Alright Veeky Forums listen up this is the next moon mission

Alright Veeky Forums listen up this is the next moon mission

What is Dragonchain?

Basically companies can use the Dragonchain for Blockchain technology and Incubator to start ICOs. It was created by Disney, open sourced and taken over by ex-Disney employees. It is on the Disney github:

The special thing about Incubators:
>Team members and advisers will receive their token disbursements over a two-year period.
>That signals a long-term commitment to the project and prevents insiders from dumping their supply and tanking the price.

What does this mean? No more shit ICO exit scams.

You get DSS for holding Dragonchain which can be used for discounts in future ICOs and more. This encourages people to hold and the price to go up. I will post benefits below. The platform is set to be released in March, which is two months from now plenty of time to accumulate.

And don't forget, this is NORMIE-FRIENDLY. Normies will be all over this because WE WUZ DISNEY. Now is the time to all-in faggots.

Other urls found in this thread:


$2.20 on kucoin, it just had a big spike. not sure if I should wait for a dip or buy in now

so if you hold your drgns, you get access to ICOs and discounts?

what's a realistic price target q1/q2?

A Dragon Day of Slumber takes into account both the Dragon balance and length of time each Dragon is held. Based on this “Dragon Slumber Score,” token holders gain priority access to Dragonchain Incubator ICOs and pre-sales. Dragon Slumber scores will used to drive factors such as discount level, participation timeframe and purchase limits. Since each of the Dragonchain Incubations are unique, with tokens representing different types of utility, these benefits will vary based on the specific ICO. Every Dragonchain Incubation ICO will include some type of exclusive participation for Dragon holders.

End of Q1 platform should be released, I predict at least 5x the current price

any information about new exchange listings?

can you clarify the 3rd point

I don't need to spend my dragons to buy using my DSS priority.

so basically I would not touch my dragons but buy other dragons and use those other dragons on another wallet to participate in the ICOs? is that accurate?

It's 3rd on the Binance vote form but I wouldn't count on it being listed right now but def in the near future

Full platform and incubator rollout is in 2018 but when is 2018?

How do I even buy it?
March 2018

You can buy on Kucoin, use my ref if you want: 1ctMK

DRGNS will rule them all.

If you look through the archive there's a weird post of someone predicting the moon and claiming to be an insider at PBC about a week ago.

I posted when it was 5.3k/.78cents and didn't get much of a response. They were warned user.

Why did the price of it skyrocket the past 3 days?

I listened
3.5 ETH in at $.60-.70. That chart was sexy

199 DRGN or 610 REQ? AHHHHHH

Probably because it showed up on Binance vote

I hate how many choices there are. Gives me a headache.

Binance vote. Q1 platform rollout. see pic.

and you will be rewarded for your faith, user. it has only begun.

DRGN is definitely a hold till Q3 or later.

Nice rare

>launch thrid incubator project ICO pre-sale
when is that going down?

January I'd wager

>tfw i held DRGN for months only to sell just a few daysbefore this colossal moon but i put the money into ECA at 2 sats.

its an abstract kind of feel

You're guess is as good as mine. But my guess is the third week of January.

I'm aboutta buy at dis peak

Now. It just keeps going after every dip.
Use my kucoin ID:

Maybe save some of your dough to buy the next dip but it couldn't hurt to get in now. This ship may not come this close to earth again. And if you buy on kucoin and don't already have an account, you should use my code and not anons. I made you image. I won't post it unless you ask though.

>blue in ID
Neptune mission confirmed

Dont listen to op he is part of pump n dump group

they are targeting Dragon
see for yourself lolz

stop shilling your discords.

You act like this is a bad thing

Still buying at the peak

Nah I did my research. Don't associate me with pajeets

Don't worry user. This same pajeet just posted this same basic text and discord on a TRX thread too.

Just report and ignore. This discord bot spam is out of control lately.

suiting up for next rocket mission guys

bro i really know this feel
fucking christ I had so much and I sold 70%
kill me

why should i buy this at ATH?

I have 400 I bought at .90. Will I make it?

because look at the fucking chart and the institutional money backing it. this ATH is nothing cmopared to where it will land 2 years from now. Think about the people who bought bitcoin at its ATH of $400.


it dipped for a little while user. it's now testing ATH again. but today's ATH will be wednesday's 24H low

You think this will be another XRB type moon?

1extr is my kucoin code pls use it when you register to give me free money ^____^ somebody pls

Keeps going and going and going. Biz never talks about it. Top kek.

sold 50 % at 5k

x100 from this level within 2 years.

most definitely. the chart don't lie

use my kucoin referral id:

a possible raiblocks moon ?


Another shitty incubator like adel.

No thanks. All that incibator crap is for coked up idiots throwing away their trust funds.

stay mad, no dragon

You will remember the smugness of this face and regret this.


You faggots will reeeee at 10$ a coin and I'll reap the harvest with my drgns

What is a good buy in price in satoshi?

maybe right now at 18.6k or hope that red candle grows longer. oops. already gooing up. it's already going up on the ETH pair as well for this 30 minute candle. Check the 30 minute chart to buy the dip when it starts happening. They happen and are short.


Going to pass purely out of spite for ruining Star Wars.

Besides, if you don't think they haven't built jewery into this from the start, I have some alts I'd love to sell you.

How is this shits USD value not fasley inflated? its like 59th and has a 24 hour trading volume of 5 mil. Can someone explain genuinely confused. Wont it just dump when it gets listed on a major exchange?

Well right now a lot of people are holding. Maybe, maybe not but it will gradually increase in price regardless.

yeah it's weird, no one is selling. Most people could sell too with the liquidity on the current exchanges.

its rank 48 and has a volume of $15,979,100 USD.

Not worried long term but thinking I should wait until it gets listed on Binance, dumps a bit and then buy

meant 49th* still thats not very high compared to Factcom at 50 with a 24 hour average of $114,552,000