>DM rolls your stats for you
Is this breaking the social contract?
DM rolls your stats for you
No. Even if it is opposed by a majority of players (volonté de tous), the DM was chosen from among the players for the sake of being a neutral arbiter and storyteller that provides them with the opportunity to together spin a narrative in which everyone can have fun. As long as he pursues this greater good (volonté générale) without violating any civil rights he is acting in conformity to the social contract.
you're breaking the social contract by posting all these threads. fuck off.
What's the story behind these pictures, though?
You're in the philosophy club and the president gives you that look. How can you pound that pussy until she can no longer walk straight without violating her physical integrity?
What did you want to know?
>DM Can't roll for you if its point buy.
Checkmate OP
Well, this was the second quickest thread over I've seen.
>you're breaking the social contract by posting all these threads.
Is he, though?
Dont know what this social contract is but i rolled stats for my group. 18 18 16 14 12 6
>i rolled stats for my group. 18 18 16 14 12 6
So each player picks one?
OP what you're referring to is an array and it's fine, as long as the entire group gets the same numbers to choose from. I kind of prefer it to point buy.
>DM Can't roll for you if its point buy.
He could roll to determine your point buy value.
Quite the opposite, the DM is a figure of authority and so playing in his game you surrender your freedom to roll your stats because you trust the DM to distribute the stats to you. Truly a DM would break the social contract if he refused to let you perform actions or roll your own ability checks (unless you also want to give up that right for some reason).
>not playing lifepath system
Get on my level, scrub.
Rolled 8, 4, 1, 10, 6 = 29 (5d11)
Options field, not name
Rolled 1, 3, 6, 1, 6, 3, 4, 3, 4, 1, 4, 5, 6, 3, 3, 6, 6, 2 = 67 (18d6)
Here's your stat spread, OP. 3d6 per stat, rolled down the line.
>dm rolls 3d6 in order
>100 times and makes a percentile chart
>players roll 1d100 to determine stats
but why?
both the player and the GM roll the stat, so its more collaborative :^)
Also, it means fewer dice rolled for the player, so you can speed up character construction.
but overall, unless you have 17 players or more, you end up rolling more dice
Nobody asked OP to do it and it's not promoting the common good.
I don't see why he would possibly do that except to cheat, so yes.
Can reuse it for NPCs.
>blame DM even for your own shitty stats
Oh boy, its gonna be a fun session
You're asking the wrong group of people my good sir. Now if she was a muskmelon, then
DAM can rule it's not point buy. DM can rule that stats are being rolled and being rolled by him.
I had a DM who decided he wanted to make us roll 18D6 and let us move around the dice in any order so we could custom our stats.
We where running ADnD so that made it an experience. One that I think went rather well.
Social Contract? No.
NAP? Yes.
100% fine, in fact, encouraged.
It depends on whether or not your players want to go through the character creation process from stat rolls to development through levels.
If they do, then yes.
If they don't, then no.