ITT: Movies that are basically campaigns
Lord of the Rings obviously.
Hangover could be a shortish mission if one or more players aren't in the table.
>Jackman's Van Helsing
>Rogue One
>The Mummy movies
Someone post that pasta of it.
Hateful 8
>The A-Team
>Guardians of the Galaxy
>Dog Soldiers
>Pirates of the Caribbean
Sparked one of the most based threads in recent memory
I'm assuming you mean this one
Any Tarantino's movie, really.
Also, half of shit from 1d4chan.org
>80 points in guns
Playing GURPS the right way I hear
I think I got the screen caps for that one somewhere.
>The Thieves [Korean]
Ah, I remember reading this one live at work. Saved my day.
Sadly, I can't find it right know. Might be on my laptop but that'll be a while to find it.
Maybe not the whole movie, but if separated into sections, it would make great settings.
It bothers me his name is Branden and not Rick
Definitely Guardians of the Galaxy.
Also Thor: Ragnarok had that feeling although not through the whole movie. The constant jokes felt totally like something players in a campaign would be saying.
The Tenacious D movie. Two inept level 1 Bards somehow manage to defeat Satan through great rolls and balls, on their quest to retrieve a legendary magic item.
O Brother Where Art Thou.
More of an intense one-shot, but hey.
>Oceans 11/12/13
>The Italian Job
>7 Samurai
>Catch Me If You Can
>A Bridge Too Far
>The Godfather
>The Raid
>The Objective
>Apocalypse Now
I found an image cache of threa but not the original thread;
Thanks, user. Works for me.
Army of Darkness
All of them if you play with the right group. Yes even the romcoms
>Kelly's heroes
Bunch of GI's say "fuck it, if I'm gonna get shot at I may as well get rich while doing it." And Rob a Nazi gold reserve behind enemy lines. Not to mention Oddball is one of the most classic PC's ever.
>GM: alright, you're in the tank unit 321st, what do you do?
>I'm gonna stick a bigass pipe on the end of the cannon so the Germans think I have a 90mm gun"
>..... Ok... Anything else?
>Yeah I'm gonna stick a loudspeaker on the side of the tank and shoot paint rounds at enemy tanks so they think we have special rounds
>Uh huh, and where do you plan to get all this?
>We're pals with the supply officer right? I keep giving him my dead officers booze rations, he'll hook us up
>You realize this is a WWII GI campaign right?
>You need to quit it with those negative vibes man
Tv shows ok?
>party leader is high charisma and grabs onto every string of plot that the GM gives them, knowing it's all going somewhere but no idea where
>they don't need to look around and make real deductions, they just need to see how it all connects
>they walk into situations with no idea what's going on and stumble through dialogue with NPCs by displaying how little they know
>they talk a lot to make up for having nothing to talk about
>second player is not used to any of this and is trying to figure out how the GM and the game works, while constantly upset and annoyed by the way the party leader jumps into every situation without thinking, drags them off in seemingly random directions, and leaves him endlessly frustrated.
>he invites his sister to play and after a couple sessions she gets more into it than him, does better than him, and in the next campaign is far more competent than he is.
>third player works hard to make a well rounded character who is as overpowered as possible in combat to make up for how useless the other characters are, gives herself a complicated backstory the GM halfheartedly works into the story but mostly never comes up.
>fourth player just attacks kills everything and everyone on sight.
>They cut as many points from intelligence, charisma, and anything that doesn't help them get kills or keep from getting hit. NPCs can't ever seem to get a hit on her.
>Gets good rolls, ignores GM warnings, kidnaps an NPC for no reason.
>keeps asking the GM "should I kill this guy?"
>gm says "well he is carrying a weapon but he do-"
>Ok I kill him. Where to next?
>they keep being delayed from running into the rest of the party
>A party of some of the worst kinds of players you can have but it all works because the GM has such a powerful master plan, no one can fuck if up even when they try.
Tell me this doesn't sound like a scene from players who didn't take notes and jumped the gun on the plot:
Woefully underchek'd
True Detective - Season 1
Would the wives be PCs or npcs?
obviously npcs
the brides mostly do fuck all so I'd say NPC's Max and Furiosa are the players and Nux is a buddy who joined late in the game and is probably a little new to tabletop.
yeah it really plays like a 2 player CoC game.
gm: Marty your wife finds out about the cheating and kicks you out
Marty: fuck ok I stay with Rust
Rust: why our characters hate each other
GM: ok time skip what are you doing
I don't think the second and third movies get enough respect. They have their problems, especially the third one, but the whole trilogy is iconic in my mind. The original is the best as a movie but Davy Jones is an incredible character who justifies the other two alone. 4 and 5 are swill, though.
>4 and 5 are swill, though.
Wait, there's a Mummy 4 and 5?
How the fuck does that work?
Boondock Saints down to the T.
The brothers are PC's, Willem Dafoe is a DMPC, Rocco is a friend who joins in halfway, dies and takes over that one npc who was cool, because why not?
Read the post I quoted again.
>only war
If my wife is GMing? Not only are they the PCs, each player will, in turn, take a chance to tell a part of their tragic and twisted backstory about how rape defined their lives to this point. No dice or character sheets, just stories.
Mutant Chronicles, though not really surprising for a movie based on a game
>tfw the little sister of the group dies
Was Babyface a DMPC?
Ah. Sorry about that.
Rohnin. Shadowrun in modern day
I like to imagine Immortan Joe is also a PC, and Fury Road is just the story of what happened when the other players get sick of Joe trying to turn the game into his personal Magical Realm. When Joe finally misses a session, the players strike.
Joe - Min/Maxing Rollplayer, constant rules lawyering and assholish behavior has finally broken the GM.
Furisoa - Combat-Focused, but still likes roleplaying.
Nux - Consummate roleplayer. Just happy to be there.
Max - System vet, recently recruited by Furiosa.
>Joe: Hey guys, sorry I'm late, what's going on?
GM: Well...
>Furiosa: We took your bimbos, you fat fucker.
>Joe: What the fuck guys? I had a good thing going on!
>Max: Yeah, this is like my second session with you guys, and I'm already grossed out.
>Joe: They're just NPCs, who fucking cares?
>Furiosa: Not the point, dude. We're sick of getting dragged along on your quests for imaginary poon.
>Joe: You're just going to let them?
Calm down dude. You and most of your warboys are already in pursuit. They have just finished off the Buzzards. Lost a few warboys-
...Yes. But Furiosa, the rest of the . Let me just roll something real quick. *rolls* Oh. That's interesting.
>Furiosa: It's a hundred, I saw it.
>Max: Oh shit.
Alright, so as you finish off the last buzzard, you notice a massive storm on the horizon.
>Joe: Still brewing, right?
No... it's just here now.
>Joe: This is fucking bullshit.
>Furiosa: I don't care. I'm not stopping.
>Nux: Neither am I. I'll pull up alongside her and take out my shotgun.
>Max: MY shotgun.
>Nux: Quiet, bloodbag!
>Max: What?
It's not important. Before you can shoot, Groot's trying to grapple Furiosa.
>Joe: Who? The tree?
No, he's one of your warboys. *rolls*. Uh, that's a 18.
>Furiosa: *rolls* Yeah, he grabs me. I'll punch him, try and break it.
The Nice Guys was such a fantastic movie.
>Furiosa: *rolls* Fuck yeah! Eat shit.
Alright, you crack him across the jaw, and he flies off you. Nux now has a clear shot at you.
>Furiosa: Shit.
>Nux: I take my shot. FOR VALHALLA! *rolls* Uh... what do I add again?
Firearm proficiency. It never changes.
>Nux: Oh... yeah. I got a 7.
No luck, your shot goes wide. Furiosa, you hear a shotgun blast ring off the War Rig's armor.
>Furiosa: Fuck you Nux, just let me go.
>Nux: Hey, I'm with you, but it's not what my character would do.
>Joe: Seriously guys?
>Max: I've been a hood ornament for the past twenty minutes, man. I'm still having a blast.
>Furiosa: Here, I got an idea about that. I'm gonna ram Nux's car.
You shunt it to the side, and knock a few of the buzzard's saw blades loose. They slice up your tire, Nux. The car starts listing to the right.
>Furiosa: Sorry, thought I'd try something.
>Joe: Get fucked.
>Max: No, I think it'll work out. Can I roll slight of hand?
Sure. What are you trying to do?
>Max: Loosen the bindings a bit. *rolls*. 11.
Alright, you manage to free some space up, but before you can make any real progress, Slit comes to unhook you. They need counterweight to keep the car moving.
>Nux: Sounds fair.
>Joe: What am I doing?
You're following them, with most of your army with you.
>Max: You gave this guy an army?
He built it up during a bunch of solo runs before Furiosa and Nux showed up. Sorry, but he wouldn't leave home without them.
>Joe: Damn right I wouldn't. I'm gonna check to see what kind of storm this is.
Roll a perception check.
>Joe: *rolls* Shit. 8.
Your compass is freaking out. Other than that, it just looks like a massive sandstorm.
>Joe: This is what I get for dumping wisdom.
I can keep going if you guys want, or do a different scene. This is pretty fun.
Keep going This is great!
Really, this series in general is like a long running, episodic campaign, but this film in particular most exemplifies it.
>Calm down dude. You and most of your warboys are already in pursuit. They have just finished off the Buzzards. Lost a few warboys-
Damnit user nearly spit my drink all over my computer.
Second movie is complete dogshit and doesn't function as a standalone film.
It was never supposed to.
I liked it more than the first, to be honest, even with Jack Sparrow becoming a chucklefairy and pirates somehow becoming protagonists.
Then I shall continue.
Alright, so Slit takes you off the hood the car and drags you towards the back.
>Max: Okay, so did he notice my hands?
*rolls* Nope. But once he gets you on top of the cab, he takes out a massive knife. He says, "Hey head! Say bye-bye to the neck! Decapito!"
>Nux: Dude, why are you killing my bloodbag?
>Furiosa: You're really gonna kill him on his second session?
>Max: I'll be fine guys. Check out my hand-to-hand.
>Furiosa: *leans over* Holy shit dude, nice. How'd you pull that off?
>Max: My character's been in the wasteland a long time. GM was nice enough to give me some bonuses.
>Joe: Oh come on, that's not fair!
>Nux: You literally own a settlement and an army.
>Max: Yeah, enough fucking around. I punch Slits.
>Max: Sure. *rolls* 17.
Yup, that'll hit. Slit is momentarily distracted by the storm, and you manage to land a solid hit on him. Roll damage.
>Max: *rolls* Okay, that's... 22 damage.
>Nux: Jesus Christ. I mean... uh... by the Immortan!
>Joe: Oh come on, I get shit for 'min-maxing', and this guy comes along rolling 22 for damage?
It's all legit, man. Anyway, Max, you manage to get a few good blows in, sending Slit tumbling to the back of the car. He... *rolls* manages to catch your chain and stay on board. Mostly.
>Max: Not for long. I kick him. *rolls* 18.
Damn dude, do you roll single digits?
>Max: Only when I roll d6s. That's another 12 damage, by the way.
Yeah, you smash your boot on Slit's face a few time, and he... *rolls* can't hold on to your chain anymore. You're free.
>Max: Alright, so I-
>Joe: Yeah, but what am I doing? Am I close enough to shoot at Furisoa?
>Furiosa: Dude, Max has been sitting on his ass for like a session and a half. Let him play.
Sorry Joe, she's right. Not much to do though, since you're almost in the storm.
>Nux: It's already here? Alright, I buckle up.
>Furisoa: Your bitching ends today. Can I ram these guys already?
Yeah, you gotta roll a driving check though. One of the cyclones is getting close, and it's already pulling at the War Rig.
>Furiosa: Works for me. *rolls* 16. I push the sedan into it.
*rolls* Yup. You shunt them into the cyclone, which hurls them into the sky, ripping them off the vehicle and tearing it to shreds. It explodes, hurling bodies and scrap across the storm-scape. One of the bodies is hurled a dozen meters behind you, where it bounces off Nux's car.
>Nux: Oh what a day! What a lovely day!
>Joe: ...Is what your character says, right?
>Nux: Sure. I'm going to fire the rest of my nitrous, see if I can't catch up to Furiosa.
Alright, roll a driving check.
>Nux: Oh hey, my character knows this kinda stuff. *rolls* 15.
Yeah, you start closing the gap. You guys are rolling high today.
>Joe: *mumbles* Most of us.
>Nux: Okay, as I'm gaining, I'm gonna fill the cabin up with ga- I mean guzzoline.
>Max: Wait, what?
>Nux: Oh yeah. Alright, as he's emptying the tanks, he says, "I am the man who grabs the sun, riding to Valhalla! Witness me, bloodbag!"
>Max: Holy shit, what? You're gonna kill us both?
>Nux: I needed a bloodbag for a reason - Nux doesn't have much time left. Sorry, but it's what my character would do.
>Max: Yeah, I'm going to have to put a stop to this.
>Nux: ...Please do
Don't forgot to do the thing.
>Nux: Oh yeah! First I gotta spray my mouth with silver paint. "Witness!"
>Max: Yeah, not happening. GM, I'm gonna wrap the chain around my fist and try and break the rear windshield. Should count as an improvised weapon right?
Yeah...? Roll a strength check.
>Max: *rolls* 14. Suck it. *rolls* 20 damage.
>bullets have no weight in this system, so I’ve been carrying 8000 around with me at all times
My favorite line.
Oops, fucked up. Try number two.
You shut the sunroof and put your goggles on. Max, as you scramble for safety, the sunroof closes.
>Max: Oh shit. Thanks, Nux.
>Nux: Sorry dude.
Yeah, you're in the storm now. Wind and sand slam into you, and you can see distant flashes of lightning. Roll a strength check.
>Max: *rolls*. 14.
Just barely, but you made it.
>Max: Okay, I'm going to start hauling myself up by the chain.
>Nux: Can I see him?
Roll a perception check.
>Nux: Wisdom right?
>Nux: Yeah, wisdom. *rolls* 17!
Not bad. Despite the raging storm, you manage to see Furiosa a hundred meters to your right. She's got a sedan full of warboys gaining on her.
>Nux: I'm going to go help them!
>Furiosa: And I'm going to lose these assholes. Can you describe the storm a bit more?
Sure. Once you got past the initial wall of sand and wind, you see six or seven giant cyclones swirling within the storm.
>Joe: Dude, what the fuck? What kind of storm is this?
It's a crazy post-apocalyptic storm, man. I'm just going off the random weather table.
>Max: It's a sand-blizzard. When-
>Joe: I don't care! I thought this was Earth. There aren't any storms like this!
Your convoy is forced to stopped. The sand-blizzard is too much for most of your bikers and warboys, and they weren't prepared.
>Joe: Mother fucker.
>Furisoa: Your bitching ends today. Can I ram these guys already?
Yeah, you gotta roll a driving check though. One of the cyclones is drawing close. It's already pulling at the cab.
>Furiosa: Works for me. *rolls* 16. I push the sedan into it.
You shunt them into the cyclone, which hurls them into the sky, ripping them off the vehicle and tearing it to shreds. It explodes, hurling bodies and scrap across the storm-scape. One of the bodies is hurled a dozen meters behind you, where it bounces off Nux's car.
>Nux: Oh what a day! What a lovely day!
>Joe: ...Is what your character says, right?
>Nux: Sure.
>Nux: I'm going to fire the rest of my nitrous, and see if I can't catch up to Furiosa.
Alright, roll a driving check.
>Nux: Oh hey, my character knows this kinda stuff. *rolls* 15.
Yeah, you start closing the gap. You guys are rolling high today.
>Joe: *mumbles* Most of us.
>Nux: Okay, as I'm gaining, I'm gonna fill the cabin up with ga- I mean guzzoline.
>Max: Wait, what?
>Nux: Oh yeah.Alright, as he's emptying the tanks, he says, "I am the man who grabs the sun, riding to Valhalla! Witness me, bloodbag!"
>Max: Holy shit, what? You're gonna kill us both?
>Nux: I needed a bloodbag for a reason - Nux doesn't have much time left. Sorry, but it's what my character would do.
>Max: Yeah, I'm going to have to put a stop to this.
>Nux: ...Please do
Don't forgot to do the thing.
>Nux: Oh yeah! First I gotta spray my mouth with silver paint. "Witness!"
>Max: Yeah, not happening. GM, I'm gonna wrap the chain around my fist and try and break the rear windshield. Should count as an improvised weapon right?
Yeah...? Roll a strength check.
>Max: *rolls* 14. Suck it. *rolls* 20 damage.
You manage to break open the windshield with some effort. Somehow. *mumbles* +2 to Strength... what was I thinking?
>Nux: Time for the road flare?
Sure. As you reach for it, however, you're stopped - your blood bag's chain has wrapped around the car, making it difficult to reach. Roll a strength check.
>Nux: *rolls* Hm... 12.
You manage to grab and light the road flare.
>Max: Can I stop him? Dude, you gotta at least give me a chance here.
>Furiosa: Can I ram them? Push them off course?
They're burning nitro just ahead of you, you can'r reach them. They're swaying wildly though, there seems to be some sort of struggle happening on board.
>Nux: Hey, we did take some damage in the buzzard fight.
Yeah, good point. As you lift your road flare-
>Nux: "I live! I die! I live again!"
...You notice the sunroof ripping off.
>Max: I go for his hand!
Dex check.
>Max: *rolls* 12.
>Nux: *rolls* 13.
Okay, you manage to pull it away before he grabs it. In the confusion however, you slam on the breaks. The War Rig crashes into you. *rolls* ... Uh... 87 hull damage.
>Nux: My car!
It's gone. The war rig splits it in half, and continues on its way. You two... *rolls* take 28 points of stunning damage.
>Joe: Stunning damage?! They should be dead!
>Max: Calm down, fatass. Getting ejected from your vehicle counts as stunning damage if you're going below a certain speed. Anyway, I'm down. Never managed to heal from last week's encounter.
>Nux: Sorry, dude. Oh, and I'm out too.
Okay, that's the sandstorm scene done. Anyone want more? Different scene?
Can you do the swamp scene with them trying to get the truck out of the mud with the guy in a tank/car shooting at them?
Keep going until you get bored man, this shit is priceless.
>Tv shows ok
Burn Notice, then.
especially the romcoms
Stargate SG-1
>GM wants to run a realistic down to earth spy espionage game
>Players keep coming up with absurd zany schemes
>It keeps working
>GM gets increasingly frustrated by it, keeps making the setting more and more edgy and grim
>Doesn't work, players keep going over the top with zany schemes
It works so well.
This is the most accurate depiction of a Vampire: The Masquerade campaign ever captured on film.
After I definitely would like the death of Joe if you got time.
And I would so play that campaign.
>Mfw the camera angle makes the lower right chick's head look too big for her body
>The A Team (movie)
Star Wars IV
This scene in particular.
And the whole "because I love the imagery of a vietnamese in priest garments holding a big gun"
Rocket is clearly played by That Guy.
Furiosa vs Max is pretty gameable
nah, Guardians is just the Avengers playing D&D.
Groot is Banner, who isn't actually paying attention and just says "I am Groot" whenever prompted
>he lets his unskilled wife gm
Coming up!
>Max: So are the girls doing anything?
No, they just look scared and angry. The blonde one in particular looks pissed. She hisses at you.
>Max: Whatever. I'm still collecting weapons.
Roll a perception check.
>Max: Again?
It's called the War Rig for a reason.
>Max: Makes sense. *rolls* 15.
You find a few more sidearms stashed in the back. None of the girls are reaching for them, but the white haired one insults you. "You're a crazy smeg who eats schlanger!"
>Max: What.
>Furiosa: We're in Australia remember?
>Nux: Yeah, I went to Melbourne once for a cousin's wedding. Sounds about right to me.
Anyway, you guys are driving for a few minutes before a wall of stone appears.
>Nox: Uluru?
>Max: Wait, why are we going to the mountains? There's always batshit tribes and whatnot up there.
>Furiosa: Trust me on this.
Hey Joe can you roll a diplomacy check for me?
>Joe: Oh I can roll now? Sure. *rolls*. Hot damn, 28!
>Max: 28??
>Joe: Sit down, new kid. Immortan Joe's playing now.
>Furiosa: God dammit.
And Furiosa, can you roll me a perception check?
>Furiosa: Uh... sure. *rolls*. 14.
You can see a large cloud of dust in the distance - an army is approaching you.
>Furiosa: Fuuuuck.
>Joe: Suck my rotten cock, bitches!
>Max: Mountains it is. How close is the army? What do they look like?
They're pretty far away. One of Joe's wives takes a look through a telescope. She tells you there's, "Big Rigs, Pole Cats, Flamers... and the People Eater himself."
>Max: Polecats? Why are we being chased by strippers?
They're not.. they're just... *sigh*. Really dude? 'Pole Cats' is more concerning to you than a dude named 'The People Eater'?
>Max: Yeah dude. Cannibals are a dime-a-dozen in Roads & Warlords.
Yeah... that's... that's fair. No, Pole Cats are just dudes on really bendy poles on the backs of buggies.
>Max: Do they look like strippers?
It's the post-apocalypse, so probably.
Not important at the moment, though. Alright, as you guys are approaching the mountains, the War Rig rumbles, and you start slowing down.
>Furiosa: What now? Can I make a check to see what's going on?
Yeah, intelligence.
>Furiosa: *rolls* Dope. 14.
You know this vehicle pretty well, so you can tell when stuff goes wrong. Right now, it seems as though the fuel pod got disconnected, and it's holding you back.
>Furiosa: Goddammit, Nux.
>Max: I'll go take care of him.
>Nux: Oh shit.
As you head back across the top of the War Rig, it looks like Furiosa was right.
>Nux: Okay, I'm hiding. Can I slip down and crawl up towards the cab?
Roll a stealth check.
>Nux: *rolls*. 16!
Max, perception?
>Max: *rolls*. Fuck. 8.
So you do roll single digits.
>Max: I'm not proud.
You fail to notice Nux crawling along the underbelly of the shipping tank.
>Joe: Come on Nux, gut the fuckers. I've been sitting here with my thumb up my ass for an hour.
>Furiosa: It's been 20 minutes. We've listened to you drone on about your sex slaves for much longer than that.
>Joe: *grumbles something about playing his character*
Max, you do, however, notice a third cloud of dust approaching you.
>Joe: This is gonna be fun.
>Furisoa: Yeah, we'll see.
>Max: Am I still wearing that ridiculous mask, by the way?
>Max: Okay, I'm taking it off. Still just a dex check. *rolls*. Yup, 17.
You manage to finally saw your way through the clasp. You're free.
>Max: Fucking finally.
>Nux: I'm going to strange Furiosa with what's left of my chain.
>Furisoa: Nux... dude... come on.
>Nux: Relax, the wives are still in the cabin.
*rolls* Uh... they fail to hear you approach.
>Nux: I... strangle... Furiosa?
>Nux: *rolls* Uh... *quietly* 18.
You leap up and lash your chain around her neck. Furiosa, you're grappled.
>Nux: Okay, I shout "You filth! You traitored him!"
>Furiosa: Un-fucking-believable. So, can the bimbos help me out at all?
*rolls* Yeah, actually. They manage to subdue him, and drag him to the backseat.
>Furiosa: Nice. Sorry Nux. I'm gonna draw my concealed gearshift-shiv and slit his throat.
Before you can, the wives hold you back. Angharad reminds you of your promise to kill as few people as possible.
>Furiosa: She's the red-head, right?
Not even close.
>Furiosa: Fine. Can they at least push him out of the cabin?
Sure. They hold him at the edge of the seat. "You're an old man's battle fodder!" Angharad cries. "Killing everyone and everything!" Capable adds.
>Furisoa: Fuck, which one is Capable again?
>Joe: Short hair, big, innocent eyes, chocolate skin-
>Furiosa: Nooope, stop. I don't care. I retract my question.
>Nux: Okay, I shout "We're not to blame!" at Angharad. Seriously, she knows all the shit down way before Nux was born, right?
She pushes you out of the War Rig.
Doing swamp scene next, then heading to bed. Keep the thread alive for the next 8-9 hours, and I'll work on the other requests!
>GM: You... are trying to fly a tank.
>Player: I mean, yeah. You know, basic physics. Push us up with recoil and all that.
>GM: ...Roll.
>Player: 18.
>GM: I'll allow it.
>no "THE FALL"
TG, i am dissapoint.
My kindred!
If you haven't seen it, or if you have, watch the Burrowers while actively thinking about it as a campaign.
It lined up so well when I was watching it, it was like watching two movies at once with the second one being narrated like Darths & Drioids or the lovely user doing Mad Max in this thread.
Railroading, lazy character creation, special snowflake monsters, that one guy that wants to erp inappropriately, etc.
If I had less than a dozen projects gathering dust, I'd put something together about it.
Plus, it's a good flick.
I hope someone is screencapping all of this. This shit is gold
Last one before bed. Wish I could do more, but it's super late.
You guys have managed to put some distance between yourselves and your pursuers. It's night now, and it's Max's turn to drive.
>Max: Cool. I'm assuming this is just another empty stretch of desert?
Not quite. An hour into your shift, and suddenly the wheel jerks out of your hand, and the War Rig slides out of control. Once you regain control, however, you realize the wheels have sunk into the mud.
>Furiosa: Wait, what the fuck? Are you serious?
>Joe: Get fucked, assholes.
>Furiosa: Do you WANT him to win? What the hell is wrong with you?
Look, I'm just the GM. You want to take the wives to the Green Place, you can't just teleport there.
>Furiosa: Fuck. Fine. Whatever.
>Max: It's all good. With a jack and the bimbos' help, we'll get unstuck in no time.
*rolls* Uh... wow. Actually, yeah. It takes you guys a few minutes to change wheels and dig yourselves out.
>Max: Oh, and I'm going to lay the mines I found on our tracks.
Roll explosives.
>Max: 10. Fuck.
You plant them on your tracks, but they're pretty visible to anyone with working headlights.
>Joe: Nice try, newbie.
>Max: I'm really starting to see everyone's point.
Okay, you guys move on, but the lead car *rolls*... Wow. They... do not manage to spot the mines. Joe, your lead vehicles detonate in a fiery explosion, shredding them both, as well as their occupants.
>Joe: FUCK! Fuck you, Max!
>Furiosa: Hah! Eat shit, fatty.
You're not out of the mud yet. *rolls* Yup, you guys get stuck again, about twenty minutes after the first time.
>Furiosa; You're just determined to make this difficult, aren't you?
Joe's not having an easy time of it either. Your entire warband is stuck in, except for the Bullet Farmer.
>Joe: He's the dude with the tracks, right?
Yeah. He's frustrated with you right now. He's decided to go kill Furiosa ahead of you, "with one angry bullet".
>Furiosa: Oh come on!
He starts wildly firing a pair of revolvers at you. *rolls*. Yeah, just as I thought. You guys hear bullets whizzing by you, but they're not even close.
>Joe: Hey, don't hit the wives!
>Furiosa: Now I'm almost tempted to use one as a bullet sponge.
>Nux: Can I help? I know we're still stuck, but I know how to drive the War Rig.
Sure. Make a driving check.
>Nux: *rolls* Cool! 17.
You manage to free the War Rig from its current predicament. Max and Furiosa, your ride starts driving away.
>Max: Oh shit! Nux!
>Nux: Dude, it's all good. Me and one of the wives had a heart-to-heart. I'm gonna start helping you now.
>Furiosa: Thank Christ.
>Nux: Thank Capable.
>Max: Thanks, Capable.
Yeah, it would have been a pain in the ass if EVERYONE was at each other's throats. This was the least I could do.
>Nux: Okay, is there anything around here we can use to get ourselves out?
There's something sticking out of the muck. It's unfamiliar to you.
>Furiosa: It's a tree.
I... yes. It's a tree. Anyways, the Bullet Farmer is still firing, and he's closing. *rolls* Still can't hit you though.
>Max: Okay, I'm gonna take a shot with the hunting rifle. *rolls* Fuck. 11.
Yeah, not good enough. Toast informs you that you only have two shots left.
>Max: Fuck you. Also... is she the blonde one?
No. That's The Dag.
>Max: 'The Dag'? *sighs* Whatever. I'm gonna take another shot. *rolls*. Okay, how does 15 sound?
Still not enough. It's dark, and the Bullet Farmer's pretty far away.
>Furiosa: Alright, step aside. I have a few more ranks in rifles than you. Let me give it a shot.
>Max: Probably a good idea. I hand her the rifle. Can I help her out at all? Spot for her?
You can act as a living bipod.
>Max: As long as it gives her bonuses, I'm down.
Furiosa, you settle yourself on Max's shoulder, and take aim at the bobbing spotlight in the mist.
>Joe: Good luck, assholes.
>Furiosa: *rolls*. 17. Plus his assist... 20. Bitch.
That hits. Your bullet hits his spotlight, throwing shards of glass into the Bullet Farmer's eyes. *rolls* 13 Damage.
>Joe: Goddammit!!
>Furiosa: Fuck your NPCs.
>Max: While she's gloating, can me and Nux try and free the War Rig?
>Nux: Good idea. Can I check to see what will help us?
>Nux: Awesome *rolls* 17.
There's a winch on the front of the War Rig.
>Max: Nice. I'll run it over to the tree and get us hooked up.
Okay, you run it over, but you notice it's too short.
>Nux: I still have a bit of chain hooked up to me, right? Can I use that to extend it?
Yeah. Capable grabs the bolt cutters and snips it off your wrist.
>Nux: Aw! I give her a little kiss and run the chain over to Bloodbag!
As you do so, the Bullet Farmer winds up his guns again, raining down a hail of firepower. *rolls* 14.
>Furiosa: Shit, that's close. I'll send all the wives to the War Rig. Are the engine covers we were using as leverage still around us?
Yeah, there's a few lying there.
>Furiosa: I'm going to take one as a shield and run back to the War Rig.
The Bullet Farmer continues to fire, now on his third pair of weapons. *rolls*. 16. Good idea to pick up some cover.
>Joe: Bullshit, like some shitty engine cover's gonna block 7.62.
Rules say +3 to AC, man. Just how it works. His men bring out the rocket launchers anyway.
>Furiosa: Rocket launchers? What??
Rocket launchers. *rolls* Nope, they miss.
>Max: I love post-apocalyptic mooks.
You got lucky.
>Nux: I'm gonna see if I can't unstick the War Rig.
Vehicle check.
>Nux: *rolls* 18.
18 just barely makes it. After a few false starts, you manage to free the War Rig from the mud.
>Furiosa: Yes! Thank God you're not trying to kill us any more, Nux.
... and that's when the War Rig runs out of gas.
>Furiosa: Fuck. You. This is absolutely ri-goddamn-diculous. Why don't you and Joe just go jerk each other off over the bimbos during a solo session or something? If we're gonna get fucked over at every turn, why are we even rolling?
Hey, I'm taking accurate notes. Did you or did you not say that you wanted to skip refuelling for now?
>Furiosa: That was like 5 minutes ago! Cars don't just run out of gas like that!
Giant post-apocalyptic War Rigs stuck in mud tend to.
>Joe: Yeah, Furiosa.
>Furiosa: Suck my ass. We still have plenty of... guzzoline... left, don't we?
Yeah, but the Bullet Farmer's still following you guys, firing wildly. He hasn't realized you're behind a dune yet.
>Max: Works for me. I'm gonna go take care of this asshole.
>Furiosa: Uh... cool? Shouldn't we try and take him together? You're not trying to steal all the Encounter XP, are you?
>Max: What? I... no. I just have an idea. It'd work better if I tried it alone.
>Furiosa: You really think you're gonna take out a tank and four heavily-armed warboys by yourself?
>Max: With the way I've been rolling today? Psh. Hold my beer.
Okay, done for now. Exhausted, it's 6AM where I live. May do more tomorrow. Hope you all enjoyed.
That was a nice read, could you do the final chase and Joe's death once you are up for it
Angarad death and Joe's player throwing a fit because of it could be fun to
how? There are like two characters
If you are using muzzle-loaded weapons, you have a limit on how much you can carry of that shit in a single ammo sache. And the sache itself has stated weight
If you have cartridges, they only are weightless until hitting "box" limit, after which they are accounted for.
Using a loader, a clip or a block? They have weight.
So do mags and belts, regardless if cased or strapped on your back.
In other words - they have weight related with their contained and in case of loose ammo it kicks in around 40 or so rounds (that's how many there are on average in single box of ammo), making them highly impractical in TLs high enough to have magazines due to being loose and thus making reloading extra-tedious. This turn exists solely to allow you effective use of few skills and advantages, allowing to hide extra ammo or simply carrying spare bullets.
tl;dr ammo does have weight