Someone shill me a coin that will 2-3x and can be bought on binance

Someone shill me a coin that will 2-3x and can be bought on binance

In what timeframe?


Something within Q2 of 2018


FUN as tons of shit coming up.


Vechain. Consistent solid growth, will be announcing partnerships. Look into it, you won't have to read much before the decision becomes easy. Should 3x by the end of Jan.

Literally anything then if you have 6 months to wait.

Tnb, everything else already mooned

GVT. Low market cap of ~40mil, signs of whale accumulation, alpha release in Q1-Q2 2018

ZRX. Lots of popular projects are being built using its platform (like REQ), still very undervalued at its current cap of ~450mil

ENG. You missed the big runup today but it's legitimately one of the most promising projects out there and still has alot of room to move up.

ENG, buy it faggot. You're going to want to kill yourself in a few weeks knowing it was only ~$4


XRB will be $1k by the end of the year.


link/xlm, however these will be going much higher than 2-3x. link will unironically probably 100x by EOY

Thanks unloading my ENG bags now

SALT. It doesn't get talked about much here because it's been quiet, but everything is now in place to start rising substantially soon.


vechain oviously

I owned link for a short while and sold it off for req is it really worth it to be a stinky linky again or am I getting memed into this $10 eoy shit

Unironically ENG. Easily will pull the next XRB, notice the big uptick in shilling?

It's happening


if you dont get in you will remember this thread and me warning you a year from now and it will haunt you to the grave


You know I would feel allot more confident buying LINK if their last github commit wasn't 2 months old. Can anyone put my mind at rest about buying LINK, do they actually have any partnerships or something close to a working product?

Just keep buying XRP hand over fist.