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>How to Jumpchain
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Does immortality scare you?
>Any sufficiently advanced cluelessness is indistinguishable from malice.
>Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
I feel both of these apply.
I'm sure I can hide from that fear, just like I hide from everything in my life.
No but it seems lonely.
Just get inmortal friends
Jumpchan please take me.
As promised, the introduction to the side chain I'm writing for fun. Codenamed - Indulgence.
Not really. Immortality alone utterly terrifies me however.
You have one job, next OP. Don't forget.
Rolled 92 (1d100)
See you on the side
Alright Jumpers! 2,000th thread update!
What's going on in your chain right now?
Help Chao if you're doing that.
Too many waifus
Yeah, but not because of the "everyone will eventually leave you, you'll outlive everyone you've ever loved" thing. In real life, immortality would only come from a medical breakthrough that could be applied to other people, and in Jumpchain I'm already leaving people behind every decade on average with those I don't being immune to aging as a byproduct of coming with me. So that's not the issue. More I just fear eternity. I can't comprehend life over that timeframe. I can barely imagine what I'm going to be doing a decade from now, how do I think about a century, or a millenium, or a galactic epoch? It's an intimidating thought.
That's a big problem user, I bet more waifus would solve it though.
You're gonna like xianxia settings then, where you might very well spend a few thousand quadrillion years sitting in a single place and training.
>Jumpchain CYOA Thread #2000
I'm ready when you are, Jump-chan.
Love you, /jc/. Stay golden.
posting for feedback.
Tell me, are you a Medaka Sue or a Legendary Hero?
Better get Love in Many Facets from A Brother's Price jump so you can give each of the love they deserve user.
Got a few questions for HeavensAnon about the Tsukihime update...
Can I add But I Wanted A Maid Instead! to The Killer In Me and/or The Moon’s Shadow? Can I import existing companions into those options (probably won't, but my mind wonders)?
If I upgrade the A Faithful Hand twins with But I Wanted A Maid Instead!, one of them will get two purchases of the Meido perk. Does that stack?
How much blood or other fluids do you need for Synchronizer to be noticeable (actually, does quantity matter at all)?
Does the Mad Science Jumper allow you to build things besides robots?
Does the Closet of Uniforms only have outfits that fit jumper themselves, or could I dress up my new Mecha-meido army with it too?
Also, does the Familiar drawback also count passive/always-active powers in its increasing cost?
A mishmash of random powers with little rhyme or reason as I blindly wander the cosmos fucking every story up because its funny.
Taught harry potter wizards common sense.
Drove voldemort insane. He thinks hes a jewish pharmacist now.
Thinking about possibly taking up the piano or violin. Maybe both.
Ate an entire pizza alone.
Shapechanged peter pettigrew into a rat permanently.
Attempted to catch a leprechaun in harry potter, have yet to find one, am unsure if they exist or if someone just saw a goblin wearing a green suit.
Currently attempting to crossbreed a dragon and a nundu, only hagrid is willing to help me.
>Main Chain
Well, I'm teasing a vampire between fending off small herds of peppermint squirrels and literal gummy bears. We're both chasing after the rest of my Companions and destroying a bunch of evil shrines along the way. Also, someone stole the sky, the sun, the three moons, and all the starts.
>Indulgence Chain
Mostly I'm being shouted at by a tiny, orange Khajiit Dovahkiin for making too many dirty comments.
>"Put down that copy of The Lusty Argonian Maid and cover my back!"
That seems like a lot of work. How about I cover your rear instead?
>"What's the difference?!"
About two handfuls.
Thanks. I wasn't intending it to turn into a full blown write-chain, but considering I was stuffing it with all the ideas I didn't want to put into my main chain, I guess that was inevitable.
Take me too Jumpchan!
Take me with you if yours works, if not and mine does I will take you friend.
Main chain- Stalled until a Jump comes out.
Alt chain- Local corpse-like immortal befriends sea monster. Looting and black market commerce ensues.
I'm an [All Fiction].
Such a cute incestous couple.
Please take me on a chain Jump-Chan!
Remember the pact.
Whats happening in this picture?
The mating dance of fraternal twins.
No I mean I really like the clothes and the switcheroo they have going. Its neat. Wasnt there some massive fanfiction where dipper is a reality warping demon or something?
I'm an Absolute Minus.
Grey "Jedi" Jumper finally gets Palpatine killed as revenge for Order 66. They're spending the rest of their time there helping Leia along as she takes the position of Emperor, as well as learning some Dark Side stuff from Vader. Jumper is also giving Luke a hand with his new Jedi Order.
>Sees Pic
>Kotori and Kurumi on opposite sides
Why are best girls so far apart? Why is yandere so good Ric?
>Grey "Jedi"
Grinding in The Gamer while trying to keep my head down. Without the Harem King's protection, it's a bit harder to avoid being noticed, so I've had to be a bit less obvious about things.
Will answer in detail when I get home. Phoneposting is awkward.
Also my job is calling me back for longer than expected, so I've once again lost the NEETforce. How many powerloss drawbacks did I take?
Yes, its called Dipper Goes to McDonalds
>/jc/ has made it to 2000 threads
Damn, we've come a long way.
I want to be the strongest hero.
That seems a rude thing to assume.
Unless you're talking about Blue Universe Dipper and Mabel. In which case, 300% correct.
Red Universe Dipper and Mabel are changing into their Blue Universe counterparts. It's just a silly animation really.
>massive fanfiction
There's been a lot of those. Blue Universe Dipper and Mable stole a whole load of magical powers from Bill and are basically mini reality warping psychopaths. There's also Yellow Universe Dipper, who's really Bill that never stopped possessing Dipper after that sock puppet episode and simply learned how to use his warping powers in the real world through his possession.
Why no heretic and notice me sempai drawbacks? I was going to say the minor drawback too, but that would be my powerwanker self who likes to take drawbacks talking
Kicked my own ass and watched a sad man have a very heartfelt moment with his dying sister.
Man, what a way to start a chain.
Me too.
Would anyone who took the Aristoteles option in Angel Notes mind sharing what they went with for their form and backstory?
The quotations are because I never got why people call the Grey force users Jedi. If you're Grey you're not a damn Jedi because they're only concerned with the Light and being a full on Grey Jedi would have your ass killed/thrown out. People will still call you a Sith/Jedi anyways so fuck it.
I also realize the concept of a Grey Jedi is kind of retarded in most cases but I was hoping to address it a bit in my writing. It's not an excuse to use whatever any time Jumper pleases.
I think Medaka Sue is stronger long-run, because it has growth potential and plays nice with anything you pick up in the chain with a skill component.
Legendary Hero gives you a lot of power right away, but its uses are relegated to combat. I don't think it can get stronger on it's own, I don't know if it's born from a static ability or if it's something you can do "naturally," which is potentially another point against in terms of the long view. I don't know if I'm alone in this, but I'm still a bit spotty on what counts for its nullification ability. I just don't get where the cut-off for nullification is when you get punched by magic/hard sci-fi/soft sci-fi/superpower/anime physics.
The strongest combo in the jump, however, is Abnormal Growth+Window in the Wall+the booster, so that you can eventually become permanently "real."
Me too, please.
>Why is yandere so good Ric?
You know why user. They simply are best.
Celebrating the 32nd jump by spending 320 years in Generic Xianxia. Uncle is running a shop in a provincial city with the help of his newest apprentice and a local kitsune thirsting for the D while I go around turning a quest against banditry into a bid for world conquest since foreign governments are essentially bandit gangs with better pr.
>No Steamed Hams fanart where Kumagawa says 「Aurora Borealis」
So should I use Mana/Prana/Od or whatever it is called in Nasuverse or Grain? I don't really know which is better.
And me.
This seems kinda predatory. I mean she was there when he was a toddler, around him constantly it seems kinda like an aunt. Then she's husbandoing him in the end. If it was the other way around it would be creepy.
Wasn't someone working on a Simpsons jump, how's that coming along?
Would you still want to go if you where paired with a random user/namefag from the thread? If they die you go home too.
Hardmode: Each of you gets 500 and share drawbacks
Sure, would rather have my own chain though.
Hardmode: Same answer.
Yes, but they'd have to put up with my nightmare fetishes so I don't think they'd want to
I am the Main Character.
I need a link here yoro. Dont just throw out alylternate dimensions and leave me hanging on storytiem.
Yes. I am fairly certain neither of us would want our chain to end and would have some semblance of teamwork to keep it going. No idea what is going to happen at the end of it though.
You can't say that and not reveal say what kind of fetishes
I'm about to go to sleep, but I can help out tomorrow now that the flu's passed
Think of it this way, Bancho agrees with my tastes in waifus.
Glad your better FU, and good luck tommorow then.
Nasu magic circuits, I have no clue what grain is. Nasu seems pretty cool all around honestly.
>Desire for Twi'leks intensifies.
Sure, but I'd grab the things I really want to have if the chain ends prematurely much earlier and I'd be much more worried than I'd otherwise be. Because I just know whomever I end up with will get themselves killed.
I'd probably keep pestering the poor smuck to invest more into durability, regen, immortality, and all that stuff.
...I'm kinda paranoid, okay? And this doubles the chances of getting thrown out.
Cool. Tomorrow then. Though only 4 perks and the scenario are missing.
How useful are nasu magic circuits for someone who thinks nasu magecraft is a shit?
I'd prolly end up going to someplace unimportant and up doing jack all anyways.
Hardmore: Sure, super powers are still super powers.
Tell me of the waifus, Ricrod.
Are they the same person? He goes from being black haired to blond.
yes but not hardmode this is how I have written my latest Chain, anyway.
In normal mode we could strategize on how to maximise our strengths while covering for the other's weaknesses.
It's called hair dye. Japanese people love dying their hair blond as a sign of delinquency.
The scenario it is then!
There are plenty of fine Twi'lek lasses in other SW Jumps while you wait
He had a Dagger Fall on him, delaying his arrival.
Oh, well, I'm sorry to disappoint. I really only follow these alternate universes through the art and few comics that spawn around them. I don't have direct links to their fanfictions because I've never read them. I just have fun hoarding the art and connecting them together myself.
The closest I have is a Mike Intel short "advertising" a visual novel based on the Blue Universe. So you can have that.
I guess I could give it a shot. Worst case scenario I come home with a bunch of Pokemon tech knowledge stuffed in my head. I'd like to think I can get along with a lot of the people who post here, but knowing my luck I'd end up with someone truly horrifying.
Same answer with a lot less putting up with my counterpart's shit if they're a dick about the whole affair.
It's better than when they dye their hair pink as a sign of delinquency. Can never take one of those punks seriously when they're trying to be all tough guy and their hair is something even San Francisco would consider gay.
Well, way I see it, I'd have plenty of time to come to terms with it.
This is the best timeline.
California has just declared its self a seperate state. There is now california and new california. Most of the state has decided it is fed up with the state as it is, which of you had your chain and didnt give us any powers? Fucker could have sent out a cancer cure at least.
I mean, if I lose I show up back home and have powers, so sure.
The biggest danger is that I get paired with someone who, in ten jumps or so, decides I look pretty tasty.
On the other hand, there's an equal if not better chance I end up part of a harem, and I guess I'm okay with that.
Would it be cheating to use a canon companion option to take an Expy of that character instead? So as to not ruin the plot or take a slight variation of the character in question?
I can work with that.
>thats their racist name for us!
Gold. I love this and will be stealing it.
NCR here we come.
Now who's Caesar's Legion?
I thought this was a /pol/ meme, does this mean that the democrats are now doomed for 2020?
Best timeline would be California is a prison colony. One where all the degenerates are sent to.
I mean, having an expy of a canon character running around would have its own effect on the plot, wouldn't it? It's not like the plot is even something you'd have to worry about, since being a companion wouldn't matter much during your stay.
Made me go look it up you cheeky bugger, it's just two dudes and it's been done in the past, and if it weren't obvious it didn't succeed then either
> New California
I say they shouldn't be allowed to leave until they come up with a better name.
Nah, I do that all the time, though I use the new companion option for that.
Sometimes, I become the Expy of that character in another jump.