Why are primarchs so much bigger than their chapter's marines?
Why are primarchs so much bigger than their chapter's marines?
Because emps made them that way
Because GW can't into scale.
dont forget he's standing on a rock, and also, because he's a fucking primarch
Because size is commonly used as an at-a-glance judge of relative strength. Something that's bigger looks stronger and more powerful than something smaller.
>same size as Daemon Prince...
They're also described as being considerably larger in the fluff. I'd say they did that to justify the model sizes, but I'm pretty sure they've been described as giant long before any tabletop primarch models existed.
FW girlyman is already a big fucking guy. I'd say he's on the upper end of what's acceptable for a primarch, beyond that there should only be "Magnus the LITERAL RED GIANT"
Same reason manlet marines are barely taller than cadians. 40k isn't very scale consistent.
The new models look great. Is the gathering storm any good?
we don't know
it's the other way around. Marines aren't manlet, Cadians are huge in model. they're as tall as Eldar, taller than crouched Orks, as tall as Space Marines, as tall as Necrons...
>Why are primarchs so much bigger than their chapter's marines?
Because their dicks function
I'm so used to important characters not wearing helmets that it looks wrong when one does. I keep thinking the guy in the middle is the one in charge.
Same reason people can't deal with Marines only being 7 feet tall.
Because they're big guys.
The Primarchs range pretty wildly in size though. Alpharius/Omegon are basically just really tall marines, while Magnus and Vulkan are massive.
Like orks, Space Marines never stop growing. Why would they need to? They are implanted with organs that constantly keep their testosterone and other important functions going for hundreds of years, intentionally keeping them in the prime of their vigor in order to keep them in the best possible fighting condition.
When building muscle and mass, you want to always be going for more so that your body stays in peak condition. Over dozens to hundreds of years of campaign, they keep growing, because their bodies are being kept in the state of growth unnaturally since that state tends to be the best for physical exertion as well. Therefore, captains, chapter masters, and other Astartes that manage to survive long enough continue growing, becoming noticeably larger and more important as they do so.
Primarchs were given extremely powerful arcane treatments in ADDITION to all of that. They become giants, and then become able to keep growing as they need to always and eternally open a new door to power, strength, intelligence, and anything else they need. Some primarchs, like Alpharius and Omegon, preferred to stay incognito, but most Primarchs have several hundred years of a career in being badasses, and that was BEFORE the Emperor found them again.
In other words, bigger is stronger is bester.
Because GW drank da kool-aid and fergat dat humies don't follow Orkz rulez.
in universe i don't care, some kind of whatever
doesn't matter
irl because Heroic Scale; but that already applies to Space Marines, so Primaris Marines (and by extension, Primarchs) need to be in Double Herioc Scale
also those late RT/early 2E mkVII's are... taller than the early RT marines as well, some of which is down to materials costs for startups being different to those for more successfully established companies
>they keep growning
Dante is the oldest one and he's still normal sized.
>Why would they need to?
Because they have to fit inside their armor. Not everyone can be Haegr.
All this typing for your head canon to be completely torpedoed by
With two lines of text and some dubs
Because GW is staffed by creative retards.
Because warhams is marketed to children who think bigger always means better.
Primarchs were genetically different from "birth." Marines on the other hand are normal humans who go through a genetic and surgical modification process as a child. They get bigger, but at the core you're still working with a normal human.
Makes the most sense. Like how I will never be as great as my father.
Oh, was he grown in a vat?
I thought you were a moron until I realized just how fucking huge 30k Guilliman is. Isn't Guilliman supposed to be average height? Why is he one of the largest non-Terminator, non-"tallest Primarchs" Primarchs?
I want to go back to the age of 40mm Greater Daemons and 25mm Mephiston blowing holes in the feet of titans.
Because of the suit of armor. Look how much bulkier it is compared to his normal suit.
In fairness Magnus is also an extremely powerful psyker, so his size varies with his mood.
He can be massive, but he can also be puny.
Seriously if they actually kept growing then Bjorn would have been crushed inside his dreadnought 5 Millennia ago.
This. Also lets you quickly identify the boss on the tabletop. GW have done this with every range since forever.
>I'll take my hobby smaller and more boring please
Truly patrician taste user.
I would like to see a model of puny Magnus. Like, a really good one.
>Isn't Guilliman supposed to be average height?
t. Veeky Forums
When I read thread title I thought of ancient Egyptian art. No matter how numb the nuts of the persons passing by, they got the punchline of the piece. The biggest guy is more important. And the little kid in me thinks it's cooler too.
He's shown to be a hair shorted than The Lion, who is exactly 3 meters tall.
Either the Marines and Orks are in scale, OR everything else is...
I'm contemplating working up models for one of the Blood Angel successor Chapters, and one of them never shows their faces. Helmets for everyone!
I returned my box set of him earlier. still feeling unsure on if I made a good choice or not. that's money for other stuff in 40k
Isnt he like ridiculously overpowered though?
Oh sure, you go right ahead and scoot your action figures straight across the table. I'll be over here dreaming of the return of epic, and having room to really maneuver.
Have fun with your "centerpiece" models clogging up the entire table.
Because they wish they were as Veeky Forums as codpiece wearing reiklanders
Well fluff says they're 8ft tall.
Space marines are the "good guy" version of Orks. It's literally the same system of 'bigga is betta' played out for little kids to latch on to.
Take the same picture, but put the marines in reverse.
>Your very own Warhammer adventure is about to unfold!
good post.
At some point around the time of the Horus Heresy card game, GW went retarded and decided that Primarchs were all like 47 feet tall, instead of that being a specific trait of Magnus and ignoring all the fluff they'd previously come up with with the Primarchs being integrated as fairly normal sized humans.
Also, Truescale faggotry, probably.
Chaos Marines, though.
Also, Dante's model is old enough to have payed off a fucking morgage. If/when they do a new one he'll be the size of a Rhino.
So children are orks?
Epic has you covered.
Well played. Took me a second to catch the reference. Very subtle. Charmander master race. purge the heretics with fire.
Why would emps ever made primarchs that are bigger than himself anyways?
Case in point; Orks.
Because gw have an atrocious approach to continuity canon and fiction quality control, so every time one of their dribbling mongoloids makes up something utterly retarded for his teenage power fantasy fan fiction, they adopt it into the fluff and then it proceeds to leak into the design studio and shit that up as well.
The 'fluff' says about 10 different things. So, not an argument
the guy in life support armour is bulkier.
how shocking.
>I'm pretty sure they've been described as giant long before any tabletop primarch models existed
Actually they were originally just space marine sized. The GW model for leman russ, the GW conversions for khan (on the siege of terra diorama), sanguinius, horus, the emperor (on the vengeful spirit diorama), etc.. all just space marine sized. Magnus was the exception, but he was supposed to be obviously mutant.
I mean, it's not "recent" now, but the "Primarchs are all supposed to be huge" thing is a post-2000 thing. I'm not sure exactly when it happened, but I feel it was a gradual thing.
one does wonder how awkward it is to sit around the ship lunch table with comrades nearly twice your height
if Guilleman turned while using the urinal his dick would slap a 10,000 year old super soldier that's also his son in the face
See, that just doesn't look right. Are the people at GW just short or something? I find it hard to believe that bare ass naked I'm only 6 inches shorter than a fully armored astartes.
Call me an edgelord but I preferred it when Marines were just average scum in armour hyped up on amphetamine.
Yeah like in starcraft
No, like in Dune.
no, Orks, Marines, Eldar and Necrons all are consistent in scale with each other
Probably not all that awkward, considering regular space marines are proven/capable veterans.
It's part of why I dislike the whole portrayal of marneus calgar feeling put out by all the new shit. Like, he's marneus fucking calgar. Alongside guys like donte from blood angel may cry he's got literally nothing to feel ashamed about.
Mate... Space Marines, especially Ultramarines, arrogant as fuck. Someone's stepped on his pride.
They never were, though? Power armour was less special, but the gene-engineered soldier monk thing is from rogue trader.
he's being bullied by his gene-father and ignored in favour of CATO FUCKING SICARIUS
"I CATO SICARIUS AM THE GREATEST ULTRAMARINE TO HAVE EVER LIVED." I'd be feeling abso-fucking-loutely downcast and depressed if I had to deal with that shriek in my vox all fucking day EVERY FUCKING DAY.
Dune is a stupid setting.
>personal shields blow up with the force of a nuke when hit by lasers
>no one uses lasers anymore BECAUSE of this
>because having nuke rifles would be bad
Well this is a fucking stupid setting and yet here we are.
You have a point
yes, it's also a setting where fighting happens mainly to gain ccontrol over the area they're fighting in - preferably in a non nuked state
Nuked state > Non nuked state
The leman russ model was not a primarch
Leman russ the tank is not the same person as Leman russ the primarch. They just have the same name. When emps created Leman russ he decided to give him the most badass name imaginable so simply put yeah he named him after a tank.
Wasn't the tank named after Russ? I'm 70% certain the Russ was named after Leman after he became the titled Executioner.
Primaris marines are the fault of the autist fanbase. They started REEEEing about "invalidating muh army" the moment rumours of larger marines came out. If not for them we could of had straight up true scale marines, without butchering the SM background by introducing super duper marines. desu I think in the future they'll retcon all the primaris stuff and just say they are marines in mk x armour.
He's not fucking bulkier, though. Look at him, he's just bigger.
>Prissymaris marines.
>No. Don't even dare start on those mary sue failures.
Primaris Marines are a masterstroke of marketing, every neckbeard has a marine army already so no one would have brought truescale marines without separate rules.
There are no robots and people generally prefer to not blow themselves the fuck up when trying to kill the enemy.
Marines aren't just about height, but also bulk. 7' tall is more impressive when you consider they're like 500 lbs of muscle and ceramic bones.
Making them any taller wouldn't prove their fighting ability anyway.
No I am pretty sure that it was the other way around. If you would name a tank after a primarch it would make no sense to pick leman of all people.
>no robots
>but spaceships
So vehicles exist and there is literally no reason to not make them remote controlled. In fact that is not even needed, what you'd use is a bomb/artillery shell that instead of exploding on impact would trigger the miniature shield generator and laser that is inside the bomb/shell.
I see, you are just a retard spewing uninformed horseshit about a topic he knows nothing about. Well, let me help you.
There are no robots in Dune, or any other form of advanced computer, because of religious dogma sprung from the near extinction of humanity thousands of years ago by means of the machine uprising. This law has been enforced by pretty much everyone around, but most importantly by the Spacing Guild (which possess the only means of space travel) and the fact that every single one of the big houses would instantly pounce on the opportunity to collectively rip a house fucking with Thinking Machines to shreds.
You also don't need to invent some new fancy tech to get nuclear explosions because the houses have nukes. So even disregarding the fact that you usually fight over control of a planet and irradiated, charred ruins won't do shit for you, if somebody wants to drop a nuke he can just drop a fucking nuke. Dropping nukes, however, is strongly discouraged and will promptly lead to the Spacing Guild hanging you out to dry and you getting fucked liberally by everyone else. Household Atomics are mostly a last resort weapon.
So there you go. Now go read Dune you mongoloid and stop shitposting on a burmese clay shaping board.
It's pretty damn good, too! I wish they made epic scale.
The nuclear explosion happens at a random point between the target and the shooter, dumbass.
See You simply build artillery shells with shields generators and lasers inside them.
You say that like "truescale" wasn't already weapons grade autism, perpetuated by REEEing nerds incapable of accepting that their Marines weren't 10 feet tall.
A lot of 40k art making Marines look huge is just awful too.
>dropping nukes is a nono
>therefore we don't want weapons with the same destructive power but that are not nukes
Did I mention that it's a stupid setting?
Primarchs are Emperors daemon Princes and daemon primarchs are just daemon daeamon Princes
The Shield-Laser Reaction is quite literally a nuke. It's not a thing with a similar destructive power, it unleashes an explosion and radiation similar to a nuclear bomb.
>The Shield-Laser Reaction is quite literally a nuke
No it's not. It's a "sub-nuclear fusion" reaction, now I don't know what that would be, likely quark fusion I suppose. Nukes in Dune are fission weapons.
"Primarch" is just an overly fancy translation of the actual high gothic term the Emperor used, which was closer to "Big Lads."