Shill me a coin to throw $1000 at short-term

Shill me a coin to throw $1000 at short-term

Currently holding: ENG, ETH, XLM, FUN, OMG

If you put up a white guy ill do it

Enigma. I read Ethereum whitepaper December 2016 and bought it. I have read many whitepapers since and most are garbage. I read Enigma's yesterday and bought straight after.

Make of that what you will.

Institutions will not use public blockchains unless they think their data is private. Enigma seeks to offer this.

ZEN, most undervalued privacy coin+platform
google zencash pastebin. Expected to announce ledger nano s support, new site+rebrand, new partnerships/exchanges, and updated whitepaper+roadmap. The team is growing fast to around 30-40 people. Have 1 week before they drop some news in the biweekly update.

TRON might be worth a look.

I said i have ENG. I guess I could buy more

Most undervalued privacy coin is COLX

DBC will moon pretty soon when it hits that chinese exchange.

XZC right now

I was really close to buying it but I'm still on the fence

you missed the news last night?

TRX could be too late but I still see some growth there

Look into Alqo

I'm holding Eng too, 80% eng 20% xlm 10% alqo

Honestly REQ has enough hype to really carry some profit in the short term.

Also maybe KucoinShares

will do. kicking myself for not buying more eng the other day like i had planned.

Shitcoin. They aren't building a platform, just a coin to do transactions.

Electra ECA

The meme trio:


lmfao, 10% XLM

XBY - easy moon to 3 usd by mid feb

BTS with a $1.90 Short.

Short term? I’d say DGB.

