I want to create a new campaign with the current group I have...

I want to create a new campaign with the current group I have, but I'm sick of them using fucking retarded races and classes to be a special snowflake. There was a thread on here a while ago about a party being stationed at a watchtower at the edge of civilization and that gave me an idea.

If i force them all to roll up human fighters (we use PF so 3 starting feats (I cant get them to try another system because they're all autistic)) assuming they handle like adults, is this an ok limitation?

Pic related, the castle im thinking of basing the watchtower on

Other urls found in this thread:


Give them a list of race and classes. "This is what exists in my setting, deal with it." If it's not on the list, tell them not to ask.

This, but honestly OP it seems like your group will never satisfy you. Autistic spergs who can't branch out from PF? Drop them now.

If players aren’t open to try new things be it homebrew rules, class limitations or anything else the DM suggests then they are shit and should go play video games instead

>fucking retarded races and classes
What, specifically?

I don't remember the names of them all but, there was an orangutan, a fishperson and an aasimar in a party of 6

You obviously have issues if you even consider allowing such retarded ideas under any circumstance. Learn to say No.

>No fun allowed: the thread

Consider picking up a new hobby instead

This was in a game that I wasn't DMing

The warning signs were there, you should have listened.

Is there a good reason why the building would specifically be a "watchtower" with soldiers stationed there but no permanent residents? Those were quite rare in the medieval period.

Not specifically a watchtower, more like a frontier post to keep eyes out for any raiding parties etc from the wilderness.


>Hey guys, I'm running PF
>Muh historical realism
Why Amerimutt keep doing this? Especially when they are fucking wrong, posting some youtube nobodies.
Also, what he posted as a picture is what easily qialified as a frontier castle. Those by default are always staffed, because otherwise there is no point building them in the first place.



This one is particularly interesting, since they've rebuild it from a scratch, using what was left of it and all the detailed plans left from 1520s. When I was working in survey bureau, they've barely had half of the gate tower and two walls of the main castle building, all in ruin state. I strongly suggest to compare wikia photos with the ones from the castle catalogue page, as they are taken in different time periods


Would post more, but most of the small ones are nowdays scenic ruins at best, so it's hardly educational, but either way - your youtube nobody knows jack shit. Those had a permanent crew ever since they were build.

You know, those are actually useful for inspiration, even if I can't read Polish for shit

Your version of fun is wrong

"unique & special" =/= " fun"

You're always justified in having a human only game.

So use a system whose entire point isn’t a million snowflake races and classes, i.e. not mathfinder

>muh build

Force a change from pathfinder. Either you lose them or you get a new system. Win/win.

>So use a system whose entire point isn’t a million snowflake races and classes, i.e. not mathfinder
>I cant get them to try another system because they're all autistic

Lern 2 reed feggit

you two should play. Since you're fucking neckbeards will get in the way of anybody else

>what is a caravansary

>I want to create a new campaign
>but I hate everything my players do because I wouldn't personally do it
>so I want to force them to be a certain race and class
>that'll be fun

Why do terrible GMs always do this? Is it a terrible GM prerequisite?

you should GM

Why bang your head against a wall just to see if it will hurt less the next time?

Option A) Your idea in the OP, aka trying to shove square pegs in round holes.

Option B) Stand your ground. Run the game you want in the system you want. If they don't want to play in your game, tell them to run their own game and then they can run whatever they want.

Option C) Think smarter, not harder. Different people want different things out of their games, and that's ok. Find players who want to play the games you want to run. They exist. Just because you know these players or are friends with them doesn't mean you have to play with them or that your tastes will line up. Find someone else who will. It's really not that complicated.

Force them
Say they can either try a one-shot in a better system, or step up to DM themselves

It is, in many senses. If you're going to limit your party's normal choices, you had better really be prepared to demonstrate that you are giving them something in exchange and not simply being controlling or autistic. Of course, one could find new players too, but if you're going to limit to fighter-like classes or humans, consider whether you can include other martial classes or stress the versatility of archetypes, and perhaps add a few select other races or define subraces to allow specialization into the type of character they want to play. It's fine to draw out a setting including the things you want in your game, but players are not going to be attached to their character if they had no chance to make it their own. Even worse if you start out at first level, because then class and race make up the bulk of choices in customization. Setting reasonable restrictions for a certain tone or level of fantasy/technology/etc. is fine, forcing a single option on your players out of spite or narrowmindedness tends to suck.