What fantasy race should a Goddess of Fertility be?
Should the goddesses of fertility/family and sex/love be separate and different or unified?
What fantasy race should a Goddess of Fertility be?
Should the goddesses of fertility/family and sex/love be separate and different or unified?
Well the obvious answer is that as a goddess, they should just have different avatar for each race.
An ant
Moe rabbit girls.
>playing in non-humans only settings
Unless a god is a specific patron to a race, it should have no distinct racial features and should appear vaguely alien.
This. If priests in your setting aren't constantly arguing over the 'correct' interpretation of a god then you're missing out.
I have a combined-races pantheon that has a Dwarven God of Technology, Elven God of Nature and a Human God of Commerce already.
>Not having the god of fertility be all about good soil and livestock breeding.
She is a goddess, that is her race. She is known by many names and in many forms, but her true form is as abstract as the very ideas of fertility, procreation, life and death, motherhood, beginning and end and beginning, rebirth and transformation.
Could be that too, makes sense.
>image search
>comes up as 'beauty'
I'd say. OP's pic is beautiful.
Seriously though why do white people always attribute non white people with some mystical connection to nature? Pretty fucking racist if you ask me
>not including magical negros in your setting.
>why do white people always attribute non white people with some mystical connection to nature? Pretty fucking racist if you ask me
they dont
the only racist here is you
Like hell you don't, you weak ass latte sipping piece of shit
No John, you are the racist.
>random white women everywhere around the world take selfies with stupid twigs and leaves in their hair like a hippy goddess
>then a black woman does the same thing
/pol/tards are the new furries.
This. No god's true form should resemble mortals; if they do, it should be vague and alien (arms, legs, torso, but made of cosmic materials and in impossible shapes or number, lots of extra features).
Gods of Wakanda from Coates' Black Panther are pretty aesthetical
Found the soyboy.
Your an overreacting idiot.
Plus check tumblr once in a while, you'l understand his point.
What in the fuck are you talking about you ignorant racist idiot?
The political equivalent of furfags.
Well we got a dozen posts in before the OP image caused a /pol/ shitstorm. That's practically a record on Veeky Forums these day.
Screeching redditors? Get the fuck back there where you belong
All of the feeble lesser gods are created by the collective imaginations of the mortal populations which Revere them. There are hundreds of thousands of fertility goddesses, each one aesthetically sculpted to match the average preconceptions of its body of worshippers. There are as many fertility goddesses, and War gods, and gods of Truth, and goddesses of love as there are individual tribes roaming the world. Nobody has catalogs them all, and even the most advanced civilizations don't particularly care.
The outer gods and great old ones certainly do not care or even notice the goings-on of such insignificant Supernatural entities.
>why do white people always attribute non white people with some mystical connection to nature?
Pretty simple:
>more primitive = closer to nature
>blacks are the most primitive, therefore closest to nature
>tfw no nature goddess gf
It's the same 3 guys in every thread.
according to racist "progressives" who think it's the white woman's burden to save all minorities from themselves while fetishizing all brown women to an immensely creepy degree
futa centauress
In my campaign, the fertility goddess is an orc since they are the fastest reproducing sentient race.
>it's a minority
>it has too many kids and is literally a monster
Wow. Just wow.
Perhaps different races perceive the gods differently, or project their own prejudices onto them. Like, to humans, the god of War is an orc, but to Elves, it's a human. But both consider the goddess of love to be an Elf.
Dwarves think they're all Dwarves.
Makes sense. I was thinking Orc Goddess too. Litters are 2d6 in size.
I want to fertilize my goddess of fertility.
She's doing her work well!
You are Tarlan, a young man of sixteen summers who has found himself in the company of an extraordinary band of adventurers gathered together by the aged wizard Starglimmer. The evil Lord Darkthorne sits upon his bloody iron throne, amassing an army with which to sweep the world bare of all those who would stand against him!
"Verily, we must split our attention between the mystery of Rook's Spire," Starglimmer tells you and those who gather around the fireplace to listen to the mage's words. "Tarlan, as the champion of destinies, you must choose from within our ranks those who will accompany you on your quest to retrieve the Amber Veil which may allow us to face Darkthorne and prevail. I must travel in the morning toward the Spire, but you, my lad, need travel a much darker path. Choose among these friends of ours three whom shall aid you in your journey!"
>"It would be foolish to leave the boy to his own in the wilderness. Surely I must accompany him!" rumbles Gormin the fighter as he flexes his muscles.
>"It would be a quick death indeed, were I not there to guide him," warns Glingillithael the elf as he leans upon his sturdy oaken bow.
>"The Amber Veil is a mystery to all, but one that I have begun to pierce- oops!" exclaims Twilla the beautiful young, buxom sage as one of her strange grimoires slips from her delicate hands to impact against the wooden floor of the tavern.
>"You'll never make it through whatever traps have been laid in those dungeons without a hand such as mine," sneers Rabdradan the thief as he balances the tip of his dagger upon the beer-soaked table.
>"I wasn't listening," states that other guy. I forget what his class is.
You know nobody actually types like that, right /pol/?
Probably a human, unlike your OP pic.
why are you so sure that OP is implying that black people are mystical? maybe he just wanted a pic of a busty woman and happened to pick a black one.
Fuck off back to your containment board
He says, in a thread full of preachy /pol/tards
Stop saying that fucking word
It sounds like something a twelve year old came up with
what they hell is with her collar bone in pic related. is this just perspective or is it shopped weird
Hey now, bestiality's not necessarily immoral in a fantasy setting.
>t. triggered soyboy
>He says while spamming the board about /pol/ for no fucking reason
Get the fuck out you stupid piece of shit
Lmao poor soyboy in denial
I don't think it makes much sense for a god to be of a different race than the race that worships them.
A Human with gigantic tits
Who is this cum drum?
It's a normal collarbone, there's nothing wrong with it.
Probably a cow or horse.
There used to be this thing called "trolling," where people would say amusingly dumb shit to get a response. That degraded to just saying dumb shit, and finally to just actually being that dumb. Oh, sure, if pressed, you may claim not to believe the fucking retarded bullshit you say, but that's never either true or false: you don't have enough brains or integrity to actually have beliefs. You just have resentment, a combination inferiority/superiority complex, and a scam you play on yourself where if you say something and people agree, you feel great, and if they call you stupid, they're "triggered" by your "trolling."
Get your life together, man.
Why not, the white people God is.
user was asking about fertility, child rearing, and sex.
Black ladies tend to be on the THICCer side in most media depictions for whatever reasons (probably norbit), and THICCness has been associated with fertility since venus of willendorf.
Enjoy (nsfw):
Get the most bang for your buck.
This is a fantasy world where the gods antedate the people who worship them. But that doesn't necessarily mean that people have the right idea about them. The gods aren't necessarily Elves or Dwarves or any race at all. But people look at the world, they encounter the other races, they form their stereotypes, and then eventually they're like, oh, this being we were worshipping that's all about sex and love and shit, that's kinda like an Elf! But they don't encounter anything that fits, say, farming better than them, so they're like, well, the god of farming must be like us.
the two retards objecting just prove you right tbqh
I can dig it.
>Gotta pay for this hair cut someway.
Goddess of fertility, goddess of marriage, and goddess of love and beauty are three different goddesses. A goddess of nature's beauty is yet another goddess.
Roman gods were polymorphic and aniconic. They come and go in the guise of normal men and women when you least expect it. For example, Mars is represented by a shield and spear but not by a human shape.
>What fantasy race should a Goddess of Fertility be?
Elf, because they're connected to nature and know how to work the soil. Elves are brilliant that way - while many assume them flighty and even "hippie" in their treatment of the environment, even their greatest detractors have to admit such behavior works. An Elf does not need to break a horse because the horse comes to them willingly, as an equal.
Fertility in the ancient world does not mean what you think it means. A Fertility figure would primarily be associated with bountiful harvests and strong livestock. Siring strong sons and beautiful daughters comes into that, but it's a secondary matter that is still covered by Elves (the men typically become wildly successful and the women are coveted for their charm, grace and beauty.)
The thing is, in real mythologies gods are always or almost always the same race as the people worshiping them. Maybe some minor gods can be of other races/ethnicities, but I can't remember any examples right now. But people never thought anything like "Oh, you know what, Aphrodite is such a whore, she must be a Babylonian!" or "Hm, Mars is one very violent and warlike bastard, I wonder if he's actually a Vandal?" Even Christians of different nations portrayed Christ closer to their own race, even if they knew well that he was Jewish, and knew how middle eastern Jews look.
Yeah, now if I remember correctly, some Vodun Loa are white, but that's because of syncretism.
But that's because in real life people had to come up with their gods themselves, and when they were doing so there weren't a lot of different races around.
Although IIRC the Old Norse pantheon and its division along Æsir and Vanir has been theorised to be the merger of two different pantheons at some point in the distant past. Could have something like that going on.
>Well the obvious answer is that as a goddess, they should just have different avatar for each race.
>Unless a god is a specific patron to a race, it should have no distinct racial features and should appear vaguely alien.
>This. If priests in your setting aren't constantly arguing over the 'correct' interpretation of a god then you're missing out.
>She is a goddess, that is her race. She is known by many names and in many forms, but her true form is as abstract as the very ideas of fertility, procreation, life and death, motherhood, beginning and end and beginning, rebirth and transformation.
>Perhaps different races perceive the gods differently, or project their own prejudices onto them. Like, to humans, the god of War is an orc, but to Elves, it's a human. But both consider the goddess of love to be an Elf.
>Dwarves think they're all Dwarves.
>Probably a cow or horse.
>But that doesn't necessarily mean that people have the right idea about them.
>Roman gods were polymorphic and aniconic.
Indeed, unless your Life Goddess is eldritch lump of primordial ooze that only occasionally takes a semi-humanoid form.
Didn't some tribes had white skinned goods and thought that the European colonizers where gods?
Catalans have a black Virgin Mary statue and it's their patron for some reason. Pic related.
And then John was a Klansmen,
race changes depending on who sees her. She/He will always look like the most beautiful/handsome being to that person.
Make it an easter bunny sort, anthro rabbit entity which brings fertility.
>always look like the most beautiful/handsome being
This isn’t a goddess of love or beauty. Making the fertility deity the pinnacle of attractiveness steps on the toes of other gods. If anything their sexual/reproductive traits and characteristics should be stressed or exaggerated, rather than being beautiful or handsome.
My setting's goddess of motherhood, fertility, sex and women is of giant origins, though all races worship her one way or another (though elves and some human tribes acknowledge the fact she is a goddess of the giants). Orcs believe her to be "human or something like" (orc mythology in my setting only recognizes a single true orcish deity. Every other god are of no particular race to them, they're just weaker deities and that's what matters), most human tribes have their own version of her, and for dwarves she doesn't have a race but she's more of a concept, capable of taking any aspect she wants to (just like their father god).
Black Madonnas are not a exclusively Catalonian thing, no matter how hard they try to appropriate them.
Also, gods art thread?
Deity, obviously.
Why should it be a goddess?
Where’s the virile god of fertility filling the soil?
The specific nature of man-jizzum was not well-understood by all people in ancient times.
Women are where the babby comes out.
...are you saying that secondary sexual characteristics aren’t beautiful or handsome?
I find that hard to believe, what with you needing to put semen into a vagina to achieve conception. Or was that just not common knowledge? Like even in the Bible it acknowledges someone intentionally not having a kid by pulling out.
He means exaggerating passed the point most people would find attractive.
Like a giant pair of tits, with a goddess attached.
There have been lots of male fertility gods. Women just seem to predominate, since they're the ones that do the heavy lifting when if comes to reproduction.
Also I meant tilling
Have you been on deviantart?
Fully Deitized Pikachu is the god of madness and processed meats?
That Venus was a fabrication user, last I checked.
Wow, you didn't even bother hiding it.
Black girls with light piercings > white girls with piercings
Also damn that one with the white paint
>Have you been on deviantart?
Hence why I said "most people"
Humans, considering they're the slut race that can reproduce with fucking anything. I'm honestly surprised half-gelatinous cubes aren't a race.
>what are intelligent slimes and goo-girls
>Dude it's literally a cube of acid.
>Don't you try to fucking stop me!
Can I have the source for that pic. I need it for... research
anything's a fuckhole if you're brave enough.
whoever the first race in the setting was. or have it be one of those gods that can appear however they like.
In your setting maybe. Settings are different you know.
I think you mean Dragons. Especially if we talk in 3.5e terms where the half dragon template can be applied to literally anything.
>orc mythology in my setting only recognizes a single true orcish deity.
Allahu orcbar!