What are some powers you think all demons should have?
What are some powers you think all demons should have?
-big ass
-big titties
The ability to get away with it.
Sex with anything.
I feel like demons should be really diverse in terms of their powers (and forms), but one thing I wouldn't mind being a universal power among them would be the ability to make binding oaths lending some of their other powers to mortals in exchange for something else of worth (iconically, souls.)
All demons should be able to possess people.
A degree of shapeshifting/form manipulation
At least some conjuration (non-D&D sense, though most of those spells make sense for different demons) - even if it's just making a bit of fire or smoke for ambience
The power to harvest or gain power from souls
The ability to make pacts or deals with mortals
Probably the power of possession/influence - full-on possession should perhaps be something only possible if "invited" or if the demon is really strong, but even an imp can whisper in an ear from the other side
Other specific powers would depend on the demon
The power to burn upon exposure to the righteous
The power to cower before that which is holy
The power to do no harm against those who deserve no harm
The power to always lose to the will of the divine
The power to be undone by justice
The power to be worthless against the courageous
The power to fail against that which is good
And the power to be purged by the faithful
The greatest power demons have is not fancy dark & fire magic.
It's manipulation and deception.
Voice so sweet you actually fall for it. You know how Gandalf's greatest power is actually inspiring people? It's like that but opposite.
>t. beady eyed paladin
Depends on the type of daemon, but a general outline would be
-immunity to disease
-resistance to affiliated element, most commonly fire, second being cold
-speaking any mortal language, and demonic
-Able to grant some lesser form of wish
-Ability to consume/store souls for power.
-detect good
Tom Waits' voice powers
Good tastes user
You brought tears of joy to my eyes, noble sir knight.
This. Even if it's a male demon with a completely monstrous form, the voice alone would be able to turn people to a path of evil.
every demon should be otherworldly, only seeming human as long as it serves their purpose
Literally the only worthwhile part of that movie
the ability to approach people in a spooky manner
then by extension they will also possess
The power revel near the corrupt
The power rampage on the unhallowed
The power to torture the imperfect
the power to win when their defeat is not willed by the divine
the power to excel around injustice
The power to be invincible in the face of the fearful
The power to succeed in the absence of good
And the power to remain untouchable by those with doubt.
Now paladin, which of these qualities are more plentiful in the world?
Bi- >Already posted
I feel like this post was supposed to start a shitstorm but user was relying on Veeky Forums to have knowledge of some other, shittier board.
Is it a reference to something?
>Veeky Forums plays games where they pretend to do magic.
>/x/ pretends they do magic for real.
>/pol/ is the board that actually managed to warp reality with weaponized memes and autism.
This. Possession is important, be it people or animals.
teleportation via fiery portals is a given I'd say.
Variable Resistance
I guess she's browsing Facebook.
To me the bare minimum should be:
*becoming ethereal
*pact making, including the ability to lend power to mortals (as small as it may be) and ability to "swear by their name"
*capable of being summoned
*some level of spellcasting, this including some illusions and charms
*evil aura/ or foul/corrupting presence
*a degree of shapeshifting
*some degree of greater resistance against diseases and toxic substances
*some form of higher perception regarding abstract or spiritual things like good/evil
*evil empowerement
though there may be extraordinary cases of a demons lacking on or two of these.
Also, good waifus, if you can capture one.
These. Maybe some limited shapeshifting for anything above grunt tier. Maybe nerf possession unless it's a skill
Bless you good sir.
Would waifu her regardless of the cost