Anyone interested in playing a game based on One Piece?
What system would you use?
Anyone interested in playing a game based on One Piece?
What system would you use?
Mutants and Masterminds
The One Piece classless D20 fan system
Haven't played GURPS. Where to start?
Mutants and Masterminds was tried already. It's a crappy system all around.
Link to fan system?
FATE: See number 1
Really Fate?
interesting choice I agree with your GURPS choice though
One piece is an interesting choice of inspiration to say the least who drew that pic in the OP anyway
One of the players of a previous campaign drew it. Annie there was a villain. This guy too, had the power of the Brain-Brain fruit.
I agree on that, that Fate feels too light for all the crazyness of the setting.
Tell me about GURPS. Why does he wear the mask?
One Piece makes a great setting, lots of potential for any kind of character, powers galore, and lots of variety of locales
You understand well. You want to join?
because he's a very exploitable guy that can be built for many settings
Simple, diceless, you can make any weird power with it.
Got a PDF or example of play?
I was actually planning on gm'ing something and this would be an npc what do ya think?
Would it be a One Piece themed game or something else?
Yeah I've gm'd a gundam game before so a One piece game would be a new experience.
If you're playing online, we have a discord we're trying to use to build a hub for One PIece RPGs. Want to join?
Not anymore, I have all of them in physical format.
Wasn't that hard to find though.
I'd probably run this in Fate. Potential One PIece characters are SO different that a rules-light system like Fate would allow everyone to participate meaningfully in the plot no matter how weird or non-combat their character is. It'd suck if you want to play a Nami or Usopp-esque character and you're sidelined for it because a teammate is mechanically (and thus narratively) stronger than you for it.
Fate allows non-combat kinds of characters to aid in conflicts just as well as anyone else by creating advantages, and similarly allows combat-focused characters to help in non-combat scenes. Both of these are common occurrences in the manga (Nami and Usopp get their own fight scenes and help others, while the rest of the crew is integral during the ship-battle/escape scenes even though Nami is the one directing it all)
Devil Fruits, haki, and the like would be easy to represent with an Extra Aspect you buy with Refresh. Or maybe lock Haki at the beginning and have them learn their preferred type(s) through the plot if you're starting them in one of the Blues.
Interesting do you have a fate PDF
Goddamn I don't remember this chapter
It was right before Jaya
I remember Blackbeard being BTFO by water in Jaya which was interesting.
Anyone have island ideas?
I have one although it's not the best
Technically not a new island idea, but i would like to see how oda would have done an anti-devil fruit island.
Not talking about sea-stone effect.
Your df-power just doesn't work
Casino/Glamour Island (like in Film Gold) where the whole island is a big gambling resort (Las Vegas, the island)
I want to see the homeland of a race such as Moria-Sama and Magellan "You know, people with black wings and/or demonic looks". It would be awesome to see a fight between this race and people from Sky islands... (it's like a fight between angels and demons).
I think Wano and Elbaf are two important countries too but still there is no need to make huge arcs out of them.
I wanna see Davy Jones ghost, his locker and a two shichibukais arc.
Every time I think about the new world.. I go crazy.
I want to see another island like "mock town" full of pirates, bounty hunters, criminals etc even some of the yonko's commanders and top fighters gather there just to have "new world, high bounty, strong crazy people" fun..
One island could be a gigantic hole in the ocean where all the water flows into. Inside the hole there are dozens of flying islands of various sizes. Some may be connected through bridges and there can be one or more civilizations living. Maybe they are at war?
It sounds ok but I'm not sure about re using a movie idea for a campaign