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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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So, anons. What do you do in your free time?
Val, or anyone, really, is there any word on the SDS update? I've been away for a bit and I may have not seen it drop, but I wanted to ask about it either way.
post about this niche choose your own adventure game that has a multi-setting crossover twist to it
Think about jumpchain.
Val's been working on other things.
Plot world domination.
Aria seems to be an advanced, peaceful setting.
The Polity of the Polity jump (though their neighbours aren't nearly as nice).
The Federation in Star Trek (ditto, plus Section 31 when they're being asses).
Um... and that's all I can think of.
>The Federation in Star Trek
There’s also Nightopia from NiGHTS: Into Dreams. I mean, it’s in the name. Only problem is that Nightmare keeps attacking because Wizeman is a dick.
Other than this? Play video games, read, listen to audio books, go on dates and outing with the wife. The usual.
So, how fucked are some universes if - along with their Big Bads and usual apocalypses and shit - a Jumper's nemesis comes along and suddenly that universe starts becoming a spawning ground for Heartless?
>that picture
Well that didn't take long. Whamuustodes just needs to calm his fucking tits.
Read mediocre fanfiction.
It depends on the setting.
Hey to all of you Nasuverse Nuts what can a Marble Phantasm really do? From the Tsukihime jump , I mean I know it creates things that are natural. But the examples given are raw ore and vacuum blades, so I'm assuming you would be able to manipulate: earth, air, fire, water, lightning, disease, weather, etc.... My question would be , would you be able to control a sun if you are in space or is the marble phantasm limited to Earth? If you go to star wars would you be able to use the Force through marble phantasm? What kind of limits are we looking in what is considered to be natural, the wiki is relatively unclear/ doesn't give many examples.
Hey, can some one roll a random jump for us to discuss in a calm and mature manner?
Roleplay forum, play harvest moon, chat with my girlfriend, tabletop RPG sessions, sometimes write?
SBer or SB crossposting?
Um. I can try.
>Whamuustodes just needs to calm his fucking tits.
H'okay let's see, if we want an example...
Dragon Ball.
Invest my meager money in crypto and lose money due to falling for Veeky Forums memes. It's still very fun though.
Rolled 957 (1d1000)
At least as far as internal politics and economics goes, it's fuckloads better than RL. It's not the Feddies fault that their neighbours are dicks or that a giant metal Cube shows up every year or so to try to assimilate them. Just don't butterfly the Enterprise's plot armor and you'll be fine.
Good job, user. You've given me the best head I've had all day.
Rolled 181 (1d1000)
Seriously, he does. Those two are seriously going Chaos.
What the fuck
I've made a few changes to the WIP doc (which isn't the PDF file) at docs.google.com
>Heartless Frieza
Comics. Work. Curse that lucky bastard Paul Dini. Reading fanfics and watching animu/reading mango.
I am honestly convinced that there is a little bit of choas corruption going on. What with how "KILL! MAIM! BURN!" is second only to "Blood for the blood god, skulls for the skull throne" in terms of Khornite chants.
Anything that is possible in nature it can do.
The common example of how Marble Phantasms work vs Reality Marbles is thus.
Imagine you have a jar full of 100 marbles. 99 black, 1 white. A Marble Phantasm will allow you to allows pull out the white one, without fail, every single time. But it requires there to be a white one in the jar at all to do so.
A reality marble would turn all of the marbles white.
go hiking, and remove tumbleweeds from the property's electric fence. Its nice to take time out of the day to hike the perimeter of our small 160 acre plot.
I sometimes collect and press plant sample, and when the spring comes I plan on harvesting some of the yucca sprouts and fruit we get and try to experiment with cooking them. From what I've heard, they taste rather nice
You mean most.
>Digital Devil Saga Part 2 JumpChain.pdf
Let's go with Digital Devil Saga in general.
I think it's a pretty decent jump - you can talk to god, get a zany demon form, and there's even some song magic. I seem to remember there are a few jumpers out there who use song magic.
Don't really know much about events - can anyone educate?
What's there to do?
Is there anything we should/shouldn't interfere with?
Any neat magic/powers/abilities we should train up in the jump?
Cool shit to magpie?
>anything possible in nature
But they're asking if anything changes with that when "nature" isn't limited to what it is in the Nasu setting. Like even in our world, suns and black holes and such are "natural".
Well I mean
for some it wouldn't even matter in the long run.
How goes black crusade?
8-bit Theatre I think?
I never read the comic, doesn't seem like my kind of content.
>Rolled 957 (1d1000)
On my unofficial hybrid list that is...
Touken Ranbu Jump
All I know about the setting is what was in the intro. Massive armies of time travelling revisionists.
I'll reserve opinion until I know a little more.
Unknown. The jump-maker would need to answer it. No one with Marble Phantasm has ever left Earth. This is purely fanwank territory.
What are some follower items that give more than 1000 people
That's cold.
Been working on companions while doing Ace Combat update. Things are going a touch slow due to getting blindsided by four different things.
>puffy vulva
>Don't really know much about events - can anyone educate?
Scientists make a machine to talk to god, do it by torturing a young girl for no reason. God gets pissed and curses man, the sun is deadly now. Demons are immune to deadly sun though, so they make a way to turn humans into demons.
>What's there to do?
Live, fight, devour your enemies and grow strong
>Is there anything we should/shouldn't interfere with?
Said scientists.
>Any neat magic/powers/abilities we should train up in the jump
Being a demon.
I clicked on this after seeing what I thought were waifu-class tittays. I was not disappointed. Thank you, user, and thumbs up to your patrician taste.
is this gif getting faster
or am i just hallucinating
The effect has to have some chance of occurring in the circumstances, no matter how remote that chance is - Just because something is natural doesn't mean it's possible at that point and time. A sun or black hole requires sufficient mass. That said, a Marble Phantasm could certainly move helium and hydrogen into an area and ignite it at sun-like temperatures.
Optical illusion
You're hallucinating.
It's all just chemicals, my dude.
pass the sauce please?
Shut the fuck up Woolie.
What am I supposed to be seeing here?
Domt say I never did anything for you anom.
Just so you know, I've removed it and took one of the extra bits it would give and made that its own Addon to the Warehouse.
I think some of the curved lines are supposed to look zig-zaggy?
All the lines are equally curved. However, the positions of the colors causes some people to see some lines as more sharply angled.
Something something, over-developed sharp object detection in your optical processing.
>Digital Devil Saga
I know nothing except what I just read in the first jumpdoc's intro. It seems to be a largescale ware that occurs in a junkyard. The war seems to be eternal, but presumably a breakthrough is going to occur within the jumpspan.
Is my first impression horribly off or lacking?
I like your template, thank you.
either a broken link or I'm being fukken trolled.
Annnnd that was easier than expected, sudden lag on fucking microsoft word nonwithstanding.
*Forges of Gaia now has a 'soul mine' attached that gives you soul ores to work into magic items
*Armory now allows for valhalla option with souls, including deploying them as warrior angels
*Temple's reincarnation process archives the personality into a living book within the temple
*All afterlife items except the Forges(since they turn into metal instead) now have the ability to expand by 'expending' souls, ,which enter a nirvana state.
I post on both, especially for something like this where I am rather confused/unsure and would like a full range of opinions.
I get the marble analogy as well, but are the marble limited to the White and Black of Nasuverse's Gaia or can we change them to the Blue and Red of Star Wars.... where does it start/end
Heavens? I'm sure this has been answered already, but on the off chance it hasn't I have a question about TA in Tsukihime. Does all the Gaia / Earth friend / defender stuff carry over to other planets or is it just Earth and versions of Earth?
Works here user.
Street Fighter has the Ninja Village, which gives you "several hundred ninja and their families".
Other planets, long as its -a- planet.
Didnt UQ holder get posted as done? I cant find it.
Well, considering that reality marbles and plenty of other things are still "natural" in Nasuverse, in the sense that they develop naturally and still can't be manipulated, likely not? Especially not the Force as it arises from living beings which is parrallel to a few things in Nasu.
You have to do some stuff with an e-hentai account for the link to work, iirc.
Fair enough, I just figured the force would be allowed as we know all life creates/some animals can use it naturally, but this also fits. I'm just trying to get a more concrete grasp on the limitations of a Marble Phantasm.
It looks like there's some good powers to get in the Mantra section, especially the Null type mantra - Null Phys, Null Death, Null Ailment.
Also the Almighty skills should be useful to pick up if you're planning on going through any SMT jumps in the future.
Google "exhentai sad panda". It's e-hentai's gated section, you need to jump through some hoops for access.
You got sadpanda didnt you? In this day and age you should be able to get by the panda.
>Don't really know much about events - can anyone educate?
Part 1 you're in a simulation, you probably shouldn't worry about anything beyond reaching Nirvana with your Embryon pals. Part 2 you're in the post-apoc shithole where anyone who isn't infected by the Atma virus and gets some sunlight turns to stone and dies. If you let things go as in canon God will destroy the planet. You should probably try to stop this if you can't go into space and enter the sun where He lives in order to have a chat about the whole apocalypse business.
>What's there to do?
Rend, slaughter, devour your enemies! YOU CANNOT ESCAPE YOUR HUNGER, WARRIOR OF PURGATORY.
>Is there anything we should/shouldn't interfere with?
You should try not to get between Sera and Serph in general. Them fusing into a hermaphroditic godling is part of why they can go fight God in the sun to convince Him to not murder humanity. Alternatively, if you're mentally strong (as in, you have inner strength and can endure physical pain without feeling grief over it, not literal brain powers) you could become a cyber shaman and try to talk God into fixing things before Sera does it again and she just ends up showing Him how much worse people are.
>Any neat magic/powers/abilities we should train up in the jump?
Your demon form, of course.
Excessive whitespace between 100cp saint perks, causing the second to extend across a page break.
Thanks for revisiting this. I replayed the game when this jump was released, but never could work it into my jump schedule. Now I have an excuse to find a way.
If you're doing a touch-up, it would be nice to covert to the convention of grouping perks by background.
>gated section
Is it really? I never noticed any differences between the two before, so I used e-hentai for convenience. What's different?
A long long time ago, someone pointed out that Path of Exile had been updated, and the jump had not. And I agreed with them that several perks just weren't very good. And then I completely forgot about the work I'd done to update it. So here it is. Pricing and wording may change on some things later.
Main changes:
shifted some 600cp perks to more fitting backgrounds.
New 600cp perks for other backgrounds.
New 600cp un-discounted perk.
New item.
Depends on how much Authority you have and how much power the Counter Force is funneling towards you.
Arcueid could do things like the aforementioned vacuum blades, conjure up chains that can apparently restrict her to some extent (which means Servant-level beings) as well as manifesting Millennium Castle Brunestud and warping time to manifest the blood moon that's supposed to come about in a thousand years in the present. Not sure whether the last is supposed to be through that blood moon's nature as a natural phenomenon, or some gravity-powered time-warp.
Anyway, Archetype: Earth expands a bit on what Arcueid tends to use, adding the manipulation of wind/air, earth, fire/energy attacks and stellar plasma. She was also going to use Marble Phantasm to halt the rotation of the planet and considered melting the polar icecaps.
Keep in mind though, that both Arcueid and Archetype: Earth vastly prefer to use brute physical force to deal with their problems, and only pull out Marble Phantasm when they can't deal with a problem by beating it to death...which is pretty rare.
Also, if you're a True Ancestor you can *probably* teleport by recreating your body somewhere else in the world and destroying your current one. Though, given how the background's written, that'll be prohibitively exhausting at first, and probably for a good while given Arcueid herself uses mundane methods of travel.
Been working on other things, sorry man. I'm trying to lower my aimed output to just 3 jumps a month so I can start working on some of those backlogged updates but it's slow going.
People are probably going to miss your post if you don't put it as a pdf in the thread.
For one you can't search for Loli stuff in e-, other..."controversial" tags can't be actively searched for. And infact things containing those tags are sometimes hidden.
Ooh, neat. One sec while I read up.
Oh. I dunno if that's legal in my jurisdiction, so I guess I'll stick to e-. Thanks for the intel though.
Oh hey, I thought you were dead.
So is it just whatever planet you happen to be on at the time, or does it require you to choose a single planet when you enter the setting?
I can't always post it as a PDF, and besides, the google doc would allow people to comment on it directly. But give me a bit, and I'll get the PDF up
Yo, question if you don't mind: In Diablo 1+2, is Aura of (Perk) meant to be one perk ever, that you choose on purchase? Or one perk at a time that you can switch?
Army of Anubis from The Mummy gives 100k, replenishing jackal soldiers.
I think, in this analogy, the RM can only change it to one color. So, if you wanted a red marble, you'd be out of luck, because your RM can only make white ones.
MP can do almost anything, within the bundary of "nature".
RMs can only do this one, specific thing. But it can break pretty much any rule in order to do it.
Whichever one is most threatened/in your closest proximity. I like to imagine you need to be on or in orbit of it, at minimum, though that's an assumption on my part.
>'expending' souls, ,which enter a nirvana state.
Someone who is good at ethics, tell me if this is a good thing or a bad thing.
In fact, give me arguments for/against carting around an afterlife in general.
How can you not post as a pdf? Also people prefer in these threads to talk about it in the threads, especially if you're going to be making updates to the jump.
>Army of Anubis from The Mummy gives 100k, replenishing jackal soldiers.
I like taking humanity is infection from haruhi and making them productive members of society.
What changes did you make?
Could we staple a bunch of planets together into one super planet?
Well, here it is.
Updates from 0.9 to 0.91:
>Added new Items and Warehouse Upgrades
>Added perks to Kevin Flynn, as well as Sam Flynn (but GB cost is still TBD for him)
>Removed Ultimate Tablet, moving part of it to another Upgrade
>Removed Earth-based locations
So, what you're saying is, this perk when used in conjunction with Realm of Myths will turn you into a panty dropper for all planets. A full on dedicated sploosh summoner. Right?
>arguments for
They make for excellent wines.