>Elenda is here
>Zetalpa is here
>Azor is here
>everyone's here
Ugin is behind everything and Jace is a fail-safe?!
>Elenda is here
>Zetalpa is here
>Azor is here
>everyone's here
Ugin is behind everything and Jace is a fail-safe?!
Other urls found in this thread:
I guess the fail safe refered to the thing that Ugin put in Jace's head that would make him planeswalk to Ixalan, which implies that Ugin and Azor were buddies and planned it in advance.
Personally I want to know what Huatli would get up to on Ixalan. She's more likable that Samut and Saheeli
so azor was working with ugin then...
I can't stand the prose of the MtG stories, gimme the TL;DR
Isn't the Guildpact the fail-safe?
Vampire Saint is pissed right the fuck off because literally everyone except for her is an idiot.
Jace and Vraska still haven't kissed
Yeah, it's more likely that's what Azor meant. But why would Ugin send Jace to Ixalan?
The Guildpact going to Ixalan in case of Bolas is the failsafe
So... does that mean Bolas is being counter-schemed?
Yeah, basically
I'm guessing the taking of the Immortal Sun is also according to Keikaku
The Jacetice League are the fall guys and get trapped by Bolas' Planeswalker Trap. He assumes anyone who could possibly get in the way of planar domination is dealt with then promptly gets bitch slapped by Ugin
Do we know what the Immortal Sun even is?
I don't feel like reading (also phone) so how evil are vampires in this plane? are they actually justified as it was mentioned in the previous set?
But that would mean that Ugin knows exactly what Bolas is planning, right? The planar portal, the space-marine zombies, the Immortal Sun. Ugin knows what's going on. And apparently Jace does to, even though he doesn't remember it yet.
Are Jace and Vraska endgame?
>Magic story is just 2 insanely powerful Elder Dragons scheming and duking it out for tens of thousands of years
>everyone else is a pawn
>Yfw the plan is to open up a multi-planar chain of BBQ restaurants with the zombies as the employees
Elenda doesn't say much before she duskwalks away. But she strongly hints that the current Ixalan vampires are not what she intended and that they strayed from the path and that she's gonna slap some sense in them.
But she also still says the Sun is theirs.
Turns out the vampires are stupid fucks and becoming one is a sign of humility not of superiority. They are (apparently) justified in taking the Immortal Sun back, but not justified in conquering Ixalan
Yeah. Jace admits that Lili's a bitch and Vraska's a qt gorgon
I would actually be weirdly ok with that, if only because I wouldn't see that one comming within a million yrs.
Elenda's gonna die. Vona's gonna kill her because she doesn't like that her views don't line up with Elenda's vision and Mavrin Fein will be pissed his holy waifu got ganked.
Shall we call this couple "Treasure cruise?"
>Hello, Welcome to Papa Nicol's House of Q. What can I get for you?
I think the creative team's been doing really good work lately. As always, their concepting and world building is better than their writing, but they've done a really good job characterising Jace and Vraska, and their romance is cute and believable.
Vraska gets ganked by Bolas and Jace/Liliana is endgame, calling it here
A magical floor-carving powered by Azor's sacrificed spark.
Wait, could Azor take his spark back and make it inert?
Is the keikaku to trick bolas into taking a useless slab of rock?
But what style does he serve?
Vraska gets ganked by Bolas and Jace/Liliana is endgame, calling it here
Way to piss off the fans. Nobody was ever really behind Jace/Liliana but this ship has some strong support. Fuck Lili! Vraska is cute, CUTE!
>The feud between Bolas and Ugin is over which style of BBQ to serve.
>Ugin wants to serve Carolina style but Bolas wants Memphis style.
Amonkhet Dry-Rub
>Karn opens his own renegade chain of West Texas-style joints
>Vraska gets ganked by Bolas and Jace/Liliana is endgame, calling it here
Don't you fucking dare.
Liligranny a shit and Vraska is for cute.
Is the keikaku to trick bolas into taking a useless slab of rock?
I don't think so because it wouldn't really accomplish anything. Bolas would just go and find another magical powersource.
Perhaps the keikaku is to trap Bolas somehow?
Like, I’m not generally a shipper, but JacexVraska is too damn cute not to ship. I even ship it on a ship.
Does anyone have a "Virgin Guildpact/Chad Pirate" meme for Jace? It feels appropriate
>Perhaps the keikaku is to trap Bolas somehow?
>Bolas transfers the Old Walker Spark powering the Immortal Sun into himself
>Tries to Planeswalk
>The only place he can Planeswalk to is the room Azor has been using as a toilet for the past 400 years
I want to see pictures of Vraska Pregnant by Bolas
I can't find any on google but I agree. Someone make that shit, please. I would, but PS/Paintlet.
Kansas City, the one most like a warcrime.
>all these barbecue aficionados on Veeky Forums
I will fucking fight you. I bet you you're one of those philistines that puts straight mayo on their ribs.
I now laugh in the face of all those who shipped Jace and Ral.
Fuck you gay bois, Vraska likes her lovers ROCK HARD and Jace sure is hard for her.
What the fuck was Azor's problem
Stick up his ass. Classic U/W affliction.
Who the actual Fuck puts mayo on bbq?!
Probably retrap him in his meditation plane like Umezawa did.
>Bolas transfers the Old Walker Spark powering the Immortal Sun into himself
Do we even know that the Immortal Sun is a petrified old walker spark? And even if it was how would it help Bolas? Because if I understand correctly Jeska basically rewrote the laws of the multiverse with the mending and that's what changed how sparks work. But sparks themselves weren't changed so even if Bolas got his hands on an old walker spark it wouldn't really do anything for him now, would it?
Then they’ll end up having to let him out as he’s the only one who can stop the phyrexians.
>Gee Bolas. How come your mom let's you have TWO sparks?
Angrath becomes even more the best as we learn more of him.
>"Gee Bolas, why do you get to have TWO sparks?"
People in Alabama use a mayonnaise-based barbecue sauce. It’s barbaric.
>the virgin guildpact
>the chad maze guy
Betting on this after Dominaria and the next core set.
I'm really hoping that the new Dominaria set reestablishes New Phyrexia as an actual planar threat.
I have a feeling they've avoided any Phyerxian stuff as two of their mechanics, phyrxian mana and infect were busted.
Well, judging from the art we've seen so far there's a fair chance. Al these character's have a strong connection with Phyrexia. Especially Karn of course.
>"They'd drink the blood of your emperor with glee, idiot."
His daughters sound equally amazing
I mean, you can make Phyrexian stuff without those mechanics. Also, I'm not saying they need to put Phyrexia in the set. I just want them to acknowledge that they're out there and probably planning to spread.
Why does Teffari look like Dwight Howard?
Christ I hope Angrath lives meeting his daughters. Not sure if he got the chain magic from somewhere else than his homeplane in the multiverse but if he taught them he's gonna have to do some work to survive reuniting with them.
idk. The artist likes basketball maybe?
Magic story has kinda always been about planeswalkers being dicks and using mortals as pawns. Urza himself was a dick of gargantuan proportions.
Every mtg ship should be named after a card.
After Gideon lost his zendikar look, it is now up to Karn to have Bruce Willis' face.
>angrysadhappy daughters fighting Angrath 2v1 with chain magic while they scream at each other before finally hugging it out after Angrath survives long enoug
>I knew you were too stubborn to die
Wizards please
I will make this when I get home
Taking suggestions for lines to put in n either side
perhaps he wants to anaylze it. If you can construct a planar portal in Jeska's changed multiverse, perhaps you can also re-engineer an artifact that would give him his oldwalker powers back
You guys are overthinking this.
'The Living Guildpact' was a failsafe for Ravnica, one Azor would have helped set up. So the fact Jace is the LGP means shit went wrong at home.
Ugins memory trigger was a safety measure against Bolas finding out Ugin is not dead. A secret Ugin would very much like to keep. I suspect the target plane was set to Ixalan somply because Bolas would never follow Jace there, because the plane is a trap. Its essentially throwing Jace in prison to keep Bolas from discovering Ugin's alive.
He's the founder of the Azorius.
He is the stick up everyone's ass. Including his own.
The assaboros.
Ok, look, that's just fucking wrong. Mayo is the worst food since casu marzu.
This doesn't change that KC BBQ is terrible as fuck though, you gotta just get to grips with that. Real men like Memphis style.
The only way to get oldwalkers back is to re-rewrite the laws of the multiverse with a new mending event. But since the whole mending happend because of the introduction of planeswalker card and because planeswalker card have been extremely succesfull this will never happen.
And this is perhaps the real pickle the R&D narrative team is in. The main motivation of their in-lore bbeg is in direct conflict with their real-life product marketing.
If Vraska gets ganked we fucking riot.
>1. "Women in refridgerators" is a well established hackneyed trope wherein a woman is victimized in order to progress a man''s character.
>2. Did I say hackneyed? I meant fucking reviled by progressives and extremely boring to everyone else.
>3. MtG has already 'fridged' multiple women. Elspeth being the biggest one.
>4. Another one so close to Elspeth and 'just for the sake of Jace's arc' wouldn't just be lazy, it can easily be spun as misogyny, regressive Silver Age comic book bullshit.
Sometimes you just have to draw a line in the sand and go, "Don't cross this or we tell tumblr and Twitter what you did". Some battles are worth using dirty tricks.
> the pirate
Honestly, they COULD revert the mending and keep planeswalker cards the same as they are.
Most the planeswalker commanders represent oldwalkers pre-mending, after all. And the cards are supposed to represent what the walker is willing to do for you before they fuck off - a card representing premending Bolas would be fairly similar to the current ones. He just cares even less and is doing it for his amusement.
>You were always scum!
>Yeah, Rebel scum!
>based Ugin freeing us from another hundred Jace cards by throwing him into planeswalker jail
a shame it will not work
>jace is fucking a snake girl
the ship is drowning
>Honestly, they COULD revert the mending
I agree, they could. But if you're gonna have cards representing nigh omnipotent beings, far beyond beings like the local Theros or Amonkhet gods, how will you represent that without it being stupid broken? This is probably why they nerfed walkers in the 1st place and it's why a re-mending will never happen.
But how many tokens will Elenda make when she dies? Or is Vona gonna exile her to prevent that?
Vona destroys, not exiles
Damn, you're right. I'm 'tarded.
"Come for the lore, stay for the BBQ!"
>BBQ while MtG
What could go wrong?
>the real pickle the R&D narrative team is in
I feel a serious part of the problems at wotc comes from this segmentation. It has a few noteworthy upsides, but not the way the company is currently structured. They lack unified thought process that ties things together.
How would a colorless flame affect the flavor?
You ever seen the sticky mess bbq sauce can make?
>"-damn those chicken wings are awesome"
>"-hey bro, let me play your deck"
yeah nah
>How would a colorless flame affect the flavor?
Taste the meat. Not the heat.
Like this, apparently.
And technically Ugin's card is pre-mending as well, since it's from Fate Reforged.
>Nobody's talking about Jhoira
>She's cute, CUTE
>And wait, is that a Weatherlight sail behind her?
How do you think Liliana will react when she meets the new Jace "Begone thot" Beleren?
>Liliana tries to be dismissive and mean to Jace
>Jace tells her to fuck off
>Becomes as wet as Niagara Falls
>Cue cat fight for the blue mage dick between Liliana and Vraska
>is that a Weatherlight sail behind her?
It's the Predator isn't it? Too pointy to be the Weatherlight.
>And technically Ugin's card is pre-mending as well, since it's from Fate Reforged.
Yeah, I never really got that arc. Sarkan is a post-mending walker and travels back in time before the mending. So how did that affect him? I never really read Tarkir lore but did it even?
And if Bolas wants his old powers back why doesn't he just go back in time then? Doesn't seem to be too difficult, they've done it several times already in the lore. Karn can do it, right?
I think you're right. Looks like the to sail.
It's probable that he will fight her now that she has essentially sided with Bolas
>betray a bunch of people you had only slightly cared about
>the guy who was emotionally attached to you that you tormented, whom you may actually had feelings for deep down, now wants nothing to do with you
Liliana on suicide-without-reanimation watch
It actually is rather difficult - Sarkhan only managed it due to an already setup contingency plan of Ugin's, and Karn was literally made for the task of travelling back in time and failed (as always) to do what he was originally made to do. Karn DID manage to go back a bit and make things not as bad as they could be, but that was a few days rather than a couple thousand years or whatever that was intended. In fairness, the blame there's more on Urza probably, but Karn keeps screwing things up so it's fun to blame him.
As for Sarkhan's going back itself, he wasn't there for long and likely didn't realize that oh hey he has SUPREME COSMIC POWER at the time, but it's likely that his constant immadregen thinking is why he now literally has scales as of Sarkhan Unbroken, due subconsciously reshaping his body back then.
Ugin knows that Ixatlan is a sort of planar prison, he was disposing of evidence.
That way, bolas could not discern ugin was alive, and even if he sensed something, he won't be able to chase jace and come out of ixatlan
Can we have more Snow covered lands this set? Pauper Skred Delver and Modern Skred Red are kinda expensive atm.