>the only major political point that appeals to half the population is their "right" to murder children when, where and how they choose
What are some other nightmare scenarios that you would never want to happen in your setting?
The only major political point that appeals to half the population is their "right" to murder children when...
>What are some other nightmare scenarios that you would never want to happen in your setting?
You as a player.
>You are horrified by the murder of children, so you aren't allowed to play in my FATE or Apocalypse World game!!!!
Something tells me that I wouldn't enjoy it anyway...
Nothing but good would come of this. Maybe shit parents wouldn't let baby junior son of a bitch run around like a savage if any given adult could whack him for any reason.
I think he's more horrified by your compulsive urge to shoehorn your politics into everything.
>the murder of children is okay, but don't you fucking dare mention it YOU NAZI
>I think he's more horrified
I highly doubt that
All right, you win. I'll let you play in my campaign, but every session starts with me talking for half an hour about racism and gender roles, and the campaign is about legalizing gay marriage.
But I've already read the Evil Hat's twitter posts
No, I'm backing that whole 'you in my game', because clearly you can't tell the difference between reality and RPGs, and are an unstable person who is just looking for an excuse to go ballistic over imagined threats.
That's not my problem.
I wan't to play a Lich or Necromancer that can one day become a Lich.
>What are some other nightmare scenarios that you would never want to happen in your setting?
You as a DM.
He couldn't GM, he'd need to actually have an ounce of creativity for that and with bait this poor he doesn't have that.
>not wanting to murder the annoying, conscience-free balls of annoyance that are children
> "right" to murder children when, where and how they choose
Anybody killing children whenever and wherever they want? Truly nightmarish! In my setting, children can be legally murdered only by priests of Baal, only on certain holidays, and only by frying them in Baal's belly.
I never realized that Lorraine Williams looks like Hillary in a fat suit
Yay! I'm gonna play an asexual villainous warlord that will be the lich's allie - because someone has to lead that undead army.
So they're !not moloch worshippers? Is their high priest a vampire that subsists on the blood of !not haitian children that were smuggled out of the country through a !not charity?
Baal is another name for Moloch. Actually, his title - the Lord. The priest is not a vampire, but he knows some tricks to sustain himself off children's souls. And no, he is using local children - brown-skinned like himself. Sometimes also !notJewish and other tribes'.
>consuming the blood of the chosen people
Doubtful, there's a reason all of the sacrifice sites are located in cattle neighborhoods
Why would /pol/tards think that Veeky Forums cares about the children?
Fuck kids. There's too many of them anyway.
In your setting are children being murdered only in countries with rapidly declining birthrates?
Why are the guys who can't get laid always the most concerned about birthrates
It's weird that conservatives are so into like forcing people to carry pregnancies to term no matter what because they consider it murder to abort but are completely fine with cutting access to medical care, social welfare, food stamps, and other services that basically results in people dying from neglect, as well as getting people killed in unnecessary wars they start. Like I understand not liking abortions but I feel like if you don't couple that with wanting to make a world worth living in for those children you're trying to save, you're a massive hypocrite piece of shit.
Also OP is a faggot
>Don't you fucking DARE question the widespread and casual murder of hundreds of thousands of children per year NERD!
Even if you give them the power of life and death they will never love you, soyboy.
>some kid might be poor, better kill it
All else aside, USA would collapse in one weekend if it wasn't at war with someone. Half of your economy is plundering foreigners to feed the military industrial complex and no amount of enlightened carebears in the government can change that.
Women aren't anything to be scared of, bro. Most of them want to get laid just like you.
>you can't kill children
>but we're going to cut down your food supply and let you and your kids starve to death
>Don't you fucking DARE question the widespread and casual murder of hundreds of thousands of children per year GYNOPHOBE
Even if you defend their crimes on the internet, they will never love you, soyboy.
Congratulations on erasing just a bit more of my faith in humanity.
>some kid might be poor, better kill it
Really? We importing mothballed ass-tier trolling from /b/ now?
>My faith in humanity was unshaken by half the population constantly advocating for child murder and a sick and desperate percentage of the other half defending them for it, but then you used the word soyboy and now I am literally shaking
But user... murder is an unlawful killing
No, I just didn't believe that there were people stupid enough to use a term that fucking dumb. Congratulations on proving me wrong, faggot.
>allowing hundreds of thousands of children to be murdered because women just want to kill them gosh darnit
>accurately describing someone as a soyboy
I think you've got a monopoly on stupid and gay, soyboy.
In the case of rape, for the sake of the child, is how the major polities in my setting.
Growing up knowing that your own mother doesn't want you and your existence serves only to remind her of what was done to her is a fate worse than death, and is almost guaranteed to lead to depression, followed by suicide and taking multiple people with you, and suicide is a far greater sin in the eyes of their shared faith.
By the time of your richly deserved demise the total number of children you have killed through masturbation will exceed, by orders of magnitude, the total number of children that died to everything else since the dawn of our species. So it's pretty hypocritical to bitch at someone being allowed to abort one fetus.
>some kid might be sad sometimes, better kill it
>"I killed 50 other kids and then myself because mommy didn't like me" is just "sad sometimes"
>you deserve to die for questioning the "right" of some people to murder children
>one in a million kids might be a mass murderer, better kill hundreds of thousands of children per year
>by the way it's not mass murder when we do it
> front page of Veeky Forums literally has an abortion thread
> not an abortion of a thread
> a thread about abortion
>my Yugo 45 troll run out of fuel twenty miles ago but if I keep jerking the wheel really hard it will feel like it's still going
You overestimate the sanity of children, and underestimate their ability to acquire weapons of mass slaughter. The constant ridicule and ostracism that comes with being a child by rape is liable to drive anyone mad. Greater numbers of people have died for far less severe grievances.
>any website on earth has a thread with a million rabid neocommunists literally defending a worldwide eugenics program because they think it will make women sleep with them for being good "allies"
Literally did not realise it was about abortion and I was so confused by everyone talking about /pol/
I thought they were talking about killing actual children
Is it too late for me
>any number of people might be mass murderers for any number of reasons, better murder hundreds of thousands of them per year
>by the way it isn't mass murder when we do it
It's true, broski. When you see a cute girl, just find a reason to go up and talk to her. Ask her for directions, ask her where she got her shoes, whatever. The words don't matter as much as letting her know that you're interested in interacting with her. Once you get over your initial problem with shyness, it's easy.
>Don't you fucking DARE question the widespread and casual murder of hundreds of thousands of children per year SHY PERSON (?? lol)
No matter how much you try to do damage control for their crimes online, they will never love you, soyboy.
No, that innocence of yours is a gift. Treasure and protect it. Be gone from this sad place.
No jokes, bro. Next time you leave your room, try to set a goal to speak to one girl. Even if it's just saying "Hi". Keep at it, and within a week, you'll be able to say "hi" to girls without stuttering or getting nervous. After that, you just need to slowly acclimate yourself to socialization. Make a point to say "hi" to two girls each day the next week. Some people recommend practicing small talk, but I think the best method is just to be spontaneous. The important thing is to get past your initial fear of speaking to girls; once you can get over that hump, you'll be able to strike up a conversation. Even if you get shot down, the main thing is to keep trying.
They are talking about actual children, user. Actual children who they think deserve to die because they might be poor or they might inconvenience a woman.
oh look, a lewd thread.
no but like ... actual children
>Don't you fucking DARE question the widespread and casual murder of hundreds of thousands of children per year SHUT IN
No matter how much you try to deflect attention away from their murders, they will never love you, soyboy.
You have to go back
tits or GTFO
Yes, actual children that are being murdered for convenience. Hundreds of thousands of them per year. A new holocaust every generation.
tits or GTFO
I'll play
>the only major political point that appeals to half the population is their "right" to murder children
??? What are you talking about ?
Mass murder would imply a concerted effort with that as a goal, like say someone going to shoot up a school because they've mocked him for being a rape baby since 1st grade and now it's senior year and he has a gun, rather than hundreds of thousands acting on their own judgement and allowed to by this judgement being legal, which they pushed to make legal BECAUSE they didn't want to be legally obligated to keep reminders of a far worse crime perpetrated upon them, and didn't want said reminders to base their sense of self around that.
Of course, what I suspect you're concerned with is that bit of supposed stuff inside each human being that you assume appears at the moment of conception, but which can be neither measured nor weighed, upon which you likely base your argument, when at that point the brain (the center of consciousness) has not yet formed.
You're not actually trying to argue, you just want to feel like you're right and everyone who disagrees with you is hellspawn, a conclusion you arrived at before even posting this thread.
tits or GTFO
>defending the "right" of women to murder children so that they notice what a good ally I am is tiring, let's post pictures of cartoon women
>tfw you liked Mimic Princess from the beginning even though everyone made fun of her, but now she's the most popular
tits or GTFO
>be me
>be personally against abortion
>be communist
>open Veeky Forums
>OP isa fag
>another day in paradise
>Mass murder would imply a concerted effort with that as a goal
Like establishing places where you can go to have your child murdered in every city and state in the nation and most of the nations of the world?
good work, keep it up.
No good communist is against the murder of human children, traitor. Report to the work camp.
tits or GTFO
You're right, we *should* abolish the paladin class.
One thing you should pay attention to is your appearance, since first impressions really do matter. If you're concerned about your physical appearance, start exercising. After just a couple of weeks, you'll start to notice physical improvement and you'll feel a lot better, plus your libido and energy will start shooting up. This will all help boost your confidence. Girls dig guys with confidence.
tits or GTFO
>Don't you fucking DARE question the widespread and casual murder of hundreds of thousands of children per year SLOB
No matter how much you try to deflect attention away from their murders, they will never love you, soyboy.
tits or GTFO
>that basically results in people dying from neglect,
Stop this argument that not providing handouts for the idle is an act of killing. If you choose to pursue a profligate lifestyle and end up in poverty, it is your own self destruction.
Choosing to end a life before it begins is you willingly killing another.
Anywhere the procedure is legal. Which is no different from establishing centers for plastic surgery where plastic surgery is legal - both are done to ensure the procedure does not also kill the one requesting it, and that it isn't botched due to being administered by an unlicensed hack.
Where's the fucking janitor when you need him.
tits or GTFO
That's a good ally. Keep spamming any thread that questions our birthright to murder children and we will continue to ignore you.
tits or GTFO
tits or GTFO
tits or GTFO
One thing you might consider if you're having trouble getting over your initial fear is to see if any of your female acquaintances have a single friend that's looking for a boyfriend. This can let you sidestep the possibly-daunting task of socializing with crowds of strangers; plus, there's a chance that the girl is just as introverted as you. This can be a little more risky than meeting a total stranger, because if you unknowingly act in a way that makes her uncomfortable, word will get back to your female friends about what you did and it might be harder to convince them to help you in the future. You'll need to decide for yourself if this is a workable approach, but if you're having trouble meeting girls elsewhere, it's definitely worth a shot.
Everyone digs people with confidence! If you're confident yet friendly you'll find yourself having many more positive interactions with people in general, which is actually pretty nice.
>admits the thread is a /pol/ thread and only a /pol/ thread
May your ban be long, and come swift.
>Don't you fucking DARE question the widespread and casual murder of hundreds of thousands of children per year COWARD
No matter how much you try to deflect attention away from their murders, they will never love you, soyboy.
tits or GTFO
You own a nintendo switch, don't you