You have to admit, this is a very worrisome trend in our community.
You have to admit, this is a very worrisome trend in our community
Other urls found in this thread:
and to think this helped so much
Even if it wasn't fake news bullshit (which it is), personal politics shouldn't get in the way of making money. MSM weak fud.
Teh nahtzees r trading buttcoins! Oh noes!!!1! Once you're labeled right wing you're supposed to be financially destitute and live on the streets. Ban all crypto!
Why are high IQ white and Asian men making good investment choices? A real fuckin’ mystery we got here...
Crypto proves the superiority of the white race
>EVERYBODY can use it
>all information is freely available
>women, niggers and libcucks are too dumb to see the opportunity
The catch is that Pajeets and chinks still get rich from it, you could call them many things, but they aren't as stupid.
2018 is our 1933.
Any other 4channers of color on here? I found this a very helpful introduction to this issue:
Im 1 of 5 white employees at my job. I shilled all the black people i work with months ago. Gave them all the apps, sites, information, everything to get into this. I think one bought some litecoin for $100 kek. Stay poor.
>helping blacks
Christ, it is like you haven't learned anything in the past fifty years.
you sound like a nice lady.
Boy is it awkward reading this nonsense as a black BTCfag
For jew.
I completely agree, anything the SJWs touch turns to shit. But we can take their money. let them come.
Bankers are all jews, Bankers are afraid of crypto. My 6 gorzillion worked wonders on the boomers and arr betting it will continue to scare normies away from "evil nazi money"
White and male. I give a fuck about white males. No one else. Deal with it OP because you no longer have a choice. I used to give a fuck about people who were not white males until they started acting like cunts. Now I don't.
I thought about getting rich and buying supplies for white nationalists and seeing that just makes me wonder if I'm not the only one.
I think it's more of a gender divide than anything else, desu.
1 year ago, I voted for Hillary and had a liquid net worth of about $30k.
Now I’m unironically a Nazi and have $80k worth of crypto alone
A gender divide largely created by Jews...
>voted for hillary, now a Nazi
I mean, good for you user, but how the fuck were you ever retarded enough to be a hillary voting shitlib?
Same here, I was very pro-diversity until every other group of people decided a few years ago that it was ok to shit on straight white males. Now I only care about my own kind.
You're def not the only one
It's good to know that people are coming over to the good side even after the election.
o i am laffin
Oh my kek
>Not a street pooer out to sell you his bags
>warns you of the pitfalls of the THOT menace
>Isn't a nihilist lost in the material consumer culture. He knows the limits of wealth and is therefor not deluded by its charms
>holds the best portfolio that is neither autism crypto buzz word heavy nor over loaded with slick hypersexed marketing
>has a plan
>tells the truth
>Only ones who care about user's success and well being
>wants you in lambo land with him to fund the looming race war
>has forgotten more fiat Jew tricks than you will ever know
Fash/biz/ is best Veeky Forums
>Hated Hillary, but I was a libertarian who fell for the muh free trade meme
>Was race realist, but didn’t know the Jewish cause of Middle Eastern wars yet, until I researched after Trump’s Syria strike
>started obsessively researching Syria and Israel, reading lots of Kevin MacDonald, and learned that Jews had changed our Immigration Policy to advance their own ethnocentric goals, while maintaining an apartheid state in the Middle East
>started posting on /pol a lot
>still don’t like Trump, bc he’s uninformed and to in bed with Jews, but would never vote for Hillary
>Bitcoin is essentially a digital Ku Klux Klan hood.
Cryptos will fuck up the redistribution process from clear skinned to dark skinned imposed by democrats and socialists through the world.
So you shilled them the most overpriced shitcoin on the market, good good.
Tribalism is the final redpill, at the end of the day it's all about accumulating ressources and making your tribe strong.
>can't tax it to steal wealth from whites to give to niggers and freaks
No wonder leftists absolutely loathe crypto.
Not really. Its literally nothing but people will talk about anything.
I run a website called the kiwi farms which could not exist without crypto. I owe so much to the community. It sucks that you sort of have to align with nazis to host anything with risque speech, but that's how it is.