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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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Will the thread collapse when the number hits 2000?
On a more serious note, things like James bond or stuff like Buffy the vampire Slayer etc. might be good.
Basically space cops and criminals on earth. There are hints of alien terrorist groups working with humans etc all with access to high level alien tech. At one point there was an extinction level weapon on earth which needed to be stopped.
More like, running OUT OF nineties, am I right?
[Yucks it up in Eurobeat]
So does the Memory Partition you can buy in Tsukihime from Precision and Memory have any differences from learning it on your own other then starting out with more then one?
>Not 'Party Like It's 1999' edition
Jumpers! How do you party?
What do you do celebrate when things go RIGHT?
Man, I didn't know what the deal with KonoSuba was until I started watching it. It's the It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia of isekais.
Don't think so, most professional alchemists start off with 3 anyway
So what kind of war crimes did you Jumpers participate in the Platoon setting?
>Man, I didn't know what the deal with KonoSuba was until I started watching it. It's the It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia of isekais.
Literally all the episodes could be a "The Gang [Action" thing.
"The Gang Gets a Cat"
"The Gang Goes to Trial"
"The Gang Gets Rich"
I was Russian, so mostly a callous disregard for my own people in the name of winning.
Turns out that isn't a war crime. It's just a dickhole thing to do.
>I was Russian
I thought its only a war crime if you are German
Let's see:
Kazuma=Equal mix of Dennis and Mac
Megumin=30% Frank, 70% Charlie
Darkness=30% Charlie, 70% Frank
Neither. I took the option to start early, and gave their parents the "Congratulations On Your Literally Magical Girl" talk. Also I made sure the royal ship didn't sink ten years later (actually it simply got butterflied, but I'll claim it).
It was an absolutely fantastic twenty-three year vacation.
Jump when ?
What are the best time-travel options in the Chain?
Nuked most major groups and then took over them all as the Emperor. It was all in name of advancing the Human race and stopping all the stupid shit that has occurred since then.
>Not Duck Dodgers
Fucking pleb.
Nah it's only a war crime if you're a Dirty Nazi or a Filthy Commie, those German scientists who got asylum exchange for handing their rocket science to Uncle Sam? They're just victims of the system, maybe even misunderstood patriots!
Being Yog-Sothoth, Futurama has a time machine that can go to the end of the universe in a couple hours or less. You have to get the Backwards time machine from the future though.
Arrowverse's Speedforce combined with Kamen Rider Kabuto's Hyper Clock Up
Being Yog-Sothoth and owning a time machine must feel like taking a laxative when you're using it
>Nuked most major groups and then took over them all as the Emperor. It was all in name of advancing the Human race and stopping all the stupid shit that has occurred since then.
Niice, how did the survivors react and how bad was the radiation?
>maybe even misunderstood patriots!
Like that dude Rommel
>Don't think so, most professional alchemists start off with 3 anyway
Ah alright, thanks for the help. Was thinking the CP bought one would let us work on different thoughts unlike the learned one.
The jump one doesn't have the canon limits that you can only focus the partitions on one problem altogether.
Yeah but Rommel never defected. These days everyone treats him like The Boss except as an old man instead of a pregnant milf, and his little group of non-warmcrimers like Outer Heaven if Outer Heaven had better PR.
> Elsa's parents show up at the Troll Valley
> They beg for help for their child
> Suddenly appear in a deluge of ELEMENT
> Trolls are all "Who the fuck are you"
> Shove them all aside
> Heal Anna
> Give parents the Talk
> Offer to tutor Elsa as one elemental queen to another
> Elsa grows up happy
> Get to live in the castle
> Happy End.
It really was a nice vacation while it lasted.
>> Suddenly appear in a deluge of ELEMENT
What element?
ELEMENT element, duh.
The Element of Surprise.
If you don't want to be Yog-Sothoth, apparently Plutonians with scholar perk can get pretty crazy if we go by the comic, traveling to the end of the unvierse and back just by willing it. Although just like all time-travel plots,
it was pretty dumb that they did that to punish the Plutonian instead of just traveling back in time to fix their fuck up.
The Witch of the Rift and the vampire capstone of Monogatari also seem pretty good. For items, the Waveryder in Arrowverse and the house in Jorge Joestar also allow for freestyle time-travel.
I chose iron specifically due to its associations with progress and combating fae, which seemed pretty cool for a Disney movie.
Able to make iron, rust, and related constructs. The mountain I bought ("Mt Ferrous") has black soil due to the high concentrations of iron, and the little fort at the top ("Castle Ferric") is covered in multishaded rust.
I thought it was neat.
Plus, I can totes do "Iron Fist" and "Iron Heart" puns now.
>Plus, I can totes do "Iron Fist" and "Iron Heart" puns now.
You say plus like it's just an extra benefit. But really, it was one of the main factors that pushed you into taking iron wasn't it.
Wait really? Well that is good, maybe I should grab it then. Thanks for the help.
I want that movie. Imagine it being done in the style of movies like Kung Fury or Hot Shots!
That would be so epic!
> it was one of the main factors that pushed you into taking iron wasn't it.
Nah. I mostly wanted the ability to make pretty rust storms, and also summon swords out of the air and chuck them at people, and also name my mountain and its castle after iron classifications (which is why I state the names EVERY TIME I bring this up -- it makes me inordinately happy to do so). And the associations with an anti-magical element being conjured by magic, because deep in my heart I am a complete hipster.
I actually only realized the thing about the puns later, while I was trying to do a writeup that ultimately failed to come through, at which point I was all like, "HOLY SHIT THAT JUST MAKES IT EVEN BETTER" And then I grinned like a dipshit and felt undeservedly proud of myself for this thing I didn't even mean to do.
Happens surprisingly often, actually.
Radiation was cleaned up rapidly, most were too scared but after a couple years everyone was more or less fine. I mean I basically jumped them up to fallout pre-war tech by then so life was good for most. Of course there were still some terrorise groups who sought to remove me but they just helped show how good I was. After all I saved everyone, it's not like those groups are mysterious androids or seems to repeat what they say at regular intervals. Not at all.
I went with the element of Wood; basically, plants. Grass, flowers, shrubs, vines, trees, etc. It came in handy for rejuvenating the royal gardens whenever Elsa left them frozen for too long.
(also _if_ in Frozen 2 it turns out her power is Winter rather than Ice, I can easily handwave mine as having been Spring all along)
What would be the power of Autumn?
>watch now as I do my strongest feat of magic
>baby lamb is slowly pushed out of jumpers ass
>Many, many mistakes have been made.
Remember that is literally impossible to lose against those without time-travel. I'm also surprised that no one is making a fuss of Val putting a rapestate perk in her last jump
Wouldn't stealing Coil's power in Worm and keeping one half of you in the Warehouse (which keeps the outside world frozen in time) be fonctionally identical to savestate?
Which one was it?
> a rapestate perk
Hm? Care to explain which perk you're thinking of?
The warehouse doesn't do that. Where did you get that idea?
It doesn't freeze the outside world. Where the hell did you get that idea? The Clock in Narnia can speed up time within the Warehouse but time isn't frozen for everyone while your in it. The warehouse is frozen when the door is shut however.
Eh there've been a couple rapestate-analogues out there, it's just that ever since rapestate user himself vanished from the face of the thread everyone's either forgotten or stopped caring about his bad juju.
What. Seriously, what the f*ck:
>Modern Day Paladins- +200
>A few folks caught word of your presence in the area, folks that don’t take kindly to immortal freaks like yourself. They decided that they’d round up their boys and hunt you down for the good of mankind. Too bad for you those boys happened to be a number of very experienced immortal hunters, supported by a large and well-funded PMC. They know who you are, what you are and how to kill you, possessing methods that can bypass anything you might have that prevents you from dying. That said, they're not necessarily on your level of power, instead being about as strong as the Powerful Hand PMSC that works within Japan already. If you happen to kill them all, you’ll get a year or two’s reprieve before another similar group catches onto your presence.
Does that drawback seriously give a bunch of scrubs the fiat backed ability to bypass any defense on the jumpchain? And more scrubs keep coming no matter how many you kill? For 200 CP?
>instead of just traveling back in time to fix their fuckup
I assumed that being hyperdimensional lifeforms and all, that Bad Things might happen if they tried to retcon their own probe-child's birth by interrupting their past selves or even stop him from going berserk. He did exhibit a limited degree of resistance against being caught in that time loop by that guy who punched people back in time, after all
Either that, or abuse of time travel is culturally an even bigger no-no for their species
Actually, we have a time-line splitting power in one of the latest jumps. Something about zodiact animals fighting.
UQ Holder saving point immortality
>UQ Holder saving point immortality
Oh that, I felt it was too risky to use so I just ignored it.
People who don't use Drawbacks shouldn't be allowed to write them.
I mean is drawback. Also I think the operative words here are
>prevents you from dying
Not "prevents you from dodging" or "prevents you from blocking" or even "prevents you from raining fire and brimstone on the otherwise powerful but mortal hunters you scryed coming at you from a mile away". Or you know, "prevents you from meaningfully combating the enemy".
Just don't walk right up to them and open with a couple headbutts to prove what a big manly man you are.
Irredeemable is a good comic, but yes the characters have so many options and powers they could of easily ruined the plot at any moment. The plot literally falls apart.
It's not like people care anymore about time travel. A few years ago, time travel was a sortof taboo power, but now a lot of people talk about it. You could jury rig a rapestate out of any time travel power pretty easily.
Anyway, that was never even really the issue. The issue was that Rapestate user argued about it CONSTANTLY. He tore up whole threads to argue that what he was doing was perfectly fine, even in unrelated conversations.
It would be like if bancho kept posting pictures of his fetishes and arguing that they were normal even when nobody was talking to or about him. Imagine that as background noise any time someone tried to talk about Fate.
I thought I read that ruling somewhere (something to do with keeping you from just hiding for 10 years), but I probably just misread something different.
>The warehouse is frozen when the door is shut however.
And any sapient being inside gets launched our at railgun speeds killing them.
It depends on how you interpret it. You could say that they only stop your immortality/regeneration, while all your other defesnes (powershields and spells) would work. Worst come to worst just become Ash Beast and have everything in a multiple mile radious become the sun's surface
Honestly I think that it's one of the best immortalities. The 1400 CP one has one big flaw for the investment compared to the 400 CP ones.
>Ash Beast
What is that?
I don't even remember it being a universal taboo. There was time travel back in like...the 300s of threads. I don't know if people missed it or other people shouted them down or whatnot, but it was there and available. And thinking back on the arguments, for every user that was yelling about yime travel it seems like there was another yelling it should've been a thing.
But yeah, that was indeed the problem with Rapestate.
Well, unless that sapient being is a ghost or a Robian with all the Chaos Emeralds or something.
To be fair, removing it was never a good solution. It just encourages shitposters to do similar stuff in the future. It worked out I suppose, but it could of lead to problems. But all well that ends well I suppose.
Phoneposting sucks huh?
He's a parahuman whose Shard turns everything around him into a caguely kaiju-shaped mass of burning embers that just kinda rampages through Africa. Somehow it also keeps his body healthier than you'd expect for someone unable to feed or bathe themselves for...well, a significant portion of their life probably. And the whole thing is buff enough to physically clash with Scion a few times and not instantly die.
Also he's probably insane.
There was some hidden time-travel, like the option of there become a time dragon via D&D or just getting it via science in one of the capeshit jumps. But many jumps explictly forbade time-travel even when they gave powers related to it
It was both part of the nerfwhoring wave and the in spite of rapestate
A Worm character. Basically an immortal walkinig sea of fire
It...does? I have no idea what you're talking about, though. I'm not phoneposting, and I can't tell if you're trying to make that an insult somehow or not.
No insult. You just seem to be hitting Y instead of T a lot, or someone else is and a bunch of folks are all doing it together accidentally.
Yeah, I never really cared for the pro/anti nerf thing. I just rolled with whatever, noticed there were some jumps silent on the issue and nobody contradicted me for a long while about using stuff like being an angel in Supernatural. Or being an Old One/Key/elite sorceror/being of comparable power in Buffy.
What I'm trying to say is I did know of and used "hidden" time travel back then, but I never meant to be spiteful about it. If things had turned out to put a blanket ban on time travel I wouldn't have cared to much, but a consensus wasn't reached and the arguments just sort of died down after a while.
Yeah... I think I'm just going to give myself +300~500 CP on Valeria jumps that have a lot of things that I want and not enough manageable drawbacks and call it a day.
A lot of her jumps are actually pretty interesting if you ignore the godawful drawbacks of hell.
Oh, right. "yelling about yime", nah I just get the butterfingers when I'm tired, posting in rapid succession and simultaneously catching up on KonoSuba. Dunno about everyone else.
>inb4 Marvel steals this
Nah, that would actually be an interesting twist. That shit's like kryptonite to Marvel, they'll never touch it.
>What. Seriously, what the f*ck:
> >Modern Day Paladins- +200
> >A few folks caught word of your presence in the area, folks that don’t take kindly to immortal freaks like yourself. They decided that they’d round up their boys and hunt you down for the good of mankind. Too bad for you those boys happened to be a number of very experienced immortal hunters, supported by a large and well-funded PMC. They know who you are, what you are and how to kill you, possessing methods that can bypass anything you might have that prevents you from dying. That said, they're not necessarily on your level of power, instead being about as strong as the Powerful Hand PMSC that works within Japan already. If you happen to kill them all, you’ll get a year or two’s reprieve before another similar group catches onto your presence.
> Does that drawback seriously give a bunch of scrubs the fiat backed ability to bypass any defense on the jumpchain? And more scrubs keep coming no matter how many you kill? For 200 CP?
There are worse drawbacks.
Like the one from the worm jumpchain that makes scion determined to kill you. It 90% of cases it basically guarantees you die right after arriving.
>that pic
I like it, but it severely underestimates how bad a day it was for Brock. At least for the comics as I have and will never see the 3rd Spider Man movie.
I would legimitely be fine with that. The problem is that like said, Marvel is no longer capable of making characters interesting without also railroading them into the worst possible choices imagineable.
For example, I'm pretty sure that after sacrificing a puppy to Yggdrasil for magical powers, Doctor Strange is going to call on the power of Amatsu-Mikaboshi the multiverse destroying Chaos King for beating up Loki.
Because Loki is currently dating the girl Strange never had the courage to admit he was in love with, and because Strange also attached a spell that puts ALL THE MAGIC IN THE WORLD under his control to his loved ones.
If they ever did touch it you should probably expect half of the speech to be replaced with something about women or muslims or something.
The 3rd Spider Man movies isn't that bad compared to the most recent ones, to be honest. The worst I can say about it is it does drag on a bit too much because they wanted to fit 3 whole villains into one movie instead of focusing on Gobsborne and Venom and letting Peter get the fuck over Uncle Ben already.
>Homecoming is worse than Spiderman 3
What the fuck are you smoking?
>The worst I can say about it is the 3 villains thing
An anti-quips bias admittedly, but to be frank for my part I've resolved never to see Homecoming after seeing the trailers and from what I've heard the only thing to make me even slightly regret my decision is how the Vulture was played.
And even then, he sounds like he borrows from the "Tony Stark but evil" character which the MCU has long done to death.
No see I like that, because it's not meant to make you think the symbiote makes Parker cool. It shows you the symbiote makes Parker THINK he is cool: All the women who start crushing on him already liked him in some capacity, when he does the stupid dance in public people start glaring at him. It's still the same old Peter, his hormones are just raging out of control and it's giving him a confidence boost as a side effect.
>The 3rd Spider Man movies isn't that bad compared to the most recent ones
Michael Keaton fucking nails the Vulture. The only intimidating villain of the MCU. There are some moments in that movie where you can taste the tension cause he nails it so perfectly.
If you were talking about the novelisation, I'd agree. That actually slows the pace a bit and gives the villains more time.
The movie? Naw. That's got awful pacing, a messy plot, poor CG for Venom, Brock is ridiculous and Emo Pete is just painful to watch, Sandman never feels threatening, the movie retcons some pretty major plot points from the past, MJ's singing, the cancer tumour esque Green Goblin Murder sideplot takes forever to resolve despite being painfully obvious and just on and on with this stuff.
The movie has some cool moments but it is filled with some really dumb shit and some pretty poor film making. It's nothing compared to 2 and honestly far worse than HC too.
I feel like your bias against modern MCU (Which seems really silly since spiderman has always been filled with 'quips' and is perhaps the most quippy character in all of Marvel AND DC combined) is also a bias for 3 in this case. If the emo stuff didn't stretch on for so long then maybe I could see it but there's multiple scenes of this crap.
It's the movie making fun of edgelords. Since it's a pretty idealistic and goofy series otherwise, that doesn't bother me too much.
Or it's an ill advised attempt at making spiderman 'cooler' when he has the black spidey suit on, given it portrays him as charming, stronger, dominant against rivals and nailing it with all the ladies.
It's bad dude. You can hate modern marvel if you like but don't try and excuse badness here.
No it means that the anti-immortality corp trying to kill you has stuff that works against your form of immortality. You could still just block their attacks.
Do the two different Highschool DxD jumps count as separate jumps that can both be visited? Or can you only go to one?
2 DxD jumps? There should only be one yeah? I'm pretty sure the newest one is an update to the old one.
Nah tho, it's like said: It's supposed to take the piss out of confident edgelords. It's not supposed to make you actually envy or admire Linkin Parker over there.
I'd argue Kurt Russell nailed MCU!Ego too. As someone who generally dislikes the MCU's overall tone, I have to admit the Guardians films roll with it while having some genuine drama in there the best. I think mostly fondly of Cap's films too, but that's because they're mostly drama; Guardians' quips feel the least jarring.
Don't get me wrong though, I'm aware that objectively 3 is a mess. It's just a fun mess to sit through, to me. Which is more than I can say for a lot of technically well structured MCU films, that feel bland and empty on a rewatch. And yes, like many things the novelisation NAILS a lot of shit the movie's format just wasn't equipped to handle; this goes duoble for the Revenge of the Sith novelisation.
And I do remember the original Spidey films having plenty of quips too, the thing is they managed to balance them out with plenty of drama and tension. Don't misunderstand me: I didn't skip Homecoming for fear of Spidey having too many quips, I skipped homecoming because /the MCU gives virtually EVERY FUCKING CHARACTER quips/ and this was just the last straw after a series of quipfests.
Looking at you, Strange and Ragnarok.
I really doubt it was meant to be a deliberate appeal whatever else it was, given you know. The suit is unambiguously a Bad Thing for Spidey and associated with his Uncle Ben memories.
Retconning Marco to have shot first Greedo-style just to have a Spidey villain appeal to Uncle Ben feels was retarded, I'll admit
They are written by different people, and both have fairly different perks and items. I don't think one is an update.
Well, I was in Germany so I kinda just flash-froze my way through Europe and won the war for the Nazis because everyone was in cryo-stasis? But that's not really a war crime though. I did thaw people out, just slowly so they could be captured when they came to. Sent them back home because the Allies had already surrendered and Germany had no reason to keep them at that point. Hitler was surprisingly lenient to the losers.
The Soviet Union though, I tore right through those fuckers. Just, tore right on through. No mercy, just headed straight for Moscow and took out that fucker Stalin and anybody else who thought they could keep that Communism bullshit going.
I know that but I thought the second was an update with permission from the author?
Then i have no idea why the original is still up. Neither mentions the other in anyway, so I have no idea if its an update.