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> What are good games to play when you're sick / hung-over or 'Can't brain today'?
> What game (if any) has your favorite 'Take That' mechanic?
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> What are good games to play when you're sick / hung-over or 'Can't brain today'?
> What game (if any) has your favorite 'Take That' mechanic?
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Actually, that picture is a bit out of date
Alright let's post some favorites and be judged by others.
>your favorite eurogame
The Voyages of Marco Polo
>your favorite burgerspiel
Mythic Battles: Pantheon
>your favorite 2-player game
>your top 3 games on your wishlist
Hey /bgg/ I played with this girl at a few local board game meetups and she wants to come to my flat and play board games, just with us two. I also said I'd cook for her. I have never been on a date and I am autistic about board games. What do I do? What do we play?
>your favorite eurogame
Gaia Project
>your favorite burgerspiel
History of the World
>your favorite 2-player game
>your top 3 games on your wishlist
Founders of Gloomhaven
Card games best games
How often have you had the pleasure of playing a game and decided, "this game is no doubt my new number one best, favorite game"? Just had that experience with Twilight Imperium fourth edition usurping all the good memories I had with Risk Legacy
Not disputing TI4 is indeed your new fave game but this is basically how cult of new works, with the added effect that you play games less times so the novelty effect is even stronger. And I'm a faggot who only really gets a new favourite if everyone at the table has a fucking great time with it.
Does anyone have links to play through videos for this? (Other than Rahdo. As much as I appreciate his enthusiasm, it's like having a squirrel with ADD try and explain a game.)
Literally just searched for "sentient playthrough" on youtube... you lazy cunt.
First up, ask the person in question what games / sorts of games they like, and also what sort of food they enjoy. There isn't anything to difficult or mysterious on that part. Having already gotten past the difficult hurdle of breaking the ice, it's just a matter of basic communication. Practice what you want to cook for her *before* the date, and have a backup plan (i.e. order food from X) if things go sideways on you.
>your favorite eurogame
I guess Terraforming Mars was tolerable.
>your favorite burgerspiel
Twilight Imperium. Edition undecided.
>your favorite 2-player game
Stronghold 2E
>your top 3 games on your wishlist
Honestly no idea right now. Can't think of anything I seriously want and don't have, other than hypothetical things that probably won't ever exist, like a second edition of Tannhauser.
Doh! I should have specified 'quality' videos - i.e. videos where the presenter gets to the point and explains the rules clearly, correctly, and concisely. I generally don't want or need an extra 30+ minutes of back story about the presenter, their Uncle Bob, their pet turtle, and their favorite color. But thanks for the link.
>Take That
It doesn't really feel like a take that game overall, but ganging up on the leader in this is such a jerky thing to do. This game has never overstayed its welcome.
>complaining about "cult of the new"
It's a term someone invented to tell people they weren't allowed to like new things, or somehow, liking new things is bad. Who cares. We don't all have to put Twilight Struggle as our number one and play it 500 times to be justified in having it as our favourite.
You're right. Everything is better year on year and novelty has no appeal at all.
Like I said
>don't like new things
>new things are bad
Novelty is bad. It's why stuff like HATE will do a million dollars and then fade away. When it gets delivered people will be hyped for a bit and then it will die.
But liking Twilight Imperium is hardly "Cult of the New". It's been around since the late 90's in one form or another, and 4th edition is pretty much just 3rd with some minor modifications, and that's been around since 2004. It's a pretty established franchise. Since most players of 3rd edition are playing with 2 expansions and 5000 house rules to fix broken parts of the game, newcomers have a bit of a barrier, or are getting a different experience to what people who have been playing it since 2004 are.
TI4 just kind of levels it out. I find I don't miss any of the expansions, or my own house rules and just enjoy playing it with the rules as is. Pretty much same game, but I don't need to fix it myself anymore.
I didn't say liking TI4 was cult of the new senpai.
>your favorite eurogame
Voyages of Marco Polo, currently
>your favorite burgerspiel
Twilight Struggle
>your favorite 2-player game
Twilight Struggle
>your top 3 games on your wishlist
Battle Line
>your favorite eurogame
Sons of Anarchy
>your favorite burgerspiel
>your favorite 2-player game
>your top 3 games on your wishlist
Dominant Species (order a copy you fags so they will print it)
Flashpoint (dad hates coops like STEEV, get him this for Christmas, calls me a week later for all kinds of rules clarifications in expert mode, I've never played)
Arctic Scavengers (is there anywhere I can get this?)
fairy tale
>start playing risk with friends
>we're all playing for the first time
>I pick it up the fastest and change my tactics accordingly
>start doing extremely well in early and part of middle of the game
>everyone just makes non-aggression pacts and pile on me until one sideline player fulfills his win condition
How do I win risk? To maintain my lead and fight against multiple people? It's actually really pissing me off. I know you could win more easily by being sneakier and laying low, but I really hate that. I want to fight and conquer in a straightforward manner.
>I didn't say liking TI4 was cult of the new senpai.
Then I'll say it! "TI4 = cult of the new!" There, I said it. (Any moment now STEEV will stab me with a Lego or some other implement of terror!)
Does anyone have an extra 'Red Suicide Pill' handy? The F'ing death flu going around is kicking my ass ATM.
>lego meme
>I want to fight and conquer in a straightforward manner.
Threaten to stab them IRL if they don't form an alliance with you or allow you to win. It doesn't get much more straight forward than that.
Play better games. Try Nexus Ops for something similar but less retarded. Try Risk Europe if your friends need brand recognition but you want a real game.
If you're ready for something without dice and a bunch of other random nonsense then Kemet is simple enough you can teach it to anyone.
>Arctic Scavengers (is there anywhere I can get this?)
I'm only seeing the expansion for the original core game on MiniatureMarket, but CSI still has it in stock.
>Try Nexus Ops for something similar
Isn't that one out of print?
Ya but that doesn't mean you can't buy it. It's on amazon right now
I already own a copy, but I'm almost afraid to look at Amazon / Ebay pricing... Might have to point the other user to the BGG site 'Geek Bazaar' too.
Any new copy of Arctic Scavengers you pick up now probably has the expansions packed in.
The one linked to on CSI does.
Tell me more about Risk: Europe and Kemet. A few days ago I found a cheap copy of R:E after reading some favorable stuff about it so it's already on the way, but I don't know much at all about Kemet.
Well, I'm a Spacehulk kinda girl myself, but I get your question. Confidence, dude! Wouldn't it be awesome to find a gamer chick you might actually like? I say be chill. Give her some options on games based on amount of time you've got. I wouldn't necessarily rush out and buy a new game. You could also do the bit where she brings a game and also play one you own if you have some shorter games. Maybe she'll surprise you. I'd say the idea of a backup plan for food isn't bad. Good luck!
Imagine spending all your time not discussing your hobby or interests, but hunting down people in an anonymous board just to say this.
You're going to need a lot of food.
Kemet has diceless combat resolution and allows you to buy upgrades for your faction. The entire game is just a long fight with a small amount of resource management.
Risk: Europe has units that behave differently in combat so you can use elite units to attack poor units etc. It also has a system where you are limited what you can do each turn so you must plan ahead.
Watch a review on either game to find out more, but those are the basics.
Imagine coming here from plebbit just to try to turn it into another echo chamber.
My copy of gloomhaven has arrived. What am I in for? Any recomended classes? Fun stories
>try to turn it into another echo chamber.
Says the mental midget wanting to see nothing but their own views...
>TI4 = Cult of the new
I wish I could disagree, there's a really weird amount of hype around it for what honestly is a pretty conservative iteration on TI3, especially considering the intervening decade and a half and the effect it's had on the boardgame landscape. But a noticeable number of people are losing their minds over it like the second coming.
Hell, Monday's game even got my TI3-Weary brother hype to get a second play in ASAP.
Dudes on a map dick-punching contest that encourages aggressive opportunistic play from round 1. Highly replayable, low RNG, relatively little buildup. Very good risk replacement for people uninterested in drawn out political games.
>your favorite eurogame
Manhattan Project or Terraforming Mars
>your favorite burgerspiel
I guess I'm not up on the lingo here, what's a burgerspiel?
>your favorite 2-player game
Akrotiri or Fallen
>your top 3 games on your wishlist
Cottage Garden
>mock people for not talking about games
>isn't talking about games
plebbitplzleave, or at least be less hypocritical.
>2 Player
Theseus: The Dark Orbit or Stronghold
>Wish List
Gaia Project
Nexus Ops
It's not bad, it actually eases you into the gameplay relatively well. It is pretty tactical...if you have folks that play that think they are all out for themselves, you will not win the scenario. It takes a lot of teamwork to win them. Sometimes it takes 3x to win one scenario and move on through the campaign. I would suggest googling good options for teams for your player count unless you've fallen in love with a specific character. My husband plays the Cragheart and I play the Spellweaver. We've been able to swap people in and out to play a few games and it works ok. Have fun!
Do you actually play games? What are your favorites?
>Plays aggro the whole time
>Doesn't understand the need for subterfuge
>Doesn't know that most conflicts involve some form of non-agression agreements with neighbours, official or otherwise
>Doesn't know that historically most nations that are excessively aggressive get ganged up on by coalitions of nations worried they'll be attacked themselves
Go back to /v/ risk is beyond you
burgerspiel is another word for "ameritrash" (spiel is the German word for game, so there you go)
Brute and Tinkerer are unstoppable together.
SUSD did a review and a doc on TI4.
There. I just solved that riddle.
Just impulse bought gloomhaven; what am i in for?
>impulse purchasing in the age of information
Hopefully you spend all your time playing it so you don't have the time to reproduce and pass on those retard genes you've got.
Twilight Struggle is burgerspiel?
>Ask question on the internet
>Get insulted about not asking questions on the internet
How's autism treating you user?
>not knowing the definition of autism
I wasn't wrong about the retardation in your blood.
I could always return it if i end up not liking it.
>asking after i buy is the same thing as doing due diligence
I can always return it if i get it now.
I can't go back and buy it if its sold out.
I've always wanted to ask someone this: What's it like being so afraid of not having some shiny new thing that you do literally no research about it before spending money? Are you just well off enough that you don't care? Because that I could understand. But since you're already talking about returning it I'm curious to know why your will is so weak that you couldn't spend a few hours looking it up before spending your money. Did the bully advertisers really convince you it could sell out in just a few hours?
>you couldn't spend a few hours looking it up before spending your money
Money can be returned in full, so im absorbing no risk by actually making the exchange that i can reverse at a later date.
>Are you just well off enough that you don't care?
Also this, i own a small business and have an excess of money but not time.
Yeah that guy is always shitting up the bgg threads. Best to just ignore him.
It works out for him; he gets a good score each thread. You only got 1 point for that post, as a counter-example. Weak move.
>another girl here to not talk about board games
Sad. What's the last game you played, honey?
And she brought a friend!
Lol, thanks for the heads up
Good luck user
Do anyone know where I can get the last arkham horror mythos pack for Dunwich Legacy campaign? I either own or have ordered the rest but I cant find any English version in Europe to buy for a reasonable price.
well I knew what spiel meant...but I guess burger was throwing me...
I like mine classic - Space Hulk (any edition) or HeroQuest
If you have one of the games that you played at the game meetup, maybe start with something familiar
>Think of board game idea
>Have fun doing all the planning and fleshing out mechanics and such
>Get to prototyping phase and realize this is too much for a first time thing
>Decide to think of a card game instead to start with something simpler
>Have lots of fun doing all the planning, fleshing out mechanics, adding on to it, etc.
>Get to prototyping phase and rewriting the rules
>Print out some card stock and do a bit of editing but all motivation to work on it stops for years
>Only occasionally look back on it to think on it or edit/add a few things, but feel like I'll never go anywhere with it
>Mfw recently been brainstorming on another board game idea that probably won't go anywhere once I reach the prototype phase, and it's not even as original
Making game mechanics, adding onto those foundations, and being a hobby ideas guy is fun, but making a bunch of scraps for a prototype and fine-tuning everything is not so fun. Anyone else /wannabe game dev/ here?
A surprisingly addictive tactical card-driven skirmish that feels a whole lot like a Western CRPG.
I'm the user that was bitching about my copy being delayed. I got it a few weeks ago. My girlfriend and I have been playing non-stop for about three weeks. It's seriously just that good. I haven't even played anything else in that time. Send help.
Wasn't there a game design general?
Anyway, I'm just the opposite of you. I don't care about creating mechanics and ideas at all, but I love making small changes and creating house rules for pretty much every game I play. Being a play tester would be more fun to me than being a dev.
meant for
With anything creative, most people never start, and the few of those never finish.
>favorite Euro
>favorite Burgerspiel
Does x-wing count? If I could ever get Forbidden Stars to the table I'm sure I'd love that one
>favorite two player game
Hive Pocket
>top 3 games
Wiz War: Malefic Curses
How is Adrenaline? It seems like a game I'd want to play 2-3 times and never again.
I'm counting it because I don't particularly like most over the top Ameritrash. The most burger thing I own is a core set and some expansions of X Wing Miniatures game I haven't played. Maybe that would be my answer if it got to the table.
I like it quite a bit, although I haven't played it as much as I'd like. I like how quick the action begins in the game and the build up really isn't there. As the game goes on, you try and balance taking enough damage to get more actions without taking enough to be killed, which makes decisions on your turn interesting. I also like how every time you die, you're worth less points so it give others less incentive to attack you, letting you get back in the game. I wish I could play it more.
My sister and some friends are big into destiny so I'd like to one day try and homebrew the destiny warlock, titan, and hunter classes into Adrenaline. Who knows how that'll go ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anybody else get the Fallout board game? Just played a game with my wife earlier, it's theme-heavy as you'd expect from an ameritrash game but still pretty fun overall. My only real issue is that there seems to be some serious balance issues and I don't mean the ones stemming from the game's heavily random mechanics. The Ghoul player seems to be strong as fuck despite the 4hp penalty since rad healing is just great and vilified doesn't really seem to do anything. On the flip side Super Mutant is garbage since the SM rep only seems to force fights and for whatever reason its passive doesn't say it makes you immune to rads - and it really should since gaining xp when you gain rads is garbage considering how bad rads are and how common xp is and how weak levelling is. Also vilified/idolized is all out of whack - vilified is easy to get since it usually takes no rolls and gives huge item/financial rewards, where idolized usually takes a roll test and has reduced rewards. Which is great as a start, but then instead of Vilified giving ongoing negative consequences and Idolized giving ongoing benefits we found it to be the opposite with my Idolized character getting forced into all kinds of unfortunate scenarios and her Vilified character getting off totally scott free.
Granted, I only played the game once and only through the Commonwealth scenario but the disparity was really glaring.
I haven't played but I know a few people who have and had the same thoughts. It's really a game you play to have a good time and enjoy the theme/company of other players in their opinions, not for a competitive event.
We both lost in the end since the win cons are so random, it just sucked being broke and dying all the time since my SM was friend to all and her Ghoul was an immortal dickass absolutely rolling in caps and items. I'm going to house rule that SM are immune to rads in the future, not much I can do about Vilified/Idolized though since that's a quest card problem.
Was the Fallout theme what made you buy the game or did the mechanics speak to you before you played?
So, Gloomhaven is popping up in stock around me.
Is it worth it? I mean, is the hype real? The only dungeon crawler I've played is Heroquest and I only sort of like it.
I'm pretty split. On one hand it seems like everyone likes it while I have generally no interest, but... will it end up OOP for a long time again?
Red pill me on the Enlightenment bruthahs
If you want a game of old timey fun check out Antiquity
If you like the idea of Mage Knight turned into a dungeon crawly legacy game then you'll love it. If not then ignore it. That's the best way to describe the hype of GH.
>Is it worth it?
It's a dungeon crawler that doesn't suck ass. That's a novelty because every other iteration of dungeon crawling has been boring as fuck mechanically.
Buy it only if you really care about crawling dungeons; otherwise there's a hundred better coop games that already exist and don't involve dungeon-related themes.
The second point is this: designers picked up on Gloomhaven's success and will undoubtedly refine the formula in two-three years. Since this is a genre where theme and story matters more than mechanics, you might want to wait a few years and get a Gloomhaven clone with a better story.
>On the flip side Super Mutant is garbage since the SM rep only seems to force fights and for whatever reason its passive doesn't say it makes you immune to rads
Considering how in the games only ghouls, robots, and super mutants are immune to rads, I'd call that a grave error which you should fix through home rules.
>your favorite eurogame
Terra Mystica probably
>your favorite burgerspiel
Shadows of Brimstone or Forbidden Stars
>your favorite 2-player game
Jaipur of course
>your top 3 games on your wishlist
Kindy happy with what I have right now, might get the space version of TM if I see it at a good price.
played several times and lost with Ghoul every time. Vault Dweller won after some good fights at the start and finding extra armor. Second game wastelander won, third game super mutant won. Am yet to win with Ghoul, or see Ghoul win. It's pretty fairly balanced I'd say.
Just played it tonight. We are finding it really easy. We're all level 2, this was our fourth mission, but we got really luck gambling early and finding artifacts and so we all have some really beefy weapons (I have the Punisher Shotgun and the Rancher has the executor ), doing insane damage. We took down the Goliath and Dark Stone Hydra in two combat rounds (that was the epic boss fight).
I think we might need to turn to brutal side.
What about as a solo experience? My group can't handle anything as weighty as Kemet (that's not hyperbole).
> What about as a solo experience?
Every good coop game also works as a solo game. (And vice-versa.)
>Dominant Species (order a copy you fags so they will print it)
B-but I already have one and no one will play with me
>your favorite eurogame
>your favorite burgerspiel
Shadows of Brimstone
>your favorite 2-player game
Rarely get to play 2 player games. Santorini I guess.
>your top 3 games on your wishlist
I'm pretty blessed, I have pretty much everything I want.
Meeple Circus looks interesting
I'm really curious about Blood Bowl, but as I said, I rarely play 2 player games
Maybe Scythe
> What are good games to play when you're sick / hung-over or 'Can't brain today'?
Rhino Hero and Guillotine are games I'd gladly play when hungover or massive headache.
> What game (if any) has your favorite 'Take That' mechanic?
Hey, guillotine works for that too.
Little bit of both, I've been a Fallout fan since 1 and though the more recent games have made missteps I still enjoy the setting. I really like the CYOA encounters and questing but it could use more loot cards and a more consistent victory point mechanic.
Judging balance by victories in this game is pointless since agendas are random. Regardless of your character choice you could spend most of the game in the lead and then get fucked by drawing two useless agendas while your opponents pull ahead.
How many in your posse? The bottleneck strategy with 4 characters makes mowing down monsters easy, I play with two and we have to squeak through on a lot of combat
SOB is basically designed to be houseruled, so tinker away to make it fun for your group