When is this shit finally going to do something? I mean it is on fucking coinbase now...

When is this shit finally going to do something? I mean it is on fucking coinbase now. I just want to get rid of this shit with a proper pump.

Other urls found in this thread:

bitinfocharts.com/bitcoin cash/address/19hZx234vNtLazfx5J2bxHsiWEmeYE8a7k
bitinfocharts.com/bitcoin cash/address/17Wk4GPKw9nZ9PbspzaxN3fv1L2m9NA9dg
bitinfocharts.com/bitcoin cash/address/1Fj8RBd3TfbZjgDADc69M2dveC1ttvBnCk

It's BTC's backup plan, it'll moon only when BTC dies.

it wont pump until people like you all give up and sell

as soon as we all drop our bag at the lowest point it will go 2x. I just hold %2 in bch and wait for the big gamble once a month lol.

I mean, theres less than 17 million of them and I'm pretty sure this guy is going to buy every single one:

bitinfocharts.com/bitcoin cash/address/19hZx234vNtLazfx5J2bxHsiWEmeYE8a7k

of course the miners aren't selling either:
bitinfocharts.com/bitcoin cash/address/17Wk4GPKw9nZ9PbspzaxN3fv1L2m9NA9dg

and this guy likes to accumulate:
bitinfocharts.com/bitcoin cash/address/1Fj8RBd3TfbZjgDADc69M2dveC1ttvBnCk

in other words, whales are fucking accumulating. loudly. maybe you should do the same


I hold 5 BCH and it is getting on my nerves that this shit doesn't do anything after coinbase adding. I sold my XRP way too early for this.

>hates money

When Binance removes its BTC pairs and adopts BCH pairs. Hopefully soon.

Anywhere that does that kills itself, not BTC. Bitcoin survived Gox back when Gox was 80% if the market. You are so new to this.

To answer OP, bch is not intended to 'do' anything. It is a wargamed stress test exercise to understand the resilience of BTC against a hostile fork, because that is the most probable vector of attack that corporate and central banks will adopt once crypto adoption becomes widespread. Of course, those in control of the exercise need to make it look as real as possible, because they need live market participants to exercise trading in the currency to see how robust BTC is. After the exercise is run, the hype train will pull into the station and the big boys will stop talking about bch so much. It will be abandoned quietly to a slow bleed out over a couple of years.

youre a retarded redditor who hasn't even read the whitepaper

It also didnt cost 45 dollars for a transaction back then. People are moving out of BTC and your denial wont make it go up. Only Blackstream pumping it with tethers can save it now.

I already 4x in the past week. This PnD thing is too easy. Comfy af.

Combining a non sequitur with an ad hominum doesn't make your comeback any more convincing, newfag.
Bitcoin evolves. Right now, literally zero cryptocurrency has solved the transaction conundrum, and none of them needs to. Joe six-packs might think only as far as the grocery shop, but the big questions facing global macroeconomics is not how to execute instant or remote payment solutions. The world is literally drowning in those already.

I say no crypto has solved it because no crypto has both the tech, the internal economics, or adoption rate to make it a reality. Bch would need huge adoption to be a augment solution, and that means price spikes and volatility that in themselves render it unsuitable as a payment solution. It is literally a promise that can never be fulfilled if you think about it in a nonpartisan manner for just two minutes. Bch is a valuable lesson for crypto developers. A lesson which can only work if it is taught with total conviction and verisimilitude. But it is not intended to be a viable currency option over the long term - and by long term I am talking tech that is developed today with the intention of being used 50 years from now.

nigger what

literally every other currency is better for transactions than bitcoin and also very cheap and efficient in that regard.

Don't worry guys, I just sold so it will probably 2x tomorrow.

You can thank me later.

>Joe six-packs might think only as far as the grocery shop, but the big questions facing global macroeconomics is not how to execute instant or remote payment solutions. The world is literally drowning in those already.
Fuck off and read the whitepaper instead of pretending to know what bitcoin was created for.

You're the fucking newfag lmao. Either that or you're just stupid and the only reason you've made it this far is because of luck.

So you fuckers want this coin to pump and shit, and the same time want to use it as payment. SHISH

bch moons when BTC reached an ATH and is correcting. You have to check which coin is more profitable to mine, then switch to bch. So for now BCH isnt going anywhere

No currency has the adoption levels needed to make it as a payment solution. As it grows it's adoption and it's network, it's unit price spikes and becomes volatile. Volatility makes it unusable as a functioning payment solution. Catch 22. It's why no crypto can succeed based on its utility solely as a payment solution: because it must throttle or control adoption rates to make payments viable, but must expand exponentially in order to be accepted as a payment solution.

shit happens man i missed out on a fuck ton. cant really worry about missing a normie train 8x. They way they added the bcash just reaks of scam. How the price got up to almost 9k then the exchange goes offline. so all the other exchanges bid it up to 7k for no reason. The bcash crew probably dumped massive bags at 7k and 8k. Shit is just to fucking scammy for me regaurdless of how much better of a bitcoin it is. Id rather use link and doge. But all that aside its pretty low right now so its almost worth its just to hodl and make sure you dont miss the next pump to sell. At this point it has already had 2 insanely massive pumps in 2 months so its bound to have another. If I was you I would sell half and get in some coins you know will moon. At least u can still sell 2 or 3 coins at 5k in a few weeks prolly.

That doesn't change the fact that literally every other cryptocurrency is better than Bitcoin.

"Read the white paper" is such a cringe retort. I had it before you'd heard of bitcoin. The white paper offers no solution to the inverse relationship of scaling Vs price stability. Your stock response (already used by another crypto noob in this thread) makes you sound like an astroturfer with no genuine knowledge of the topic. Just copying out a response from your laminated cheatsheet that you hope will shut down discussion.

Good post. Let's others see the level of discussion associated with your poster id.

kek whatever you say mate. I don't say 'read the whitepaper' to address any comment, but you literally claimed BTC isn't here for instant/remote payments. That's why I tell you to read the whitepaper, because you and many others like to claim bitcoin isn't a p2p electronic cash system as set out in the whitepaper.

If you want to argue that we need a solution to other problems too, fine, but to say that's not what bitcoin was supposed to be in the first place is just lying.

It fundamentally changes that, yes. I cannot teach you global macroeconomics on a Latvian crochet board, but you need to understand that paying for coffee is about as significant to crypto adoption rates as the colour of your mobile phone. Yes, it is a contributing factor, but if it is the sole reason for making a decision, you're an idiot.

Real economists are looking at how crypto is useful in international settlements, helping failed states, drawing out corrupt officials and cartelism, and reversing recessive and stagnant economic trends in places like Japan. Joe Sixpack buying his artisan coffee is not the guy who chooses whether crypto works or not.

>you literally claimed BTC isn't here for instant/remote payments.
No I didn't. Go and read the posts again, free from your partisan assumptions of what you want to be arguing against.

that is literally the reason why cryptocurrency is useless and only the underlying blockchain technology is relevant. smart contracts and decentralized platforms (for whatever matter). Bitcoin is shit and has no real future other than speculation and if it is highly manipulated as fuck and nobody develops a solution, this will never evolve into something that is used daily. but eventually it will. But it won't be Bitcoin.

Yes and no. What you are saying is uncertain in the long term, and you shouldn't base everything on the short term. BTC has been very good at staying fluid and resilient, and has evolved and redeployed over time. The bigger consideration for bitcoin today should not be if you can buy a coffee with it, buy whether it plays a part in the Iran uprising, or unsettles N Korea, or anything like that. We also need to see if it impacts Japanese stagnation or Swedish negative interest rates. If it does, then the fact you can or cannot settle your bar tab with it is next to insignificant.

And, again, that is not to say payments are forever impossible. If the macroeconomic fundamentals prove valuable, there is next to no chance that a viable payment solution does not also get developed. Every niche in a value market inevitably gets filled. On-chain settlements are obviously the most attractive answer for crypto idealists, but we will have to see what turns up, and to what degree of compromise there will be between ideology and functionality.

already diversified mine into XLM and Iota after 2x last month

This desu.

kek next youre gonna start bragging about your post count

good job outing yourself as an outsider

It's quite literally on the verge of mooning

Our based super whale is buying up a lot and fast right now

Right now each block he buys dozens of BCH

All the cucks who've sold recently thinking its going to dip are going to FOMO back in lol

>FOMO into BCH periodical PnD
lmao, no.

corecuck detected

>why isnt my bootleg shitcoin doing anything

protip: it's sole purpose (IE being better than bitcoin) is pointless, because most alts are already better than both BTC and BCC combined

>buy didn't you see the huge buy walls!?!?

That's ver/jihan desperately trying to stem the bleeding.

you can't possibly be more wrong.
core blockchain is like the old copper wired telephone system

What else is this supposed to mean?
>Joe six-packs might think only as far as the grocery shop, but the big questions facing global macroeconomics is not how to execute instant or remote payment solutions. The world is literally drowning in those already.

All those global things you mentioned won't really matter slightly before Joe can't reliably buy coffee with BTC because they won't exist without Joe being able to reliably buy coffee witih BTC.


Someone bought 8000 BCH in one order last week.

Is that a joke? BCH will be around in 1 year after 99% of shitcoins which do nothing aren't around anymore.

It's very easy to move from BTC to BCH, so it has the network effect, which is the most important thing in maintaining value. Shitcoins like Verge are bought by guys who don't know anything about the tech and never used it for anything. BCH is at least used in exchanges and DNM's.

That could be an exchange.

Exactly what it says...?
Consumer-level transacting is not the life or death of a macroeconomic-acting entity. It's a component, but not the life blood. If the USD was only used to buy the coffee of American consumers, it would not be valued so high globally. Think bigger; don't be bamboozled by big voices telling you to focus on one partition of the crypto environment.

You are fundamentally wrong about this, but I cannot teach you global macroeconomics on a Senegalese artisan cheese board.

An exchange that never withdraws? Unlikely. It's most likely a whale who has setup a bot to buy at certain intervals depending on some variables.

The frequency changes too, around 12 hours before the Coinbase announcement that address started accumulating thousands of BCH rapidly.

It's likely a deep pocketed insider.

You're right: bch will be around in one year from now. What can we say beyond that? Not too much.

I disagree with you there. I think proving utility by handling things like daily transactions (buying coffee etc) is necessary for anyone to have enough faith in a currency for it to be able to fix any of the other issues you talk about.

Don't forget that the USD is also backed by a rather large military as needed. Crypto is just backed by good faith and BTC can be replaced easily by many other coins at any given time. The USD as a whole can not as an attempt to do so in the USA would be met with force.

Aren't two of those just exchance wallets?

I came into this thread to laugh at BCash cultists but damn son you're even more retarded than them.

That's the tail wagging the dog. US military is backed by the greenback, not the other way around. American military supremacy grew after ww2/Breton woods, not before it.

Not sure you're convincing many people of your ability to judge others' intelligence there, user.

>the transaction conundrum


No really pajeet, you're paid not to say Bitcoin Cash but can you make it a little less obvious?