Worldbuilding from Amazon Thread

The fall of The Mighty Empire (Name Pending), has broken off into several different countries. Each adapting to life without the support of the empire in different ways.

>Basileía Amazōníōn, lead by "The Supreme Commander", they push forward from the ashes of the empire with The Tiered Alchemical Amazon Process. Women join men as warriors and lift their new way of life above the ruins of old.

>Noberia, Tradition guides their path. The ways of the Old Empire are championed as gospel, and they strive to ensure that the light of The Empire will never be truly snuffed out.

>Candella, when the old gods of The Empire abandoned them in the mire, They abandoned the old gods in return. Instead they clung to the shining light of their goddess who lifts them up from their ruined muck.

What sort of adventure could you craft from this setting? Any other nations you think could come out of this fallen empire? Or any nation moving in from abroad? How would you flesh out the above nations?

Old threads, Take what you see there with a grain of salt some times.
Especially the second one's OP, which was made by a troll.

What game is that pic from?

>Amazons are/were created via an extensive alchemical enhancement procedure on women. the process when performed on men have been said to be highly lethal and debilitating if not.
>They were specifically designed to be an elite fighting force for a nation that was not officially recognized until very , by an eccentric figure whom is referred to as "The Supreme Commander."
>The Nation itself, Basileía Amazōníōn, was a former colony of some old empire
>TSC established her rule over this colony by killing off their political and spiritual leaders and establishing herself as a God-Queen.
>This enhanced fighting force typically pairs its trainees with freelance mercenaries and adventurers for shadowing and on the job training.
>They also abduct individuals who impress them back to the nation either to force them to become new Amazons or, if it's a male, for new breeding stock
>the more experienced ones are hired out as bodyguards for wealthy merchants and nobility.
>both of these services are loaned out to The Nation's allies for a reduced fee. Like favorable trade rights. Elite squads of amazons are rented out to their allies to fight in foreign wars.
>The Amazon Process is a tiered process. With more and more enhancements over an extended period of time. Generally increasing size and overall physical capability.
>Another side effect of the process is that Amazonian women typically give birth to twins, triplets, or even quadruplets to maximize the amount of downtime each Amazon pregnancy costs their army
>A reversed version of the formula is given to the nation's males, making them softer, gentler, and more childlike but also more virile in order to make them easier to control and breed
>Amazons enchanted tattoos and woad instead of armor
>Men are second class citizens
>Their sworn enemy is an order of ladyknights who have declared Amazons heretics for defiling the human form

>TSC established her rule over this colony by killing off their political and spiritual leaders and establishing herself as a God-Queen.
>Another side effect of the process is that Amazonian women typically give birth to twins, triplets, or even quadruplets to maximize the amount of downtime each Amazon pregnancy costs their army
>A reversed version of the formula is given to the nation's males, making them softer, gentler, and more childlike but also more virile in order to make them easier to control and breed
>Men are second class citizens

These things are not true.

Shadow of the Colossus

Actual Amazon Lore Dump

>Amazons are/were created via an extensive alchemical enhancement procedure on women. the process when performed on men have been said to be highly lethal and debilitating if not.
>They were specifically designed to be an elite fighting force for a nation that was not officially recognized until very , by an eccentric figure whom is referred to as "The Supreme Commander."
>The Nation itself, Basileía Amazōníōn, was a former colony of some old empire
>This enhanced fighting force typically pairs its trainees with freelance mercenaries and adventurers for shadowing and on the job training.
>the more experienced ones are hired out as bodyguards for wealthy merchants and nobility. This is, of course, when they're not garrisoned at their home nation.
>both of these services are loaned out to The Nation's allies for a reduced fee. Like favorable trade rights. Elite squads of amazons are rented out to their allies to fight in foreign wars.
>The Amazon Process is a tiered process. With more and more enhancements over an extended period of time. Generally increasing size and overall physical capability.
>The Society is mostly eglatarian, with men and women in the workforce, however the majority of the upper echelons of society are Elite Tier Amazons.
>They hunt Wyverns as part of a coming of age ritual, and many adults have some form of trinket or clothing made from that hunt.

>Sabers, spears and chopping weapons are the order of the day, to take advantage of their increased size, as well as bows and javelins. Some Elite Tier Amazons use bows so large they fire spears.

Thanks, man

Fuck off, this was fucking aweful the first thread and it gets more and more rancid every thread down. Stop trying to force it.

Yeah, dare I say, this belongs to /trash/? Yeah, it would go well with all the other shit stuff.

Like beastfolk threads?

They go furry more ofter than not, they should be at least flagged, and if they cross the treshold, canned and put to /trash/.

>I already know how it will definitely eventually turn out. The weak shotas get butchered out of existence, the amazons lose all elements of male leadership and descend into fee-fees incompetence, the yeti-men destroy the amazons, society is set back thousands of years, centaurs are sleeping with mermaids, dryads are cohabitating with axe-dwarves, the elemental plane of water is making fire, the elemental plane of earth is making marshmellows, it's hysteria and utter mayhem.
I think you're massively over reacting user, and again, tossing in every idea without any consideration for how it works as a coherent whole

Secondly, you're assuming the modifications are genetic as opposed to epigenetic at best, noninheritable at worst, the two interpretations most versions seem to fall under, and most versions of the epigenetic interpretation seem to assume only minor/low level changes are inheritable

>tossing in every idea without any consideration for how it works as a coherent whole
Isn't that what these threads are for, though?

Not really, mostly brainstorming for ideas, seeing what works together, and trying to make a coherent ideas out of the base one that could be used for a setting.
Tossing in every random thought isn't really conductive to the latter two

>what works together
And then throwing it all out for MUH RADFEM FEMDOM FETISH fueled retardation

I think that's your goal more than anyone else's

Do they have armor or are they more like barbarians?

>enters thread about a topic he doesn't like, just so he can shitpost about how he doesn't like the topic

Wow, a real live board policeman! Shouldn't you be working on The Case of the Kid Who Can't Stop Calling Everyone Soyboys?

So how much do I gotta pay an Amazon to sit on my face?

The sad part is you thought this was a legitimately sick burn. Not even that user but... fucking cringe, man

Think it was discussed previously that they used armor, but a mix of the expense of armoring the higher tier amazons and that more enhanced amazons are just flat out more resilient they use less of it the higher in the ranks they go, though they still give them at least something to armor the torso and head

>expense of armoring the higher tier amazons and that more enhanced amazons are just flat out more resilient they use less of it the higher in the ranks they go
That's literally the exact opposite of what was agreed upon


Hey some people’s fetish is shitpostung. We shouldn’t judge.

Or conversely we judge him super hard.

I thought we said they got around lack of armor through magical face-paint/tattoos that act as armor.

Not even him but ugh

I think that was one suggestion yeah, less armor/higher durability was another as a way to get around the cost

Agreed. This is whole thread is pretty ugh.

So what happens when the guys stop being numale faggot bitch cuckolds?

As I told you before, there must be a more equal division of capability and labor or the inevitable 100% definite outcome is one of the following.

>A - revolution - amazons destroyed or significantly tamed down
>B - demographic winter - so many amazons have so many children that the balance of food/water is overturned, famine levels the population.
>C - incompetence - brings on total and complete military defeat because women are not good battlefield leaders, with some few very rare exceptions.

Not to mention that in such a world, nature catches up eventually to anything men or women do, the rise of the amazons will fundamentally change the natural order of things, and super-predators capable of answering the threat of an amazon will definitely eventually arrive.

So we're back to square zero here, the amazon practicing cultures are a flash in the pan, at best.

The "debilitation" the process causes in men is that they become gigantic, extremely strong, hairy rape monster cannibals called Yeti men. Yeti men can cripple, for life, in one melee attack, an amazon, and regularly attack and kidnap amazons, who they either devour, rape to death, or use for breeding.

Amazons sometimes kill themselves rather than be captured by Yeti men, who despite being very primitive technologically, are fast, wily hunters who seldom attack without the advantage.

As far as technology goes, yeti-men are at stone and copper tools, grass and hide attire (when they wear any at all, very seldom), cave dwelling, and the wheel, though they do build stonehenges. No one knows why they build stonehenges, and few know that all yeti-men were once more normal men (except the ones born to it).

To be totally clear here I'm not predicting an immediate disastrous end to it like it may sound, I'm simply saying that in the grand scheme of time it's 100% likely that A B or C will result.

Do you people actually plan on using this for anything or do you just get off on musclegirls and complicated narratives?

We should judge them harder than the WH40K inquisition would.

I have to agree. This fits /d/ or /h/ (wherever musclegirls go) more.


>As I told you before, there must be a more equal division of capability and labor or the inevitable 100% definite outcome is one of the following.
See, I don't think it would go any of those ways, at least not anytime soon. As I've noted, at least for the version I'm going with, the only change that most of the nation's people see for the most part is that women get slightly stronger than men on average. Amazons, despite being the 'face' of the country and what most outsiders encounter, make up only a small portion of the population and are largely confined to career military. In pretty much every case baring the amazon corps, things do end up in a more or less equal division of capability and labor. The military amazons don't oppress the people or anything like that as many of them hail from the common folk given only the initial small boost is inherited so you don't easily get dynasty of military amazons but rather women promoted from the military ranks and girls encouraged to try out for it as a career choice, not going to denounce C as anything I can say on the matter someone can take as bait, just that I find it an unrealistic consideration in fantasy
And yes, all nations do eventually fall, but I don't see any of those things as a consideration in the time frame we're considering

>nature catches up eventually to anything men or women do
True, but the same could be said of adventuring parties, not to mention you seem to be assuming high level amazons are fairly common, which I am not, they're pretty much NPC adventuring parties in my mind

>the amazon practicing cultures are a flash in the pan, at best.
I actually see more a slow, fading away once the supreme commander completes her great work and just stops caring about the nation, the low level, inheritable enhancements may persist and some of her apprentices will keep the knowledge of how to make amazons, but time wears away all things, though others may pick it up

Yes ;)

Yes, can and have used things random anons on Veeky Forums have screamed at me were magical realm buffed up alter self spell, gnoll paladin, and single gender elves if you're wondering
Turns out when people aren't actively trying to shove anything they don't like in the category of magical realm most people won't bat an eye at it

>the same could be said of adventuring parties
So you're saying adventuring parties will rise up to rape the Amazons into submission?

I did not and you know that, just that their presence would cause the rise of new, more powerful, and oddly enough, almost always level appropriate monsters to plague the land

>the rise of new, more powerful, and oddly enough, almost always level appropriate monsters to plague the land
Like multi-stage musclegirls that can provide a different challenge at different levels and can be anything from kobold tier trash mobs to owlbears with tits?

Does this make Amazons the perfect prey?

Our opinion about the oversight of the storyteller may be very different.

In my opinion the creator of the world has the responsibility to chart the entire history of the world, so that an adventure may take place at any time within the scope of the world's existence, or, alternatively, build in enough vagueness to it that the players write the history by playing the game.

I don't dislike the whole proposition of them existing, but when you give a woman that much physical power she becomes a man and fucks who she wants to, since you lack any capacity to enforce any boundary you set.

I wouldn't want to do anything with her for the same reason I wouldn't want to do anything with she-hulk, I don't want to get punched off the planet when she decides I'm annoying her or simply be thrown into a body cast when she decides she wants some other dude and doesn't want to hear it anymore.

I have an advantage over everyone else in the thread too; I've had more than zero (real actual girl that I fuck regularly) girlfriends.

So what happens when a real Amazon meets these juiced up fakes? Do they skin them alive for cultural appropriation?

No, they start a big girls wrestling-around everywhere lesbian orgy you dumb-dumb.

While I do intend them to be a neutral to somewhat hostile faction to the players, I think you're trying too hard to recreate MonsterGirl Quest
Unless the PCs actively sought them out, they'd just be a minor background faction added in for flavor in a larger world

>Our opinion about the oversight of the storyteller may be very different.
That does appear to be the case, though
>alternatively, build in enough vagueness to it that the players write the history by playing the game.
Tends to be more my style, I tend toward having only initially broad strokes of a setting and it's lore with what the PCs will immediately be interacting with the only thing with any real specifics and as the game progresses filling in the blanks with what they show interest in while keeping an eye out to make sure it's consistent with what's already been developed. On a whole development of both backstory and lore is directly proportional to how interested the players are in it in my games. They want a high seas adventure? The Empire which the small town they started in stretches across the sea. Hear about orcs attacking the boarder and want to go check it out? Time to work on lore for the orcs while reworking a planned dungeon to be an orc camp instead. Political intrigue? Well it turns out their efforts have caught the eye of baron TimeToMakeUpAName who thinks they'll be useful
Basically watch the players and guess what they want, then refine the world to better suit their desire

>I have an advantage over everyone else in the thread too; I've had more than zero (real actual girl that I fuck regularly) girlfriends.
>Claiming relationships as evidence on an anonymous message board
user no, that never goes well
But my own experience has me disagreeing with your assessment in places and that's all I'll say on the matter, though if nothing else, it is fantasy user, things don't have to work exactly as in the real world


I've actually toyed with the idea of having natural amazons, but I'd prefer only one variety unless something plot related is going on, keeps things from becoming too cluttered
Also my goto explanation for 'natural' amazons is an atavistic throwback to a goddess's temple guardian caste from an ancient, Zarus/his pantheon worshiping human empire who was real big on eugenics and tried to make a biological caste system before getting smacked down after they got too big and started reminding the Outer Planes of the Penumbra, which is a bit closer to alchemical amazons than you'd probably like
Actually the implications the supreme commander's work may have been based off of recovered records of it might make a good plot point

So it's Attack on Titan with tits
I propose we build a large wall and prepare weapons for fighting oversized monsters

They could however be something a monster girl encounters in a quest or adventure.

Don't get the wrong impression, I'm not shitposting, well maybe a little, I'm just pointing out that there are quite a few unforeseen issues that amazons being suddenly in the world creates at the interpersonal and wider level.

In keeping with the trend of brutal rape beasts, the worst affected of the debilitated men became Fomor, gigantic, hideous Neanderthals. Despite their freakish, unintelligent muscle-beast appearance, they are even more difficult to kill than Yeti-men, because a Fomor's skin is harder than leather, it's muscle is harder than granite, and it's bones are harder than iron. They practice a culture of demented barbarism and reproduce by opportunistic rape. A fomor's body sweats a chemical that increases fear to the point of hallucinations, and only affects non-fomor.

My go to is having Amazons be a culture within female giants.

So they fuck the fakes to death? That's pretty hawt, to be honest

>I think you're trying too hard to recreate MonsterGirl Quest
Says the guy wanking off to a setting of all female militaries on the hunt for shotas

The real one's "fluids" make the fake ones orgasm so hard they die.

>They could however be something a monster girl encounters in a quest or adventure.

>Don't get the wrong impression, I'm not shitposting, well maybe a little, I'm just pointing out that there are quite a few unforeseen issues that amazons being suddenly in the world creates at the interpersonal and wider level.
Undoubtedly, but I think we're both taking different assumptions of how they'd react to the change, additionally in my head it's only been a thing for ~70-80 years, a couple of generations but not long enough for major cultural drift given the tech level

That works too

>Says the guy wanking off to a setting of all female militaries on the hunt for shotas
Says the only one mentioning shotas here

I insist that Samus is 1.98m tall and muscular, modern games be damned. I want my birdchick space amazons.

Does slavery exist in this setting? Would an Amazon gift her boywife with a new and exotic slave to make cleaning the house easier for him?

I imagined them using dem hipz to grind the fakes into a greasy puddle of gore and orgasmic fluids. A goregasm, if you will

Now you're just being a mister sillypants.

The boywife is the slave, but she might gift herself a second boywife to keep the home looking nice. Might even force em to bang while she watches

Probably, if for no other reason than one of the other nations are not!Romans, not too sure it would fit a somewhat isolationist nation to take slaves though, maybe they still follow the old not!Roman tradition of letting slaves buy themselves back and become citizens

A boywife (girl)?
I imagine they’d be all houseservants, rather than manual labor.

>I imagine they’d be all houseservants, rather than manual labor.
If the amazons do take slaves one owned by an individual would probably be household servants or taught a trade. Romans used slaves as domestic servants, craftsmen, and public workers, they actually preferred well educated slaves because not only could they do artisan labor or bureaucratic labor, but they could provide for themselves once their freedom was bought/given so the master wouldn't have to waste money providing for them as they got older
Though Romans did also have agricultural slaves and slaves sent to work in the mines, the later was often used as a punishment on citizens who broke the law

Have the other pic then

The OP who has been posting these shit threads is only known as the "Supreme Faggot."

There are 4-5 people who've been doing that

>boywife (girl)
These are Amazons, not degenerates.

Romans also weren't tribal savages

Great this shit's spread to other autists who focus on their goddamned fetishes, this is gonna ruin amazons in the long run.

Neither are these amazons, they're a former province of not!rome which the supreme commander took over after after it's decline

>tfw no Amazon mommy gf to pamper me and feed me soy lattes

Were you under the illusion that scantily clad buff warrior women were at one point not fetish bait?

>Backwards shamanistic Islanders
>Not retarded savages

Seriously why are you lot obsessed with soy?

>Great this shit's spread to other autists who focus on their goddamned fetishes
Like the Greeks who created the stories about Amazons?

When was it said they are backwards? They are certainly at the forefront of alchemical steroid technology.

It's the best alternative to mommy gf's milkies

I think because it's supposed to turn you into a girl or something
But you'd think if that were true a lot more anons would be drinking it

Point taken, but the idea of amazons isn't inherently a fetish, posting a thread that only retreads day old ones and has lore as solid as jello is annoying as the term "Supreme Commander" What else does this setting offer besides amazons? Any interesting factions?

>When was it said they are backwards?
When they're primitive enough to be completely culturally obliterated by a single dumb cunt with a steroid syringe
>They are certainly at the forefront of alchemical steroid technology.
An outsider is using them as her lab rats, you mean.

God, /pol/ has the weirdest taste in fetishes.

I get it. It’s shallow, and you want something deeper. I appreciate that. But for most people that’s the fun.

Try looking at it this way- one writing method is to restrict yourself, see what you come up with, and then take away the restrictions. In this case take a fetish bait premise, build a world around it, take away the fetish bait part, see what happens.

The name stuff is because I think people are crap with names, and since it’s early we don’t want to get to that yet.

If you want to start work on deeper aspects, I’m more than willing to work with you on that. The only issue is OP wants all this to be a minor part of their setting (oddly enough).

You're on Veeky Forums, the board with fetishes that make /d/ look tame.

>What else does this setting offer besides amazons?
Eh, in threads like these I mostly try to make a nation or two you can slot into a setting rather than a full on setting, that way lies death by mediocrity given Veeky Forums's history at it

>Any interesting factions?
There was some focus on trying to develop another breakaway province/rump state of not!Rome last thread though
And of course some user who's trying to push ladyknights in the setting but I figure that's not what you're looking for

>The only issue is OP wants all this to be a minor part of their setting (oddly enough).
I want it to be a minor part of my setting, or rather something I can slot into another one, no clue what OP wants, if you guys want to make something feel free though, if I have an idea or two I'll chip in

Fine I'll level with you how does the alchemical process work? What is done exactly? I get its tiered, but i haven't found any explanation of what it is besides Alchemy and now apparently researching proto-amazons. Is it putting metals into the body? Herbal supplements? Transfusions? Magical fruit?

I don't think the guy in the thread about roid raging feminazi Mary Sues and their self-insert supreme commander has any room to judge other's fetishes

It just does.

I was just trying not to step on your toes.

How about this for a starting base-

Amazons are a set of loosely aloed city-states/tribes across a sea basin.
Egalitarian in most regards save gender.
Different cities have differing opinions of men, raging from kidnapping to chivalry.
They are the remains of an old fallen empire.

There is lady-knight HRE in the mainland headed by a high Queen that is antagonistic to Amazonian league.
They worship a set of deified saints that grant blessings and miracles to warrior women.

Magical steroids may or may not be in play.

>gentle femdom

Well we tossed the idea dragon parts could be used for ingredients.

I imagine they range from breathing incense, to ingesting potions and materials, to injections.

And it’s been established they start at puberty.

For me though, I’d prefer thatvague, since usually alchemy=habdwave. I’m not sure how you could explain it without delving into chemistry and such.

One user a couple of threads ago had a whole system with different elixirs based on different metals doing different things instead of tiers
I like the tier idea personally and been thinking of it as transfusions of various substances, a large portion of it herbal, but also some various extracts and alchemically synthesized fluids as well as a decent infusion of magic in each dose

>I was just trying not to step on your toes.
No worries, and sorry if I came off as rude, to be honest I'm sorta assuming everyone in here is some degree of a troll at this point but that's no reason to shoot down an honest suggestion on my part

Your idea works if you want the amazons to be more than a single city-state, I can see it being a workable base

Pretty sure they peg their boywives with mammoth tusks

If that’s what you are into sure.

The poor bugger probably doesn't realize that powerful women are the exact opposite of feminism. Margaret Thatcher is a textbook example of this, taking pride in how much feminists hated her despite being without a doubt the most powerful woman of the 20th century.

Fir me, I like the idea of both tribal Amazons (of a jungle or Celtic variety) as well as of a Classical Greek variety, which is a good way to throw sword and sandals elements in. I figure that’s a good compromise, perhaps with Amazons owning the sea-routes to the far west.

Now how to insert lady-samurai.

I've tried to serious it up a bit here and there but I suddenly realized that this whole thread is femdom weirdness heresy.


I'd hardly call juiced up man-hating retards powerful, either.

I think it’s because a lot of mysoginst thinking is ingrained across culture itself. It’s why you see anything considered ‘girly’ trashed even by women. Women, like men, tend not to think about these things even when it screws them over.

>mfw mommyzon gf brings home spoils of war, but I have to share them with her other boywives first

Sure blame it all on men. You ((("""forgot"""))) the inherent misandry of the situation you dipshit.

What's wrong with letting a big, strong woman take care of all my troubles for me?