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1st for orks

2nd for Custard men

Are Legion of the Damned any good?

I'm thinking of picking up a single squad of ten and running them with a melta and multi-melta, then deep striking them.

Best bits sites for Aus?

Im going to bet that the jetbikes will be 120pts each and the jetbike hq around 200pts so 6 bikes will be around 800pts when the codex arrives.

Repostin this BloodThrone my Father painted for me.


Looks great user! Your dad did a nice job

So with this new dex, is a pure khorne list viable?

>don't buy Xenos unless you're prepared to lose every game

Nice little message you are advertising to everyone, Geedubs.

8th edition is pure fucking shit.

Thank you. He is extremely picky about details. He needs everything to be as perfect as he can get.

yea, you get a relic that gives a character 4++ and the ability to deny one power per turn

8th edition is even worse than AoS.
I think i'm going to sell my armies and move to 30k.

No, you've got good assault but are opting out of the psychic and shooting phases almost entirely, your assault ain't THAT good.

I feel like all he really needs to do is maybe paint the eyes to finish the job.

He actually did do the eyes but they don't really show up in the image.

Where can I find the rules for Battlefleet Gothic might I ask?

Huh. Yeah, I can't really tell at all. Are they supposed to be orange or something maybe?

>play Xenos
>have an 75% win rate


Yellow, As that is what colour they are on the box.

Isn't there a general?


It begins

Squats were a dumb idea and they're never coming back

You were a dumb idea, your dad should've come on your mothers back

same question but replace Khorne with Nurgle deamons

This dude walks up the table and slaps your warlord's ass, what do?

Keep in mind that he hits with 5, S10 AP-3 D3 attacks and has 6 wounds

So how bad would 40k be, if we started alternatively activating units in each phase?
You'd have to consider in which order you want your units to move around, baiting your opponent to move a certain unit too early, so you can trap it later on. Basically apply the fighting phase's back and forth to the other phases too.

Now the options for initiative are:
- Roll off on turn 1, have one player go first on every phase. Then let the other player start off every phase on turn 2, back to player 1, etc.
- Roll off on turn 1, player 1 activates first in the movement phase, player 2 activates first in the psychic phase, player 1 for shooting, etc.
- One of the above, but the Players roll off at the start of every turn

Was making 6 flavors of the same army a good idea?

My first 5 Xenonians. I need to pick up some Nihilakh for the feathers and some Guilliman Blue for the Plasma Coils. But otherwise the paint is done.

You'd need to have a rule to handle characters, or they'd get isolated pretty easily, but it'd be interesting to try out.

People whine enough about rolling off for battle rounds in AoS that this would never be a thing.


It does advantage armies with large numbers of units though.
Out-Activating people is a pretty big thing in most alternating-activation games.

They're more extensive Sternguard so not really. I've never seen a batrep or game where someone actually fielded them

Am I better off taking Fire Warriors in 5 or 10 man squads?

Are any primaris worth taking for BA armies? They all seem to be shooty except reivers but if I'm taking reivers, I might as well take Death Company.

if you are willing to run daemon engines alongside your regular daemons it works pretty well imo but otherwise you are really slow and have very little ranged options.

Cool. But no. Not good.

I think they're too expensive and will never make thier points back, the 3++ makes me think they'd be pretty durable though

>Slaps a Dominus
Eh he was expendable anyway, time to counter charge with five AT-ST's

anyone know where i can find more Only War adventures? These links only have about 2

Go to the 40krpg thread

Intercessors are fairly solid. BA trait and 12 attacks per five dudes makes them quite potent in melee. Hellblasters are good and useful in the same way BA Devastators are.

Sadly not one atm.

Fall back and shoot him next turn.

Also second question. Are Pathfinders better in 5 or 10 man squads?
I tend to run Rail Rifles on them if that matters

I'm sure these are older, but I definitely prefer Overlord based Squats.

>and no Matt Wards
Matt Ward gave us some of the best balanced codexes internally and externally (so long as they were only compared to other Ward codexes). Sure, there were still stand-out units, but there were far fewer straight garbage units than in any of the previous or later codex authors.
>2000 points of one thing should equal the combat ability of 2000 points of any other thing, or combination of things, in a vacuum.
Units of equivalent points should have equivalent value. I 100% agree that space elf bikers shouldn't be strictly superior to space knight bikers just because space elves use bikers more, but units should be better at different things. 2000 points of randomly selected units shouldn't have the same combat efficacy as 2000 points of different randomly selected units; composition should matter.

>Like tyranid could be point effectively just as shooty as ig.
>Or guardsmen can be just as effective at stabbing as tyranid.
Shooty Tyranids should be a viable build that doesn't just auto-lose to shooty IG, and IG should be able to build a heavy close combat army if the player wants to. They would just operate in different ways (I think how similarly every army operates is one of the big issues in 8E. They need to find ways to mechanically differentiate armies so that everyone isn't just making bubbles around buffing characters. Maybe add more mechanics that allow you to target a particular enemy unit for re-rolls, or select an objective marker to gain some effect, or at least make it so that the buff characters aren't all some variety of re-roll 1's.

Gets wonky with characters and it gives a massive edge to horde/MSU armies that they don't really need. In order for alternative activation to work (and I do think it would be better than the current alternating turn system), you'd need to clump together more numerous units into activation chunks. Something like the old Imperial Guard Platoon composition rules.

>playing friendly 1000pt game today
>first 40k game since I stopped playing 5 years ago
>'friend' playing grey knights
>brings 2 dreadknights
>"it took me like 8 weeks to put this list together, everything is so expensive user"

why do I befriend spergs against my own good

Nids are wrecking face. Eldar are extremely strong. Orks hold their own. Just wait for your fucking codex. It should only be a couple months from now at most.

I smite him a couple times.

>IG should be able to build a heavy close combat army if the player wants to
They can. Catachan and Bullgryn can wreck face even before you get into stuff like Eversors ot the Ministorum freakshow. They just usually still have some Artillery or Tanks to back them up.

I wonder if DE will get theirs anytime soon.
We are one of the least played armies....

played my first game agsint nids. got wreck by a unit of 4 psychers with +3 invuls and crazy smite spells adding 2 d3 damage for some weird reasons.

What's a good answer as an eldar player in a 1500 pts game?

The D3 damage rather than just 2 or 3 will cuck him

Yeah, but that's just another case of WAAC tourney fags abusing a System, so it's just changing the way how they do it.
Id like to try it, just for the fact that it leaves a player with less downtime while the opponent does his shtick. Also add more "tactical" depth when you have to consider when to move/shoot/attack with which unit.

The problem with the AoS approach is that one player might get the chance to have two whole turns after another. With this method, he may get to move a unit first after getting to choose a unit to attack with first.
Really downscales the importance of going first.

Dreadknights arent that good anymore right?

Theyd be cool if they didnt look so retarded.

I wish I even had friends that play 40k
the only people that play 40k at my shop are 40 year old military veterans

Rumors suggest DE by early Summer. After Necrons and Tau.

My point is that building a CC IG army shouldn't just mean you're inherently inferior to a CC Ork army.

Maybe add a rule that allows CHARACTERS to activate alongside another unit?

How long did it take before you painted something you you were truly proud to show off?

I've been painting for a year now and I'm just getting to the point where I can see how highlighting and shading works but I can't get my hands to follow through with what my mind wants them to do.

they arent you idiot
it's tough to play and perhaps not ideal but it's not automatically inferior
get out of this retarded rock paper scissors mindset you seem to have
the best strategy is still combined arms anyway

Bout three and a half years

[laughs in Deathshroud]

What happens next?

>6 wounds
Unconfirmed, they said he had a similar statline to his brethern not that it was the same as the shield captain
In any case, I don't 100 percent trust write ups on the Community page, they screw things up. Like Cawl getting nerfed or that Deathwing terminators need a morale buff.

Being shooty is good, especially true for marine armies. You need some shooting elements to help support your assault elements, especially in turns where you failed the charge or simply can't charge for whatever reason and primaris marines can do the odd assault as well what with being 2 attacks base and have the Red Thirst.

Also, considering base loadout, Reivers might be comparable (and slightly better) than Death Company due to shock grenades, a better bolt pistol and 2 wounds. Death company definitely edges out by being able to take jump packs and power weapons but Reivers don't fall all that far behind still.

That being said, the real problem with most of the primaris units is their speed. If your BA army is tooled up to go fast, you'll find your primaris units straggling behind unless you shell out for a repulsor. This can definitely be mitigated by careful deployment and movement tactics, but it is a problem and can derail your battle plans if not considered ahead of time.

Zoanthropes add to their mortal wound output for having greater than 3 members but should have been only been 1d3, not 2.

Don't you have access to good denies like, all over the place? Alternatively, shoot them; They're weak as shit under that 3++.

Bitz galaxy. I've bought heaps off this guy.

She reaches the shiny and then explodes so she can't be defiled, while also taking out the marines nearby.

Not as good but still pretty damn solid. Doubly so if you upgrade them to the Grandmaster version.

Stop being retarded and learn how to understand context. I'm just saying that units should be costed equivalently for equivalent capabilities across codexes. I only talked about CC IG because the guy I responded to used them as an example.

Possibly. You'd still need to add something to prevent MSU from dominating.

There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.

I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little Squats reply up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Veeky Forums pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The "epic" Space Dwarf guy, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Veeky Forums posting about a capeshit movie. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic Banefag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "Soon." You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.

>don't buy Xenos unless you're prepared to lose every game

I know which army you play.


Sounds about right with this guy here. Mind you, I'm still hesitant with a lot of my minis. Especially the ones I rushed to get done for a game or something

Ssshhhhh adults are talking

new to warhammer. I did and he passed all of his 3+ invuls saves. I deny but he just cast 2 more smites outside of my one.I think each model can cast smite so each unit do 1d3 mortal. he also didn't play the new smite rule which decreases his smite by -1 each cast that turn. so he went to town on my guys.

Zoanthropes are actually quite resilient if you do not have a lot of guns that take out chunks of damage easy. The 3++ means they have a good chance of negating the single shot AT weapons (bright lances, pulse lasers, etc) and the multiple wounds means they can eat the odd shuriken shot that does slip pass the 3++ with relative safety. Best bet is to load up on reapers and anything that can shit out 2 or more damage a shot to kill the zoans efficiently. Otherwise be prepared to drown them in an army's worth of shuriken shots to kill them. Doubly so if they are a full squad of 6 with a neurothorpe around.

it was unit of 4 and is neuro the character that heals his units whenever he kills a model? cause fuck that guy.

a bunch of neckbeards jerk off

>I deny but he just cast 2 more smites outside of my one
Zoanthropes cast as a unit, not per model. So sounds like you got boned over.

Who is Benv94 and why does he repost stuff from here onto leddit.

It might sort itself out, but playtesting would need to happen. Cheap units often get a bonus in large numbers, so that's one way to keep someone from fielding like 3 units of ten gaunts instead of one large unit.
Fielding more 1 - 5 man Units also really only benefits you in the movement phase (which does indeed make for a big advantage, but that has to be put to the test) since you can nowadays split your fire however you like.

I'll try to put that to the test soon enough.

DKs aren't anything special. GK in general are weak as hell.

What exactly was the problem?

that muppet posted my kneeslapper meant for TeeGee

That's the neuro, all right.

>just another case of WAAC tourney fags abusing a System
No, just no. It's an inherent part of the system even if you dont abuse it, and it's something players pick up on even if they never touch the competitive scene.

t. Malifaux
I still fucking love the idea though, gonna try and talk my mates into trying it for a match or two

The group counts as one psyker, with 4 models they can cast two spells but only 1 Smite between them.

And yea if you're shooting them with mainline infantry rifles they're never gonna die, but shuriken cannons and scatter lasers exist and dump out a large amount of shots, nevermind Reapers who will do a number on them. Admittedly not an Eldar player, just go up against one a lot and I play 'Nids on occasion and I like Zoanthropes/tend to field them a lot.

They're not fond of Smite themselves either; When I've fielded them this is what they've invariably died to.

So go make some friends.

According to BoLS the Triumvirates are being separated into their own boxes. Can someone confirm this or not?

>Yeah, but that's just another case of WAAC tourney fags abusing a System
If you think learning how to play the game well is abusing it then yeah I guess.

Scrub as fuck right there.

Looks like a person who takes jokes from here and reposts them on there, in addition to kinda acting like a faggot from what else I've just read.

yes. My local plastic crack dealer showed us the preorder list for this week and the ones that could not be acquired separately can not be acquired separately. Not the eldar one tho

>tfw warlord can only take 1 wound per attack
Assuming he makes it across the board.

specialist games forum.

Finally. I can get celestine and hotglue her for everyone.