Knife eared twinks

I want to make a character that hates elves, but i cant find any reason to hate them, i mean beyond the random lesbian elf ranger who shot his fathers favorite manservant in the kidney whilst hunting for lemmings

Are your settings orcs degenerate elves? Then you can blame their doings on all elves.

Here's an idea

>The character knew few elves during childhood, but the ones they did know were assholes, tainting their view of elves for life

It's not very dramatic, but at least it's something

Besides the standard "spiteful jealousy at their superiority" or "hatred at their arrogance", I can't think of much either that isn't setting dependent.

Elves are the most pompous, arrogant fantasy race, and they're the ones most likely to nag and tell other races how to live their lives, and you can't find a reason to hate them?

How's this for an idea: your character was a farmer out in the country, and one day the king's men came and threw you off your land because it was part of a deal the kind made with the elves to reforest some land in exchange for political favors.

Ancestral Hatred, Racial Enmity, Trauma, Bigotry, Enigmatic Fear, Superstitious, Etc. There's a whole load of reasons why you can hate Elves. Remember, it doesn't have to be justified. In fact, it's better if it isn't.

>beyond the random lesbian elf ranger who shot his fathers favorite manservant in the kidney whilst hunting for lemmings
That's oddly specific.

Could be overly simplistic, but you could just make him that racist. I mean, how many Nazis have been personally inconvenienced by a Jew or black guy

>inb4 muh globalist conspiracy cuck cuck cuck
Fuck off.

Why has their shilling gotten so bad lately?

My current character is a half elf who basically became Elven Uncle Ruckus as an unconscious manifestation of his dad running out on him and his mom.

Y'all niggas don't even remember Thingol's insult regarding the Nauglamír.

I agree with you, but I think you might be a bit paranoid mate

Lets just say a certain segment of the board has been reacting especially badly the prevelance of attractive warrior women threads.

I know user, but overreacting like this only makes the problem worse

>false flagging as anti-/pol/
Nice try, /pol/

/pol/ is a problem with no easy solution.

let's get back to elves plese

>the double false flag

You thought I wouldn't notice?

Don't make a character based on a shitty meme.

>/pol/ pretending they're anti-/pol/ and then accusing others of being /pol/ when they're called out
Seems pretty Jewish for a /pol/ack; the triple false flag won't get past me.

>In fact, it's better if it isn't.

Might be pretty interesting for a plot twist if it was justified but just widely accepted among humanoid races.

For example - orcs and elves at war with each other for eternity. War ravaged leaders of orcs and men realize that only solution is peace and end up bringing in men to arbitrate in good faith.

Elves double-cross orcs by seducing the realm of men with . Men easily manipulated and align in arbitration with elves. Orcs pissed but realize they're outnumbered. Plot revenge over eternity.

And scene.

>Orcs that still maintain the agreement
>Orcs that plot overthrow of elves and men
>Elves that feel orcs got a bad shake
>Elves that feel they did nothing wrong.

/pol/acks have been fighting their absurd war against backstabbing, immoral, machiavellian strawman for so long they've become them.


It’s five Social justice warrior warriors for every one actual SJW.

The irony is lost on them.

Jews are scheming, duplicitous sociopaths, but no one denies their intelligence or cleverness.

Hence they are master race.

Not if we can help it ;^)

Dude all I hear about whites is about them being a beta cucked society. There’s no saving that lot.

Because of the Jews, and it's not like there's anybody else to take the white's place. Not even the oriental insect people

Hence the Jews are the master race. They just keep winning. It’s darwinism pure and simple. To oppose it is to oppose nature, and thus immoral.

Its merely hypothetical

This is the problem, i want him to hate elves reguardless of the setting, which elves seem to be the most varying race in fantasy, someplaces theyre dicks, someplaces they arent, someplaces they are much nicer than humans
I guess they are pretty negligent to humans in most cases so could work sort of
Racists have their own reasons of being racist, most of the real world ones just wouldnt apply to elves because most of the time they keep to themselves and mind their buisiness

Is Red Skull a hero now?

The most delicious irony is a meta-irony.

Yes, captain america is an evil white mail and red skull man is just trying to protect his dying culture

Marvel just doesn't see the irony do they?

>I mean, how many Nazis have been personally inconvenienced by a Jew
A lot of them, to be honest.

The period between WWI and WWII saw nearly constant street violence in Germany between Jewish-backed communist and socialist factions and the conservative Freikorps militias. A lot of the original Nazis had been actively fighting Jews (at times with artillery and machine guns) for a decade before they became Nazis.

>thread is called Knife eared twinks
>no images of Knife eared twinks anywhere


I once wrote a story about how elves are all masterrace, beauty and grace and only accept races like humans and sometimes dwarfes etc. as almost equal or at least some kind af ally but hate "dirty" races like orcs, goblins bla bla bla.
So one day a very big fanatic elf group decided to genocide all dirty goblins because these greedy little green gremlins are like rats to them and not beautiful enough in their worldview to have a right to live. The majority of elves think that's a good idea and the rest doesn't really care.
Only a handful of gobbos survive and are hiding...

Well something like that
The protag of this story was half goblin/half human and saw how his goblin father was executed (about 20-25 years after the genocide) by those elf-fanatics.
Maybe something like that...not exactly this elf-supremacist thing but make it a revenge backstory

>muh globalist conspiracy

"We all know elves sneak into human settlements and steal babies at night. Sometimes they put poison in the water supply! My uncles best friend saw it! i swear!"

I think you might be asking too much to have it be regardless of setting. Just ask your dm what flaws elves might be perceived to have and hate them for that.

Dumbass, the predominately jewish communist revolution in Germany has nothing to do with /pol/'s "global browning conspiracy," it's uncontested historical fact, albeit, not often spoken of because it fuels and empowers the militant Neo-Nazi movement.

It's not really a conspiracy desu. Too many German Jews were seduced by the lies of Bolshevism.


Hate them because of your ideology. The time of elves is over. They are a failed race. Yet they hoard their knowledge and power. They are selfish, arrogant an worthless. You hate them for this. And your human competitive spirit or dwarven hatred will drive you into conflict with them.

"The bourgeoisie elven society stays isolated in its magical barriers, hoarding magic and knowledge that could improve the lives of all honest workers of all races in the realm. We must strike down their fascist empire and bring an end to our oppression. Break free of your chains, comrades! Workers of the realm, unite!"