Who was in the wrong?

Who was in the wrong?

You for making this thread.

Well the knights seem to be travelling in a long, disorganized line through enemy territory, stupidity like that deserves to die

Judging by the fact they are marching in armor with weapons drawn, it also seems safe to assume the knights came into these woods looking for a fight.

There might be a greater context we dont know, but in the immediate case the knights are clearly trespassing or worse intending to attack.

the archer for his retarded archery style. the arrow does not go between your fingers, you fucking numpty

I love how laid back the rightmost knight looks

The knights, for not knowing that you need to outnumber elves to get a chance.

Neither of the groups shown in the picture, it is obvious that such encounter was orchestrated by a third party with the purpose of weakening both of those factions.


Depends on setting

It goes both way. Elves and Humans in the Witcher are both pretty shitty to each other.

In the main world Humans rule and Elves are second class citizens in some places (ie, the North, they're treated better in the Empire and even have their own autonomous state), suffer pogroms and hate crimes, etc... So then the Scoia'tael decide to just carry out terrorist acts and indiscriminately kill all humans, who respond in kind.

In the Aen Elle world, the Elves genocide'd the Humans, enslaved the Unicorns, and now travel to other worlds to get Human slaves.

>Laughs dwarvishly

the elves were in the wrong, and now the knights will have their way with all the females in the village, before taking them home as wives.

>marrying an elf
why do those knights hate humanity

It's not going to be their only wife.

>have a shield
>be looking in the direction of the attack
>the attack is coming from your shield side
>STILL being hit in the neck

Monty Python's knights weren't this bad.


>the knights came into these woods looking for a fight.
You what, cur?

Not an answer, knave.

The humans probably deus vulted too hard and thought they could take a piss on some random woods because of their butthurt.

What if humans are getting deus vulted?