Any reson why 15 card board pieces cost $10? Doesn't Wotc need new players? Why make booster pack prices so high?
Any reson why 15 card board pieces cost $10? Doesn't Wotc need new players? Why make booster pack prices so high?
Why should it cost less? Why shouldn't it actually cost more?
It has no intrinsic value or funciton, it's a luxury product. It can be priced at whatever the manufacturer decides.
They price it that way because they know people will pay that much for it.
It's a premium set that new players likely wouldn't be getting.
Didn't you already make this thread like a week ago with the same OP image and a very similar post?
Because the entertainment industry is not agriculture. In spite of lofty ideals, it is not about generating consistant revenue, it is about creating and milking hits
They certainly did. I saw it too. I'm curious about what sort of troll they are. Is the /pol/ thing real?
There was some goober who made constant MTG finance threads too, despite them dying like -20 posts in he just kept remaking them.
Oh my god. You again.
Can we report this? Does this not count as spamming?
What does TCG pricing have to do with politics, or internet "politics"?
>Any reson why 15 card board pieces cost $10?
Millions of people will gladly pay $10 for 15 cardboard pieces.
>Can we report this?
It's not a blatant /pol/ bait thread, so sure.
Wizard doesn't set the price on out-of-print products, that your LGS fault.
End of thread.
>Any reson why 15 card board pieces cost $10?
Because you still buy them
The /pol/ thing fell apart after a couple of weeks since people who aren’t shut-ins kept calling the guy out
>the guy
>the /pol/ thing
Fuck off with this forging a narrative crap god damn. You know perfectly well that you and your coworkers produce both sides of this nonsense.
>Any reson why 15 card board pieces cost $10?
Essentially because WotC is a business.
>Doesn't Wotc need new players?
Sure. They can buy other products.
>Why make booster pack prices so high?
Why not? No, seriously.
Suppose packs were 50 cents a piece. Would you even still be interested in playing this game?
I just watched their official how to play and it looks boring as hell. And now they are actively banning newly released cards from competitive play, why would anybody pick this up now?
Yes, because I'm not a cuckold. How would giving the cards away for free not aid me in enjoying the game? Anyone can play whatever they want. Number of players would increase.
WOTC is ran by commie numale cucks, that's why.
Not to go full /pol/ (but this is a shit thread anyway so who cares) but: is every single product Hasbro makes now weaponized by the CIA plants there to encourage creation of a docile, meek, effeminate population that can't defend itself or even think clearly?
Well if Rudy is right Hasbro is selling off Wizards soon to someone in a few years anyway. Either it's death or a glorious new age will come from it.
>if Rudy is right
There's a few screenshots of some guy(s?) on /pol/ attempting to organize a shitposting brigade targeted at mtg forums to erode confidence in the product because they disagreed with WotC's politics. Talking points included constantly bitching about prices, lying about counterfeits being perfected, talking about how the game is trash now compared with the past, lying about how all of their pack fresh cards are damaged, how digital is better and all of the pros are switching to hearthstone/eternal/etc. Basically stuff that may have some grounding in reality, just turned up to 10 to try and trick people into thinking the game is dead already.
Not him but honestly I hope it is sold to someone else, I've been buying YuGiOh product the past few months, it's cheaper and it's actually more fun than mtg, if the art was better I'd probably make it my main game.
I literally only got two cards from Rivals of Ixalan for EDH.
Sorry to say it user but IF he's right I hope mtg lives but if it dies good riddance, the decisions have been terrible recently and they deserve it.
but cards are coming out of packs damaged you autist.
>there are no plastic army men for me to smash together, BORING
And the answer to the bannings is complicated, but suffice to say they were banned from the rotating format, the one no one cares about and has every card "banned" eventually to showcase the new sets.
Not every single one you mongoloid nigger. I even literally fucking said that most of their shitposting had grounds in reality, just jacked up to 10 to cause a panic.
>it's cheaper and it's actually more fun than mtg
Yugioh is a violent shithole of a game, and there's absolutely no reason to spend money on it because anything you buy is going to get reprinted into the dirt within a few months. It's only "cheap" if you buy last season's deck and you'll get shit on by the powercreep in the newest set. It's a game of one-turn kills, all just about whoever gets to do their retarded bullshit first.
Most of yugioh's fanbase has recognized this, so they just play online with the free simulators, because Konami is a million times worse than WotC and doesn't deserve a penny.
lol like all of you guys don't beg for a reprint to make everything cheaper? Like fetch-lands for example?
Seriously as a player of both games now, yugioh and mtg are both pretty good, yugioh has just as many fast combos as mtg and alot of people at my lgs have started getting into it again recently.
Bitching about muh value is the most cancerous ever, if mtg had as many reprits and promos as yugioh you'd say the same thing about it if the roles where reversed.
>lol like all of you guys don't beg for a reprint to make everything cheaper? Like fetch-lands for example?
Yeah, but I know I'm not going to be paying $120 for each Fetchland only to see it printed in a $20 tin a few months down the road, and even better, I know they aren't going to immediately print a new Fetchland that grabs two lands instead the set right after they printed the tin. I know the Fetchlands I bought are going to stay relevant and hold value.
Konami's entire business strategy is to keep escalating things and introducing entirely new card types that obsolete existing ones so that if you want to keep up with the metagame, you have to buy shit from the new set, which will always have the most important parts be ultra or secret rares. Because they don't have a built-in rotation system, they just simulate one by making the older decks shit by comparison or just issuing sweeping bans.
>if mtg had as many reprits and promos as yugioh you'd say the same thing about it if the roles where reversed.
I hate to agree with this but I do 100%
Imagine a world where Konami made a reserve list and the parts of Exodia where around 2,000 each right about now. Then on the flip side we'd have the Aphla Lotus priced around 50 dollars and a uncommon version priced around 5 dollars. MTG would be a fucking joke and YuGiOh would be a even fucking bigger monster in the TCG world as is today.
But what anons above have said, MTG probably won't go anywhere but it'll be shit for a good bit and all we can do is complain on deaf ears. He'll I'm the guy who bought the YuGiOh deck yesterday, I might start a playgroup at my place since most of my crowd plays Modern MTG and we honestly are starting to find eachothers decks kinda stale.
it started on /pol/, but now I think he's just doing it because it pisses people off and he has nothing better to do
Yugioh would be fucking dead if it had a reserve list. They never evolved the concept of formats, so forget about Exodia, think what it'd cost you to buy Raigeki right now.
>crossposters have political thread about the political problems of MTG on the board where it belongs LIKE WE ARE ALWAYS TELLING THEM TO DO and it is somehow evidence of a conspiracy to lie about totally fake problems
>this post isn't evidence of a conspiracy to create political animosity to distract from failing product management.
>herpaderpa I don't know what I'm talking about
Well I bought mine for 10 bucks yesterday. So guessing that it's played it just about every deck and would have just been in LOB about 5000 or so.
Also I like the fact that it's a global format, you'd never know what you'll be going up against, if your opponent isn't autistic faggot that looks at a top 8 or something.
No format isn't the problem.
>MTG would be a fucking joke and YuGiOh would be a even fucking bigger monster in the TCG world as is today.
I don't believe that at all. Yugioh would be choked by a reserve list a lot worse than Magic is, and Magic without a reserve list is Magic where Legacy is accessible, which would be a better world for Magic by far.
Well the game IS being designed by massive SJWs.
The retard wasn't wrong there.
Yes we all remember the screenshot you took of your false flag thread. You post it every day.
>No format isn't the problem.
It is, because it has pushed them into the design model they have now. No rotation means the only way for them to incentivize buying newer cards is to make them more and more degenerate and powerful, or make more and more elaborate bullshit like the progression from Fusion to Contact Fusion to Synchro to XYZ to Pendulums to Links, etc.
Nope, look back, look how many archtypes and alternatives of iconic cards there are that the YuGiOh tcg has created since it's creation there is no way a reserve would have hurt that game at all.
>there is no way a reserve would have hurt that game at all
Except if they had staples like MST on there.
9.99 was the cost at time of printing.
Wizards DID set that price.
Pays for artist, writer, and general balance testing (just kidding, there is no balance testing)
>wotc paying artists anything
lmao good one.
Hey! Free MtG packs count as payment.
~ WotC Legal Department
Explain how a reserve list would have made Yugioh "a even fucking bigger monster in the TCG world". How the fuck would a reserve list have helped Yugioh in the slightest?
I would've continued playing instead of quitting
Because they have a large pool of dedicated players that they know they can scam. The sad part is when they defend the scam.
So it's just millionaires wanting to make more millions.
That is certainly the kind of system greedy bastards want to create.
>if I pretend it's a false flag maybe people will buy into my shit again!
little nigga beat me to it.
Also since the players are older, they'd have alot of them as is with the older mtg players.
personally thought of buying out a card that's a video game promo for the lulz desu.
That doesn't make any sense. I'm pretty sure was directed at the OP, because it doesn't have fuckall to do with a reserve list.
I agree that yugioh has alot of potential to be a good game with it's vast amounts of archtypes but as with mtg there are try hards and autists who netdeck everything.
I like how you think user but it's just not going to happen anymore thanks to websites that list the top decks in card games.
You not being happy about the chance of 5$ fetchlands is what makes MtG shit. Wanting any card that's not from Alpha to be worth something just shows you care more about your ass and "investment" than playing the game.
>yugioh has alot of potential to be a good game
Maybe if it's rules weren't such a fucking mess. So many of the interactions were decided by judges making inconsistent spur of the moment rulings that have been canonized with no attempt to clean them up, and there's hardly ever been any attempt to really reevaluate the rules systems and simplify them, so you still have shit like "missing the timing" and the chain as a concept.
I'm not comparing some hypothetical lalaland where they print dual lands as commons, I'm comparing the real life situation of both games and I'm saying the real life situation of Yugioh is fucking shit by comparison.
I'm saying I'm happier spending $80 on a playset of fetchlands than I'd be spending $80 on the latest Secret Rare horseshit because I know my fetchlands are going to stay $80. Would I be happier paying $20 for the playset of fetchlands? Sure, but that's not an available option.
>being such a cuck you are upset people like playing powerful decks
You see, in MTG, you can at least build rogue decks that shit on tier decks if you know exactly what you're up against. In Yugioh your cards tell you what other cards need to be played with them.
>vast amount of archetypes
>not just one archetype "combo special summon my deck"
Who the hell is paying $10 for IM packs?
Hi DesolatorMagic
I see your point but OP clearly answered why should it cost less. He said that it would attract more players if the price was more accessible. And I agree
Selling 100 packs for $10 vs 500 packs for $5, it's simple math
>it's simple math
Yes, simple in that it looks at it from the most basic viewpoint without taking any other considerations into account. The "500 packs for $5" part is basically already covered handily by Standard, and they print at a volume to match that. The Masters sets are a limited print run, and sell for more than twice the price. That means, WotC is getting to spend the same amount for printing, packaging, and distributing the Masters packs as they would the same amount of packs of Ixalan while selling them for twice as much.
They know they can get people to buy the Masters packs for twice as much, so they get to turn a much higher profit on the same initial investment. Selling them cheaper might increase the demand, but it would increase the investment required to meet that demand. It means it'd be no more profitable than any given standard set.
>Hey! Free MtG packs DO NOT count as payment.
>~ WotC Judge Exploitation Department
What shit? Please be specific.
What is important in that case is the volume of profit. Even if they made 300% profit over standard's 100% profit (numbers out of my ass) they'd still need a high sales volume for that 300% to even equal a worthwhile use of time. After all, it's easy for volume to simply out pace pure profit, especially on a global product.
Oh, I'm sorry, that user made a completely baseless assumption in an attempt to humiliate and discredit me, I thought that was just what we were doing.
>Commie unmake cucks
Incorrect, it’s ran by an old capitalist oligarchy of leftists that seek a The new age liberal mind with emphasis on “equality, representation, left wing politics”
If you think I’m wrong then you are blind as a mole
Also important is the consideration of the secondary market. They tried the idea of a Masters set where it was no more expensive than regular packs and it had all sorts of amazing reprints. You might have heard of it, it was called Chronicles. You might have also heard it caused a huge uproar in the community, huge backlash from vendors, and was the catalyst for creating the Reserved List.
Masters sets are overpriced partly for logistics reasons, but partly also because if you made it so every fetchland was a common and drove the price down to $0.50, you'd have a torch mob outside WotC's office and StarCityGames would be selling the torches.
I'm that user still. Maybe you're not one person posting it every day but that did happen and that specific image was used by, let's say, multiple interested parties, for a variety of shallow reasons.
It is my strong personal opinion that this whole divide is being faked to cover up card quality, incompetence, and maybe creepy bullshit like mk ultra and/or more pedos. None of it feels right. As an aside I mean you no personal disrespect, but this is Veeky Forums, so fuck you, nigger.
Honestly, as a player with most of the modern staples I'd be fine with them tanking the prices. I'd finally be able to recommend the game to friends and convince them to pick it up. I'd be able to start playing legacy and have people to actually play with.
Seriously I'd be ecstatic for chronicles 2.0.
Yeah, but I assume your livelihood isn't centered around buying and selling modern staples.
MTG lives off of the gambling ambition of buyers, nothing more. If cards where one cent a piece many people would leave the game. People dont buy boosters for anything else than gambling, hoping they get an expensive card in them.
There isnt even a need to buy booster packs at all, you can buy single cards in many places. But you dont want to spend 30$ on that expensive card, you want to spend even more buying boosters hoping to get it, and then you'd perceive it was a "bargain".
Never underestimate the power of gambling
And it's my strong personal opinion that people are scrutinizing a company far too much because of a misplaced desire to delve into today's overly politicized world. Generally, these people barely have much grounding outside of their enjoyment of this card game, so when they realize they are getting older and things are just different they seek ways to rationalize their newfound distaste for what was once a pillar of their life. Whether it's the spooky liberals ruining everything, JeWotC taking the money and running, ebil corporate overlords oppressing the poor multi-million dollar company, Mark Rosecheeks being a hack, or secret CIA mind control experiments from the 50s.
I think people need to come to terms with the fact that they're getting older, not everything is out to get you, and sometimes it's okay to put the politics down.
Fuck you too, nigger. Have a good life, faggot.
I remember you posting this same question and image before.
First of all iconic masters is not for beginners. So you are deliberately misrepresenting.
second your question is dumb, why does a video game cost $60 when it's just lines of code?
Well yes, because I don't invest in things with no tangible value. Though I admit to being a little old fashioned in that regard, I still won't put anything into cryptocurrency, I doubt many here will criticize me for not wanting to treat my card gaming hobby like a stock market.
Maybe if they have an addiction, remember there are multiple companies who literally stay afloat selling singles, most people buy singles.
I personally dislike de art direction ever since avacyn and before, regardless of liberals or pol faggots. Magic, along many many other things and products, has become cheaper in many ways
Didn't original innistrad block have god-tier art direction, and that only really went downhill with Theros block?
Yes the first person gothic horror was extremely well executed.
Unrelated: people shit on Mark too much right now, but it's his own fault for namefagging so much. He does not need to be fired, he needs to take a respectable leave of absence and come back with some humility to temper his wisdom. Ceo and marketing Dept tho I dunno.
I think being the "face" of WotC is part of his job.
It is, people shit on him because they're too ignorant to learn about other people in the company that make decisions.
but they ARE right about everything. I mean, how many more times /pol/ has to be right for everyone to finally get that people who voice out their observations and analysis of the world without a fear of a witch-hunt end up telling the truth.
>but they ARE right about everything
That's half the point of these kinds of things. They take a few kernels of truth and turn it into popcorn for their song and dance. They've taken a few small issues and declared them as signs of the end of days, and the fact it's loosely based on truths is the hook designed to catch people up in the lie.
Which part is a lie?
Claiming that Magic is "fully infested" and "entirely about social justice". That's buzzword nonsense.
That WotC is a dying company that is set for total collapse at any moment