
I just wanted to see if anyone is still interested in this

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I thought I was the only one who wanted to see something like this

Too soon since the new IT came out, so all you're going to get right now is memes about underage gangbangs.

Better wait until after it comes out on VHS and falls back out of public consciousness.

>not just suggesting the original IT on VHS, which you can get at a pawn store or Family Video back wall for $.50

What is Clownpunk?

It's a game that Veeky Forums came up with awhile back

Im down. Been a while since I talked business.

Anyone going to post screencaps or links to the archive?

There's a good lad.

Whats the background of this?
All is colorfull and people are on drugs? What are the aesthetics of the cities and how sociery works?

From what I've read the world is dystopian and is separated into four areas, each has it's ruler and a distinct theme.

From what I've read the world is dystopian and is separated into four areas, each has it's ruler and distinct theme.

From what I've read the world is dystopian and is separated into four areas, each has it's ruler and distinct theme.

One of them should be named Pagliacci

oh hi gropy

Sup user? Hows the kids?

How did the whole thing start? Did someone wish upon a Blackstar?


When its finished. I'm writing so much for work, its eaten into my personal writing. I barely had time for Veeky Forums until recently.

I have to finish papers on the first Romani in North America (spoiler: its not happy), the history of fencing masks, and a cross catalogue of bayonet blade forms used in the ARW before I go back to writing about being a drunk, suicidal, trainhopping clown.

Good luck w finishing those..I long to read clowntales

I'm wondering about the rule book the archived thread mentioned