even if I’m playing pretend
For me, it depends on the mood of the campaign. Generally, anything that goes beyond vague general descriptions of nudity and passionate making out is a fade to black. Anything not as sexual as this - OK.
If you want to avoid being weird while roleplaying a flirt of PCs/NPCs while both participants are, say, straight men OOG, I suggest distancing yourself from the immersion by being brief and descriptive, and referring to your characters in the third person:
> "The seductress greets the mage in a gentle voice, and touches the mage's hand"
> "The mage puts on his robe and magic hat"
instead of
> "Oh, hi Mage-kun" *said in a gentle voice while touching the player's hand*
> "I put on my robe and magic hat"
BOTH role a 100? That's a 1 in 200 chance, why did you make love so statically implausible? Who hurt you?
My gf has a gay cuck fetish and wants to watch me fuck another guy in the ass
She's starting to force this into our games regularly