Porn in Your Setting

Does pornography exist in your setting? If so, what medium is it in? What does it revolve around? Is there a specific interracial taboo industry? Does ORCED exist in your world?

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Smutty writings, sexually explicit stone carvings, mostly revolves around impregnation as thats a core value of both the society and religion. Interracial breeding depends on which region it's occurring in, the primary empire only allows mixing between elves, dwarves and humans and even then it's discouraged. The confederacy doesn't give a shit. One human empire actively exterminates any race that isn't human. One empire encourages race mixing as they're weird eugenics that want a master race. ORCED, ELVED, DWARFED, HUMANED all probably exist to some extent

>Does pornography exist in your setting?

Pornography exists in all settings. It just rarely comes up in typical play. Every once in a while my players stumble upon a pile of loot and occasionally it will include some erotica, whether in the form of elven love poems, or crude goblin sketches, or arcane pornographic images trapped in crystal.

I know it exists in FR, Ed Greenwood confirmed as such with a massive lists of like- 100+ dirtytalk words for types of prostitutes you can get, inlcluding like 15+ variations of twink, sissy, soyboy, trap, femboy, and effeminate crossdressers.

>mfv we play Slaaneshi cultists
>gm is constatnly one stop from magical realm with his (good thou) depictions of Slaaneshi rites and encounters
>a painting was an important item for a few sessions
>no pornography encountered yet

Makes me a sad cultit

There is an archaeologist in my setting who's more or less addicted to it, and the party has used the porn they've found on their travels to get access to tombs/dungeons/dig sites they should not have been allowed in.
Got a lot of cool shit that way


I'm beginning to see a pattern here.

Orcs in my setting are a united species with goblins and ogres, they are sexless and reproduce asexually through methods which are not clear, as they only do so underground and will not in captivity. So, not a lot of erotica about them

Are orcs actually dinosaurs?



>he party has used the porn they've found on their travels to get access to tombs does this system work?

>"Let us in, Director of Archaeology, and we'll share this printed copy of The Light of Tsushimi Manor with you!"

I would think that pornographic illusion spells would be very popular. Better than our IRL VR too.

Also summoning nymphs, succubi, etc. for exotic porn performances.

No, because if it ever came up I'd immediately become too flustered to keep GMing.

I probably should not have googled 'christie sims'

Candlekeep forums, they archive Ed's posts there.

my sides

>Does pornography exist in your setting?
>If So, What medium is it in?
Varies based on location and social status. The most common form would be written ero fiction, but in high society it can range from clearly erotic statues disguised as fine art to just straight up magical illusions of sexual situations for the truly lonely.
>Is there a specific interracial taboo industry?
Depends on the culture. The incredibly conservative Dragonborn have a shitload of untouchables, while the hedonistic multicultural civilization near them IS the taboo industry
>Does ORCED exist in your world?
Generally no, but in various places anything goes

Are these cheap ''erotic'' amazon monster novels still a thing or are they a dead concept now? I remember, there being a big boom of these like 5 years ago.

Bitch ain't got shit on Chuck Tingle.

>That two-timing Hugo!

>Chuck Tingle.

I see what you posted and I'll counter with this.

>area of never endings which were being stimulated.
- sexiest phrase of 2018.

I shall incorporate that style into the array of my DMing techniques.


Why are there so many of these on Amazon


I don't understand. Are these real??

I have so many questions. Why cuckolded by a gryphon of all things? Who's the one getting cuckolded, the gryphon or the girl? How is this popular enough to be a trilogy?



Though Chuck Tingle is kinda cheating, he definitely has tongue in cheek with that stuff.
But to be fair, I've never read any of his novels and they might be valid smut in the end.
As for the rest of that stuff, how new are you on this site if random things fucking women is a new concept for you?

Why not Cuckolded by a Cuckoo? Would slide off the tongue more smoothly, so to speak.

What exactly do you mean by 'real'?
Do they exist as novels? Yes.
Does Amazon sell them? Yes.
Are the stories true? No.

The easiest to access porn is written by goblins (and all female race that need male humanoids to breed) as propaganda to why guys (Human, Orc, Elf, Dwarf) should have a goblin wife or three. Of course since all goblins birth is more goblins, it’s usually seen as particularly obscene by other races, especially Elves who make it a moral crusade to straight up ban it in elvish communities.

Elf porn is strictly elf on elf and focused on impregnation as the ultimate act of love. This is because while Elves can breed with other races which produces half-Elves (except with goblins) you can’t breed Elvish back into them. A half-elf and an elf produce a half-elf, while a half-elf (regardless of the other half) breeding with a non-elf produces a quarter-elf of the other parent’s race. So they gotta breed true or face extinction, hence the crusade against Goblin porn.

Orcs don’t have porn so much as epic poems about two great warriors meeting, fighting, then fucking. The warriors don’t even have to be orcs, though more often than not when it’s and orc and non-orc the female is an Orc, an ideal about bringing in an outside strength to the clan. Orcs and non-orcs (except Goblins, of course) produce half orcs, though they can be bred back into full orcs. Orcs who bed a goblin are seen as incredible weak, no longer worthy to be part of the clan.

Dwarves and humans can interbreed and the children can come out as either or, so porn is varied. When it comes to bedding goblins, it’s seen as “Okay, have your fun now, but you better marry somebody who can reproduce an heir for the family.”

Mercenary bands often have camp followers full of Goblins, regardless of who is in the band.

Who wants to get fucked by a cuckoo? Or read a story about cuckoloiding cuckoo? Gryphons are known to be majestic, sexy, beasts.

Thanks for the giggle mate

>type Christie Sims in amazon
>27 pages
>twenty fucking seven
Someone's been busy.

"Christie Sims" is probably a writing bot.

I have suffered to answer your questions, now suffer with me

>No, my Linda desired gryphons above all else, their endless lust and power. And who could really blame her?
I'm losing my shit so hard!

>mostly revolves around impregnation as thats a core value of both the society and religion
muh dick


>The T-Rex seemed to appreciate the gesture

This is a magical realm and a shitty one at that. Consider hanging yourself.

>goblins are asari

Dirty songs, wall paintings and statues up to VR.

Only the all female goblins are my magic realm. The rest are just me considering what each species would value in their porn.

So my thought process went from "ok, some woman x gryphon action, I see" to "oh the man gets involved with the gryphons, that's gay dude".

How many of these have you bought

None. I'm honestly curious, but not enough to put money into them.
There is infinite amounts of free smut online. And I doubt money gives any additional quality.

hivemind conciousness detected.

>from Hugo Nominated Author Chuck Tingle
Holy fuck

Twice, in fact.

Wait you mean to tell me prehistoric women didn't fuck t-rex?

You're a fucking retard. Dinosaurs were extinct when prehistoric humans were walking around. The women would of fucked mammoths and smilodons instead. God dammit, I wish people would be historically accurate.

>How is this popular enough to be a trilogy?
If you look at the details sections lots of these smut stories are only 40-50 pages long.
Which is still pretty damn long, but writing them is much less work than actually writing a trilogy of novels.


Isn’t it pronounced “coo-coo”, not “cuck-oo”?

Its a dialectic thing. It's pronounced cuckoo but certain accents make it sound like coo-coo due to how similar those sounds are when said quickly.

Has the Amazon Smut bubble burst yet, or is there still time to get in on it?

I wonder how the models feel about getting put into these sorts of covers. Or do they get to choose?

Those are probably stock photos.

They seem to just be the CoC goblins to me.

go for it...

CoC Goblins without the rape is what I was going for. I figure they would mostly be in port and trading towns working as prostitutes, where’s there’s plenty of men passing through who have no problem spending some gold for some “consequence free” entertainment. They would also work as camp followers for mercenary bands, which gives Goblins a surprising reputation as being good with medicine since they take care of the lugs they pick to be their “husband”.

They would also definitely be driven out of smaller communities regardless of the race. And of course Elves hate them the most.

Welp, guess they are in my next campaign.

Oh they fuck in the stories. I've read the fidget spinner one, the one where a UK pound coin fucks the protagonist and one where the guy fucks an airplane, while its definitely satire, they do have hardcore gay sex.

I don't doubt that they fuck. I think the question is could they work as smut.
While I have extremely wide tastes, I'm not into gay stuff, so I don't think I could really judge his works properly even if I did read one.

Fucking canadians man

Dude I rarely use brothels in my games, how the fuck do you expect people to include porn in tabletop?
> "There is a porn magazine on your desk"
> "I, uuuh... I jerk off to it?"

>I don't understand. Are these real??

>the one where a UK pound coin fucks the protagonist
Isn't that the one where they go back in time to stop Brexit?

Yes it exists, but right now only as a result on a loot table.

>CTRL+F "lusty argonian maid"
>No result

Porn is ubiquitous, whatever form it may take. It's just a question of whether it turns up based on the tone of your game. On occasion, it can lead to interesting character moments. A lady superhero in a modern-day setting discovers there's a porno based directly on them (to no one's surprise, let's be honest), and seeing how she reacts to not only the idea of it but even watching it herself can help build the character, even if just a little.

Lots of Tijuana bibles basically - smutty stuff about legendary figures boning. Drawn or written.

Never really thought of it before. Maybe I'll throw some refs in next session.

Tiny comics and smutty fanfics would be prolific, yes. If you get a big enough following, someone will inevitably want to fuck you.

It exists, but it rarely plays a role in the story. Though one time I had a dwarf illusionist selling illusory orgasms to a mage guild.

Ironically, the most degenerate society might have no porn, since the cost of print media might actually be more than the price of a hooker.

Don't think the supervillains are exempt from this, either.

The Dragons of Weng T'Sen, a module published by Role-Aides, actually had references to smut that was owned by the apprentices of the wizard the party was sent to find hidden among the bookshelves.

"Hey, thanks."
t. T-rex

>Supervillainess discovers someone made a porno based on her
>Hunts down the one who made it
>Not to kill them
>But to complain about what they got wrong and show them what they should have done instead

Ghostwriting/advising a porno about yourself has to feel at least a little weird. Then again, if anyone cares about their image, even among perverts, it'd be the superpowered. And that's before you get into the characters who are known to use sex appeal towards their own ends, like Catwoman in that animated special where she gets to one of her marks by literally poledancing and stripteasing for him in a strip club.

I was GMing "Traveller" and the players were checking out the hard-drive on an ancient Vilani ship. The question of what Vilani porn would look like came up. After some thought, I told them that it tended towards something like a Victorian class-based drama (think "Upstairs Downstairs") that ended with a wildly inappropriate orgy between members of (eeek!) drastically different social classes.

I think the correct term would be PORCKED!

>Does pornography exist in your setting?

Sure. Novels, poetry, paintings, statues, carvings, illustrations, frescos, and even what could be considered tijuana bibles.
Any sentient race that reproduces sexually has their version (alto whether it is officially accepted by their culture varies).
However, it was not relevant to the plot thus far.

Boethiah's pillow book is better.

>Does ORCED exist in your world?
It does, but it is actually considered pretty weak-sauce
The real deal is SCALED
Largely because Draconians have spiked penises.
A lesser version of this would be PURRED, involving Tabaxi.

>Finally! An invitation to unleash my magical realm!
>evil laughter

Is the author a Gryphon?

>You're a fucking retard. Dinosaurs were extinct when prehistoric humans were walking around. The women would of fucked mammoths and smilodons instead. God dammit, I wish people would be historically accurate.

The fact that I can't tell whether you're being serious to make a joke, or whether you're actually being serious, terrifies me.

>Why not Cuckolded by a Cuckoo?
Is the whole story going to be about a young married couple living in a high-rise apartment who meet a large annoying bird that throws their newborn baby out the 8th-floor window and then somehow tricks them into raising its egg in the crib instead?

>Does pornography exist in your setting?
Yes, alto it was never relevant to the campaign.
>If so, what medium is it in?
Painted, printed, written, carved, sculpted, or even cast as an illusion.
>What does it revolve around?
Depends on society. With more tribal or nature worshiping people, it is very fertility oriented. With the more "civilized" societies, all bets are off.
>Is there a specific interracial taboo industry?
There can be an industry for anything. As for the taboos, there are not that many. Interracial relationships are uncommon, but for the most part not outright banned.
There is a human nation based on Spain (especially Spanish Inquisition/Conquistadors), who view non-human races as animals, and as such any intercourse with a non-human is punished as if it were bestiality.
As for the stuff that is more looked-down upon:
Non-mammalian humanoids like Dragonborn, Aarakocra, Kenku, Lizardfolk, Kobold, Naga, or Tortle are seen as freakish by the majority of mammalian races (and the other way around.)
Similarly, female Dwarves are considered bizarre by most races.
Halflings, Gnomes, and Goblins have a stigma attached to them among some societies of medium sized races (especially not ones used to interact with small races.)
Most Elves look down on any intercourse with non-elves, alto Sea Elves are notorious for not caring, and the Drow enjoy dominating lesser races.
Also, anything involving the undead. There is a human culture based on Easter Europe (especially the vampire lore) that is more tolerant when it involves sentient undead (especially vampires), but even they draw the line at the mindless ones. That is just sick.
>Does ORCED exist in your world?
Who would care about Orcs, when you have Ogres, Trolls, Giants, Demons, and Dragons?

>that pic

I'm not a furry, but I don't know how to finish this sentence.

I'm no furry, but I'd make love to that cat.

That's basically what the lead designer for Bayonetta did. Everyone drew doujins where she becomes the usual submissive cockslut, and he complained about it because that's not the character.

Chuck Tingle is canon in all of my settings and games.