What's the edgiest Veeky Forums-related setting?
What's the edgiest Veeky Forums-related setting?
40k is the obvious one but I'm sure there's something more obscure that far outclasses it
Anyway, Rifts™®© is pretty edgy.
>chart result is Shadowrun
i guess we know the answer now, lads
40k without a doubt. it reads like the worst homebrew by thatguy
You say that, but then you take a look at some how the homebrews on 40k dedicated fansites...
And you consider suicide.
All memes aside it's FATAL, the system being irredeemable shit distracts people from the irredeemably shitty setting
RIFTS is self-aware and not so much "edgy" as "over-the-top"
40k is somewhat self-aware but still pretty edgy
My Crowforce brother
>Vampire the masquerade
Also CrowShot
can you provide an examples of such horrors
I think VtM is cheating because you can't unedge vampires
For some reason my sleep addled mind read it as Blood Pooch and imagined a blood covered dude with a beer gut.
Why brain?
It's gotta be Requiem.
Surprisingly mundane, also, no BLOODPOUCH? For shame.
40k is borderline intolerable in its edginess, especially when it isn't self-parody.
Uh oh.
40k's entire point is to be the edgiest shit possible
Either 40k, Requiem, or BLOODPOUCH.
>who let Doom Doom in?
>Blast Slash
>Blast Slash Siege
God dammit why can’t I cool names?
Best Friend
My current game master
Do the things I cut explode, or do I explode things to cut them?
It's either FATAL or Darksun.
Man, even my edgy name is boring.
same my dude
I guess I run and blow things up?
I'm cool with that.
>just a larger then average crow
Dark Sun is just a campy Dying Earth setting
Probably the Tippyverse. Don't ask me to explain my reasoning, I'm just sure that somehow, some way, the Tippyverse will find a way to contain EVEN MORE faggotry.
>G+Z is Deathstroke
>not S+W
Who the fuck is responsible? You had 1 job!
To the max
I'm happy with that.
Wraith: the Oblivion
SLA Industries