PDF Share Thread #130

It's Da Curated Archive™!
It Will Be The Best 3d6 Hours Of Your Gaming Career!

Please exhibit good manners. This thread will be automatically archived after a certain number of posts. More posts wasted on being rude means fewer posts available for sharing.

Go to the last thread if you haven't looked at it. There is lots of stuff, including filled requests posted directly to the board.
Files posted directly to Veeky Forums are not added to Da Archive, so go grab them now.
More archived threads can be found here: archive.4plebs.org/tg/search/subject/PDF share/

Grab your documents. Da Curated Archive, Da Archive, and Da Archive Annex comprise the collected efforts of countless contributing anons and are attatched to the first three posts.

Get comfortable and browse through the blasted things. Combined they are over 200 pages long! If you skim over the Personal Collections without looking you will miss 7,654 PDFs.

Remember, we are better than all of the rest of the horrible internet and good manners ALWAYS gets more results. Wise up or please go elsewhere.

Extra Special Thanks to the user Brigade who do ALL of the digging, loading, and posting.

Other urls found in this thread:

rpgnow.com/product/211280/In-The-Company-of-Dragons-Expanded-PFRPG?term=in the company of dra&test_epoch=0

Please ONLY POST OPEN SOURCE PDFS DIRECTLY IN THIS THREAD. Link the others from elsewhere. Excessive infractions could cause TPTB to remove the ability to post any pdfs at all. Check for copyrights before you post anything directly.

Please be patient with the Irrepressible Urchins™ who request without looking first. They are always a regular feature here. They help bump the thread, and they want to look at something that's not porn. They might even read it. You don't have to answer them, although that also bumps the thread. I understand your frustration (they used to drive me crazy), but you don't kick a puppy for not being housebroken. If they upset you, punch a teddy bear or something.

Please give as much information as you can when you make a request. The more information you give (cover, a link to product, name of designer/writer/publisher) the more chances someone might recognize it and upload it.

Please post dead links and I will remove them to keep the archive up to date. Be specific - include a page number. There are dozens of copies of some PDFs.

Please be respectful and don't belittle others' requests because you dislike the game. Imagine the horrific RPGs I've run across; 'Dragon Dildo Warriors', ‘Cheeto Fingered Gods of Angst’, and 'We're All Little Girls (Frilly Dresses Are Mandatory At the Table)' spring to mind.

If you have a fancy pdf that has unwanted clutter on it, one way to clean it is to contact our resident Transmutation Wizards and ask them politely for their assitance.
[email protected]
[email protected]

CityofCarse is responsible for many recent scans from private collections. If you have a rare or obscure book, he may be willing to convert your dead tree into digital bits. He may also be available to clean your files.
[email protected]

Okultek resides in the UK and may also be available for scanning or cleaning.
[email protected] or $nip /CleanedByOkultek

Why 1337 5p34k?
A Paraphrased Message from TheWiz!:
To guard against rapid takedowns by bots, we suggest encoding links thusly:


The above link is easy to decode but does not show up as a working link to the lurking T-888's. Obfuscation becomes most important when filling requests. Posting a full link right out of a large Trove/Collection risks the whole thing. Just post a page reference for Da Archive or Da Annex, with a short instruction and let the document do the job of guarding the links.

|-|0\/\/ †0 1337 5|O34|

Some games draw more attention than others and will not be added to Da Archive. Please seek the following elsewhere:

Fall of Magic
A Sundered World (including the Dungeons and Delvers primer)
Microscope or Explorer
Ten Candles

Anything by:
Lame Mage Productions
Precis Intermedia/P!G

Still can't find what you're looking for? Anything might be available on IRC. Try it out!

server: irc.dejatoons.net
channel: #rpg-books
"@find GameYou'reLookingForGoesHere" should net you plenty of DCC responses to sift through.

Just do the text. If you use mIRC, you're going to have to go into your options and turn off the option that denies a whole bunch of file formats, as well as the check box that turns them on again after a couple of minutes (genius design there). Hexchat is sometimes recommended above mIRC for this reason.

Example of finding things on IRC:

Thanks, Deux.

Searching for hex & chit games like Cyborg, Valley of the Four Winds and Dragon Rage.

Any help appreciated.


Age Past: The Incian Sphere Revised Edition

Game Design: How to Create Video and Tabletop Games, Start to Finish

Great Hall Burning (Two Hour Wargames)

Looking for the recently released Savage Worlds setting:

- The Blackwood Errantry Codex

And also for a couple of Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition PDFs from Golden Goblin Press:

- Cold Warning
- Tales of the Caribbean

Many thanks in advance to anyone willing to provide!

Kindly requesting W20 Changing Ways.

(prev thread request of Dungeons of Gaxmoor by Ernie & Luke Gygax)

It and many other C&C are not in the archives.

Doesn't seem to be a big draw - odd, I definitely liked the rules better than D&D 3-3.5(assume 4 cos I wouldn't go near it to be sure)

Requesting The Veil: Cascade Post-Cyberpunk Roleplaying

Seconding this

Kindly requesting Ambrosia - Manual.

Reposting my requests for the following 5th Ed books for Hero (again, seems every time I post it I get a couple more hits):

**102 Bestiary
**108 The Ultimate Mystic
115 You Gotta Have Character
205 Champions Battlegrounds
207 Reality Storm: When Worlds Collide Book
209 Sharper Than A Serpent's Tooth
**301 Terran Empire
506 Fantasy Hero Grimoire II
804 Thrilling Hero Adventures

Looted the troves, these are what I can't find.
**items are the ones I'm most interested in

Gah. Wanted to add: Or, if these are known not to be in the wild that info would be greatly appreciated.

Requesting Beckett’s Jyhad Diary

Seconding this

Does anyone have any pdfs of the Crawl Magazines for Dungeon Crawl Classics?

Nergal's vola


Sla Industries
Just uploading to Nergal's vola


Even though it's a "new release", the backer preview has been out for a couple months and nobody has yet replaced it with the final release, which is why you probably haven't seen it in any recent threads.

Requesting a new release:

Savage Worlds - Flash Gordon

Here's something for the Iron Crown Enterprises trove archive.

Rolemaster Express Additions 13-19:

Hi all,

Requesting : wargamevault.com/product/231567/Sellswords-and-Spellslingers-Solo-and-Cooperative-fantasy-Miniature-Rules?src=newest_since


Is there a trove with a more up-to-date collection of 40k audiobooks? Especially this blacklibrary.com/new-titles/bundles/eisenhorn-the-audiobooks.html

Requesting "Arduin Eternal" core. I know it´s hard but someone has to have have somewhere.


Once again requesting "The Company" and "River of Heaven" by D101 Games. Thanks in advance.


Humbly requesting Inklings of Power for Lesser Shades of Evil, its been so hard to find I'm still hoping someone might have it around somewhere.


Does anyone have Jacobs-Tower
it's PF3PP and I search the trove and can't find it

Out of curiosity, what's happening with Torg Eternity? It looks like it hasn't been released yet? My attempts at googling only turned up old Kickstarter pages saying it would be out in June 2017, which doesn't seem to have happened yet. Or did it?

Backers have begun receiving their packages as I understand. Not sure if US, Europe and others are on the same level, though.

Anyone have In The Company of Dragons Expanded?

rpgnow.com/product/211280/In-The-Company-of-Dragons-Expanded-PFRPG?term=in the company of dra&test_epoch=0

Requesting Striker! Thank you.

The PDF stuff has been out since last fall. I could have sworn I saw it posted here before

I haven´t seen any stuff from the new Torg Edition so far.

European backers have already begun to receive their copies. To my knowledge, US backers have not received them yet.

$25 for a PDF?! Good luck wit that.

I appear to have posted my request at the death of the last thread, doh.

So re-request. Have any of you fine gentlefolk have any of the digital missions/expansions for Mantics Dungeon Saga. Really would be grateful if there's any out there. Many thanks.

It's why I'm asking about it here: see if it's worth it.

You've asked many times. No-one has it. That should tell you something.

Really? You telling us that if someone posted it and you deemed it worthy you would buy it anyway? If you wanted it so badly enough to ask for it multiple times, you could just buy it and share with everyone else. Surely you have already downloaded at least $25 worth of items from here anyway. So it all washes out in the end.

I'll give up.

That 824-page release you're after is 9 years old and only ever got a physical release.

Is there a list of important rpg/D&D books that only got a physical release?

4e and 5e from WotC are only physical right?

Some 4th got pdfs. Don't recall which.

Uploaded to Nergal's vola

Looking for:

Mythic Battles: Pantheon

Exilium – The Zoo

Exilium - Weapons of House Kelmar

The Veil: Cascade

7th Sea – The New World

Through the Breach - Penny Dreadful - Fire in the Sky

Thanks for any assistance.

>Mythic Battles: Pantheon

Awesome, thanks mate. Much appreciated!


Requesting the following for Starfinder

Flip-Mat: Basic Terrain, Basic Starfield, Cantina, Starship, Urban Sprawl - paizo.com/store/starfinder/maps
Starfinder GM Screen - paizo.com/products/btpy9tmn?Starfinder-GM-Screen
Core Rulebook Pawn Collection - paizo.com/products/btpy9tml?Starfinder-Core-Rulebook-Pawn-Collection
Alien Archive Pawn Box - paizo.com/products/btpy9uji?Starfinder-Alien-Archive-Pawn-Box

3rd Party Publishers - all are available on rpgnow
Little Red Goblin Games
Aug - rpgnow.com/product/227424/Aug

Rising Phoenix Games
Mecha: A Field Guide - rpgnow.com/product/221111/Mecha--A-Field-Guide

Frog God Games
Tome of Aliens Token Set - rpgnow.com/product/220795/Tome-of-Aliens-Token-Set

Starjammer: Races of the Void Book One (Starfinder Edition) - rpgnow.com/product/225544/Starjammer-Races-of-the-Void-Book-One-Starfinder-Edition?

AAW Games
Future's Past: Edge Station - rpgnow.com/product/217993/Futures-Past-Edge-Station
Future's Past: Paying Forward - rpgnow.com/product/225793/Futures-Past-Paying-Forward
Star System Set: Muinmos- rpgnow.com/product/219239/Star-System-Set-Muinmos-FULL-SET
Star System Set: Querritix- rpgnow.com/product/219507/Star-System-Set-Querritix-FULL-SET
Star System Set: Salutian - rpgnow.com/product/221087/Star-System-Set-Salutian-FULL-SET

Wayward Rogues Publishing
Fractured Futures: Future Races - rpgnow.com/product/225537/Future-Races?

Nothing Ventured Games
Robots of Known Space - rpgnow.com/product/225224/Robots-of-Known-Space?

Jazzy Bear Brown
Small Stations and Tiny Outposts - rpgnow.com/product/219222/Small-Stations-and-Tiny-Outposts

D3 Adventures
The Starsea Chronicles - rpgnow.com/product/226535/The-Starsea-Chronicles?

Thank you for any help in tracking these down!

Thanks to Jovial Hades

Thanks! I appreciate this!

Looking for:

The Underdelve Menace - for Pathfinder - couldnt find it in the PF Trove

Many thanks

Anyone got The Planet Construction Kit by Mark Rosenfelder (Zompist.com) ?

Can somebody rip and upload the tokens from the roll20 Tomb of Annihilation module?

Let the guy ask for his request and quit being an asshole.

Most all 4e books got official OEF releases at this point. All 5e is physical.

You can lookup the 4e books on DMsGuild. And 95% of them are in the /WOTCTrove.

Actually this has been recently cleaned , just waiting for the okay to post from the PF QA Team, since it came from that source.

Gotcha the first time :P

Can't tell if sarcasm...

Not sarcasim

Putting in a polite request for
The End Of The World series
From Fantasy Flight Games
Thanks in Advance

uploading to nergal's vola now

You're awesome

Who is a good person to send something to for cleaning? I think Mageguru was one? Just not sure how to get a file to anyone. Help appreciated!

Second post in the thread has emails for people who clean files.

you can send to me

either use [email protected]

or my anonymous link, /CleanedByOkultek (that's a snip link)

/RPGnovels seems to be down again.

Again? Jeez how hard can it be to maintain a bloody trove for crap's sake!

Since you are an expert why don't you mirror it and maintain it yourself next time it goes up?

And have it go down again? Haha f- that noise.

Anyone have a the Wicked Fantasy books?

Abberant trove is ded, anyone got a mirror?

I can take the RPGNovels trove if need be.

Thank you! Dropping in on your anonymous link :)

>The oft-requested "W20 Changing Ways"


The oft-requested "W20 Changing Ways"


Trying to run Tomb of Annihilation, Cellar of Death seems really good way to start it off.

Anyone have that PDF?

snip li /WOTCTrove

In which folder is it please? It's not in the tomb of annihilation season folder

Requesting Terminus V Master Rulebook by Scorpion's Nest

Cellar of Death is a 3rd party Guild Adept title not a AL Season title.


I'm looking for Prince Valiant Episodes Book, TiA

hello, Iwant to know if a kind user can upload these dead snip links, thanks a looot and sorry for the disagreeement

Bladestorm Bestiary

Castles & Crusades - Engineering Castles

CP2020 Chrome 1 & 2 - Cyberpunk Styleguides (official)

CP2020 Chrome 3 & 4 - Cyberpunk Styleguides (official)

Legendary Brawlers

M&M2e - Flying Solo

Nephilim - Gamemasters Veil

Nephilim - Serpent Moon

Pirates - 02 On the Masters Voyage

Pirates - M2 And the New Crusades

Pirates - N2 Sworn to Captain Blood

The Living - Core Rulebook

The Victory System - Core Rulebook


and these

Official Vampire Dark Ages 20th Anniversary

DAV20 - Dark Ages Companion


DAV20 - Storyteller Screen


DAV20 - The Cainite Conspiracies


DAV20 - Tome of Secrets


DAV20 - Vampire the Dark Ages 20th Anniversary Edition



Official Rifts

Bionics Sourcebook

Conversion Book 1 Revised

Conversion Book 3 Dark Conversions

Merc Ops


World Book 09 South America 2


Cinematic Environs - Arctic Lands v2

Cinematic Environs - Mountains

Drop Dead Studios - Spheres of Might Updated

Duck n Roll Games - The Flavour Handbook

Fragged Kingdom - CLASSIC Races Magic

Samurai Sheepdog - The Book of Many Things


thanks for all

Does anyone The Hollow West by d101 games? Thanks!

Thrilling Tales - of the Seven Seas /10051 Thrilling Tales - Pulp Villains Baron Korga Maps /974959 Thrilling Tales - Pulp Villains Baron Korga /9374722 Thrilling Tales - Pulp Villains The Red Menace /666131 Thrilling Tales - Pulp Villains The Subterranean Monarch /5027 Thrilling Tales - Pulp Villains The Yellow King /46628 Thrilling Tales - Pulp Villains Tor Ak Quick Reference /4898 Thrilling Tales - Pulp Villains Tor Ak /716260 Thrilling Tales - Pulp Villains Violet /9335653 Thrilling Tales - Pulp Villains Von Keiner Maps /67770 Thrilling Tales - Pulp Villains Von Keiner /765986 Thrilling Tales - Terror in Tinseltown /12776 D20 Thrilling Tales - Advanced Class Cowboy Hero /343318 Thrilling Tales - Advanced Class Gun Moll /6720048 Thrilling Tales - Advanced Class Mobster /697369 $nipli

these are dead too and sorry for the disagreement




PHATE trove in da curated archive

Request for Lords of Gossamer, the Long Walk.

Thank-you, I didn't read the description properly so thought this was Open101 and not Phate. Appreciated!

That batch of Rifts official releases looks like it made its way into the /Rifts trove. The DAV20 final release stuff made into at least one trove also, but it looks like not the /CWoD one (maybe Humble Barder's?)

The GDW miniatures wargame or something else?

Workin' on finding this for you...might be a bit

My own request -
Rune expansions - I know an user is working on this, thanks so much!
Protocol games
GMZero games
Spione in English
Kaleidoscope (a hack of M-scope)
Second for any WEG d6 Indiana Jones scans, pretty please!

I don't have a request, just here to thank you for having dragonmech

Anyone have High Space 2nd by StoryWeaver?

Thank you for the response. I meant this, if anyone has it;


Thank you.