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Tell us about your weirdest strokes of luck/misfortune with the dice lately.
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Paizo Games General /pgg/
Tell us about your weirdest strokes of luck/misfortune with the dice lately.
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I roll all enemy dice publicly
Just resulted in one of the bosses in a duo boss fight getting a nat 1 against Nauseated, immediately got disarmed of their artifact weapon, and has an aether channelled bardiche at her neck as they try to deal with the other boss using the stolen weapon
Triple 20s on the first attack meant the DM had to throw his carefully crafted, multi-stage boss fight out the window.
(X) Doubt
If he really spent that much time on a boss, he would have fiat'd that crit with a Jingasa
>jingasa errata
I do this as well. I had a fun time watching our paladin die painfully to a pickaxe to the eye.
>Dual boss fight
I actually never realised how much I love this trope until now
Was it a twin boss fight like pic related? Or was it just 2 bosses with unrelated abilities?
2 bosses, unrelated powers, not cooperating, hopefully only one survives
I have this wierd thing whenever I make a full BAB character. All of them managed to get themselves disarmed. And all of them SOMEHOW do better just punching people, despite not having any feats or items invested into unarmed strikes. It's wierd, and it happens every time. (I've yet to make a character who'said actually dedicated to unarmed fighting.)
>I've yet to make a character who'said actually dedicated to unarmed fighting.
Sounds like it's time to user. Fate is calling out to you to make a punchdude.
Do it, embrace your inner monk, whether it be weeb martial arts, Wuxia, boxing, wrasslin', or some other variety of punchdude
So what exactly is the appeal of the Promethean? People were talking about it last thread and while the idea of having a Homunculus pal is rad, the one they get kinda seems to suck.
What would the CR of a cyclops with a vorpal critfishing bardiche be?
Also how much of a dick move would it be?
>2 bosses, unrelated powers, not cooperating, hopefully only one survives
Lame. Complementary duo bosses are the shit
the appeal is that the idea is rad
> vorpal critfishing bardiche
Well at least it's not keen. Or does the Cyclops have Improved Critical?
And yes, of course it's a dick move.
If you use the SoP Hybrid Transformation feat, does your equipment still merge? What about normal Transformation into, say, a bipedal Outsider form?
I think critfishing implies that they do have imp crit/keen
I know you
Yeah, should've realized that sooner.
Again, that's not how Vorpal works. You need a confirmed nat 20 critical to behead someone, not just any crit.
That said, Vorpal Cyclops has a CR of don't do this. It's either going to kill a player, or it's going to die without doing anything. There's no in-between there.
The companion is actually pretty cool, just... Just not for Combat. Which kind of fucks you up since it doesn't get any cool out of combat shit, it just no-sells stuff by being a construct that flies from level 1. If you could customize it without dirty looks, since construct modifications are iffy as fuck, and the alchemist himself has more options to actively contribute without stacking a different archetype, then it would probably be way better.
Also it is conceptually rad as fuck.
I'm just guessing, but it could be crit fishing normally until it by luck hits a nat 20 on the roll, then use flash of insight to confirm it, either that or they use the flash of insight to get a 20 and then hope they confirm it normally, before going on to standard crit fishing.
Yeah, the thing that bugs me is that it doesn't seem to be as decent as an eidolon or animal companion, and by a fair margin too. It's a shame really, because I want to find a way to make it decent but I just can't figure anything.
Making a Feral Gnasher barbarian for a low optimization game, and I'd really appreciate some advice on how to make it not suck as much.
There's a feat that lets you get a familiar, right?
Is there an archetype for that familiar to make it a construct? Or a feat?
Given that it's a construct, it can be made intelligent?
Since animated objects are constructs, it could be a sword, right?
Do I get any bonuses to wielding an intelligent construct familiar sword into combat?
Mentioned last thread, but best I can figure is hand it a spear and a Mithral Shirt, and let it skate by through just being immune to things. You can't go too ham because it's actually pretty fragile, hp-wise. It's a great scout and relay, since you have a telepathic link, but it doesn't have enough skill points to do anything really cool.
Familiars are by default intelligent.
Not quite, since it'd be limited by familiar forms.
Why would an alchemist take Pickled Quasit or Bottled Ooze if neither are under your control?
Alright, i had the hunch. Would a few of them be an alright match for an epic party?
I'd say either make it clear it's a vorpal using cyclops or don't use a vorpal using cyclops. It feels cheap as fuck do just have a cyclops go "lmao nat 20" and one-shot you. If they know he's capable of it the wizard might prepare something to fuck it over.
Not sure about the quasit, but the oozes can have interesting abilities and make a fun addition to a minion-y build. Not to mention some enemies straight up can't deal with certain oozes.
Sure, they seem useful in combat, but what's stopping the DM from saying they just fuck off after leaving the bottle?
The discovery mentions that it immediately attacks the closest creature when it comes out, and it generally has no reason to stop trying to eat its target.
>reminder to vote on the poll for classes for jolly to rebuild
>Cavalier highest
But DHB already did that.
Must've missed that. Strange that the Quasit doesn't have that.
>it immediately attacks the closest creature when it comes out
So, the alchemist?
dhb did gunslinger too and jolly did his own form of that which was really good. not sure why thats an issue
Presumably something within 30 feet of the alchemist, unless the alchemist is a dumbass.
Ok, say there's a small permanent demiplane that belongs to an asshole mage, and a player kills said mage and asks to take ownership of the demiplane so they can make changes to it and soforth. Is there an existing way to do that, or am I gonna have to houserule it?
Made a similar poll for DHB.
Wizards had also already done 3.5, but that didn't stop Paizo.
DHB talked about making an UC wizard and everyone hated it because it needed them too much.
God damn I hate phone posting.
If the Alchemist threw it within 30 ft, I would make it attack the Alchemist if he was closest.
So much for that then, guess I'll just shell out to make my magic sword an intelligent magic sword
That seems to fall under "the alchemist is a dumbass".
It's the only way to teach 15% of the players in this game.
You could be a black blade magus, they get an intelligent magic sword as a sort of psuedo-familiar.
What I'm saying is you've been stating the obvious this entire time. Nobody here was so retarded to use the ability to harm themselves.
It looks like you'll have to houserule it.
>please check the box
screw it
Disciple's Doctrine
Arcanist Exploits: armored mask, aspect of innocence, charmer, mending flesh
Arcanist Exploits, Greater: convert wand
Archetypes: Divine Numerologist (Oracle), Elemental Monk (Monk, Unchained Monk), Elemental Envoy (Ranger), Esoteric Initiate (Occultist), Fist of the Godclaw (Warpriest), Mask of the Living God (Ninja), Seeker of Enlightenment (Spiritualist), Totem Channeler (Skald), Vessel of the Failed (Medium), Ward Speaker (Samurai)
Bardic Masterpieces: kamniari drums (percussion), spirit of the horse (strings)
Blessing: Godclaw
Cavalier Order: Order of the Monument
Combat Style: Elemental
Equipment: convocation bells (100 gp), disguised holy text (1-100 gp), ritual disk (20 gp), spiritual leader's vestments (100 gp)
Focused Arcane School: Prophecy (Divination)
Investigator Talents: numerical alchemy, numerical alchemy (greater), numerical strike, numerical strike (greater), numerical strike (masterful)
Magus Arcana: book-bound, circle of order, tabris's step
Occult Rituals: breath of forgotten life (6th), song of the kami's gift (5th)
Psychic Discipline: superiority
Specific Magic Weapon: Storval's fang (38,312 gp)
Spells: debilitating speech (sorcerer/wizard 4), fastidiousness (bard 1, cleric 1, mesmerist 1, occultist 1, paladin 1, psychic 1, sorcerer/wizard 1), fortune's path (bard 2, cleric 3, sorcerer/wizard 3), hallucinatory decor (bard 3, mesmerist 3, psychic 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, witch 3), litany of admonition (antipaladin 3, inquisitor 4, paladin 3), litany of dependability (inquisitor 4, paladin 3), litany of duty (inquisitor 2, paladin 1), litany of order (inquisitor 3, paladin 2), prophetic lore (sorcerer/wizard 6), unflappable mien (bard 3, mesmerist 3, occultist 3, psychic 3, sorcerer/wizard 3)
Traits: Aspect of the Quah (Faith), Dogged (Faith), Ecumenical (Social), Heretic's Caution (Faith), Imperfect Recall (Faith), Natural Ritualist (Faith), Self-Sustaining (Faith)
Variant Channeling: Duty (Furcas, Kols, Ragathiel), Flying Creatures (Pazuzu, Ylimancha), Journeys (Sinashakti), Moonlight (Ashava, Jezelda, Thoth, Tsukiyo), Monuments (Soralyon), Sexuality (Arshea)
Vigilante Social Talents: ancestral enlightenment, skill familiarity
Vigilante Talents: magical familiarity, steely resolve, weapon familiarity
Wondrous Items: charlatan's cope (body, 4,800 gp), cloak of good fortune (shoulders, 12,500 gp), echo of divinity's promise (none, 1,400 gp), emblem of lost lives (neck, 12,000 gp), foresight quill (none, 6,500 gp), godstar (none, 1,000 gp), lantern of the four elements (none, 1,500 gp [standard], 6,500 gp [greater]), malleable monument (none, 8,000 gp), numerology cylinder (none, 5,000 gp), spectacles of comprehension (eyes, 2,500 gp), tome of forgotten epithets (none, 108,000 gp)
Made a strawpoll because I'm curious about what's the highest level people have gotten to:
what's the best (1pp) way of getting melee shapeshifting in pathfinder without being a druid?
feral hunter
Ragebread Beastmorph Vivisectionist, maybe
seems alright, but I was hoping to avoid beast shape.
tough luck bruddah
shame. thanks anyways
Did we ever get that update on Shardwalkers?
The party TPK'd and got their choice of +3 CR in templates.
How would you play a character who's pretty but has low charisma?
Like pic related
In any game I've played from levels 1-3, I've only made it as far as 9th or 10th level before either a) the campaign fizzles, b) we conclude a major arc, and want to move on to something else, or c) the DM throttles level progression as things squirrelly, and then a or b happens.
As far as I understand, games starting from 1st level reaching beyond 10th level are the exception, not the rule (personal experiences may vary). That profoundly changed the way I looked at classes and character builds too.
[citation needed]
Why the fuck do you care? It doesn't even impact you.
It's a question about a (alleged) DM currently recruiting
It's not like he's going "so did Lysander ever get his balls back?"
Simple curiosity.
I mean in the most recent game night, not the TPK that happened months (4 sessions) ago.
While I like having intelligent bonded items, I hate that you have to play a cheeseball to get anything out of being a Magus.
Ok Paizo people I need help.
>have friend playing PF
>he introduced me to 3.5e some 10 years ago, ive played other groups mainly as GM
>get back in touch
>"hey user how about you run a 1-shot for my pathfinder group? Just come up with an idea"
>teens steal a wizards spellbook, he hires the party to find it during in-universe Halloween
>turns out he was a Necromancer and its a Necronomicon thing
>Evil Dead shenannigans happen, possessions and animations
What monsters/things should I use on a 3rd level party to fit this?
Tl;dr- i need to run Evil Dead in pathfinder for a level 3 party. Wat do?
The quasit one has the secondary issue that you're creating an intelligent creature that will fall apart in like 30 seconds.
>What monsters/things should I use on a 3rd level party to fit this?
Lotsa zombies. You can easily up the difficulty for encounters by adding more of a given monster.
This is dumb but I need some ideas for this crazy 1pp build I am thinking about. To try and not sound weeby, there is this mech anime where this kid designs a mech but it has arms on it's back so it can be modular. It was the Knights and Magic anime. So to emulate the powers I was thinking a Synthesist with the Biped Eidolon. At the very least have these evolutions on it. Extra Limbs, Flight Plus, Increased Natural Armor, Increased Natural Attack. The idea is that I can fly around, attack in melee with the claws, and use my back up arms to pull what I need from my bag as needed. I first thought, hey I can use a shield in my 3rd limb. Then realized that sucked as I eventually get a shield bonus. But I could technically get a better shield that out do's my inherent shield bonuses I get. I could also use my extra limbs to hold a ranged weapon as an option. A crossbow or a wand for a ranged "shoulder mounted" weapon. I am basically trying to get ideas on what to use my extra back arm slots to hold.
what said, lotsa zombies
And to spice it up in small places, throw some weird things like a ghoul or something
Why not take inspiration from the anime itself and have the extra arms hold wands of either Magic Missile or Scorching Ray or something like that? Synthesists are naturally Cha based anyway so you should be able to meet the UMD checks fairly easily.
>Select one combat sphere you possess, you treat your base attack bonus as 1 higher for the purposes of its effects, but not for attacks made with talents from that sphere. At 5th level and every 4 levels afterwards, the chosen sphere’s base attack bonus is treated as an additional 1 higher, although the sphere’s effective base attack bonus cannot be higher than your character level.
If I take Combat Sphere Specialization for Barrage sphere, does that mean I can make the extra attacks for having a higher Base Attack Bonus?
Summoners also have Snowball as funny as it sounds. I was thinking of Magic Missile but when I need damage and there is a chance of failure, it might be not worth it? I am very hesitant on wands and having to do UMD checks. Sure you might have a good bonus but a chance of failure scares me. I rather have things be a sure thing. I know that that is a weird thought when you do attacks and there is a chance of a miss. In terms of shields,how do bonuses stack when you have a inherent shield bonus. Shielded Meld +2/Greater Shielded Meld+4. If I then wield a Shield +1/Arrow Catching, how does that work? I know I have the one with the most bonuses but how do you count enhancements? Do I have shield ac +2 or +2 shield and arrow catching?
Overall I think I got shields, wands/staffs. crossbow, what else?
What level are you building for?
Also you can always just get wands of spells you have and not need to even UMD.
Argentum flaked this week.
good to know. thanks user
"Flaked", or are you just memeing it when the reality is "had work and told the players this in-advance"? Go on, speak up shitposter-kun~!
Well with a half elf and at level 6, I can get the evolutions Extra Limbs, Flight Plus, Increased Natural Armor, Increased Natural Attack. Everything else is up in the air when I am leveling up. Does the summoner have any good ranged spells that make good wands? I only found snowball.
Nope, looks like Snowball is your best bet. If you're up for spending the money a caster lvl 5 Snowball wand costs 3750 for 50 charges, not bad for a 5d6 touch attack.
can I just planar bind/Gate the bbeg to my demiplane and defeat it with no resistance whatsoever, effectively ruining my gm's campaign?
RAW? yea. But no GM worth their salt would allow it.
It's the latter, he's just shitposting. Admittedly it was only 1.5 hours in advance, but it's not like we were sitting around waiting for him to show up.
is it possible to cast magic circle against x, either normal or inward, multiple times so that if something resists, it has to attempt to break through both?
Dropping the session with only 90 minutes of warning IS flaking.
What planet are you idiots from? Anybody else would call that flaking.
Why do you people care about Shardwalkers. Go home. It doesn't affect you.
People have a right to know about Argentum's habits, considering he's recruiting for a game right now.
"I have an autistic vendetta against this person"
Stop fucking being a white knight, nobody needs you to protect them. If you don't like argentum, don't apply to his games, leave his games if you're in them.
But more than that, stop shitting up the thread with this pointless autistic garbage.
Is it just me or is Avowed suffering from bloat and trap options before it's even left playtesting?
Avowed is super bloated
Sorry some people have actual jobs and aren't a burden upon society like you.
All the fun parts of Avowed got nerfed to hell, now it feels a bit soulless and unfun.
I just started combing through the material recently, but Christ. I don't think I had sift through as much crap making an initiator, or sphere caster. How do you take something designed to be simple like Warlock and make it this much of a headache? That's an honest question, I'm trying to figure out the problems with this book and articulate them, especially because it looks like this book also gets a lot right. How receptive has Forrestfire been to negative feedback?
Too receptive honestly, it's how the class has gotten to this state, it got 2hu'd to hell and back and in the attempt to address everything he did Avowed just became not worth it.
Forrestfire is too receptive, and in doing so has lost any vision for the class and what it is supposed to be
Avowed is now -everything-, and thus its nothing.