ZRX Buy-in Tier list

$0.00 - 1.00 = God tier
1.01 - 3.00 = Top tier
3.01 - 10.00 = Mid tier
10.01 - 20.00 = Low tier
more than 20.00 = Veeky Forums tier

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God tier checking in. only wish I would have bought more at .20 cents

bought in at 20 cents

sold everything for icx

Got in at $0.09 , just sad i didn't go all in. Still feels good to make it. This shit gonna be huge

please shill 0x protocol talking about the technology, projects building on top and how it's single handedly paving the way to decentralized exchanges effectively nullifying the risks of centralized ones like hacking and regular regulations.

If you open threads talking about MUH MOONS and le lAmBosss xD!! you'll attract weak handed shitcoiners, lunch money flippers and pajeets which will start talking shit about ZRX as soon as it drops 0.001%

Let's keep it not suitable for brainlets



do you guys see this going sub $0.70 again before it moons?

i'm 300 ZRX in and want to get at least 1,000 in the near future but looking for the right time to buy

>i'm just adding 100 ZRX/day if the rates stay >0.7

Bought 800 today at $0.88 When is it gonna take off?


Holy shit it's so true
just look at this shit
delete this thread and re-upload a more intelligent one, I'm not even joking.

>t. a 6 months holder who bought at $0.15

i've still got 31k i fucking ironed handed from the ICO. Ian baliana just uploaded a video and he said one of his top picks for potential 100x 2018 was 0x

God tier checking in. Sleeping /comfy with my fat stack and holding for the next couple years.

whats the hype with this coin SHILL ME

26k @0.15 here, considering the ICO was 0.05 if I'm correct a 100x is guaranteed for you ico holders. so yeah congrats.

There is no hype, its not a hype coin. Fuck off. Go buy some FUN or Lumens.

you dense fuck you simpleton i asked a question for you to shill me on this coin i just want to fucking know why you guys are so excited by it

shitton of projects built off of 0x protocol releasing in 2018, including Ethfinex which was just released

great team members, including advisors from coinbase and polychain capital

the token and protocol actually do something, unlike 100% of the coins biz normally shills

There is no excitement. Why are you still here? Im sure you have a pump and dump you should be chasing somewhere.

thank you for explaining and not being a rock brain like

I bought in at ico, but the second day sold out in like 10 minutes and I was still too new to crypto to understand how high I needed to set the gwei setting to get through the network congestion.

Veeky Forums posterchild REQ builds on 0x: blog.request.network/blockchain-bricks-request-is-built-upon-0x-civic-and-aragon-3aaf68390221

upgrade those iron hands to A D A M A N T I N E

waa waaa spoon feed me
fuck off cunt

This is going to pull a x100 from this level by eoy

imagine being this much of a pseudo-intellectual nigger

When moon sir????
This coin stink no moon sir...