Does Veeky Forums have critical role threads? They've just started their 2nd campaign and I wanted somewhere less stupid than twitch and less fawning than reddit to discuss it.
Never noticed but I ignore lots of threads here. Anyone else listen?
Does Veeky Forums have critical role threads? They've just started their 2nd campaign and I wanted somewhere less stupid than twitch and less fawning than reddit to discuss it.
Never noticed but I ignore lots of threads here. Anyone else listen?
>Does Veeky Forums have critical role threads?
/tg only watches Critical Role ironically
>muh diverse cast of 100% white people
I knew people would hate it because it's popular, but why in particular do they hate it?
Becasue it's popular
I'm sorry you got conned into thinking Trump was going to be effective. At least you know how politics works now!
the last thread only had 1300 posts before it died
the threads are usually only on the night of though
I actually like it. It's interesting to see professional actors do a role playing game and they seem like they're having a lot of fun.
Mercer is a little over the top at times but he seems like a genuinely good GM and he puts a lot of effort in to making the world they're playing in feel alive.
Mainly I like how the show has opened up the idea of playing table top RPGs to a lot of people who would originally dismiss them out of hand, and sure that opens up the floodgates for a lot of shit players but if 8 out of every 10 new players are shit, I'd welcome the remaining 2 good players with open arms.
>two irishmen
>a fillipina
>whatever the fuck riegel is
isn't wrong, but to elaborate people on Veeky Forums like to believe their hobbies make them special, or even superior, to others. In their minds, their lack of social skills and total failure with the opposite (or same, whatever) sex is the price they pay for being "intellectual" enough to play imaginary games that never exceed a 3rd grade math level. When people who have friends, sex, and real careers start engaging in those activities, they feel threatened, and make thread after whiny ass thread to paper over those feelings.
I hope Marisha won't be absolute garbage this season. Fucking stupid fish brained cunt. I didn't watch all of season 1 and pretty much everytime I ragequit watching was because of Marisha. Absolute garbage player.
Don't worry it's already worse, she's playing a drunken/high Monk and looks bored out of her mind after one episode.
I decided to give the second campaign a go after getting bored with the first one. Doesn't seem like she's going to be any better. Everyone else has something interesting going on with their characters (Except maybe Liam), but so far she just seems to be playing an annoying snarky character that doesn't take anything seriously.
>she's playing a Monk while drunken/high
more like
Yeah now she can play off those times she gets too drunk during important fights as "that's what my character would do!" Oh wait she already was doing that. I was honestly willing to give her a chance and see if Keyleth was just as she claimed all according to keikaku all along. So far it looks like it wasn't and she is just that bad.
Who's the best one of them? I prefer Taliesin because he's the actual best GM.
GM wise I really like Talisen, he definitely has a passion and puts on a good show. Mercer is good for story side but he needs to work on combat encounters.
Travis/Sam as best players with Travis personal favorite. Dudes playing a Texan hexblade warlock and did pretty decent with a shit hand of six int last game.
Never saw Taliesin GM. Are there any vids of that? Youtube is only coming up with GM Tips with Taliesin.
Try on geek and sundry, he did a two part one shot.
Never watched this before. Do they ever play anything other than D&D?
Even though everyone laughed it off, her blurting out "But what does it look like?" after Matt just finished describing a monster really encapsulates everything that annoys me with her. "But like, what's it called?" was just as bad right after. It's like she's only half there until it's her turn to roll a dice whereas everyone else pays attention and does their part.
t. anglo mutt
They did for a couple one shots, however they've gotten in really cozy with WotC, even so far as being officially sponsored through DnD Beyond. The other issue is the fan base now expects DnD games since they kinda helped kick off the crazy of streaming 5e games.
I would be surprised if they did, then again they wouldn't need to since 5E is such a versetile system :^)
My dad is half Jew and half Anglo-Indian, and my mum is Kiwi making her at least half sheep. You don't even know the meaning of the term "Anglo mutt".
He did a VtM oneshot and delivered hard despite everyone else being a dipshits.
Just watch about 30s of this:
Perfect game intro, I'd lose limbs to have that dramatic timing.
I'm an oldfag so I don't understand why people watch others play games. why not play it instead?
More like watch a minute
I don’t particularly like it, since it feels like I’m watching people play a game rather than just playing a game. But I’m also more interested in the miniatures aspect and dungeon crawling over talking about shit in a group.
Yes it made me laugh and slightly sad because I realized this campaign she was once again going to be a point on annoyance. At least now they won't build entire plans around her that go out the window in one round because she either can't remember or panics and does something stupid.
It's like the radio, or podcasts if you've heard of those pawpaw.
Learn how to play better + background noise + parasocial relationships.
It's mostly for people who can't play it for whatever reason (lack of willing friends, non-shyness, or inclination).
What stops you from doing both? Also, playing takes time and preparation. This shit you could listen to in the background or in short bits
See with video games I can kind of understand watching someone else play, just to see other ways of doing things. I watched one episode of this thing and decided how these people play D&D was not for me.
thanks for proving me right
Eh can't speak for everyone but I normally just have it on when I'm writing up notes or potential paths that my players choices can take them and how it would affect the world at large. Pretty much just keeps me in that DnD mindset.
It helps get newbies involved.
lol did the rest of my post not do anything for you
same reason i listen to The Six Shooter and Johnny Dollar.
It's just weird to me that it has a following at all. I've met 3 people in real life that have watched it; the first guy was DMing a campaign that was a ripoff or it down to the names of characters and events. The second guy is the stereotypical "lol dank depressing memes" reddit numale retard, who informed me that the first guy's campaign was a ripoff. The third guy (a player in my group) watched 3 episodes and gave up because watching people play a prewritten, prescripted rpg makes no sense.
what, you want me to shit on you for having a jewish grandparent? or was I supposed to swing at the sheep shagger bit?
t. Welshman.
>my mum is Kiwi making her at least half sheep
And the other part fruit, presumably
Why are you reluctant to rip into sheep-shaggers? You're just fine with taking a steamy dump over other Anglos.
Gabh Transna Ort Fhéin
Matthew Mercer and his little gang of roasties and nu male hipsters, are doing their best to degenerate and degrade the tabletop roleplaying hobby. They attempt to make the game accessible to the masses but in doing so they not only set unrealistic standards for actual games but also make these morons think that RPGs are some kind of comedy hour. Why the fuck would someone want to watch 3-4 hour episodes of retards talking over each other and flaring out the mic with their tinny, screeching voices. Four nu males with receding hairlines and cuck glasses and their three giggly female cohorts act like utter retards and pose in cosplay for the most embarrassing success of the D&D industry. The only reason to watch Critical Role, is right before downing a bottle of bleach and shooting yourself in the head with a .357, in order to remind and reaffirm yourself that yes, this earth is no longer worth existing on. If you watch this show, it is because you are either an uncreative, boring cunt who has the personality of forgotten tapioca, or because you are such a media consumption slave that you can't even take the gaming hobby that requires the most creative input, and do it yourself. Instead you watch it. You watch seven or eight or boring fuckers talk for a few hours, about their fantasy story. They are voice actors, too, why the fuck are their voices so goddamn grating? Why do these nu males have such low testosterone that their voices sound like a battered alto saxophone. Why do they laugh like such utter faggots? How the fuck can people watch this shit and associate it with D&D? Because that is what is happening. This show is becoming more and more mainstream. D&D is becoming more and more mainstream. Watch now as hordes of undesirables who don't really give a shit about RPGs when it comes down to it, this is just the cool new thing to do in between fucking paint bars and trying a new IPA, do it for a couple nights then ditch it. Fuck Critical Role.
More like I'm going to watch the whole thing right now
>Took 46 posts
I'm slightly disappointed Veeky Forums
I hope this is copy pasta and you aren’t as fucking pathetic as it seems lol
It is
Say what you like, but it's not pre-written or pre-scripted. I figure they might talk to the GM behind the scenes to express interest in certain paths or goals, but that's hardly different than what any healthy gaming group does.
Why am I pathetic? Because I don't approve of and actively support the dilution of the actually-creative people in our hobby, by hordes of casuals who couldn't give a fuck? Whose brains are a barely-stirred miasmic mess of Game of Thrones and Dark Souls? These people have no fucking imagination. That is why they immediately jump to the edgy third-party races, because they cannot immerse themselves in the world, they do not find beauty in fantasy art, these people could not enjoy an art museum without their goddamn smartphone hanging off their wrist, and one of those guided audio tours downloaded from the museum website to tell them exactly what to think. Because that is what they want to be told. They just want to feel good about themselves. Watch the episode where the ginger chick dives off a cliff then turns into a fish, then looks absolutely destroyed that her "clever" idea didn't work. That's probably the first time a man has told her she's stupid. Because Mercer doesn't want to get in her pants, he just wants to DM a game for her. These dumb motherfuckers have played so many video games where you can just instantly respawn, that they have no sense of consequences. They act like fucking retards. They watch YouTube videos of some video game with a little rectangle in the upper right corner of some faggy face with dyed hair so you can color-code him against all the other 20-something fucks who all look exactly alike. That is their experience. And now they sit down for a game of 5e and they have read all these stories about Sir Bearington and "le EPIK natural 20" that they think this game is like poker or some shit and a nat20 is a reason to have a fucking orgasm. By the way, this is your fault, too, Veeky Forums. You created these stupid fucking greentext stories. The anons who make these things are just as responsible for this game turning from something that could actually be enjoyed, to something that is just plain embarrassing to be a part of.
To give you a less gay response than the contrarian bs... I dislike their humor mainly and tt streaming their role-playing is typically just making their way to the next nat20 freak out moment or stupid joke. Obviously if it's your thing then you go girl. Outside of just the stream I'm sick of new players assuming everything has to be played the same way as that which in reality it most likely won't be.
This is 100% every Veeky Forums interest board explained.
>I'm projecting
I play with people who have friends, sex, and (sort of) real careers. I have for years now. I have never felt threatened by them in the least. The problem is the obnoxious teenagers and hipsters that are flooding the game and being loud and sharing their stupid fucking "memes" and corrupting the culture of the hobby. The problem with people who have "real careers" is that they usually don't have enough time, or give enough of a fuck, to dedicate themselves to the hobby, and just use it as a comedic / recreational outlet for their teenage-tier humor, and completely shit all over the tone of the campaign with that. And they have no excuse, because my current group are mostly mid 40s people with kids and are upper middle class and they still give enough of a fuck to learn the rules and actually be invested in the campaign. But then. they've also been playing since the 80s, they weren't raised on this league-of-legends-internet-meme-e-sports-stream-patreon-greentext-story-epic-haha-you-tube-video medley of utter crap that most of the players entering D&D right now have been. Fuck, I even had a well-dressed decent-looking guy ask my group if he could join the other night. Within 30 minutes of his presence I realized we'd have to ghost him. Fucker would not shut up about dumb ass streamers he watched, and meme builds he'd found on forums. And he'd never even played a game before! I would say 3.5 ruined a generation of roleplayers, but that's not really fair. The internet ruined a generation of roleplayers, and our only hope now is to keep out the fucktards until this all blows over, and hope that by then there is still something worth saving.
I saw a few people say this. What's particularly unusual about CR / what does everyone come to expect after watching them?
t. never played a game
I don't understand why people care so much about CR.
It's pretty people being paid to care about DnD. Not that they don't enjoy the game, but the ridiculous way they all try and sell their excitement was exhausting. Not to mention they all seem to be very cliquey. Booting the one guy because he was weird and "not like them"
All around just very unsavory.
>two part one shot
>the stereotypical "lol dank depressing memes" reddit numale retard
You must be really fun to play with
When does this happen? I only saw the first 10 or so, but it was always Laura being annoying. Some how never knowing her modifiers, screeching whenever anything happened and pretending to be worried.
Where as marisha used her abilities in interesting ways and knew what fucking dice to roll.
>but why in particular do they hate it?
1) Marisha is a terrible player who a) actively makes awful decisions in-character (supports a mind-flayer over a paladin of bahamut who had not fallen, talking shit to an ancient green dragon when the party was ~level 15), and b) actively makes awful decisions out-of-character (her spell usage is awful, often turning what should be easy encounters into near-TPKs: her first use of mist-form; her wasting of 3 full-rounds of elemental form doing absolutely nothing against Grog's barbarian tribe; wasting her sole level 8 slot and all her wildshape forms right before walking into a trap; constantly forgetting to make concentration checks; wasting action economy on healing)
2) The other players constantly make mistakes on their own character's bread&butter rolls (It takes >50 episodes for Liam to get assassin sneak attack right).
3) The first campaign carried over a number of outrageously overpowered magic items and abilities that are well outside the scope of 5e's 'balance', as thin as that is. For example, Percy's feat-hex implemented a no-save Disadvantage to an ability of his choice, which is stupid.
4) Matt goes well out of his way to keep everyone alive, despite the party's moanings. He constantly 'forgets' key aspects of spells (Allowing a guest player disintegrate to deal half damage on a successful save, watering down Quivering Palm,) or explains things to players (read: Marisha) because they don't read the PHB (The players were about to waste a Gate scroll just to teleport their recently dead friend because they didn't have any idea what it did). in order to smooth over the players' poor choices.
Fuck off ahill
>Samefagging this hard in a CR thread
It's cool to like the show, but you need to understand what they're doing is so basic bitch DnD that it's made for the Big Bang Theory audience, and not the Veeky Forums or Table Top Gamers in general, audiences.
Another user told me a pearl of wisdom that I thought was so perfect, and sums up web/youtube/celebrity GM's perfectly.
"Matt Mercer is the guy that makes it fun for the audience, Matt Coville is the guy that makes it fun for the players, Christopher Perkins is the inbetween - and outdoes both anyway."
Chris Perkins, is a Veeky Forums kind of guy. When you see his (not AQ) games, you'll see why he's put on such a high pedestal.
harsh words ring true
I like to think the imbalance comes from the PF to 5e conversion.
I hope that this campaign gives Matt the room to be more harsh on the players. Hell, I hope that a character die on this campaign.
>death even meaning anything in post-2e D&D
I've realized that both here and at the table I play at, it's one of those things that is kind of everywhere. I don't see it adding absolutely anything whatsoever of value to the game, ad primarily serves as a conduit for people to live their lives through famous attractive people and also spout hatred against players like marisha and Orion. I doubt these people have even fucking played a full campaign or never made a mistake in a game.
I gather I speak for the minority, but please keep these discussions on Reddit or discord
Laura gets (slightly) better over time. Most of them do, though it takes them forever. Marisha gets worse and worse, as she's not really up to the task of being the primary full-caster in the party (Orion leaves after a few dozen episodes, and Ashley's usually not there).
Instead, Sam has to pick up the slack, as a bard, and his action economy and spell usage is actually not bad at all.
>PF to 5e conversion.
Some of that is true: the boots of haste are stupidly overpowered (haste as a bonus action 1/day when the party rarely fights more than once/day? Stupid). But a lot of other things Matt added after the conversion were... questionable, at the very least. Some of it was to cover up for the beastmaster Ranger's inherent weaknesses, especially since Laura wouldn't switch up from a bear, which, you know, fine, but dropping enlarge-as-a-bonus action items is a bit much.
Matt has resurrection spells require a skill challenge, which is actually a problem for the party since they spend hours and hours roleplaying but have shitty trained skill choices
Normally they expect a game exactly like Matt Mercer's, that is normally not going to happen. The issue is some people seem to find it an alien concept to simply explain "hey I'm not Matt Mercer and this isn't CR, here's how we play and if you want to give it a try keep that in mind."
Also another main sticking point is the nat20 or nat1 doing some goofy thing outside of combat, when in reality a skill check is not subjected to those rules. Once again it's a difference of play style and most people who just screech about it don't have the social skills to talk to people and come to a compromise.
Wow you're actually retarded
Hi Callum, you can stop defending your awful show now.
>Booting the one guy because he was weird and "not like them"
Yeah not even remotely, they booted him because he obviously had said some things that made Marisha and Laura uncomfortable and most likely had been asked to stop, after the "tactical boner" comment I'm surprised Travis didn't kill him because he looked ready to. Not only that but he fell into a drug habit due to personal health issues and blew up on a fan. Lean what happened before you make yourself out to be an idiot.
to be honest I just find watching anyone play table top cancerous
I love to play/run games but watching is so fucking boring/cringey. Somehow even more boring than watching people play video games/card games
I genuinely like it, watch more for the personalities.
Marisha nearly did, but action economy kicked in and she barely scrapped by.
Marisha's fish wild shape :
being this retarded in real life, playing retarded in game, not knowing shit about rules, and to top of it all expecting her boyfriend GM to just let her be a literal god for no reason.
I have you bleeding fuck.
The bard has made inappropriate remarks as well to the blonde woman's character, in addition, they've all made crass remarks. And cr fans are insufferable. I would have done the same. Granted, if Tiberius want copyrighted then he really had to grounds to get upset.
Coville offered good advice, then he decided to start making really boring videos and then decided to make a huge defense of the latest crappy Star Wars film, then turn off the comments. He lost a lot of respectability from turning off comments from me. he sucks alotta CR dick which is also quite annoying... I watched him GM a part of the game and nearly fell asleep, he and his players are super boring... can you believe he's wanting a studio setup to stream them?
And Perkins is a great guy, always rolling forward and not pretentious at all.
Honestly, I'm not so fond of the early episodes, but by Chapter 3 (Briarwoods) it becomes the best thing that can possibly made out of D&D. The more I play myself, the more I appreciate it, and the more I watch other shows and games the more they stand out. It's just the right combination of seriousness and fun.
Even Keyleth becomes better with time, when you realize she's supposed to be awkward and goofy and fail at things. I don't know any show, D&D related or not, that has provoked such an honest, emotional response from me.
Parts of the audience are these awful """nerdy""" tumblr girls and numale soyboys, but that doesn't make the show worse. I've yet to see anybody who hates the show produce anything that even comes close to their level of authenticity, character depth and humor.
I'm pretty sure Colville was critical of the new starwars. He said there were some good bits, but the majority of his video was critique.
Turning off comments because people might disagree is shitty though, I'll give you that.
>dat letter from Patrick Rothfuss' character to Marisha's character
Obviously not because you've presented it in such a way that disregards any and all circumstances. More than once you can she Marisha and Laura become uncomfortable when he says something, meaning they aren't receptive and not ok with him continuing. Obviously Ashley was fine with it because he continued and nothing was done. Keep in mind this is a group of people who live in California and the man in question outright wore an I'm with her t-shirt during the election. Not to mention Ashley being one of the people on the cast with a cruder sense of humor. Also it's funny that you'd lose your shit over a fan making a t-shirt, just making it nowhere claiming to try and sell it for profit. Lastly he had absolutely zero grounds, because the rest of the cast obviously told him to fuck off and there wasn't a single thing he could do. Even so far as his character died latter in the series when his home was attacked.
Tldr: stop being a bitter shit, learn about social cues and stop trying to twist and exclude the circumstances just to support your statement.
Defense of it? What the fuck are you talking about
Briarwoods to Thordak is really he best the show has to offer. Although it's understandable because Thordak was supposed to be the end, but the players want to continue so Mercer had to throw something over the top to compete with their power level.
In the first goddam scene, Liam is being edgy snd talking about ”I wouldn’t be here without you”. Cmon dude.
>”Even in a light german accent...”
That was a GERMAN accent?!
I didn't watch it on principle because he turned them off. If he's not willing to open the floor to discuss something, then fuck him.
For some reason I come to CR threads despite not watching [as it find it cringey and sterile as fuck], I just come for the bantz
Honestly, I didn't really 'get' that bit. I didn't feel like the two of them had that much of a connection. It was a nice letter, and Rothfuss does some good prose, but it didn't really have much of an impact on me.
>That was a GERMAN accent?!
German here. It wasn't really recognisable, but it was vaguely Germanic. He'd got some of the sounds right, at the very least.
I'm hoping he doesn't just become a Vax 2.0, dude needs to not be some damn mopy and try hard edgy.
>e-celeb cancer
what are you, fuckin' retarded?
The way I look at it, they all seem to be having lots of fun. I think of a lot of people forget DnD is a social game first and foremost, and these are social entertainers having fun with their friends and getting involved in a narrative once a week. I'm not expecting high theatre, just fun times I can watch.
I'm with you when it comes to Chris Perkins, but I'd also say as far as I can tell, it looks like his players are having fun. I do think the group would really benefit to moving to a new game after their second campaign, or Geek and Sundry promoting a new game with some of the players, because people are bound to tire of DnD.
There's a massive difference between Sam and Orion. In terms of charisma, they're night and day. Scanlan's man trope and a running plot thread was his misguided affection for Pike. Tiberius was just played by a guy kind of messed up.
I still think the Briarwoods arc and anything to do with Ripley was massively entertaining. So far they'd just been having these typical DnD adventures, humorous and fun, and then shit gets real almost overnight.
Yh, its honestly my least favourite thing about Colville. Idk why he sometimes just shuts down and refuses to discuss things.
It was actually a pretty good video though, I've got to say.
That looks like a gallery of freaks.
>reddit post
>about reddit show
>by a reddit shitbag
Wow you're really smart and cool UPVAPED
Sam by a huge margin, followed by Travis
Pretty sure he turned them off because of people like you shitting up threads
Is Trump suppose to literally descend on SJW groups and personally murder them? I don't remember reading that anywhere in his political agenda...
Not that user. What the does that even mean?