Why haven't you switched to the superior card game?
Why haven't you switched to the superior card game?
Veeky Forums is inhabited with the kind of people that Yugioh doesn't appeal to. /a/ is its target market.
I play yugioh! both duel links and the tcg!
I like it a lot better than mtg.
I already have. Currently got 6 decks built, but I have the cores for like 3 others that I haven't put together yet.
Because I'd rather play a different flavor of shit
Post cardfus
How do you guys reconcile the immense bullshit that is the FTK/OTK? I also think XYZ/Pendulum/Tuner/Links are extremely complicated and difficult to remember for most players. Duel Links seems like it should be the main format now.
I like M:tG's colors better than name-based archetypes and I don't really understand how Yugioh's resource system and pacing is supposed to work (mana curve is more intuitive to me). Also, I like Limited a lot and it doesn't seem like that fits in Yugioh on any level.
>XYZ/Pendulum/Tuner/Links are extremely complicated and difficult to remember for most players.
I'll give you that for Links, but you have to be mentally retarded to find Synchros and XYZ complicated.
Is the secret to this card to play only with one ofs?
There isn't enough support to justify
It's seen play in Infernoid and Burning Abyss. Both of those decks can easily manipulate their Graveyards to summon it and it's effect is great even if it doesn't resolve because it mills 3. You could also run Fairy Tail - Snow. Hydralander mills as a cost and checks for names at resolution, so if you have Snow in grave and you mill copies of monsters that are already in your grave, you can just chain Snow to banish those monsters.
yugioh is a paper card game you faggot
See how this thread goes bud.
There are literally 2 yugioh threads on right now
This and the bait thread that got thought put into it by gullible do-gooders who want to explain shit to newfriends? That's more of a grace of Veeky Forums than anything to do with yugioh.
As I said, watch how this one goes.
They added a lot of bullshit and ultimately nothing stops the otks but gutting all the fun out of it
lol look at this neckbeard MTG pedo with his dying game
are you attempting to imply implications
so you aren't denying you are a pedophile?