What continent in your opinion is the best to start your empire on?
Best way to play?
Best way to win battles? Or does it all come done to luck unless there is a huge (10+) difference in numbers.
What continent in your opinion is the best to start your empire on?
Best way to play?
Best way to win battles? Or does it all come done to luck unless there is a huge (10+) difference in numbers.
Africa is OP
I bet some faggot will tell you Australia. It truthfully depends. I've played games where its full of quick movement and constant changes and games where 3 retards fought for Australia as I took North America and South America.
Basically take anywhere that no one is focusing on until you are too big too lose
I quite like South America, especially compared to Australia, because it has two "gateway" regions that are also directly adjacent to each other.
Compared to Australia, you're next to two potentially competitive continents (North America, Africa), unlike Australia, which will need to conquer at least three tiles of Asia until you can even come close to Africa or Europe (the second most indefensible continent).
At the same time South America doesn't suffer the distant borders issue that North America has, especially in games where you can only move armies to an adjacent territory. Since Brazil and Venezuela are directly adjacent, you can easily transfer troops from one side to another. Even if things go south, all of South America is connected, so you can easily retake the entire continent from one gateway tile.
Antarctica; direct access to Agartha and Hollow Earth
I like to start in SA the best.
The best way to play is a slow grinding advance, do not get too spread thin.
Idk but not throwing your army away on an attack that isn't going your way is super important
Australia only really works well if you're aggressive out of the gate. Otherwise you'll be pretty much isolated in battlefield Asia. You need to sacrifice a minimum of 3 armies as garrisons to have access to Europe/Africa, and 4 to get to North America, so it really depends on you putting cards together fast to seize the initiative before everyone else starts turtling up.
What's with all the Risk and Axis and Allies stuff lately.
Just post in /bgg/
Not a fan of risk myself. Takes too long and there isn't a lot to it. Better games that aren't too complex exist.
North America, high supply and three choke points. Europe a shit.
Use this instead.
Australia. It gives you a nice chokepoint and it's the easiest continent to hold, ergo it gives you the most manpower every round. Technically Asia gives you more, but good luck holding all the provinces in it!
South America suck if someone goes for NA or Africa, Africa sucks if someone takes europe, NA suck if someone takes SA turn 1-2, europe and Asia just suck period because no one will let you take them. The answer is Australia. Or SA/Africa if you take them asap and stop NA/europe from being controlled.
australia, but be always fexible in your chooses
>Africa sucks if someone takes europe
>europe and Asia just suck period because no one will let you take them
>Africa sucks in a scenario literally everyone else will try to prevent
If someone gets Africa they will become the focus of attention and then someone will take NA after them.
Australia is the 'best' since you just need to stack all your dudes on one space to hold it, however everyone knows that and so in my experience it ends up with everyone sinking resources into it to compete resulting in a blood bath.
The disadvantage with Australia is that there isn't much way to expand from there, since holding asia (europe as well) is near impossible with the number of defense points you have to hold, which simply divides your troops too thin, its just too easy to go around your forces and break the continent each turn.
Personally I try to bait people into thinking i'm going to make a play for Aus, and once people start commiting I pull out and start pushing South America as hard as I can, throwing all my remaining resources into it, since basically whoever can manage to hold a continent first wins as their production accelerates. As they kill each other over aus, I take SA. SA is worse than aus, but that's precisely why I push for it, less competition gives me a higher chance of success.
After that I stockpile my defences in SA, and then push my northern defence force to take enough NA territories to give me an extra mans. Eventually I push to take NA, and then there are only 3 choke points to hold to gain massive troops.
With this I usually outproduce whoever holds Aus, and the other players will constantly prevent the other continents from being taken since they are so undefendable.
I like South America. Then I slowly advance up through North Amerca. Once I have both, game is generally over.
Asia is easy to hold if you control russia, all you need to do is get an early foot hold in the ME and Russia as Australia and then expand North and Eastwards until you hold the whole continent, then you become unstoppable.
Man up. Play a man's game.
Remember when we were allowed to play RISK on Veeky Forums?
>shit Risk
Play Legacy my African-American. Then best continent is whatever you can trick the other players into building for you.
>Australia trashed
>South America indefensible from the north
>Europe and Asia are Europe and Asia
>I am the only player who can reasonably start in North America
Fortress America
>fantasy map
>uses 40k faction symbols
>empire and kislev and estilia and tiliea one region
>bretonnia and border princes and woodelfs and west norsca one region
>dwarf holds in north non extant
what the fuck?
Win fast or lose fast, there is no middle ground.
Africa because I am not a pussy.
I usually go for South America next and leave the Australia camper for last.
North America. Hands down.
North America is overpowered as fuck because it has by far the most navigable rivers and pretty much every part of the continent is at an unparalleled short distance to said rivers.
It was such a leg up over everyone else in terms of one's ability to trade and move people, making it the ideal place to set up an empire.
I always do well when I start in Asia eat your fucking heart out, Ghengis Khan
>I always do well when I start in Asia
How? It gives you the most manpower per turn if you manage to hold it all, but good fuckin' luck holding it. Too many provinces and everyone will be trying to get it. Nobody, not even those who know they can't hold it themselves, will allow someone else to dominate the continent.