Why aren't you stockpiling tabletop games and rulebooks? When the apocalypse comes and electricity across the globe goes out, tabletop will explode since there won't be any facebook or vidya. You'll be able to trade a D&D core rulebook for food, weapons, etc.
Why aren't you stockpiling tabletop games and rulebooks...
I mean i have mine, but it'd be easier to homebrew a basic 2d6 system or something or learn another simple system so mutants and survivors can learn easily and quickly
i will dl the pdfs
>no electricity
I herd u liek solar panels.
>you will never see the complexity of 3e again
>only rules lite
I am, I have all phoenix command books I could found..
same for sword path glory
rhand morningstar mission
vanguard free rpg
the two mythic solo dm books
all things are printed pdf
>all things are printed pdf
full color
Is this a shelf thread?
>stockpiling 3e
Nah, 5e or 4e are the better options. 4e will always work because it's balanced as hell and you can use bottle caps or something as minis. 5e is just simplistic enough to teach anybody, even post-apoc mutant mongs. The other benefit 4e has is it works with 3d6, which will be easier to find. You'd have to figure out the weapon damages though if you don't have the right dice. 5e is balanced around the d20 in a different manner, so it works less well with the 3d6 spread.
Dice aren't hard to make with some basic skills with carpentry or something.
Especially d6.
No point in stockpiling it, it's extra weight and shit you don't need. Also you should have it all stored in your memory. If you ever regain a point where you can play DND again then it might be worth it.
Probs the only thing worth carrying around is a deck of cards
Why must you faggots always start a thread in oneof two ways? It's always either a spurios question that starts the thread off as an argument, or it's an asenine premise that you sat and thought about for fifteen seconds before posting on Veeky Forums, most likely about anime girls or something autistically sexual.
Learn to make better posts.
>You'll be able to trade a D&D core rulebook for food, weapons, etc.
>Implying I'll trade my weapon and not just use it to take the books from you
>a bunch of useless options and broken rules
3.PF and its retarded fanbase is exactly the reason why so many people flock to rule-lite systems.
>so many
You bitter contrarians are so cute sometimes.
Tell me one good reason why 3.PF isn't an absolutely bloated mess and why I should play it over something that isn't.
3e isn't complex, just bloated
>dozens of interdependent subsystems with non-intuitive interactions
>takes months of research just to git gud
>newbies need a full fan-written article for each class just to avoid the chargen traps
>chargen minigame easily takes weeks for novice players
>combat takes hours to run due partly to decision-paralysis
>not complex
Why don't you just stockpile food and weapons rather than 1) needing to find someone looking for D&D books, and 2) hoping the guy with the weapons you want doesn't just shoot you?
Fuck trading books. I'll trade my skills as GM so I can develop lasting relationships with folks that will help me get by instead.
As you finish the session of the day for a few burly survivors of the apocalypse, who keep you around as entertainment and storytelling, two of them approach you after the game to sort out some loot issues. They thought that they didn't get loot that was entirely satisfactory. To remedy this, they decide to give you something that you've been craving this whole time - two nice cocks. You're soon inbetween their manly silhouettes and enjoying their salty taste, but it doesn't end on that. You end up exhausted, hair all fucked up, as your spent, puckered up, creampied asshole spills all over your DM notes. You say weakly that they might as well be entitled to some new jewelry. Soon word spreads and your adventure with roleplaying games takes on an entirely new dimension...
>most of which are broken and almost completely un-playtested
>months of research just to sort out all the useless trap options from the useful feats/class options/ect
>see above
>see above
>combat is slow because that's the fucking nature of it, and only casters have any options while everyone else is full-attack or bust
I guess it's complex like a twisted mess of wires.
I learned of 3e but if i have to teach a bunch of people post-apoc it wouldnt be my first choice
> may we trade our RPEEGEE books for some food?
> second of silence
> men are immediately shot, women in the group pressed into slavery (sexual)
It's the Ciiirrrrrccccllleeeeer offfffff llllliiiiifffffffeee!!
My favorite system will likely survive with or without my actions. Cheap, not too crunchy, but the usage of all the different dice would potentially present an issue. Hope everyone likes d6 systems...
I'll raid the house of my DM.
I do woodworking and anything that's not a d4, d6, or d8 is a nightmare. Try it sometime.
>Stockpile every tabletop game you can find
>Everyone after the bomb wants to play spades or made up shit like caravan
Fuck this blasted gay earth
>Tfw never learned to play Caravan or Gwent
Fuck in-game card games, and fuck mandatory ones in particular. Im a murdernaut, not a card shark.
Caravan is ass. I think they play it because they've lost the old ways.
Think about it this way: The slate is clean after the bomb. You can forge a new tradition of gaming. Roleplaying too can be rise from the ashes, free from the shadow of dnd.
post apoc societies are often a mockery of pre apoc ones, peopel don't forget what was before and the first RPG created will try to mimic D&D .
Because AD&D is the only system I will ever need.
>Thinks 3.5 is complex
you've never played HERO
That's exactly why GURPs has been passed down from ancient times, when they had nothing to do except play games all day.
Definitely not the case that they spent all day farming and had no time for games and so only passed down simple dice games.