Berlin insider here
You're buying the REQ dip right user?
You know about the Friday news right user?
Hint: Seattle.
Berlin insider here
You're buying the REQ dip right user?
You know about the Friday news right user?
Hint: Seattle.
If you're the dude who predicted moons correctly, get a fucking trip already dude so it's easier to discern good advice from pajeet shilling
this, i need to know if its gonna moon
ITS GOnna get dumped down to 65 cents before it moons again
You said it was going to be 1 dollar yesterday.
Bist du auch wirklich Deutscher oder shillst du nur im Auftrag deines Pajeet Überlords?
>Tipp: Bin seit 25c dabei.
this is a larper trying to hint that req will partner with ms or amazon.Not happening, both those companies would just create their own team for crypto.You dont think either can not afford to pay 5 people for 3 months to code a front end to send some crypto?lol
You'll never see .65 cent REQ again. Cap it.
Not MS or Amazon, but there's a link there
Hint #2: about dot me slash richielai
Your sell at 45 cents call was horrible, but thanks
Ha Ho He Hertha BSC
it's going on bittrex?
>fussball prolet
au weia
>Attorney General Bob Ferguson announces ban on all crypto trading in Washington state until regulations can be properly enforced and consumer protection laws properly established
>All exchanges immediately comply and IP block Washington
>100 million circulating REQ immediately put on hold and considered to be out of circulation
Can't fucking wait.
This was my first idea
Seattle is the background on the bittrex login screen
Und Berlinrbru du musst dir dringend einen trip zulegen
Only the 149th bittrex is coming in a few days rumor ive heard.Be more original.
pretty damn close. id like to see any of you rimlickers make a better call
This dildo also said to dump at 45. Fuck this guy.
Do I sell now
bittrex is in seattle, well bellevue actually (which is right next to seattle).
Do I sell now?
keep majority in ETH if that 20k means something to you. if you can afford to see that drop 50% then just go allin in REQ. dont try to time the dips. REQ could go back up and youd be tilted
Right wtf, that cost me so much req. If I ever see Berlin bro in real life I will literally gut him
Sell the BTC, holy shit, that coin is actually dying. If you wait much longer it will be worth shit.
Guaranteed it would go up to $1 before next week.
I started with $50 I don't give a shit
Holy fuck dude, that much profit would make me a dizzy nervous wreck just considering my options.
in that case. allin on REQ or even better, keep 10k REQ and the rest of it into a shitcoin with 100x potential
Pretty accurate
that's not how huge corporations work, fella.
the big companies will ALWAYS rather buy a company than try to build a competing team and product.
>monopoly 101
A currency is not a company, fella
Oh i didnt know
>tfw i only recognized seattle because infamous second son was recently free on ps+
Keep it up you'll be back to 50 asshat
Request Network is a company, fella
300k stil using Verizon yet ok mate
This was only a suggestion
You are a brainlet because he may be able to predict incoming pumps but how would he know how many normies FOMO in at ATH
This is unpredictable
Dont listen to op he is part of pump n dump group
they are targeting Req
see for yourself
yea, i had a suspicion it was in seattle but i dont think they ever explicitly say on their website.
i was eyeballing dragonchains website and they pointed out a few key companies in the area
>Berlin insider
You fucking cuck. REQ was already in an uptrend when you came with your "prediction". And you told people to sell at 45 cents.
normies haven't even detected REQ yet
Then say sell at 45, but disclose it could keep going up and potentially moon. Berlin bro is like the weather guy who predicts a light snow storm then gets hit with a blizzard and the town's like wtf asshole warn us next time
ETH is the currency, REQ is just the token that runs on it.
I got downs bro.
Can’t be bothered to change my carrier.
Have you seen their reddit. Filled with how do I buy questions
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Use your brain
There is no way to know the end of the pump if he isnt pumping all by himself
Youre the retard for blaming other people for your mistakes
what is the bottom most coin Mr Lambo?
daddy send me some eth?
The amount of money you just made in half an hour would change my life. I'm a smart guy but a poorfag. I've tripled my investment in crypto but could only afford £100 investment.
Seeing how much money other people make in such a little amount of time from having that much to invest has me a bit choked up.
Don't be a bitch we all gotta start somewhere
Didn't this norman tell us to sell at 45 cents? Lmfao.
I understand that but it's a lot harder when you can only afford small amounts. I couldn't really even afford the £100 if I'm honest, I took a risk.
Money breeds money, if you don't have it then it's a lot harder to make it. I felt a bit sick tripling my money from doing nothing, because although I benefitted from it, it seemed criminal that I could do that while hard working people earn fuck all.
hope you kill it. Keep on investing!
>I couldn't really even afford the £100
That's.. sad
>if I'm honest, I took a risk.
That's how you get rich
>it seemed criminal that I could do that while hard working people earn fuck all.
Hello brainlet. Consider for a moment that the people who earn the most money do the least amount of work (CEOs, politicians, etc). If you feel like a "criminal" then just donate to charity when you make it or some shit. The only charity I'll be donating to is me and my family.
Stfu I know bros who used $5000 on a credit card and turned it into $250k+. Stop blaming your circumstances for your tiny gains. You’re a pussy /thread
wait you shit fags dont know req is being pumped by this group
I started investing last December. Got 40 ETH for $300 then when it was $7. So don’t feel bad bro. I’ve been holding through every correction/crash.
Yeah it is a bit sad, been going through a very rough time financially this past year. Working on it but when you're right at the bottom it's incredibly difficult to get going again.
I'm well aware that's how it works, I still think it's criminal. Same with CEOs and politicians, doesn't mean I'm a brainlet.
I couldn't get a credit card if I tried. My bad financial run has left my credit rating in the gutter, no bank will touch me. Having nothing really does fuck you up.
You are a brainlet for blowing an opportunity in the first act of the highest upside asset class ever.
I started investing last December. Got 40 ETH for $300 then when it was $7. So don’t feel bad bro. I’ve been holding through every correction/crash.
How did I blow an opportunity? Through not investing enough? That £100 put my account into minus, I literally could not afford to invest anything more, and as I've already said, I'm not getting credit anywhere.
good job putting what you could into your future. hope you make it
Link confirmed 100 usd eoy. Buy buy buy!
Thanks, I'm still struggling to find another sound investment. I think what people don't understand is that at this level of income I can't afford to fuck up. Most people I see on this board will just write off a bad investment of £100/£1,000/£10k, that's money I need to survive (or can't afford in the first place).
I'm hodling LTC at the moment. Trying to sift through the information here and doing my own research to find a safe bet but it's damn near impossible.
That's pretty inspiring. I've put $2500 in since November, made some stupid trades, but have doubled my money in just this past week. I thought my generation was fucked, but I guess the smart ones are going to make it after all.
Your story wasn't THAT sad until you said that you're holding LTC.
Nothing criminal about concentrating resources on those people who most effectively handle them
Its literally freedom and efficiency
You need to eat that risk aversion, find something that has potential for exponential growth, and invest in that. You're not going to make it with $100 in a currency that is already getting eclipsed.
you gotta go all in on a high risk investment if you want to get anywhere
You should never invest more than you can afford to lose. If you need it to survive it shouldn't be in crypto.
The less money you have to invest, the more research you should do, and put 100% in a low ranked coin you believe in. Less capital = more risk needed to make it worthwhile.
I know but I'm desperate to do something to get out of the hole I'm in. Don't want to be broke as fuck forever.
I get you, I meant I'm hodling LTC just since I made some money from it, that's not my long term plan. I want to find a coin that will seriously moon (lol don't we all) but I'm struggling to move any of my LTC into something unless I'm sure, though I'm aware it's very rare that an actual sure thing comes along.
I meant hodling since I haven't found something I'm convinced I want to move over to yet. Not as a long term plan or anything, just meant that's where my money is currently.
Well of course don't put your rent money in, but there are ways to raise a little capital. Eat ramen, don't go out drinking or out to eat, don't do drugs, don't buy anything you absolutely don't need. Every little but helps, even if it's only a little bit every month. This opportunity will not come again in our lives.
Look into the following: Req, Xlm, Icx, Fun. Buy and hold, don't trade for now, just put more money in when you can.
is it too late to buy?
Yes, OP please tripfag
Youre in a REQ thread
Do your research and shit bricks
Bittrex listing for friday may or may not be true but this token has a shining future
If youre not full retard you will realize
You know what im in a good mood so ill spoonfeed you this analysis
But please for gods sake still do the fact checks anyway
Why not Link though?
No, Req and the others I have posted all have a long way to go up. I really feel for you man, I was homeless for six months until about a year ago, got a better job, was able to start investing in crypto a little over a month ago, now every morning I wake up to $200-1000 Dollar gains almost every day. You can do it, these are those bootstraps that people talk about.
>Why not Link?
>Implying in not in that too...
I have a hard time recommending it to others, especially those with limited funds. Link is a golden ticket if it works out, but I'm not holding my breath on that one, and I'm not sure about the short term gains on it either. Buyer beware, but I believe in it.
How many coins do you have?
I invested 20k€ in ETH and bought REQ and CBD with 15 of the 31 ETH I bought, put $10k into some other coins aswell.
If you fucking hodl you won’t have an issue
i'll wait for the mini dip
FUN. Seriously look into it. They'll actually have a working product with real world use in less than 2 months.
3000 Xlm
3000 Req
3000 Fun
1500 Link
That's it, been holding for about a month. This week has been very good for me.
Always wait for the (mini) dip! Gauging entry points is what got me to finally start turning a good profit.
Auctung! Auctung ! Prajeet! Nein!!! Argh!!! Eidelweiss ist poo.
Daily Listening for REQ holders
People like you are my inspiration
I started with $100 3 months ago. Don't daytrade. Read whitepapers and you'll get there eventually.
The people that don't make money are people that think they are forced to daytrade because they don't have a lot of money and try to time the market.
>tfw you remember you will never be this guy
did you just buy like 1000 eth before it mooned?
Don't forget tis faggot told us to sell at $0.45
guys im a poor newfag ive been watching REQ since $0.25 and only just got verified on coinbase i feel its too late now wtf should i do? wait for dip?
Would you not buy ETH because it went from $0.8 to $2?
REQ is a long term coin destined for the top 5. If you wait you'll just FOMO in at $2 or $5.
thanks for this but i feel like link holders need this more than us
>tfw too smart to make money