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First for custodes

S-second place for silver bois

3rd for battle toads

4th for my cusstoad

My opponent and I were having a dispute about the line of sight of an exocrine. I said the model could not see regardless of rotation, while my opponent said it should be able to see because its gun was taller than the cover it was behind.

I let him have it as we would allow say, an onager, to see down the barrel of its gun, but that's a totally different arrangement.

What does Veeky Forums think?

How the fuck do you paint the feathers on Trajann?

Backlog never ends

Death Guard 1963/2000

Typhus – 175
Daemon Prince – Claws, Wings - 180

7 Plague Marines, 3 Plasma, Pfist – 170
7 Plague Marines, 3 Plasma, Pfist – 170
7 Plague Marines, 2 Blightlauncher, 1 Plasma, Pfist – 170

5 Blightlords, 4 Combi Plasma, 1 Blightlauncher, 5 Axes - 285
Foul Blightspawn - 77

Fast Attack
Foetid Bloat Drone, Plague-Spitters – 158
Foetid Bloat Drone, Plague-Spitters – 158
3 Myphitic Blight-Haulers (Melta and Rocket) - 426

Thoughts? First game will probably be against World Eaters

You can draw line of sight from any part of the model.

Assuming the actual gun, and not just the little spike on top, could draw LOS to whatever its shooting at, I'd say its fine.

If it makes you feel better here is my backlog is probably bigger and more insurmountable.

the rules are very clear, if you can draw LoS from any point on the model, it has LoS.


>TFW your LGS will order the limited edition Custodes codex for you
>20% off depsite GW direct nonsense

Spam WHTV with requests and wait on Duncan

>Online store was selling a single Banana Guard box with nearly 50% discount
I had no idea why the price was so low but I ordered it. Seems like I'm gonna be a custodes player now. Are there any cool books about them worth reading?



>not 25mm

It wouldn't surprise me to see some autist actually convert a whole army out of them.

Those are celestine's bitches converted. Still looks dope though. I posted it as bait a couple days ago.

My LGS won't give any discount, so I just buy through mail order places that will give me a 20% off. It's like my LGS doesn't like money.

How does one spam them

I just decided to pretend my backlog doesn't exist & work on my Custards
Painted them all in fact, its a new feeling to me that I'm waiting for new stuff to paint for the reason that I already painted what I have

Tell me about your Chapter/Regiment/Craftworld/Kabal etc.

Fuck your Sept though, fukin weeb

Any more?

I want to start 40k, and unlike my previous two wargames I want to make sure my chosen faction is competitvely viable before I start buying stuff as local tournaments are the main occassions where I play (used to play Trollbloods in WM/H 1st edition which were shit and Ressurrectionists in Malifaux which were just mediocre). Could someone tell me which of these factions fit this criteria?
-Death Guard
-Daemons of Nurgle
-Alpha Legion
-Emperor's Children
-Word Bearers

Nothing wrong with cork

On Warhammer TV's normiebook page

Watchers of the Throne
He said worth reading

RAW is LoS can be drawn from any point of the model. Yes, that includes boss poles, antennas, trophies, spikey bits, and any other gubbins that may be being used as decorations on the model

Watchers of the Throne.

>Halfway through building Inquisitior
>Next is the acolytes (12 of them)

After that, in no particular order

>Space Marine Captain
>Space Marine squad
>Space Marine biker squad
>House Escher gang

Hell, I don't think I'll even paint the Goliaths, probably just glue them together. Anyway, I can sympathise, chances are this backlog is going to double by next month and I'll have just finished the Acolytes.

we had the same problem in my city, then in another nearby city a new LGS opened that made discounts and the one in my city had to close in less than a year. You can see the owner bitching all the time in nearby tournaments.

Oh that feels a little cheesey, but the rules are the rules I guess. So if there's a 1 foot diameter hole in a wall, revealing a panel of a battle tank, it can fire through it.

>Paying $30 for 5 plastic bits
GW could slash the prices of their entire inventory by that much and it'd still be expensive.

But user, factions that are competitively viable now might not be in the future

And now they're like triple the cost and the new rules make their weapons mediocre.

>pay 90 points to kill 5 guardsmen, 3 if the fast attack unit moves

My fluff for my Heresy-Era Imperial Fists isn't too bad, I think.

Imperial Fists 13th Chapter: 1st Battalion: 130th Company.

"The Lucky 13's" is a force within the Legion that compromises entirely of veteran battle-brothers. Their specialty is that of all other Imperial Fists, however, their history is an odd one; compromising of an unusual number of original Terran-Crusade based legionnaires that were present before Dorn's arrival, these battle-brothers found themselves on personal request operations from mouth of the Primarch himself, an abnormal amount of trust placed within them amongst a handful of other companies.

While not unusual, The Lucky 13's found themselves doing an inordinate amount of siege work on rebel or alien worlds during the Great Crusade, almost always being the first and last word pf compliance amongst planets. It was here they made their name, as they found themselves continuously lucky in numerous ways during each mission; whether it was unusually fast warp jumps, zero casualties during an operation, or even something as bizarre as a Lascannon shot simply scoring light burns across battleplate.

It was only after the Heresy began did the 13's find their luck being tested. Still finding themselves breaking down walls, this company now found their calling in running even more personal request operations; often razing traitorous garrisons, headhunting prolific traitors, and working harsh void operations amongst many others.

More than a few members of the Legion find the 13's luck to be somewhat disquieting, however. With an already vast history cataloging them in numerous warp anomalies and phenomena that would concern even the Thousand Sons; with Warp Storms continuously rolling in their favor or inexplicable events unfolding in the skies above their battlegrounds, even the 13th wonders if this is the Emperor's hand in motion or something far more sinister...

not true

Got my first pack of minis, and I'll assemble them tonight or tomorrow. I'll probably get Warriors next. Anything I should know about starting up my Tyranid army and which types of heads or arms I should put on the genestealers? They come with scythe hands too but none in the picture are using them.

Nope, it was the only box in stock

I'm converting the one on the right using Greyfax's backpack and a twin-linked bolter from the Tartaros Termies sprue for my Inquisitor's retinue

Yes, it's true.

Please, do tell. What exactly is wrong with cork?


Word Bearers

Yep, you want to know what's even worse?

They got rid of the rule saying you can only kill models that you can see, so if a squad is completely conceled behind cover from a firing squad except for a single model then they can fire upon him, drawing line of sight to that single model and wipe the whole squad.

Nurgle daemons are the best from your list. Surprisingly, Emperor's children are not too bad right now. Also you can totally just run Mortarion in a Nurgle Daemon list so theres no reason to play Death Guard.

Chaos soup

I've mentioned it to the owner via Facebook before. But they're getting undercut everywhere. Amazon sells the D&D books for 50% off. Mail order places sell miniatures for 20% off. I don't play with randoms and I have all the paint I need, so my LGS is pretty obsolete to me.

True, just as Trollbloods became top-tier by 2nd edition when I've prolly quit. I don't even want to build the most OP shitlist ever, just want to play something which has no obvious direct counters and can build a somewhat take-all-comers list with some quirks and win.
I love Nurgle aesthetics, but not sure if Daemons won't get countered hard by a few armies, and DG seems like a slow, tough army with short-medium range which likes stacking buffs which suspiciously remind me of Trollbloods from WM/H. I liked their playstyle though, especially stacking various buffs and abilities and winning by some weird combo from a lost situation, but they got the short end of the power creep in the first edition so going to tournaments with them was rather hard.

it's used wrongly. too much is too much

Everything but the acid maw and flesh hooks are cosmetic.
scythe hands are free now so may as well.
Build a trygon before you buy a mawloc.

What sites for minis?

Probably the most viable of your list are the death guard or Daemons*. You could even collect both and run them in the same force, which would be quite fluffy and gives you more choice.

>*Because GW has a hard-on for Nurgle so it gets the best rules and most updates... after GW's main bae, aka anything and everything Imperium/male/power armoured

...but none of those factions you posted are top tier.

>used wrongly

You want dozens of genestealers with clawy hands to do stupid-sexy melee shit. I built a list few months ago when I was considering to start a nid army - I think it might be viable in casual games

[58 PL, 995pts]
Broodlord [8 PL, 162pts]: Monstrous Rending Claws, Power: Catalyst
Broodlord [8 PL, 162pts]: Monstrous Rending Claws, Power: The Horror

20x Genestealer [16 PL, 240pts]: 20x Rending Claws
19x Genestealer [16 PL, 228pts]: 19x Rending Claws

Trygon Prime [10 PL, 203pts]: Adrenal Glands, Biostatic Rattle, 3x Massive Scything Talons

>Store Brand equivalent of a noble family
>Haemonculus fuckery to create twins for every high ranking birth when twins aren't achieved(read: almost always) because fashion statement or some shit
>haemonculus fuckery involves splitting the soul into 2 bodies
>Vect fucks everybody
>lower ranking archon in Black Heart "takes them in" as a pet project
>Patrol lower tiers and report back, lol
>rebranded as Kabal of the Torn Soul
>enter narrative campaign we just recently finished
>Admech BTFO during raid, Nids BTFO and 2 Carnifexes taken for fight pits, one twin captured
>Chaos marines BTFO, but managed to rescue twin
>back in Commorragh
>Wave 11: TWEEST round
>"You were supposed to die" - Archon that took them in
>Try to fight, but get rescued by a clown car
>campaign culminates in that Archon achieving daemonic apotheosis and we have to fight around the board killing 1 of each Greater Daemon(minus Slaaneshi) to weaken him
>weaken him
>we took his helm when he threw it off before ascending at the start of the match
>executed and head presented to another Archon to take to Vect and explain
>We run this shit now, nigga
>Still patrol lower tier, minus the lousy manager
Pic related, slick new ride.

This, not only is it ugly it also looks like a dumb booster seat type thing.
Cork just looks ridiculous

Thanks! Nurgle is my favourite Chaos God, and I prefer his aesthetics the most, I was just unsure about their playsyle being viable atm.

What is "top tier" right now by the way? I've heard about AM/nid horde lists from a friend and that's all.

You can actually play both Nurgle Daemons and Death Guard together and it'd probably be fluffy to do so. Death Guard are in a pretty good spot right now competitively speaking, but the Daemons codex is new so I don't have much information on them.

At 1000 points screens will be sufficient to block your charge. Drop one broodlord and the prime down to a regular trygon. Pick up some kind of ranged firepower. An exocrine is only 216 points.

Question about Daemons: Does the inclusion of Belakor remove your ability to take a locus or does he function similar to Fabius Bile and Fallen?

Maybe you should just play Chaos Space Marines. That way you can have some of everything you listed, and probably have a high enough variety of units that you're always able to make an army that is at least somewhat competent.

IG, chaos with nine gorillion brimstones, changeling and Magnus

Is an Exocrine that much of a gamechanger? It's pricey for just one model.

I need 2 of those dumb things but god I hate basing flyers

top left looks good. the other examples look like absolute garbage. pics off quick google search

Don't I want to keep the Trygon Prime for tunneling?


Shit was easy, friend. Vallejo Desert Sand paste, Seraphim Sepia, Dryrbush Vallejo bonewhite, buy a slate tile from Home Depot, smash it, place rocks, drybrush bonewhite, add tufts.

Two command points lets them shit out up to 36 wounds per turn. Even without the strat, 12 shots at S7 AP-3 D2 is nasty. Combine with Kronos for stupid accuracy.

>year of the xenos

Now THAT is one tasty shitposting image

another year of the phone

Just to be clarify for you user, the part circled in red is not a gun, just a stupidly designed handle. The only actual part that shoots is the heavy bolter.

Where did the year of the xenos meme come from?

Regular trygon can tunnel, he just lacks synapse. Morale is unlikely to be an issue with stealers.

Could always use the jormungandr strat to bring the broodlord in the tunnel.

Every time i see soup i can only think of that Code soup meme.


Duncan said it on whtv

Then Kirby said it in a press release. Said he'd planned it all along

Why does it have such a stupid awkward handle that makes it impossible to shoot over cover? It’s a fucking mess.


Because they didn't want to make new arms.

He obviously suffers from crippling autism, I doubt it'll see reason

Bunch of Old Mechanicum Genetors who used to be an Explorator Fleet but eventually went to ground in the Ghoul Stars and built a massive fortress system with a mini-Dyson Swarm powering a terraformed jungle Forge World. The Archmagos in charge, Xander Treides, is largely a massive cogitator bank spread throughout his fleet, and sends out copies of himself in custom bodies to lead expeditions whenever required. If he "dies", he's obviously still fine, but he loses the data that body was carrying, and his mind gets steadily more corrupted by interference and such every time, so he slowly goes a bit mad. Eventually, late into the Scouring, he realises what's happening to him and locks the useful parts of his mind into the ship, losing his memories in the process. He takes over subordinate's minds and uses their memories and perspectives, which has led to strange command strategy as he commands with the biases of anything between a great Archimandrite and a Skitarii Alpha Primus, each taking prominence as required.

A decent chunk of Heresy stuff happened and there was some drama over a Heretek Forge World he was storming, plus a cool last stand for his final physical body, which was utterly and completely insane and chained with compulsions to go murderfuck Hereteks before he downloaded into the fleet. After our Heresy campaign ended with him bringing Fulgrim to two wounds in a three-turn slugging match we wrote the battle into lore.

His successors, who by this point are all mental hybrids of their original selves and Triedes have recently started ranging further abroad since the Great Rift. They fought at Konor because HERETEKS REEE even if it means defending their slightly retarded Loyalist brethren, kicked the shit out of a Khornate warband and just about managed to hold off a Death Guard Vectorium by some quick servitorisation of the dead Khornates so they had something to throw at them that was protected from the megaplagues by Khorne.

NPCfags made it up

Later on they lost a scouting group to a Space Marine chapter that suddenly showed up with heavy tanks by the dozen when they thought they were going up against Dark Eldar, so now they have a grudge match to prepare for.

Can you move through your own dudes?

if you have fly

Why would you need to? Surely you have enough brain activity to move the ones in front first

>doesn't replace the heavy bolter body with a magazine, drill the tip and use it as an autogun for your blackshields

I get why they did it like that, to make it easier to use bolter arms for heavy weapons, but they could have just made it into a straight up handle like on the Mars pattern.

It sucks ass that FW doesn't sell the Sol pattern heavy bolters (shoulder fired) in packs of 5 like all the other heavy weapons. Nor that they don't sell just heavy weapons arms for those weapons in different marks, you have to buy the entire squad.

>litterally said if it was two seperate guns in parentheses

I think you might be retarded yourself user.

female custodes fuckin never I hope

Does the new Daemons codex even make this faction worth a try? I want an army for Tzeentch or Khorne in general.
When are regular SCM getting an update?
I just want some chaos stuff... help me bros

Maybe the unit behind them is faster?
You dumby.

And why is the slower unit in front numbnuts?

well, here in Spain there aren't many places to play outside the big cities. The new LGS opened and has a couple tables to play, a small community and offers discount. There is other store a few km away that sells GW stuff but never has stock and offers no discount, the next closest store is 200km away.

The owner basically studied the problems of all other stores around and tried to fix them resulting in a store that looks nice, has stock, a place to play and decent prices. People prefer to buy from him than using online stores, also sometimes you just need a pot of paint or something not expensive enough to get free delivery and that is when these kind of stores come in handy.