Jumpchain CYOA Thread #2001: A Space Odyssey Edition

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>thread 2000 didn't even make it to 500 posts

Going on my chain would be worth it just for the boosted immune system perks I'd pick up in the first jump.
I fucking hate being sick.

It's pretty rare for us to go past 450 unless there's a prevalence of arguing.

To compensate, I will do my best to spam cute anime girls in this one.

Are there any jumps on the way that aren't harem anime/40k/Fate stuff?

I believe NuBee is working on Hyrule Warriors.

Almost no new jumps and the new one was posted on page 10.

What are some good early shonen anime type jumps? You know, fun setting, easily available power, lots of hope and will power, that sort of thing.

Generic Cyberpunk


Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple is pretty great if you don't mind hell training. It's a martial arts focused setting and for the Jump where you're given a master to train you (or you can buy into having one of the strongest people in the setting to take you on).

Lots of different things to enable martial arts or training them, impressive martial art displays by Masters, pretty good items. The series is fun too if you can ignore the sometimes excessive fanservice and Kenichi being a weirdo.


I thought we pretty much had everything for that? Or did someone pick up Abyssals/3e stuff?

Warhammer 60 million BC, Necrons. I believe in you Wormanon.

In the Fate jumps, did you stick with what's expected for your class? Or did you went as a magic casting Saber sniping people with your spaceship?

I went with changed my class name to Archangel. Seeing Rins face when I told her my name was Azrael was fucking glorious.

A few days ago someone mentioned taking up Uber.
Which is a WW2 story where Germans got there hands on superscience that turns people into giant bulletproof monsters that can rearrange matter around them.

Since I'm thinking about it and rereading it, how do you think an average Hercules Method Student would fare in a 1v1 against a V2 Battleship-class Panzermensch?
I think Students might actually be faster, stronger and have better senses and healing, along with their meat vision and battle precog, but Panzers are so goddamned tough and have the Halo effect, even if they can't fight for all that long and recuperate slowly.
My guess is that they'd be stalemated until either the Panzer was exhausted or got a lucky hit on the Student.

What are the best jumps based on literature? I'm a little tired of anime, comics, and vidya.

I've already done a few builds for Dune, Dresden Files, and Discworld.

Reminder that Martha practices a martial art hyped to be descended from Jacob's feat of wrestling with angels.

I'd like to recommend Lord of Light, The Polity, Dragonlance and The Wheel of Time.

...in hindsight I kinda wish we'd done more for the Discworld jump.

I believe Lord of Light is a Jump based on a pretty old book. I remember it being pretty decent. A very basic rundown of the setting is "Extremely advanced humans lording over normal humans on an alien world by pretending they're gods and the aliens are demons. Things are Indian Mythology themed."

I'll check them out. And I agree about Discworld, the jump we have is really old and was made when all jumps were much less refined.

It's just super basic compared to the massive series it came from. I mean, there is just a single perk based on Moist von Lipwig. A modern version would have an entire background based on him.

Still, I keep coming back, if only to pod Granny Weatherwax.

That sounds awesome. That's a mythology I don't get to read about enough. I always loved Karna.

The funny thing is that isn't even the only space technogod themed book the guy's written. There's also Creatures of Light and Darkness which is about no-bullshit actual Egyptian gods (except they're more like angels with Thoth fulfilling the role of the Judeo-Christian God) and their battles with a primordial darkness horror. I'm not sure if there's enough to be made into a jump though, the story mainly focuses on the power struggle between the deities.

And oh hey, looks like a show for Lord of Light is in the works:


As the other guy who contributed to it, I feel personally bad on that front. You're right that at the time, there weren't as many set ideas about how jumps should be made. Hell, I didn't even set out to make it, I just kept tossing ideas at Marvel user for perks and things.

...I'm still unsure of whether Esme Weatherwax would accept becoming younger given the option from canon imports. On the one hand, "what don't grow don't live". On the other hand, it'd make witching far, far more convenient and after all it's another life, not extending an existing one.

Also, excellent taste.

Sadly none of the self-described gods in the book takes on the title of Karna. If I had to guess, it had something to do with all the suffering in his life.

I want masks /jc/. Preferably magic ones. Which might you recommend, and where might they be found?


Has there been any word on the Culture jump yet?

Soul Eater and Sekai Oni

Only that an user is attempting to make it, from what I remember

Say what you will, the man knows what he likes. What's the setting like beyond this conflict?

Oh, it's getting its own show? That's fairly interesting then. Hopefully useful as reference material too for people who want to go there.

I only read a summary, but from what I can tell it's old school high-concept science fiction that blurs the lines between unknowable cosmic forces and the universe as we know it? Like there's the gods, there's this THING Thoth let out one day...and everything else is the known universe, the book is just about the parts of it beyond our understanding

>I'm still unsure of whether Esme Weatherwax would accept becoming younger given the option from canon imports. On the one hand, "what don't grow don't live". On the other hand, it'd make witching far, far more convenient and after all it's another life, not extending an existing one.

I never intended to give her a choice in the matter. Granny isn't the type to accept charity, so the idea was to trick her into saving my life and then paying her back with youth before she catches on. Usually with the Age-Age fruit from One Piece.

You aren't a true Saber unless you can shoot beams from your sword. It's a rule that only Okita breaks.

I was a Caster who beat people up with martial arts and didn't visibly use any magic. When someone asked why I wasn't using magic I'd make my fists glow and then shout the incantations and names of random spells while continuing to beat people up. My Noble Phantasm compressed all my strength and power pools into a single punch.

> beat people up with punching
> When people asked why I didn't use magic I'd pretend to power up with magic while continuing to beat them up with punching
> My Noble Phantasm was punching REALLY HARD
I like you. You're cool.

How can I cure best Saber?

Super-AIDS are uncurable.

Are modern magi aware of the existence of the Aristoteles during Fate?

There's no cure for early onset anime mom disease.

The El-Melloi case files confirm that they know about ORT, at least. They probably also know about Crimson Moon, considering Zelretch is the Wizard Marshall and therefore probably gives the Bartholomoi family a splitting headache just by existing

It's not clear how much more they know, but they at least know enough to be wary about horrible things from beyond the shores of reality.

So, Fuanon is around, but we still one 600cp perk.
Any ideas are welcome.

I don't think there's a clear answer on what all they know, but they should know some things. They however don't know what's going to happen in Notes, and certainly don't have a working understanding of what exactly the Aristoteles actually are. Though they likely wouldn't care much, unless something is important to their research or livelihood, Magus don't care.

The Association is the group that labels them as "TYPE-", so yes, they're aware of them, and are also aware that Crimson Moon isn't dead - as evident by the place still on the list of 27 DAA.
Yeah. I'd imagine that they've got standing orders for anything that might alleviate that kind of headache. Aspirin, weapons, mystic codes...
Then again, the presence of Merem probably gives just as much of a headache to the Bartholomoi - Can't really move against him without drawing the ire of the Church, after all. That's not even counting our dear Director of Atlas...

Vice Director.

Do we have a Majora's Mask jump?

The point stands however. Everywhere the blue blooded queen looks is yet another Dead Apostle she can't go after for some reason.

There's also El Nahac's stomach. Between that and the revelation of why Solomon created modern magecraft, one gets the impression that the Bartholomoi family thinks the Church has strayed too far from God's light.

Well, I'm working on an Oh...Sir!! one, although that's more of a gauntlet one.

I... Don't think so? I mean, there's at least a few Zelda ones, but I don't know if there's a MM-based one.

I've got no suggestions, but it's looking great.

How does the "stealing power" bit from With A Kiss work? Can I gain new powers that way? What are the limits?

We came up with one with a bit of cooperation:

600 - Shrouded in Secrets
Ratatoskr is not the JGSDF’s response to the Spiritual incursion, they could be considered a vigilante body if it wasn’t for their pacifistic approach to removing the threat. They do not appear to answer to anyone, nor do they have permission to have their agents seduce the Spirits. Yet their organisation remains large and powerful, with numerous facilities and brilliant minds contributing to it. Like their founder, you happen to be a master of forming conspiratorial bodies and hidden networks, of slipping under the radar of the official and legitimate and of acquiring the best assets possible for your ‘side.’ So long as you have a goal that others would also want to see achieved, you could easily set up a nation spanning web of operatives to accomplish said aim.

We have a WIP last updated (unless I've missed a post) in June.

If you got headpats from people you fancy when you were sick, would you be happy without your immunity?

Perhaps specify that it's restricted to "as long as it is not directly antagonistic" with the actual government?

Sure, but you could be subversive of the government as a conspiracy.

Ratatoskr is subversive - It takes actions that run counter to the goals of the official policy. It just isn't "directly" antagonistic.

I just had a look, and I found out that one of the Jumps which I had helped start off (the Tron System one, which I did while I was on SpaceBattles) had been uploaded with no credit given to me, even though I (as AuroVee) came up with most of the Backgrounds, the timeframe entry points, some of the items and Companions, and some of the Drawbacks.

Yeah, Bluesnowman seemed like kind of a prick. If you want to have it changed, which is totally understandable, you should just post a few links to some posts on SB that prove your argument and then ask Brutus on the IRC if you can add your author name to it.

It does seem strange that you haven't brought this up over at Spacebattles though?

Aw man i missed the anniversary thread.

I only just noticed it myself, and I just sent a PM to him.
It was all in PMs, but I could get printscreens of them.

It'd be good to see but isn't that a ban offence over there if Bluesnowman doesn't give permission? Of course him not giving permission is pretty much tacit admission to this whole thing as well.

Well, I do have the original WIP document which we were working on.

I mean personally with the jump in question I don't doubt you but that's not exactly the strongest proof. I'd still say to try and get the screenshots and if you can't, bring up that the guy is stonewalling you and use that as evidence.

Well, I am talking to them, and it seems like something happened here which caused him to leave for a while, and by the time he got back, the jump was uploaded to the Drive, only crediting him. Or so he claims.

Still, it seems like he wants to fix this.

Yeah, that don't make sense. He posted it a lot here when he was making it and if you had helped him from the start, it doesn't make sense that your name wasn't on from the start.

Good to hear he's willing to fix it though.

Indeed. I'm just waiting to see if he's okay with me posting some of the PMs so that I have some proof.

Finally got permission, and here's what he had to say.

Glad to see it. Also glad to see he's not coming around here, he was an asshole to deal with.

Anyway, I'd say to just make the changes to the document you have and post it here as a WIP in thread and then upload it to the google drive

>34k+ emails
Mate you really need to check those.

I see you also are learning the thuum.

> those tabs
I recognize those icons.

desu worm is basically a harem anime if you really think about it

>Writing . com

Everything is a harem anime, if you try hard enough.

Pact is more of a harem anime than Worm is if we're going to reach. It even has a smug rival character, an anime nihilist endgame villain who also represents the MC's families' sins, and a literal monstergirl.

Yeah, I don't always read my emails...

Indeed I am.

I don't go there that often anyway.

Worm is basically Fate too, that's probably why it gets talked about so much.

What are some good Origins to take in Tsukihime?

Sword, Knife, Blade, Spear, Arrow, Gun

Hope, Optimization, Understanding, and Shadow.


Dog with bees in its mouth and when it barks it shoots bees at you.

Trying to find a good waifu for Caim, anyone have any suggestions?

My Origin was Thought. Went along with being a DA Brunestud with Mystic Eyes of Enchantment and the Moon's Shadow companion.

That feeling where you can't remember if you left the stove running.


Might as well post my build too:

Dead Apostle 600
Magic Circuits free
Origin: Possibility free
Sensei 500
Welcome Home, Jumper 400
Friendly Neighborhood Vampire free
Predator's Instinct free
Exceptional and Lucky 100
Reality Marble -300
A Pure Heart -400
Beloved of Gaia -500
Ethereal Beauty -700
Mystic Eye Killers free
Alarm Clock free

Shiki Syndrome -600
“Welcome Home, Jumper” -400
A Promis Forgotten -200
Trails of Blood 0

Any Origin that would fit in well with it? From the ones posted already, Hope might be neat.

Magic picture where if you squint your eyes you see something.


>System Shock 2 (Should be finished today)
>Forgotten Realms: The Underdark (Glacial Progress)
>Etrian Odyssey 5 (Mostly Skeletoned, except for Drop-In Items.)

So that's Horror FPS, Horror TTRPG, and MOTHER FUCKING CARTOGRAPHY! Not a harem anime in sight. I've actually been reading things like Kawaii Joushi o Komarasetai and Bonnouji. Been on a bit of a rom-com kick.

Are you telling be that System Shock isn't a Harem Anime?

Zero. They can bond over murder-dates.

>in arguments with /tg
Ah yes, I remember those days. I'd jump on, spam everything that wasn't canon with "NOT CANON" and then check here or on SB a few hours later.
They were fun days.

I hope that you make a better jump than he did, LatiusAuro. I won't be a prick to you since there was just something about Bluesnowman that really pissed me off.

Well no, of course n-
>Remembers I'm offering three versions of SHODAN
>Stares at my AI Friend Perk
Maybe. If you're absolutely insane.

What does hero creation actually does?

It...creates heroes nigga, what did you think it does?

Like, throw a magic sword at a random peasant girl and normally at best you just get a really dark America's Funniest Home Videos episode. With it, you get Saiba instead.

>If you're absolutely insane.
So a yes for most people here.

Certainly a yes for the yandere fans.

Wait, Underdark is supposed to be horror? Huh... we might've been playing it wrong in our group.

...how do you play a harem protagonist among drow? Isn't their society literally the antithesis of harem protagonist stories?

I never said I played a harem protagonist (though I understand the assumption, considering the context), but our Underdark game was most definitely too light to be called horror.