Stupid Questions

what is JUST meme.
like what is the origins and what does it mean?




thank you

Is this the origin of that haircut ????

yeah its actually real.

>he didn't buy confido

Why Brenden Fraser?

Wife divorced him and took all his money. Learn your memes, fag.


what about that little anime animal girl?

also why is it called a wojack?wtf is a wojack?

biz is bezt

You won't understand it completely, not until you are down 60% from panic selling and FOMOing high and panic selling low again going all in and then feeling guilty wishing you would of held your original position that happened to 3x meanwhile you're getting your ass handed over to a whale having his way.


and this one?

Just look it up on knowyourmeme.

i think this meme is hard to fully get. there's an actor and a dentist and a previous form of the meme involved. it's very convoluted but 'just fuck my shit up' or 'JUST' is what someone says when they're being fucked up somehow


This is Wojack

asking about the JUST meme is a meme itself