I'm investing $1,000 in altcoins tomorrow, Veeky Forums. Rate my planned portfolio:
FUN 25%
XLM 20%
BAT 20%
XVG 15%
TRX 10%
VEN 10%
Am I gonna make it? Any retard-coins here I should eliminate?
I'm investing $1,000 in altcoins tomorrow, Veeky Forums. Rate my planned portfolio:
FUN 25%
XLM 20%
BAT 20%
XVG 15%
TRX 10%
VEN 10%
Am I gonna make it? Any retard-coins here I should eliminate?
Other urls found in this thread:
Drop XVG for REQ.
XVG is a shitcoin. The Star Citizen of Crypto. Replace it with REQ.
Yeah? Not VEN for REQ?
I could -5% XVG -10% VEN and +15% REQ
Definitely more VEN. Have you done much research on it? Fundamentals are much more solid than all those other coins with the exception being Stellar, but even then thats a maybe as Vechain's partnerships outweigh what Stellar has. I'd do at least 25 stellar, 25 vechain. wouldn't be a bad idea to just do like 1/3rd in Ven, Stellar and FUN
Choose two coins and put 500 on each, you're over-diversified. ...and don't go for XVG
I see
>I could -5% XVG -10% VEN and +15% REQ
Honestly I think best would be VEN/REQ/XLM/FUN. Lotta diversity and a lotta excitement behind all those coins. Some big gains to be made this January as well.
>not investing in Ardor
stay poor
And personally, I would diversify even less than than. VEN/REQ/XLM is about as comfy as you can get imho.
Jesus Christ. They are all shitcoins bar xlm. Why are you buying verge? Why are you buying fun?
Holy fuck no wonder people are
Making profit when people like you start to buy coins like this at the top.
BAT will have a decent run this year, but you are in peak alt season atm. When btc hits 9.5 k you sell those ahitcoins, because it will harmorrahge any profits you had on it it’s first yawn
I don't know about those shitcoins but diversification is good
At $1000, I wouldn't diversify that much. It is much better to go all-in on one coin, and sell when it moons. You're not going to make a huge profit when you only have a few hundred in seventy different coins.
Keep ven, fun, xlm
Rest is shit desu
REQ is good, link despite the memes is good, DBC for a 10x
Your investments aren't pokemon btw. Less is more, stick to like 3-4 coins max with great fundamentals and hold. If you plan on daytrading its a different story but you're obviously new so don't do that or you'll lose money.
too diversified if you wanna go to moon.
my portfolio is 70/30
That's way too many coins. With $1,000 you should be spread between 2 coins max, unless you're happy with grandma-tier gains
Not at that low portfolio amount. What, is he gonna buy fucking $100 of TRX and get excited when it doubles when he could put it all in something like DBC or XSPEC and get rich when they x10?
>lists 7 alts
dude just stop
1000$ go all in one one coin for ex. FUN
Yeah. Stick to two actually. I'm switching my position from 3 coins to 2. You only have 1k. VEN/XLM are my choices for big and strong gains for January with good fundamentals for long term holding. 500/500 in each and I think you'll be happy in a month and will have some more capital to diversify.
>At $1000, I wouldn't diversify that much.
This OP. One, MAX two coins until 15k.
XVG is shit. replace it with FUN %15, then REQ 25%
This, lol. If I had $1000, even two coins would be stretching it.
Protip: Go all in until you have about 5k
Clearly kill FUN, TRX and XVG
Go all in Kucoin shares.
Easy x5 plus dividends
Drop everything below BAT for ICX
I would honestly buy link or req. I think many of the coins you listed ALREADY have very high market cap. If you want to make it on $1,000, coins of that size are your only hope.
Maybe do half in Req and once it hits a few billion in market cap go all in on link if it hasn't grown too much. Link could 50x even buy EOY. It is a great coin.
Appreciate the knowledge anons. I knew this before I made the post, but I'll likely end up doing ~1.5 or 2 rather than just 1, but wanted to remain conservative until I make it happen tomorrow.
I understand the foolishness in over-diversifying now. I'm thinking FUN, XLM, VEN, REQ now. I'm really interested/excited in BAT however -- but maybe that will be a coin to hold off on until further capital gains.
Thanks again-
Go at least 30% in RDN
audibly lol'd at "investments aren't pokemon" quip. Point taken
This. Get ICX, Raiblocks or TAU for a moonshot, and ZCL for the BTCP fork
FUN seems very amazing to me.
Don't listen OP. If you kill Tron then you kill your portfolio.
Absolutely shit
Only 1k ans dividing it like a retard.
Go in a on something or do 50/50
You should rather put that in some low cap coin
Yup, I've gotten that.
Thinking REQ/XLM/VEN. How low of a market cap should I be looking for?
I have another $500 coming in from coinbase today do I go all in on LINK or REQ
Looks better better now. Sohtx is also a little big hidden gem
>How low of a market cap should I be looking for?
Preferably outside the top 100 on CMC IMO.
If only had 1-2k to invest I would dump it all into WAN the second it hits exchanges later this month.
Why ven? genuinely curious
Read this: cdn.vechain.com
Infographic of partnerships: imghst.co
IMHO, this is unprecedented for Crypto. ~600mil market cap at $2.40 is highway robbery for this. Can't find better fundamentals in crypto. This coin is severely undervalued. Price has been suppressed by whales for weeks. This next January has crazy stuff in store as well, ton of partnerships which are under NDA's are going to be revealed, a rebranding event and more.
I've got $1k in XRB rn, what should I put my other $1k in?
Vechain or iExec both have crazy growth potential and great fundamentals.
Fun is the only non-shitcoin there
Whats Sohtx? Can't find anything