Seriously, just look at how the coins are priced differently on different markets. Buy at the low market and sell at the high market.
It's free money.
Seriously, just look at how the coins are priced differently on different markets. Buy at the low market and sell at the high market.
It's free money.
Everything is expensive as fuck on hitbtc
What exchanges/coins were you arbitraging this week
Please can you explain more in-depth how to do this, I tried it and ended up losing money.
don't day trade, OP's an idiot
buy a coin you believe in and hodl
This board would advise the bazinga coin kucoin pair with a crypto fish
I've been buying a coin on one market for X and selling it on another market for Y. Just do your own research and find the coins with a price disparity on different markets.
Hint: Coins on Binance.
It's not because liquidity. You're larping, every newfag see's these "arbitrage opportunities" when they discover and thinks they are a genius.
Show me one real arbitrage opportunity right now.... ill wait. You'll never find one for a few reasons.
1) bots are 100 times faster than you.
2) liquidity.
3) liquidity.
I've made thousands of USD in the past few days doing it on one coin. Not going to say which coin it is.
OP please do share. I've been searching and every time I find an "opportunity" it turns out its just a huge spread from low liquidity or withdrawals are temporarily down on that exchange or other bullshit
Can you tell me what exchanges you usually look at versus the binance price?
No. I've already probably said too much and I don't want this free money train to end.
I too added 40% to my position in one coin in the last two days. Between Binance and Bittrex...
Of course you wont because you're lying.
Do you not understand liquidity?
Say a coins market price is $1 on one exchange and $1.05 on another. To make $500 you would need to buy 10,000 coins at exactly $1 and sell them for exactly $1.05 or more on the other exchange.
The problem is that there most likely isnt 10,000 coins available at those exact prices on each market. Because, LIQUIDITY.
Again, you're larping out of your ass.
I'm telling the truth. I've had to use a buy of 15k USD of coin x to then make 15,500 USD on the other market.
There are lots of arbitrage opportunities with Korean exchanges. For example, if you can make an account on Korbit (I tried but I couldn't) you can arbitrage for 30-40% returns, which is crazy high. On the other exchanges, it's usually 10% on very good occasions, otherwise less than 5%.
I wrote a program that checks for all these arbitrage loops and there are many opportunities. It uses the order book instead of the last trade price and assumes market orders. So liquidity is taken care of. However, the time it takes to transfer the coins can fuck you real well sometimes.
LMAO OP literally has no idea what hes talking about!
Today I actually made twice as much money because the transfer took so long. If it had been instant I would have made half as much money. Got real lucky and the market I wanted to sell on went up in price.
Probably you're doing this too and don't want people to find out about it so you say I'm larping. You're probably right to do this. I'm drunk because I'm celebrating this week of gains. I should shut up about this.
You guys are retarded. lol, keep larping, or hey, just show some proof.
You wont.
Shut up, you just started trading, post some proof, blockfolio screen cap? Wallet screen cap? Preferably a cap of some transaction records (feel free to hide the coin itself if its such a secret).
This is not new retard
I'm too lazy for this and smart people already got arbitrage bots doing this 24/7, can't compete with that