The fall of The Mighty Empire (Name Pending), has broken off into several different countries. Each adapting to life without the support of the empire in different ways.
>Basileía Amazōníōn, lead by "The Supreme Commander", they push forward from the ashes of the empire with The Tiered Alchemical Amazon Process. Women join men as warriors and lift their new way of life above the ruins of old.
>Noberia, Tradition guides their path. The ways of the Old Empire are championed as gospel, and they strive to ensure that the light of The Empire will never be truly snuffed out.
>Candella, when the old gods of The Empire abandoned them in the mire, They abandoned the old gods in return. Instead they clung to the shining light of their goddess who lifts them up from their ruined muck.
What sort of adventure could you craft from this setting? Any other nations you think could come out of this fallen empire? Or any nation moving in from abroad? How would you flesh out the above nations?