Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Brad angels edition

I need the blood angels codex sub-edition

>Daemons PDF

>Warhammer Community Latest

>Lewd painting tutorial

>FAQs, Errata, and Designer Commentary


>Other Megas

>Old Black Library Mega

>Math-hammer 40k

Other urls found in this thread:


first fer tau

2nd for Krieg


I see the blood angels codex right in the first mega, bad OP.

checking those would take effort though

Interesting retake on Cadians Blood by HMKids, now with their situation as Orphans of the Storm taken into account:

What armies can consistently beat Tyranids

Guard, Dark Angels.

depends what type of nids you are facing

For the sake of discussion lets say its the typical Kronos + Kraken dual battalion with biovores and genestealer assault

Rate each mono-army:

>Blood Angels
>Dark Angels
>Space Wolves
>Death Guard
>Grey Knight
>Thousand Sons

Admech shooting with guard meatshields would probably work.

Not much, tyranids are pretty top tier these days.

Cadian gunline?
I hear Tzeentch daemons are still OP? At least the lord of change is.

but what about:
and possibly more

All soup shit

I've tried this. Genestealers overrun to tie down your shooting after wiping out the screen.

How does Tzeentch deal with all the mortal wounds that nids can put out?

>my hopes and dreams

How's my Daemon Engine List looking?
Outrider Detachment (Death Guard)
>Daemon Prince of Nurgle 146
hellforged sword 10
malefic talon 0

>bloat drone 99
fleshmower 12

>bloat drone 99
fleshmower 12

>myphitic hauler 137
>myphitic hauler 137
>myphitic hauler 137

>myphitic hauler 137
>myphitic hauler 137
>myphitic hauler 137

>Plagueburst crawler 110

>Plagueburst crawler 110

Spearhead Detachment
(all Units have mark of Khorne where relevant)
>Daemon prince 146
daemonic axe 10
malefic talon 0

>Blood Slaughterer 180

>Blood Slaughterer 180

>Decimator 184

>Defiler 152
twin heavy flamer 34
defiler claws 0
battle cannon 0
reaper autocannon 15

>Soulgrinder 235

>Decimator 184

>Defiler 152
twin heavy flamer 34
defiler claws 0
battle cannon 0
reaper autocannon 15

Positively demonic my man

>How does Tzeentch deal with all the mortal wounds that nids can put out?
Cheap as fuck horrors meanwhile the LOC gets 4+ to cast smite each turn? Or 3+ if he wants the impossible robe.

Tzeentzch is alright, they took a big hit with the daemon nerfs to horrors and the nerf to the changeling which was pretty bad. If the smite nerf goes though they are kinda dicked one way or another.

They cant, i mean they all have 4+ invuls which is great, but cant do much against mortal wounds.

how does my 100pt tau list look?
Cadre fireblade w/ Markerdrone
6x Firewarrior

good luck im behind 1000 spores

What can good men do against such evil.

sounds about as good as you're going to get in 100 points, unless you wanted to switch to Kroot.

What's the purpose of such a small list?


>2 Ven axe/shield dreads
>2 units of wulfen
>10-man blood claws to CP outflank with wulfen
>only dakka 3x greyhunter plasma spam w/AC razorbacks
am i into retars


What are we rating them by?
How meta they are or your favorite?
Also why put Thousand Sons in over Death Guard? DG right now can actually hold their own with their own dex while TSons rely on soup

Emperor's Children.

Noise Marines destroy mass infantry, doubletapping Oblis/Havoc/Chosen kill the big guys and even when assalted their legion rules mess with the Tyranids far too much.

Do Warhammer Community upload their articles whenever they feel like or is there a set time for uploads?

Gunline tau routinely do the trick, just stay clear of the overcosted bullshit. Haven't used crisis suits yet and have done just fine

Around 11am-12pm eat, 4-5pm their time
Though lately its been fucky

It's usually
>15 GMT
>16 GMT
and if there is a third update it's either at 16:30 or 17

Necrons are my Tomb Kings now the latter is dead, RIP Settra may you rest easy.

Tomb Kings are one of the best armies in AOS though

Settra is overpowered as fuck

They are but you can't buy them any more.

>Orkan outside
>Can't prime my Dudes
>The rest is already painted
wat do?

Any chance for the Harlequin start collecting box? Nids and CWE got new ones with their codices tho

>let's give this army that relies on 6+ to hits and 6+ to wound giving them free shit the most access to + to hit and wound out of any army
>let's also make this army legacy so people get fucked

Gotta wait it out, mein Freund.

>one unit deep strikes and uses a stratagem that allows it for fire immediately
>an enemy unit next to them uses an ability or stratagem that allows it to fire immediately if someone deep strikes near them
Who shots first ? The player who's turn it is ? Both ? Roll off ?

What would you enjoy more:

- playing a fun game with fluffy armies, no matter if you win or lose

- winning against a WAACfag you really hate by going full WAAC yourself and making him cry

Losing either way because I'm bad

It's better to lose with what you like, than win using what you hate

>having fun
obviously the first
also this

Active player shoots first, so DW.

Playing a fun game with fluffy armies, no matter if you win or lose hands down.

why isn't there a middle option

>play for fun and fluff but with a clear intent to win expected on both sides

You mean you dont have brush on primer just for this eventuality?

Any duel colour schemes you can recommend for skitarii anons? Voss Prime scheme is neato but pretty gaudy in practice.

Do we know $ cost of the cusstoads termis?

i've never spray primed my minis, all handbrushed

How many failures would change your mind?
There is a guy in the aosg who lost about 30 out of 35 games in total iirc. I would just put my shit on the shelf and start playing mtg at this point

Most likely 60, same as the DG ones

But maybe the WAACfag really needs to learn a lesson and ruins the fun for everyone for weeks already.
You could become heroes, Anons. (not an hero though)

If it looks too gaudy for you try using darker shades for the basecoat and then bring back up to colour with layers

>- winning against a WAACfag you really hate by going full WAAC yourself and making him cry

Can confirm, this is hilarious. Just don't forget to bring out your normal army when you play non faggot people.

Open a window and do it on the windowsill

I meant more in the stark contrast and brightness of the colours on these ronald mcdonald looking motherfuckers.

Back when I was a teen I could count on one hand the number of times I won, I don't really mind losing as long as the match itself was fun. I was unlucky to have a group of lads that enjoyed playing casually (part from one guy that played mech guard, fuck that guy)

if he was like that I just wouldn't play him, if he wants to stink the place up with his hard cheddar then he can go some place else

Trying to win the intention of gaming anyway.

Plus: Wolud you rather-questions are not designed to discuss 3rd options.

Bad user. You´ll stand in that corner there for the rest of the thread.

nah he sounds like he could be a potentially chill dude. unless he just bitches endlessly about how he loses all the time.

>it's a tau players attempt to be sympathetic by pretending to only use fire warriors episode


30 pounds

A dark green with yellow could work, or maybe a cobalt blue and yellow, but with the latter the metal bits will look better bronze than silver
Red imo doesn't work on anything other than yellow, but then you get that 'ketchup and mustard' look that is certainly an acquired taste

>talking down to anyone
The irony


>implying i don't whip the shit out of my local waacfags with my fun and fluffy armies


>unless he just bitches endlessly about how he loses all the time
Nope, the bcr-user is the most chill dude I met in any warhammer-related thread
Kill team maybe? GW should release an official 8e update for kill team rules already tho

A winner is you

Playing a fun game with friends, by far. It's a game, not a fight.

If you define yourself by your power to take away from people, you're just a Sith about to die in a desert.


yeah i feel like i should make at-least one colour a warm tone, to keep with those most commonly associated with admech. maybe even something as simple as orange and blue?

>n-n-no you!
Classic frogposter "wit"

What are you working on /40kg/?
No new pictures of them yet but my hive fleet continues to grow after I built 4 more Krakens, 3 Vanguard drones, and a second cruiser

>Corrects and tells someone that they're wrong
>Is upset when they're called out for fucking up

Fucking damnit

Anyone ever see a 'true scale' attempt at a scout? Been looking but not found anything.

Why does his trousers look like they're flesh?

>>Corrects and tells someone that they're wrong

question: if I have 2 regimental standards for krieg, do the buffs of +1A and +1L of each stack? So an infantry squad within 6" of both would essentially get +2A and +2L?

>Change cover to -1 to hit.
>Make 6's auto hits.

This is all I want, all I could ask for.


he reddened the knees, which looks like he's naked

What time does Warhammer Community usually update?

>while they are within 6" of a unit with a [banner]
Its a binary yes/no check for *other* units

>Using arcane technologies,
Deimos, one of the heavily industrialised
moons of Mars, was stolen out of its
orbit and secretly relocated above Titan
Jesus Christ these imperial fuckers are absolute madmen.

>Custodian Wardens can also be equipped with castellan axes, deadly melee weapons that aren’t quite as effective at piercing armour as the guardian spear, but provide a massive +3 boost to the wielder’s Strength!
S8 AP-1? Or AP-2? Either way, this looks like a very good weapon.

Typically, no. But who knows with forgeworld proof reading.

t. ork player

i see, i guess it makes sense otherwise the two banners would create a buff infinite loop for the command squads carrying them

seriously wishing they'd just rewrite the whole damn thing

Depends on what the nid player brings, but an always useful option is dark angels.

>aggressors standing still beat the shit out of gaunts (kill 32 a turn) and genestealers (kill 15 a turn)
>plasma BTFO tyrants and medium (carnifex/trutton/etc.) monsters, hellblasters standing still+ talonmaster+ RotDA = dead even before rapid fire
>Scouts cuck their deep strike shenanigans
>lascannons beat the shit out of heavy monsters
>dreadnoughts and deathwing are excellent at tying down and killing heavy/medium monsters
>watchers can tell psychic shit to sod off completely
They’re one of the few hard counter armies I’ve seen, and they do the job excellently. Homos hate bugs


Shooting at space marines with a 2+ save is no fun!
Not being able to shoot at all because of the abundance of -1/-2 to hit mods is no fun!

I don't care if I lose, just let me do something on the field.

>adeptus custodes preview part 3: war machines
>adeptus custodes preview part 3: elites
God fucking damn it GW stop fucking up every single task you attempt

Fookin nice stuff.

>Alarus Termies are character killers!
>Doesn't provide ANY weapon stats to bsck this up.