How do you depict a shithole city or nation without getting too absurd?
Wretched hive of scum and villainy
Other urls found in this thread:
the way ralph bakshi does
Depict any part of Africa.
think about the results of (justified) low trust norms in daily life.
Look at places like port royal. Make sure to include cultists going on about how the gods curse the city for its degeneracy and how it will be struck down with thunder.
Don’t forget Asia (except Japan), Middle-East, and East Europe
Eastern Europe is good, most parts of the middle east are good, almost all of asia is good
Blight Town
eastern europe is rural hell.
Africa is final boss of shitholes, their pinnacle.
Google some images of Detroit and just describe them aloud to your players.
I don't recall OP using the word "shithole".
Shitholer detected
>How do you depict a shithole city
>shithole city
Even though it is mostly trash and falls apart midway through, the Blade and Soul anime depicts the fluff of a wretched city well in one scene. Here, the blank slate PC is walking through a town for the first time ever. Many things happen in the background to paint the town as a scummy shithole. You could easily describe these background events happening as your players move about the city.
Some of the ones I notice are:
>Whore and client openly discussing trading sex for money
>Obvious druggie collapsing on the ground
>Woman being sexually assaulted and noone bats an eye
>Orphans running about the streets
>People gambling on the sidewalk
>Diseased people laying about
>Obviously corrupt town guard stealing
You could steal these, or make up your own. Here's the video, it starts at around 3:50.
>inb4 "lol weebshit"
Kill yourself
Some places like Dubai, Seoul, a few spots in Vietnam and what have you are pretty bangin'. Everywhere else, not so much.
Yet everyone begs to come here
There was some documentary about the common rape of young boys in some border city in Pakistan that had a lot of stuff like that. Also had childhood addiction to hard drugs, kids going through garbage to find food, and the shelters to help these kids were woefully low on money.
Alright, so you’re gonna want to start with corruption. Bribes should be an expected part of any interaction with any figure of authority. What should be separate (the military from the civil, the private from the public, church from state) is meshing together at nearly every level. Policy is decided by how much profit everyone will be making off it, so public works and infrastructure go in the shitter while while “investment” goes to the cronies of those in power.
This obviously creates a gap between the classes, which the upper echelon will make wider and wider. This ends up with everyone who can leave doing so, which ends up with a country filled by either those too poor to escape or those benefiting from the system. With no options, those trapped their either eek out an existence or become part of the system through the lowest levels, usually crime, which obviously only accepts those with a useful talents, which become more valuable because of this.
Sprinkle in terrorism from those who want to be the upper, suicide and drug use by the desparing populace, fear and mistrust.
Things will get worse and worse as civil order dissolves before some kind of breaking point. Either it will be a popular revolution by the oppressed underclasses, or some sort of schism between rival political power blocks, which will catch the common man in between as the structure of the state collapses.
So, you really want to decide how close the place is to completely falling apart. Are people just trying to avoid the gangs and police, or are they carrying weapons as a matter of course? Who are the people in power and what gives them control (usually military force, but religious or political movements can have a dedicated percentage of the population to support them)? What are they exploiting to maintain this power? Who else wants it? Who’s working towards overthrowing the current system and why?
This is the sound i imagined when i saw the american ubermensch.
>degree at reputable euro college (virtually free)
>a while spent working at the States making $100k+ a year
>keep most of it because unlike natives you can into fiscal responsibility
>move back, settle someplace decent
>red berets
I remember this documentary about orphanages in China where parents paid the owners to neglect their unwanted babies to death by strapping them down and waiting for them to starve/dehydrate so the state wouldn’t get them for murder
>Have a Cold War promoting American ideals
>Stomp all over other countries and yell about how great America is
>Try to make all these nations benefit America
>Win Cold War after demonising any dissenting ideology
>”Give me your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free”
>Get mad when people try and come to America to seek these ideals
Really gets the noggin jogging
Say “thanks” to Uncle Sam
i mean, just use the usa they have a murder rate on par with yemen, a country in a fucking civil war
Don't forget to use a measurement system only used by the nations of America, Liberia and Myanmar, all complete shitholes.