Your party has just woken up pic related and must find a way to destroy it, Veeky Forums...

Your party has just woken up pic related and must find a way to destroy it, Veeky Forums. Can they manage to pull it off, or will they be consumed by the Sum Of All Evils?

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What is it?

Is that the green sun from Homestuck?

It's the Loc Nar from the (very fucking weird) movie, Heavy Metal. According to It, It is "the Sum Of All Evils, and it's power invests all galaxies and all dimensions". It also liquefies people on contact.



You have to fight in the Breastiary of Nippopolis to get anywhere with that thing. But you don’t even get to see the boobs when you win!

I unironically watched that scene over and over because they really nailed the aesthetic.

I think I might watch it again right now!

Maybe? I mean it basically died for no reason at the end of the framing story, so presumably after telling us some cool stories It'll explode and our female camp follower will turn into some kind of crazy pteradon riding barbarian chick.

That sounds like a good end to me.

It was only defeated because it remembered that it had been beaten once before, which caused it to "malfunction" and tear itself apart from the raw impossibility of it all. Also, the Taarakian's defeat of it actually echoed out from that 'incarnation' and damaged it's "present" manifestation who was prepared for such a thing. It's unlikely that the same thing would work on it again, especially if it doesn't bother with the storytime.

I can only imagine that it would bother with the stories. It's exaclty the sort of villain who'd love that shit.

Also if remembering being killed also kills you then you kind of suck.

>Also if remembering being killed also kills you then you kind of suck.
That was mostly because the Taarakian's sacrifice resonated through space and time and harmed it in the present, which contributed majority to it's "malfunction". Had it not been for that, it probably would have won in the end.



>The Sum of all Evils looks like Kryptonite

Thread theme competition:

>The Sum Of All Evils resembles the one thing that all Kryptonians (barring pure hybrids) have an innate weakness to
>Kryptonite was a substance that took form regularly on the planet Krypton, the Kryptonian homeworld


>I put on my robe and wizard hat

I don't know about destroy it, but my party will be fine.
Soulless robots are immune to evil.

>Soulless robots are immune to evil.
Doesn't mean that they can't be convinced to join it as it's serviyors in purging all life. After all, you could argue that the Loc Nar itself is a "soulless machine". Especially in how it goes about it's work.