Why does this guy look absolutely fucking fabulous while every other champion of Slaanesh in fantasy or 40k looks like freaks?
Why does this guy look absolutely fucking fabulous while every other champion of Slaanesh in fantasy or 40k looks like...
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Other Slaaneshi champions get mild amusement at best from their patron Chaos God, which means a shot of mutations and shoved on their way.
Sigvald the Magnificent? Slaanesh is to Sigvald like an overbearing Valley Girl is to her purse puppy. He's spoiled rotten, straight to the core. Slaanesh isn't going to let anything hurt his/her precious baby boy, least of all his/her own magics or the ravages of warfare.
He's ded.
first time I heard of him, and I love him already
Isn't Fulgrim sort of the 40k version of Sigvald or vise-verse?
he's a fag
Because he is ''the Magnificent'', cannot be Magnificent with horns, mutations and the sort user
I dont get why space marines would fall to slaneesh.
They just dont seem like they COULD get anything out of the decadenr excesses and also their dicks dont work
He is the wordly peak of perfection. Demonprinces like Azazel are beyonf that radiating outworldly beauty.
He already views himself as the pinnacle of perfection, if he was granted daemonhood he’d probably look exactly the same. By his own admission, daemons are function over form, and that’s not something he wants.
On another note, I wish they would go this route with the slannesh stuff a bit more, with really gaudy armor and weapons and exaggerated beauty. Way better and more marketable that the purple BDSM crab-snake-tit aesthetic they use now
no you nigger, Fulgrim has white hair.
there is no overlap.
under slaneesh they can feel pleasure they have been starved so long.
Excess is more than just sex. Read literally anything related to Slaanesh outside of 1d4chan and it tells you plainly; most Slaaneshi Marines seek to find perfection in killing, many through an artistic form of killing, like Noise Marines.
Apart from that, they certainly enjoy the other excesses that Slaaneshi cultists revel in beyond sex; food, art, music, torture etc.
They probably don't want to because it might be hard to make fancy gaudy Slaanesh-specific models that look good next to the generic god-neutral spiky Chaos Warrior/Space Marine models in a full army.
The whole point is for them to stand out, that’s exactly how sigvald looks against the other chaos warrior models
That just GW trying to make Slaanesh kid-friendly, and you know it.
Slaanesh is the patron CHAD god
Can space marines even taste?
They're not robots. They stil have genitals, tongues, souls. They're huamn. They're augmented, brainwashed, and heavily indoctrinated but they are still human. They have emotions, desires, fears. There's nothing stopping a space marine from desiring more than what he has besides the limits placed on his mind by drug induced hypnotic suggestions. If he were to have those limits broken, be driven to exceptional rage or lust, to scheme beyond his own reckoning, id say a space marine would be MORE able to fall to chaos due to their enhanced natural limits. More strength than a human, more skill in war, more exposure to bloodshed, and being taught to revel in, indoctrinated to ENJOY ripping xenos andnheretics limb from limb. A particularly skilled marine may slowly descend into khornate corruption without even realising it
Same too for the marine who takes perfection a step too far. Practicing drills to extremes, pushing his body far past the point of breakdown for a physical form with already enhanced limits. Pushing the boundries of marine physiology is already well beyond what the human soul can tolerate in terms of excess. To EXCEED those, to put in the sheer effor and single minded determination that it would require to be the BEST space marine, that is very close to slaanesh's domain.
Chaos isnt just all spiky bits and slobbering idiots, fuly consumed by their patron god. It cam also be subtle, a gentle push to absolute bloodshed or supreme perfection. In the end, space marines strive for what the chaos gods offer without submitting. For the marine who puts his desire for perfection above all other motivation? That man, and in the end thats all he is, a man, puts himself at EXTREME risk of chaos corruption.
I dont think they do got genitalia. Arent they chemically castraded or something?
No, but they're indoctrinated so heavily that 90% are asexual autists anyways and even if they did reproduce it wouldn't make a new marine since they're implanted with so much shit, the Marine process might not affect sex cells but every somatic cell is fused into a "Z" chromosome"
Space Wolves fuck and revel prior to becoming Marines because their primarch's warriors wanted to join him despite the high fatality rate among adults becoming Marines.
Salamanders and Ultramarines are the other chapters likely to have familial relationships with Marines since vulkan was a bro and girlyman ran an empire
Depends so much on author, time line, and founding chapter as to be a complete non question.
Ignoring that slaanesh doesnt need you to be a sexual debaucherer to claim your soul, some marines do have intact genitalia. Space wolves specifically get down with the freaky deaky, its part of the heritage. The one thing that is agreed on throughout the lore is:
Space marines love their brothers first and foremost. They venerate the emporer, they honor the imperium, but their first LOVE is always their brothers. Whether this is inherently homoerotic romantic love, brotherly lov, or the bond of combat is up for the reader to decide
Space marines dont have children. This may be a concious decision, a sort of vow of chastity. Its likely genetic, space marines being altered to the point of sexual incompatibility with humans. Does this discount marines having children with genetically modifed female "space marines"? We dont know. Women arent selected for the process for some reason that we dont know for sure.
The end result is the same, space marines are human and still have human desires and motivations. Wanting to be the best is not an alien motivation to a space marine, it can even be noble and just. However, shpuld that space marine allow his thirst for perfection overcome his loyalty and humanity, THAT is when he falls. Remember, the only thing stopping space marines from being in the mental state as average joe, hiveworld dirt farmer is the hypnotic suggestion guiding his decisions. You overrule those and you have a creature famous for being overcome by its own hubris, but in a body capable of punching tanks to death.
>right before the beginning of the augmentation process an initiate is given the task of impregnating a woman so as to spread his compatible genes, creating the next generation of initiates
Please tell me there's a chapter that does this
Slaanesh in 40k is much more inspired by pinhead/hellraiser. Mutilation and grotesque creatures. Fantasy Slaanesh is a lot older and is much more about arrogance and pride than the event horizon theme
Because his outward appearance is suppose to hide the bottomless corruption and monstrosity he hides within. It's suppose to be ironic.
He has among the ugliest souls in the setting.
>be ugly, get snikt
>be pretty, get snikt
>be average, get snikt
Why is Sigvald such a dick?
No, that's always been Slaanesh.
Breeding program have been tried in canon, they don't work. The offspring and relatives of successful space Marines have no greater chance of withstanding the augmentations than anyone else.
This is because, unbeknownst to the Imperium, gene-seed is warp stuff and therefore fuck your physics
Da fuck? Lemme delete that.
>chemically castraded
that's a term to mean they're made infertile through chemical means
it doesnt mean they get their balls melted off in acid
Cenobites, user.
Assuming you get that reference.
No, but your assumption is you not getting laid enough and assuming that getting laid is the absolute height of physical sensation achievement.
Or maybe you just lack imagination.
> my dick doesn't work
> serve the emperor loyally for decades
> my dick still doesn't work
> serve the emperor loyally for centuries
> my dick still doesn't work
> "Hey, change teams, I'll make your dick work"
Slaanesh has monstergirls. That makes xe best god. Period.
Did we learn nothing from XCOM2?
This is actually part of the aesthetic of space marines. They're warrior monks, cut off from humanity. They are as fragile psychologically and emotionally as any other human. Imagine being essentially abducted as a youth, torn away from your life, your family, your friends. Imagine rhat happening in highschool. How broody do teenagers get when theyre forced to just change schools? Imagine one of those kids being trained as an elite supersoldier and then given the most powerful weaponry the imperium has to offer.
They're supposed to be tragic heroes. They fight for humanity itself. Not just individual humans but for the very concept of being human. In order to do so, they have to give it all up.
Space marines sacrafice family, love, procreation, all for the sake of humanity as a whole being able to enjoy those fundamental facets of humanity. They're twisted and broken reflections of humanity and chaos offers their humanity back to them. Chaos is just as inherently flawed, taking the fury, lust, greed, and pestilence of humanity and magnifying it. Yet the chaos gods also represent the good of humanity, the perseverence, the strive for excelence, the sharp wit, and the very will to grow, live, and spread.
For a space marine, the only hope of being "human" is, ironically, falling to chaos. Its not an putlandish thought to imagine a soldier raised without his family, without love, without compassion, to WANT some piece of his humanity back.
The real tragedy is the inability for life in the 41st milenium to be "good" enough that the positive aspects of chaos outweigh the negatives. Slaanesh was born by the eldar debauching so hard that the warp vomitted out a god of lust, excess, and the compulsive drive to perfection. It could be argued that in the grimdarkness of the 41st millenium, if only life throughout the galaxy could learn to set aside strife and war, then the balance of chaos would shift to a force of good.
It's honestly a bit more interesting if your "Super human space warriors that are the only hope for humanity" are also culling humanity of their best/most stable genetics, further accelerating the decline of the race. From a grim dark point of view.
The aesthetic of Space Marines is getting you to buy new models when they ship them out and then inventing “new” armies that’s just another kind of space marine.
Anything else is reader interpretation, not genuine authorial intent built into the core setting.
You have no way of proving that, the depth of the early writing and art notes flies in the face of it.
Really, why bother living if you need to find the worst in everything and then blare it to others? Killing yourself would likely be an improvement.
Well. It would be grimdark.
Bitch, did i mention 8th edition? Fuck off out of here and go back to the circlejerk 40kg. You think the fuckos who made the setting were money hungry shitheels pushing spess muhreens to support a global corporation? No, they were selling licensed games, warhammer, and wanted to try something new and fun. Rogue trader was a fucking dog pile of settings, artistic designs, and gameplay. It was more than "warhammer in space", it was what the authors loved most about camp sci-fi. Somewhere along the line some authors asked what it would be like if they played it straight and they realized the tale of the space marine is inherently tragic. The imlerium is doomed. Decades old novels dont sell models.
>inb4 he reads the lore, what a fag, my headcanon is more accurate
Themes transcend facts and dates. If you want optimism in 40k, read from the orks' perspective, theyre in fucking paradise.
> I wish they would go this route with the slannesh stuff a bit more, with really gaudy armor and weapons and exaggerated beauty. Way better and more marketable that the purple BDSM crab-snake-tit aesthetic they use now
But that is not marketable to 12 years old, or more accurately, to their parents.
Excess in all! Drugs, food, music, sex, booze, writing, art, emotions, sensations, colors!
But its not just "hookers and coke" level excess. You need to embrace the little excesses too. Slaanesh wants you to order the extra pub cheese for your fries! Slaanesh wants you to spend that extra dollar on the good toilet paper! Slaanesh wants you to mix that whiskey in your coffee! Slaanesh wants you to spend more time at the gym just to show off!
Slaanesh dump
I quite enjoyed reading this
>Sigvald does something debauched while Slaanesh watches, giggling and doing that quick little excited clap
To give you an idea of just how much Slaanesh dotes on Sigvald, Sliverslash is made from a piece of Slaanesh's own personal weapon. The only other example of that degree of favor we can find in the lore is Widowmaker, which was made out of a piece of Khaine's blade.
>virgin archaon and chad sigvald
I don't know why everyone is obsessed with the idea that GW is censoring Slaanesh to be more palatable to soccer moms. I have yet to see any evidence of that. There's a KoS with full bare multi-titty right there on the first page of the Chaos section in the 40k 8th rulebook. Is everyone really just that butthurt about them changing the daemonette models? You know that the Juan Diaz version is the outlier right? Every other version has had them as half ugly crab things.
My god what a man!
Have you ever read any of the earlier fluff? Consistently from conception until its death throes, the fluff has been very consistent.
And yes, they did censor. I have a ton of oldschool crabclaws, and thats not the point. The point is they evolved in design as the progressed to match the fluff, as well as the skills of the modelers and feel of the setting. The sudden throwback in appearance was completely out of the evolved design, and appears as a blatant marketing choice. This was further compounded with AoS's and 40k's phasing out of Slaanesh as a whole.
Slaanesh was always the least kid-friendly aspect of the lore, and they want to cut ties.
For the same reason he looks 16 despite being over 300, has a dedicated unit outfitted with shields with mirrors on them to look at himself mid battle, has an armour daemonically enhanced to be impossible to stain, invaded bretonnia because their wine sucked, invaded ulthuan because people think elves have better blonde hair, once threw his best friend off a cliff because he ruined the view of the landscape and levitates a few millimeters high to the ground because it's filthy
Because he can.
>For the same reason he looks 16 despite being over 300
>he didn't look like that when he was 16
All of the plastic updates for the lesser daemons were throwbacks to the older designs. Bloodletters went back to the weird lanky sausage-heads instead of buff devils and plaguebearers went back to the weird smiles. The only exception is the Horrors.
Because they are going back to the more family friendly comic book look.
he's not wearing anything under that cloth is he
There is zero question about them going throwback with daemons to make them more cartoony. GW needs little Timmy's mommy's money.
You can actually see the armour continuing down there, but who knows?
He's a friend of Ana, user. Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.
I mean, in this case it's bolstered by chaos magic, but the core addicted-to-self-image stuff is there.
>Space Wolves fuck
>Salamanders and Ultramarines are the other chapters likely to have familial relationships
And white scars are up in the air. Grey Knights might be 2 psychic 4 love (that sister of battle who lamented the fact that the nude Grey Knight couldn't swing his meat hammer never talked to him about it, just seemed to assume that since the knight didn't make a move on any sisters he must be a kissless virgin) but the big E smashed some puss in his day and the custodes for sure are fully functional. But the vast majority of Space Marines just recondition the sex drive into brotherhood (gaaaay) and battle.
Which iirc was part of why Fulgrim fell in the first place. Slaanesh totally turns the emprahs chillin' dicks back on but that doesn't translate into sex per say. The noise marines canon walk around in ecstasy just blasting shit with their sonic guns.
Also inbreed.
hey everybody look at this homo
Anybody else remember when Space Marines were fat blokes who burned graffiti off of hive walls, and not more overwrought than Elric?
he had the most fun quest battles for the first total war warhammer
>that one fucking nerd in the front corner like "Jesus christ i'm trying to fucking paint here"
How can 40kucks even compete
>Slaanesh takes the form of whatever it is you desire the most in the warp
>When Sigvald goes to meet Slaanesh, she takes the form of Sigvald
>Invades ulthuan because Elves have better hair than him.
>burns down a village because the wine was not to his taste.
I don't get why grapes are depicted as hedonistic, they are a pain to eat without chewing the seeds.
>not eating the whole grape
But then you don't taste it.
>not eating the whole grape vine
This is the excess slanesh craves
>Distains the open wearing if a helmet
Nice proof reading, Obiwan Sherlock.
Soldiers can get a sexual rush when killing, because killing releases similar hormones to fucking. It's why some people are literally addicted to killing- it gives them a dopamine rush.
I am glad. 40k is a fun setting to tear apart, likely because it lacks any restraint as a general rule.
Does sigvald ever, you know, “violate” anyone?
No. They're not sexy enough. The only one beautiful enough to fuck Sigvald is Sigvald.
>Salamanders and Ultramarines are the other chapters likely to have familial relationships
Uncle Marceus Captain of the Ultramarines, not "my dad works for Calgar"
Just be Sigvald then.
>Slaanesh creates a clone of Sigvald
>Sigvald denies to fuck the clone because nobody should ravage a beauty like this
>then kills the clone anyway because he wasn't Sigvald enough for his taste
In 40k, those kinds of things usually fall into the purview of DE archons. Like that one guy who released a mutagenic virus into the atmosphere of a planet that turned the face of every living creature into his likeness, or the time Duke Sliscus quite negotiations and bombed the shit out of a planet because the Imperial governor trying to parley accidentally mispronounced his name.
wait. Loki had children, and he either had them at the age of 11, before becoming a marine or after it.
And ultramarines had breeding harems for aspirants, to enhance the chance of children that could be space marines.
>Slaanesh isn't going to let anything hurt his/her precious baby boy,
Throgg called. Slaanesh is a lousy father for letting the former to smash Sig's head and piss on his corpse.
Think Portrait of Dorian Gray
I think Wolves recruit at later age than most chapters. Many of their recruits are supposed to be warriors that have already proven themselves on the battlefield.
The Canis Helix works somewhat differently than normal geneseed implementation process, although it has the downside of potentially turning you into a wolf.
>has a dedicated unit outfitted with shields with mirrors on them to look at himself mid battle
Good thing it's available as a RoR in Total Warhammer.
>Yet the chaos gods also represent the good of humanity, the perseverence, the strive for excelence, the sharp wit, and the very will to grow, live, and spread.
>This again
>exception is the Horrors
Even the horrors are a throwback. they look more like the earlier horrors than the 6th ed ones did
>Sigvald goes to meet Slaanesh and she takes the form of Sigvald
well when slaanesh met sigvald it literally turned into sigvald because that is the only thing sigvald is attracted to.
No one gives a shit about the end times.
Now I need to see a Sigvald version of this.
>Not distilling the whole Vine and getting drunk on it.
Amateur hour!
There are no wolves on Fenris.
>mirror guard made it into TWW
>look them up
>armour covered in black swirls
>shields are tiny and also covered with black
So much disappointment
Because then you'd be Maleficent
The endtimes explanation was that slaanesh, as well as the other gods, turned away from the conflict to focus on some other shit, that’s why siggy died so ignominiously
It’s still End Times shit though that ignores previously published lore. Krell gouging Sigvalds face shouldn’t have even been an issue since sigvalds blessed armor heals his wounds. ‘‘Tis a shame he died like a bitch, but at least he beat the unliving shit out of krell with his bare fists before throgg sucker punched him
>branlet talking
>be sigvald
>go on cool adventures and do whatever you want
>always comfy, the air is warm and perfumed around you no matter what
>ground literally reshapes in front of you for maximum comfy
>devoted followers who will do anything you say
>exotic waifus from around the world to tend to every need
>Uber-Chad that makes even men question their sexuality
Sigvald objectively has the best life in Warhammer fantasy, how can one man be so based?
>posts fanart
I bet you didn't know Malal is the most powerful god and is the one chasing the tyranids.
Reminder that:
Sigvald has personally met Slaanesh itself and survived a trip through the chaos vortex and returned from the realm of Chaos.
Slaanesh takes the form of whatever you desire most, so when Slaanesh appeared to Sigvald in the Realm of Chaos, it took the form of Sigvald himself, to speak to Sigvald.
Sigvald cant get dirty
Sigvald beat a Daemon prince with 1 stab of sliverslash
Sigvald obtained one of Galrauch's claws for a quest, simply by singing with his perfect voice which matched high-elven vocals.
Sigvald was on a high bridge of his castle with one of his best friends, admiring the picturesque view in the winter twilight... when he realized that his friend wasn't handsome enough and ruined the scene, so he pushed him off the bridge to his death.
Sigvald wouldn't fight Valten because Valten was unworthy and would rather duel Sigmar himself.
Sigvald Killed Krell 1v1 with his bare hands.
Sigvald made it into WH Total War, beating out lesser characters like Valkia, Gutrot, etc
Sigvald has killed bretonnians over shitty wine, and elves over pretty hair.
Sigvald is the best character of all time