any swiss here that cashed out ? where did you do it and how do you pay the taxes for it? i dont understand how it works in switzerland. i cant find on point information about it. lets say i bought an ico last year, made 20mil. want to trade all into btc and cash out. what do i have to do? arent i supposed to pay yearly tax already just for hodling it? like wtf. i dont get it
Cashing out in Switzerland
Other urls found in this thread:
im german living in switzerland with c permission for 10years btw.
look at the comments for links:
bump cuz interested, swissfag here
just use fucking google, not that hard or call the tax-guys
>Kapitalgewinne aus beweglichem Privatvermögen bleiben nach Art. 7 Abs. 4 Bst. b StHG grundsätzlich steuerfrei.
I love living here lol
so i cash out, have to pay nothing until next tax payment and just pay wealth tax ? sounds ok to me lol
Okay after a Google search here's what I found.
The 5 criteria used to determine your tax status
Guidelines published by The Federal Tax Administration list 5 criteria to be used by tax offices in determining the tax status of investors. You can only be sure that you will not be categorized as a professional investor if you meet all of these criteria:
You hold securities for at least 6 months before you sell them.
The transaction volume of all of your securities trades combined (total spent on purchases and total earned on sales) is not higher than 5 times the total value of your securities at the start of a tax year.
Capital gains generated through securities trading do not account for a significant portion of your basic income. The rule of thumb: Capital gains should account for less than 50 percent of your net income.
You use your own assets to finance the purchase of securities. Or: Taxable returns like interest and dividends are higher than interest owed on debt.
If you invest using derivatives – and options in particular – these can only be used to hedge your own securities.
Tax offices are free to implement these criteria in keeping with their own standard practices, so the way in which you are categorized varies between cantons and municipalities. In some cases, investors who do not meet the criteria listed above may still be categorized as private investors and not have to tax their capital gains.
Nei ebe nöd, du zahlsch doch sowieso nur Vermögensstüür. Egal, ob's uszahlsch oder s'Gäld in Kryptos häsch. ?!
You just cash out how you want and fill the tax sheet with how much wealth you have.
Yes but bitcoin is not a security or any speculative asset in swiss law.
So hani das au verstande, stüre uf gwinn zahlsch nur wens gwerblich machsch
Wait, wenni jetz 50k in cryptos ha mueni da deklariere? Nöd erscht bim uuscashe?
Good to know. So would cryptos fall under income tax category or wealth only ?
Sounds a bit weird to have your tax sheet go from 0 to 20mil wealth in a year with no bump in income
holy fuck this is beyond retarded. I love the swiss, but how the fuck can the country that produced Frisch and Dürrenmatt sound This dumb? Atleast you're not Austrian I guess..
t. Rilke
Ich "meinti" jo! Bi aber ned 100% sicher, sorry bra
Because were mountain jews
Ja genau, so macht's zumindescht en Kolleg wo scho länger debii isch. Es wird eifach als Vermöge deklariert. Wenns uszahlsch sinds halt nümme "2x Bitcoin à 15000 CHF" sondern 30K ufem Sparkonto. So wird ichs uf jedefall mache. Zude Bank wirsch au müäse gah füren KYC wennd der viel uszahlsch uf's mal.
100% sicher bini au nöd, aber so wird ich's mache.
I cheggs au nüm. Isch da Kantonsabhängig? Und hesch jetz eigtl usegfunde was mer mue zale? Will i ha eigtl kei bock zum vom stüramt gfickt zwerde
Für kanton Luzern
Deklariere muess mer unter "übrige guthaben" sowiet ich das verstande ha
Eure Sprache. Als ob man mit dem vollen Mund spricht. Mögen die Gains trotzdem mit euch sein Bergjuden.
Also demfall zahlt mer eifach di ganz normal vermögensstür uf de BTC wert bim Johresabschluss?
Momentan (soviel ich weiss) ja, also für 2017 wird ich's genau so mache. Muesch eifach age wieviel dis Krypto Portfolio am 31.12 gsi isch. Sgliche wie mit em Sparkonto etc.
Danke dir :)
Wieviel % isch schowieder vermögenstür? xD
Gibt's in Zürich oder Basel ein BTC ATM? am besten wo man hat abgeben kann ohne ID nachweis
Ich kenne nur das, ob man ID braucht? Keine Ahnung!
Das weissi grad nöd, aber isch nöd sehr höch. Glaub bis 100k sogar sehr tüüf.
Und btw für Zürcher:
Danke dir. Werd Mal na Basel fahren und schauen
In thurgau bis 200k vermöge 0% und nocher zwüsched 1%-2%
Luzern here :)
Jesus fuck I can't understand any of this. Do the Swiss never learn to speak proper German?
Of course not, why would they? It's their language, not yours.
t. Hochdeutscher
We can, but why tough
Because learners of the German language always learn the standard language, not some incomprehensible dialect.
You people are all fucking morons. I can sell all my holdings for cash within a few hours with one simple facebook post. Dear normies selling BTC pm if intersted.
Is it ok to cashout more than 1 million with PostFinance, i heard they're a shitty bank. Geneva resident here
I’m swiss and I use this one:
someone shilled it to me last week and I thank whoever that was
Be prepared for a KYC you will probably need to show them where the money is coming from. Also, you might want to ask them upfront anyway. You will most likely become a higher tier client to them.
Fucking die you scamming niggers. Fuck you and your tony dumper crew.
I'm a german with B status (possibly C in may).
I pay quellensteuer and have no idea about swiss taxes. Do I have to declare or can I just cash out in small amount over the year?
Shill me to... Vorteil nachteil?
I'm a dual US and Swiss citizen. Any idea which would be better for me to cash out to? I live in the US, would there be any ramifications of going one way over the other?
kek what’s it like to be autistic?
100% better to cash out in switzerland
yep das stimmt, zahlsch vermögensstüür und das ghört halt wenn dus uszahlsch dazue, mier händs mega guet im vergliich zu de anderne... mit dim crypto vermöge chasch der denn e hypothek für es huus hole, das meiste abzahle (aber so, dass du trotzdem no en chliine betrag a hypothekarzins zahlsch) und denn sind die (ca 1millione fürs huus) weg vo dim "vermöge" will du ja hypothek schulde häsch
also chasch du die vermögensstüüre au no echlii umgah indem du dier es huus chaufsch, falls das öppis isch was du willsch
Und d hütte chasch denn eifach wiitervermiete
I already 4x in the past week. This PnD thing is too easy. Comfy af.
true, ja das isch wohl es ziel vo villne! also mis uf jedefall.
btw gits eigentlich en schwiizer crypto discord oder sowas? wär irgendwie no cool mit schwiizer crypto lüüt z'rede, wo vilicht chli weniger scheiss wie da verzellt wird :')
Verpiss dich Rashiid, curry gits wo anders!!!
Das wär nice, telegramm besser?
Hett do au interesse draa
Telegram will mini handy nr. findi nöd guet.
Ha ez mal en discord ufgsetzt, falls wer inträsse häd: discord gg / PXsRRE
> (You)
>Telegram will mini handy nr. findi nöd guet.
>Ha ez mal en discord ufgsetzt, falls wer inträsse häd: discord gg / PXsRRE
NOICE, dabi!
jo aber denn chömet no wiiteri komplikatione dazue, vermiete isch nöd so easy wie es tönt.. muesch luege dass nüd chaputt gaht, wenn öppis problem hät ersetze.. all die leitige usw chönt tüür werde.. plus wennd vermietisch muesch no spezielli stüüre zahle so wiit ich weiss, kA wie es genau heisst aber das geld wo du machsch vom vermiete wird anderst verstüürt usw.. minere meinig nah am beste pallte und wenn dus nümme viel bruchsch seisch eifach a de eltere sie söttet i zieh, denn chasch sie au no irgendwie los werde LOL
ussert du häsch halt viel wohnige usw denn chasch scho vermiete, aber 1-2 hüüser allei isch de ufwand minere meinig nah z gross.. wennd us dene hüüser irgendwie 10-15 wohnige mache chasch, isch es natürlich anderst
jedem das seine
You guys are stupid cunt, this could actually be a helpful thread to a lot people but you speak this stupid retarded caveman dialect.
If you don't want to help the community go fuck yourself somewhere else
halt dini schnorre du hueresohn
Mountainjews are great. I love you guys
Shut up pajeet. If you're not swiss why do you care? Go cash out to portugal or ireland whatever
I am from the civilized part of Switzerland you fucking idiot and I was very interested by this thread, tired of cashing out 5k by 5k at an atm in Lausanne
du verdammte froschfresser ghörsch erschosse
Tu trouves que la suisse romande est civilisée? Regarde qui on vote sur les sondages on est les pires des cons heureusement qu'on a les bourbines pour voter intelligemment sinon on aurait surement accepté les minarets + l'immigration de masse même si ça ne change rien au futur de notre pays
Small brain hu? I didn't say I was from Lausanne, it's just the closest atm from my home
doesent matter whole romande is cancer
keep coping frogeater
I am from geneva and i can confirm this is a leftist retard canton multicultural socialist shithole
Lol how quickly this turned into a /pol/ discussion topkek
Did you actually make 20 mil?