>Ask Veeky Forums for a good space opera book series
>Get told Honor Harrington
>Look it up, basically Space Britain vs Communist Space France where no one wants to fight but economic reasons force them to
>That sounds great, I'm fully invested
>Hate the first book, keep going anyway
>Four books in and the main character is a katana-wielding queen of the planet of sexist space mormons who now realize that girls are just as good as boys, and also she's beautiful and perfect and everyone loves her except the villains and most of them love her anyway, and also she's the best at everything in the universe except putting on makeup and her ancestor was the first person to tame psychic kittens
>Look up a synopsis of the later books
>The fight between Space Britain and Space France is forgotten about and they team up against another villain
Holy shit I hate you Veeky Forums.
Ask Veeky Forums for a good space opera book series
sounds awful. check out the golden age trilogy.
Veeky Forums is a terrible place for fantasy/sci-fi recommendations. People unironically suggest lowest common denominator trash like Rothfuss and Sanderson.
That being said, Honor Harrington is widely known to be a Mary Sue wankfest so you have only yourself to blame.
You got trolled, I'm afraid.
any time these books are brought up I see them hated. I have no idea who here told you to check this shit out, but next time listen to more than one person
What are some good space operas Veeky Forums?
It's only a single book, not a series, but check out Lord of Light, by Roger Zelazny. Also, while it's only kind of half of a space opera (it's more based around investigation and small scale infiltration stuff than big space battles), I would recommend the Quadrail books by Timothy Zahn.
err for
The Night's Dawn Trilogy by Peter F. Hamilton
Honor Harrington :^)
I enjoyed "Trading in Danger" by Elizabeth Moon. It's flawed in certain ways but I feel the good outweighs the bad. If you don't like the first book you can probably drop the series.
I also enjoyed "Old Man's War" by John Scalzi, but frankly the series drops off in quality really, really fast after the first book.
"Bio of a Space Tyrant" by Piers Anthony is dated and a little transparent, but still enjoyable.
I've found short stories a lot more rewarding in this genre, but I'm biased toward short stories in general, so your results may vary.
Also, "Lord of Light" by Roger Zelazny deserves rementioning, even though it's not remotely "space opera," at least as I conceive it. It's just really good.
it's not a book series, sadly, but Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Spoilers: If the whole series is named after one main character it's going to suck.
You think Honor is bad, you haven't seen Anton and Victor.
Now, Mike on the other hand... David writes her as putting actual work in to gain her tactical victories.
Star Trek
Outlaw Star
Anything with Star in the name
>it's not a book series, sadly, but Legend of the Galactic Heroes
I hope you're joking and aren't really this much of a filthy secondary.
>Legend of the Galactic Heroes (銀河英雄伝説 Ginga Eiyū Densetsu), also known as LOTGH (銀英伝 Gin'eiden), is a series of science fiction novels written by Yoshiki Tanaka.
>it's not a book series
It was originally a book series before the OVA. They're finally coming out in English. I think they're up to book 4 now,
The Expanse is a good series, though it does get a little odd in the later books
could go for the Ringworld series if that fits your criteria decently enough
old ass pasta
>the Expanse
I unironically like the show because Avrisala is perfect and I love all of her scenes and Amos is life.
>Get told Honor Harrington
I refuse to believe this was suggested outside of an elaborate prank to cause you harm personally.
>not a book series
get a load of this retard
the books are better than the anime desu
>Lord of Light
Absolutely sublime taste, though I'd agree that it's not remotely "space opera." It's one of those books whose synopsis and slow beginning make it seem a little impenetrable at first glance. But once things click, you suddenly realize you're reading some absolutely genius writing.
Don't worry, I got you user.
The best space opera you will have the honor of reading in your life. There's also an excellent anime if you would prefer that route.
Oh, so with my recommendation there are at least 4 of us here that are saying LotGH.
I'll also second Bio of a Space Tyrant.
Vorkosigan Saga
More like he is a troll. We get eerily similar greentexts every other month.
Dan Simmons Hyperion and Endymion
Also with Lord of Light check out the production art they used in the movie Argo.
Straight up cray Kirby shit.
Also I never had a problem with Honor as she was (and I stress *was*)
Hornblower in Spaaaaace! But things got bad. But defending some of this (and I'm not going to discuss this or create a shitstorm) but she (like Nelson ) got the shit blown out of her, and things she didn't lose physically she lost emotionally.
Also, love dem Broadsides.
You *might* want to check out the first book of the Lt. Leary series although despite having an age of sail sort of setting it's more based on the Greek city states.
I tried to read Honor Harrigan once. Navy ship combat tactics annoyed me when I read them but I decided to give it a shot. Then there is a part, early in the books, were some low ranking security/military type guy is thinking in his head how he is jealous/hates Honor because she is 60 but looks young & how she is so special & awesome & it isn't fair. & I thought to myself "Yep, I'd hate the bitch too," & dropped it. I was maybe 50 pages in.
As long as we are talking about shitty books, stay away from the Sword of Truth books. It's fucking shit & Terry Fucking Goodkind can go suck Ayn Rand's dick. The story is shit & the characters are shit.
>Vorkosigan Saga
>space opera
Come on, man - it's more of a adventure/intrigue/spy novels IN SPACE than space opera.
I mean - I love 'em to death - but there's a grand total of one (1) space battle in the entire series.
wormhole defence vs. Cetagandans in the 'Vor Game' to exact.
And even that's 4 whole pages - two of which are Miles biting his nails ...
Battles are really the only good part about the whole series.
Hate to say it but you should have went to Veeky Forums for recommendations. I mean most of them sounds pretentious but hey they know where the good shit is at too
You'll love her more in the books. She's a real mean son of a bitch in it and it's unbelievable fantastic chewing out dumb mother fuckers and being a damn boss.
Not necessary books, but I did enjoy:
Homeworld (the first game, pretty much all of it's sequels are kinda weak or flat out awful). Read the entire manual too.
Legend of Galactic Heros
Crest/Battleflag of the Stars (both the anime and the original light novelas)
I'm glad someone else noticed. Thought I was having a stroke or something.
How do you call a mechanical paraphrase of the exact content of the last 6 OPs of the same thread? It's not a straight copypasta, just glazed over.
Here's a (You) for the minimal effort OP, no please go get mauled to death by a psychic katana-wielding Space-British cat that can't into makeup.
>He fell for the Honor Harrington prank
The Kris Longknife series by Mike Shepherd is decent.
And I will second the Vatta War series (Trading in Danger, etc.) by Elizabeth Moon.
First book of Old Man's War is some good-ass military sci-fi. I've seen some Sad Puppies and other conservative sci-fi readers be down on the subsequent books, but I've never deep-dived on why that's case.
glen cook, the dragon never sleeps
also glen cook's passage at arms is an entirely different sort of space warfare and is basically about how much being in a space uboat fucking sucks
You just don't understand what a good space opera is. Your view is too narrow.
I try to get so many people to read this and watch this but I haven't had any takers. I haven't read the novelettes, but I'm caught up on all the books.
My favorite part of it is how it takes a somewhat hard scifi world and then turns it soft in a believeable say with fuckin Space Emperors, Space Pirates, Space Zombies and all the other cliches. I also enjoy how many wrong decisions Holden makes and how they play with his role as the "main protagonist " in the latest book.
I have nobody to talk to about these books, so this is so refreshing.
try the forgotten fleet books by jack campbell. They have decent characters, sci fi stuff and good space battles.
And the later books are period romances.
It's ironic. So many suggestions in this thread, and yet I dropped them sooner than I dropped Honor Harrington. Lost Fleet, for example, lost me after book 1 and reading the spoiler that the senator's husband was alive.
Weber is really good at worldbuilding, in the sense that he creates sci-fi worlds with easily recognized elements which allow for minimal technobabble or head-turning twists of logic in order to make them acceptable to the reader. Also, he writes some of the better combat viewpoints of modern sci-fi authors, compared to, say, Dan Abnett.
Mutineer's Moon is much more classical Space Opera than Honor Harrington, which is more Horatio Hornblower In Space. It doesn't suffer as much either from the forced Sue-ing of the protagonist that Honor suffers from, though you still mostly get 1-dimensional human villains. The aliens and AI are portrayed as more complex, and not nearly as banal.
Culture novels are always decent space operas, and they have more variety than just being about space emperors and galactic wars.
>What are some good space operas Veeky Forums?
The Horus Heresy
Iain M. Banks' "The Culture" series is the only space opera you'll ever need, until you finish it, in which case you can start it over again.
If anyone tells you to read the novels "The Expanse" is based on, they're trolling you, because they're even *worse* than the Honor Harrington books, if you can believe such a thing exists.
>Veeky Forums is a terrible place for fantasy/sci-fi recommendations.
> Good...
> Games Workshop...
> Pick one...
I never recommended it.
Go check out the Lensemen and Skylark series.
Spacehounds of IPC
Star Wolf
Battle Beyond the Stars
>turns it soft in a believable way
Hammer's Slammers is named after colonel Hammer, and is excellent.
Well he believed it when they told him Honor Harrington so...
>If anyone tells you to read the novels "The Expanse" is based on, they're trolling you, because they're even *worse* than the Honor Harrington books, if you can believe such a thing exists.
I've only read the first book but whats so bad about them?
From what I recall of them, Colonel Hammer himself hardly features at all in them. He's almost always a distant authority figure, not really a main character.
While Lensmen comes highly recommended, it's strongly suggested to start with Galactic Patrol and then go forward from there. Smith rewrote Triplanetary to make it the beginning of the series, but some of the new sections read like bad fanfiction. He also added First Lensman, to serve as bridge between Triplanetary and Galactic Patrol, but it is easily the weakest of the bunch. Seriously, lots of people who would have loved Galactic Patrol are turned off the series by starting with Triplanetary and First Lensman, so don't.
I can't believe no one suggested SPACE CAPTAIN ISEMBARD SMITH
Yeah, I started with Galactic Patrol too; production order is always best order.
I can't deal with Culture novels. The Culture meddling in everyone's affairs is supposed to be horrifying, I guess, but it comes off as "look at my gommie utopia with blackjack and orgies"
Stop reposting this shit.
Your copypasta is really, really, really old. Like, 4 years old.
The first book; Consider Phlebas ain't great, but thankfully the second "The Player of Games" is one of the greatest Sci-Fi books ever written
How do I enjoy space opera?
I can't enjoy most sci-fi because my suspension of disbelief is so low.
The only sci-fi I can actually enjoy is stuff like Blindsight, where its appended with a bibliography.
Which is why I normally read fantasy instead, because most sci-fi is really just fantasy with futurism slapped on it.
But I also struggle with fantasy because it usually lacks internal consistency.
How do I stop being a curmudgeon?
Not that guy, No idea myself but I keep hearing they start ok but take a massive nose dive fairly quick.
Sanderson is basically mass produced, mediocre YA. Rothruss is overrated and trendy, which is not the same as lowest common denominator, unless you're just being a contrarian hipster.
>tfw she doesn't swear like a sailor, which is a key part of her character in the books.
She's great otherwise.
Fuck off with that weeab shit.
Started off well, bloated out and had a dull and disappointing end.
I heard that Sanderson actually writes some pretty solid magic systems. I want to examine them some day.
In the meantime, I'm writing an alternate system of physics for my magic. People keep saying "it can't be done, you'll never make it work." I think that's just because nobody autistic enough has come along yet. The creative types to flock to writing aren't usually mathematically inclined. I'm not even mathematically inclined, I'm just stubborn.
>Hate the first book, keep going anyway
>Four books in and...
Neck yourself, right now.
Oh look, a rabid/sad puppy faggot.
I guess you have to get over yourself and stop making retarded generalisations like
> most sci-fi is really just fantasy with futurism slapped on it
Also, you're not as clever as you think you are.
The Vorkosigan books by Lois McMaster Bujold. Sweet mercenaries and honour and feudalism.
>I guess you have to get over yourself and stop making retarded generalisations
But that's what it seems like when I pull stuff at random off the shelf? The single biome planets are basically analagous to villages. Melee weapons remain popular. AI is ignored or never dealt with. It just doesn't look like a realistic portrayal of the future. It looks more like fantasy.
Maybe I'm going to the wrong places, but what would you recommend?
>Also, you're not as clever as you think you are.
Well, I actually think I'm pretty stupid, so that's troubling.
If you'd have filled that thread to the end you would have known all about the ridiculous Mary sue before you read it.
>You got trolled, I'm afraid.
I've read all of them. Start out great, get greater (especially towards the end, by then the series focuses less on HH and more on side characters who are also great.)
>Holy shit I hate you Veeky Forums
Read this instead: amazon.com
The trend always seems to be
>claim Veeky Forums recommended something that is widely hated on the board
>immediately post a “woe is me, I’m the lone voice of reason among plebs” line
OP clearly was deprived attention as a child.
This is a board that unironically likes 3.5 and PF. What did you expect, you fucking moron?
If you still have that up, can you check if there always seems to be a post akin to
Made shortly after?
You should see the Anti-Gygax thread.
good call
I was about to post a screencap for you but then I remembered you can just check the archive yourself.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
The "x of shadows" sub-series is the only one remotely worth reading now, because the characters still can grow. Keeping Honor alive was a mistake.
"167replies and 13 images"
For a second I thought he was joking and that was part of the post.
>same filename
>two years of this shit
based honorposter
magical impossibly efficient fusion drives
not only should it not be able to produce that much delta v, it should also violently assrape the crews of ships with radiation
melee is for when you run out of ammunition, or cannot afford to expend ammunition
also for QCQ, since you aren't really able to get your gun up to aim before you get stabbed
>The Night's Dawn Trilogy by Peter F. Hamilton
I like the damned trilogy by alan dean foster. Moat aliens are physically incapable of commiting violence, it either causes them to be physically ill or they are just unsuited to it physically having brittle bones or other such problems. The bad thing is these "peaceful" aliens are in a war with a race of mind controlling space squids who conquer races and genetically engineer them into slave races who have no problem killing on command.
Peaceful aliens start searching foe a race of beings who can help in their war, a race who can survive in a relativwly large amount of climates, is durable, can react to and commit violent acts in a war. They find earth and the first person they meet is a hippy liberal who tries to convince them earth is home to nothing but peace lovers and anyone who is not like him is a drug addict or insane. Standard hippy shit.
Aliens recruit a bunch of homeless and druggies, use alien medicine and heal them up, and pay them in gold. Humans turn out to be fucking amazing at kicking ass compared to all the other races. The books go around telling the beginning to the end of humanities part in the war.
Naw, user - see, space opera is soap opera - IN SPACE!
No one cares about your horribly translated weeb trash though. :^)