>This is your antagonist BBEG for your next run
What's the setting, his motivation, plan, and why he's against you?
Near impossible mode:Post-resurrection/King of Heaven Jesus
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Guess i'm running a Drifters Campaign
For real though, Gospel of the Throttle sounds like a pretty good name for a player organization as they go to fight Jesus.
Evil Campaign, huh?
They say "if god gives you, lemons get a new god", but I really like the idea of a deity making a creation that is just too pigheaded and eventually giving up to go be someone else's god.
In some ways it's the continuation of what he's always done, helping the meek and oppressed.
Who just happen to be the monstrous races this time. And invading lands and wiping out the inhabitants is perfectly biblical. The whole thing could be a metaphor for the pacification of Canaan. Imagine being the Canaanites, and these fucking crazy dudes who cut off parts of their dicks come out of the desert saying God told them to kill you.
"Well which God?"
"God, motherfucker. There's only one now."
We’re a group of demons trying to free Satan from hell
Is this Berserk
The clasic trope of Gods gaining their power from people believing in them. Enough people came to believe in Jesus/YHWH with enough fervor that he won out, defeated the other gods, and made his eschatology come true in the mundane world
>His motivation
Absolute power and ownership over the souls of Men
>The plan
Convince enough people that Jesus is only reigning over the world because so many people believe in him, and that if we realize this he will lose his power and things can return to normal
>Why he's against us
We want to defeat him and his hegemony to return things to a plurality of gods, so that one can't rule over the earth in absolute tyrrany. Obviously, he opposes that and wants to stamp us out
>Near impossible mode
Taken. It will be super hard to convince people we are right and to join us, since everything has played out as depicted in the Book of Revelation, and us saying Jesus is only in power because of harvesting faith power and not because he is the one true god from the beginning sounds exactly like what the forces of Satan would say, and things don't turn out very well for them in Revelation.
Drifters. Kouta Hirano's current manga.
You know what, I'd play the hell out of that, especially if you ran it like TTGL with a Dante's Inferno style layout.
>Satan lies frozen in the lowest pits of Hell, forever entombed alongside the treacherous.
>You're going to break him out.
Well, this was the wrong time to play a necromancer.
>Trying to run a game about gladiators
>Players figure out that it's about 10AD and want to go to Jerusalem and fight Jesus
Turns out the Amish are right, and my party simply won't live without central air
>God, motherfucker. There's only one now
kek i always thought the old testament made it sound like there were other gods but the God was putting a stop to their shit
We're a group of Jews and Romans, and we see this upstart little prick preaching like he's the son of God. Problem is we all have received visions of this bastard from the real God. We have to smite this fool and wipe his name from the records, else he's gonna fuck us all for 2000 years with his wrathful dick.
>go and try to fight Jesus
>Jesus, using his 20 charisma stat, converts them
Looks like I'm loosing faith recently. Motivation is fading, I guess it's not surprising.
Have him be an insane lunatic, more in line with modern day fundamentalist Christians than anything historical or biblical.
Also, possibly, have it be that the setting is polytheistic and he's the herald of an all consuming monotheistic god.
That's pretty much the jist of it. The plagues in particular are just YHWH curb stomping the Egyptian deities one at a time.
Gotta wonder if Ra is still a /little/ sore about that. I mean, you don't just go killing someone else's worshippers outside your jurisdiction. Especially not on that scale. It's rude is what it is.
satantic time travelers trying to stop him
Probably, but it's better than what happened in Canaan or Sodom, so he probably stays mad but keeps his mouth shut.
>What's the setting
Setting is just the standard kitchen sink one I've been using for years now. Good little generic system, lots of fun stuff, doesn't take itself too seriously.
>his motivation
Jesus Christ of the Mormon Aasimar clan has been summoned to convert a particularly stubborn fantasy planet's population of white humans and any honorary 'white' or otherwise acceptable fantasy species into the Mormon religion.
This has actually happened before: Mormons are a canonical space traveling religious empire of (slightly inbred) Aasimar descended from a small clan of Caucasian Human Demigods, originally hailing from some obscure fantasy world.
>his plan
Standard fare: ascend down onto the planet, locate highly populated and civilized societies, before beginning a slow, gradual, activist campaign targeted that appeals towards the unsatisfied and meek masses to diminish the local authority and infiltrate his clan's religion as the dominating force.
Meanwhile, he will also use his Aasimar Demigod powers to challenge local priests, shamans, druids, and other various spiritual leaders to 'duels' in an effort to humiliate and undermine the influence of any indigenous religions.
>and why he's against you?
The same reason the Romans and the greater population was against him:
He's a shit disturber, social justice warrior, who's religion preaches intolerance and disrespect towards other's belief systems while at the same time encouraging instability and disassociation with traditional authority and capitalism.
I don't know. S & G were just destroy, but all of Egypt was affected by The Plagues.
>ascend down
The word you're looking for is "descend".
That must mean that I'll become Dagda's invincible Godslayer!
Starts as a minor cult leader who seeks a schism in the predominant faith. Has strange powers granted by something he claims to be God. Has lieutenant acolytes like a thrall. First part ends with his capture and ominous crucifixion.
Returns later in the final arc as this weird godly entity. Predominant faith breaks from the reality of his existence. The Prophet has either been remade or always was the Son of a god. Could be an old god or not, flavor to your taste.
>The setting
Starting in modern day America, hopefully involving time-travelling romp, as a pose of real red-blooded real christian American men of action, reading the Bible, discover that all the biblical stuff about abortion, guns rights, The Constitution, urban youths, State Rights and the danger of ZOG have been erased and replaced by SJW shit, and conclude that the International Bankers have travelled back in time and replaced the Real American Jesus by a false, jewish one, who must be DESTROYED !
>His motivation
Who knows why false American do anything ? ... Oh, yeah, we know. Soros pays them to do so. Question answered.
>His plan
Corrupt the American Bible Jesus God Constitution Second Amendment into SJW shit by going back in time and altering the timeflow.
>Why he's against you.
You're a a bunch of Real American Christians, the last one to remember the Truth of God Jesus Founding Fathers America, the last ones who can stop Jew Jesus from totally rewriting the timeline.
We Shin Megami Tensei now.
If I play with these guys, do I get a free fedora?
I uh, don't think I'm good enough to run Left Beyond.
>I mean, you don't just go killing someone else's worshippers outside your jurisdiction.
That rule was bound to get broken
So it's Persona 5. PCs are a bunch of delinquents who don't want to go with Jesus's plan because fuck the system.
Alternatively, At World's End.
Anyway core concept: fuck you and fuck your heaven.
What the fuck am I reading? Is this like some multi-dimensional level shitposting or something? It's getting hard to tell where the irony ends and the shitposting begins
If twelve fags can't put aside their differences to stop one guy they deserve to lose
Well, if they really want to go fight to Jerusalem in 10AD, let them go. The guy is 15 yo, is strictly forbidden by his mother of showing any paranormal powers (so, kinda hard do spot) and, more importantly, lives 150km away in a complete bumhole where no-one ever goes to on his their own accord.
Should they still find an excuse to go to Nazareth and to pinpoint his house (and remember, there are no Jesus or Mary in Nazareth, at best Yeshua and Myriam. Okay, they might find Yosef the carpenter...), they learn from his parent that the kid has decided to go trekking around the world, perhaps to India or something like that.
Probably use some system that allows mad scientist and yeah...
>Setting: Futuristic setting with mad science and fanatics of catholic cult so bad they need extermination
>Goal:To kill the source of the problem and destroy god for good.
>Extra hard mode:Players find out that god had nothing to do with creation of the world and is just creation of faith and thus you need to kill all it's worshipers to take it down.
you know... I would actually give that a shot.
I know persona is one of the worse perpetrators of the "teenagers V God" trope japan seems to spew out but dident they blow that load in one of the earlier games?
You are loyal followers of the real truth of YHVV, god of desert, mountains and storms, an occult cult in the midst of the Jerusalem temple, confident that all humanity is an horrendous abominable error that only deserve to wallow in their pain for a few decades before being fed to Sheol, god of death, in retribution of their innate impurity and rebellion, save for those like you who have made a pact with YHVH so that he buy you ("redeem you", like a coupon) from Sheol on your moment of death, in exchange for your servitude and imposing His will on Earth.
And this guy, a rebellious emanation of El, god of the sky, comes and menaces to throw away the greatness and stability of the world, to taint the purity of the Heavens by allowing almost anyone who asks inside, and to make the fallen world a less punitive place, without even the need to acquire hidden gnosis and make pacts with gods whose sole presence is a danger on the human mind.
The will of YHVH must be preserved and the get of El must be brought low and destroyed.
YHVH will be defeated by us, the Divine Powers. The Universe will be made anew in our image.
Absolutely top-tier
It's satire about how some modern day idiots described some things as "social justice shit" while some religious people noted that Jesus had done exactly that.
Ergo : the Bible is full of "sjw shit", which must be a conspiracy against true Americans. I find it pretty funny.
Dark Heresy.
A beta-level psyker is throwing some shit on a semi-forgotten feudal/feral world, saying he's some god or son of god bringing salvation and hope to humanity and other unacceptable tzeentchian heresy. Normally, that would be some pre-generic hit-and-run business for a normal retainer team... but your inquisitor is almost sure he got clear dream-vision from The Emperor about how He would particularly like to feast on his soul.
I punch the GM
The Mad Angel Yeshua, who rose up against the god that created him and slew him has descended further into his insanity and now proclaims all shall love him, whether we want to or not. All shall be redeemed and fed into the Salvation Engine. He gathers his angelic host to ride forth and claim all living souls as his property.
I've kind of wanted to run a M&M campaign where the gods are real and Jesus was a mad angel who believes himself a full god, and goes a bit more coocoo one day with a doomsday device.
Get the fuck out of here, Krishna. You're just as bad as YHVH/[Record Scratch], if not worse
>An Eldritch being that was bent into a man, performing "miracles", gathering a band of followers that start a movement that ends up with his torture and death
>This experience was as traumatic to the Eldritch being turned human as an Eldritch revelation would be to a normal human
>For 2000 years it has been dormant, unwillingly feeding on the souls of those who are seduced by the promises spread by the first followers
>When it starts to recover it's senses it has changed due to the way it's short mortal life ended and to been fed the worst of humanity for 2000 years
>He willingly forces himself into human form again in order to be able to feel and share his "truth" with the world
>The resurrection was fueled by the painful warping and death of 144000 humans
>Now it brings destruction and pain to all he touches, because it is the path to see the truth he sees now
The setting would be after the resurrection, people cannot truly die anymore, the gates to heaven and hell are sealed, they can be restored after death or if left unattended become undead, locked into an hallucinated state inside their malfunctioning bodies.
People are forming mad cults of self and/or forced mortification, undead roam the land, eldritch knowledge, lesser eldritch creatures and powers spill into this world following the tracks of the dark messiah.
The heroes are part of la resistance, trying to use human technology and sometimes dangerous Eldritch powers that want to destroy the messiah.
The messiah in turn hunts these misguided rebels in order to enlighten them to the truth.
Canaan was literally genocided and their gods images destroyed. What old Yahu did in Egypt was merely banter.
Do it, let them fight in a touring group.
>unalterable prejudices
Says you, Madison.
There's a bunch of gods you can fight. Early games had you fight Nyarlahotep, Persona 3 final boss was Nyx, Persona 4 was Izanami, Persona 5 is Yaldabaoth
That last part got me like, what the hell?!
Jesus was a commie loser, make the pc's warriors for capatlism and freedom.
Or make them islamic they hate and kill everything for no reason
Depicted as this.
Actually is this.
That nigger was the fucking first /int/poster on the planet
>He called the Spanish, Italians, French, Germans and Swedes of swarthy complexion
He's literally "whiter than you Muhammad" personified.
His taste in women redeems him though.
Oh hey
>Forgetting Jesus told the woman to go and sin no more
I get the point of this picture, but whoever made it really did a bad job to mess up this hard on the first fucking try.
Jesus did absolutely no "sjw shit". He was a pretty hardcore motherfucker, just going by the bible.
what is now called "tolerance" was a big part of Jesus' teachings
Every single quote in that picture is entirely out of context and when read in context goes against the intent of the picture.
^ This is the cut of point ^
Tolerance doesn't mean just accept people fucking you over or actively attacking you, and Jesus was a fan of tough love.
If they're doing it because they think there's a challenge to be had instead of for fedora reasons, fucking do it.
So, are we beyond forgiveness or something?
They wanted to fight ten year old Jesus? That is so .... wrong.
Shouldn't that count as metagaming?
Maybe, but by the time they can get to Jerusalem, he should be old enough to put up a fight.
hes just doing regular biblical god shit- you know, with the Armageddon and the eternal servitude or damnation
Where's the servitude?
If you can't beat Him, praise Him.
He's a fake jesus. We have to expose him as a fraud before he drags down the name of real jesus.
What does God need with a starship?
It's a form you're comfortable with.
In a similar vein:
Viking campaign. You must resist the Crusaders and protect your faith!
>a viking game made by someone who can't be bothered to look up what a ð is and just used a letter that looked similar