Army and Skirmish Warband builder > City generator > Art Database >
>Long time WHFB player >Sat on the AoS fence for over a year >Bought a nighthaunt box set following the legions of Nagash reveal
Feed me soup!
Caleb Ward
Great choice user !
You just get a new general also
Ryder Ward
Yeah sorry, didn't mean to snap.
I'll see what I can do !
Asher Johnson
I like these stories. I do feel they're kind of overdoing it with the death/dead symbolism and descriptions, but they're a fun read.
Daniel Murphy
Think I'm gonna read Spear of Shadows.
Could anyone recommend any good Fyreslayer stories btw?
Carter Davis
what new units do you see/hear might be coming for Death in legions of nagash/malign portentsm?
Isaiah Young
Found some shitty skull pass Dorfs, want to have fun and not sure how to paint them for the possibility of using them as emergency allies for my disposessed or as terrain, would they look good as ghosts or animated statues with moss and glowing eyes?....
Nathaniel Long
I'd just paint em as reg dispossessed and add to my force but that's just me
Carson Hughes
That's not an option, all my dispossessed are entirely composed of the new models and the old models would looks way out of place,
I was thinking for malign portens to do them as a dead army but what would be a good proxy for these models? Or just use them as ghost disposessed
Ethan Cook
why... isn't it an option?? like wow dude lol. I've got free peoples, dispossessed and fyreslayers all wandering about together as a mercenary company (all 6e and 7e models) and it doesn't bother me at all. What is it that bothers you so much about it? lol proportions and shit?
people see my stuff they go "Yo those are classic models? That's cool" and that's it
Liam Rogers
why? it's literally the same universe and timeline
why is no one understanding this concept lmao
Julian Thompson
>dwarf player >preferring newer things over older things
Found the grobi.
Ethan Wilson
Here's a question; What do ya'll think of lesser talked about units? Specifically, Battleline.
For Death, everyone focuses on Ghouls, Zombies and Skeletons, but seemingly forget the speedy and cheap Dire Wolves. With 2 wounds a pop, a 10" move, a 5+ save that gets better around Corpse Carts, and wounding on 3's the turn they charge, it seems to me that they are a rather good steal at 60 points per 5. Plus, they are Battleline as well, so its super easy to just toss them in as well. It makes me wonder why I never see them talked about anywhere; and unlike other obscure choices, they're in plastic as well!
Aiden King
I personally think the old plastic Dorfs look like retarded midgets waring mascot costumes, apart from a select few characters I like... that's it and I wish to give them an equally dumb/hilarious paint scheme in contrast to my cool new disposessed
Jordan Phillips
Seems like a cool idea to theme around. Lots of dogs and non humanoid nasties and a single necromancer who's a bit antisocial.
Jaxson Jenkins
Maybe Tamra (Isa von-drak). Is a female ametisht wizard who becomes into a new necromancer mortarch on nagash the undiying king novel.
Jayden Turner
The Houndmaster would be cool. Like an old wives tale of a man leading his pack of ravenous dogs around during the night.
Aiden Cooper
Who posts good AoS battle reports on YouTube?
Oliver Sullivan
exactly. I'm not sure if I've got the dogs for it right now but it gives me an idea for a scenario.
Levi Harris
Ofc it's the same universe and timeline. And continuity between WFB and AOS is good.
It's just that it's another era entirely (also, it's a huge step forward rule wise and model wise). There's a huge gap between the End times and the start of the Age of Myth.
Also, the focus is now on AOS, not WFB, so the fluff about AOS should be referenced in an AOS wiki, not a outdated WFB wiki. Idem for 40k and Horus heresy.
Colton Torres
Aos o whfb novel
Hunter Price
Nagash the undiying king is a AOS novel
David Ross
Replying to myself.
What I had been thinking about in general is coming up with a campaign for me and the missus to play through.
I was thinking rather than using the traditional campaign trees, taking elements from them and using some of the scenarios but coming up with a lot of my own. I've had some ideas but I've not actually written them down yet (I should before I forget).
The style I was thinking for building up the campaign is based on the way RTS pc games tend to do it, feeding the player units over time to learn and choose from and presenting options in the story as to what they want to pursue next. Then I would sort of play the NPC side, adding some theme and scenario specific dynamics to the game to keep it interesting.
For instance, start the "player" off with a hero of their choice. Give them a battlefield of a handful of basic enemies and use this to demo the turn sequence. Then add some basic units to the players army part way through.
Next few scenarios could involve rescuing units (which adds them to the pick for the army). Winning certain capture themed maps might reward a relic to chose from. Eventually the army is mostly opened up after a few games and then the player can come across other armies during battle to ally or fight.
I've got loads of random ideas for how to grow this as a thing.
Elijah Cook
Use AOS path to glory rules
Adrian Watson
Go for an ironic witch hunt themed undead army.
Owen Sanders
My bet and hope is that they release new legions focused around other Mortarchs. Start with the Legion of Despair (AKA: Krell's mob straight outta Helspoint) and Legion of... dunno, duty or some other shenannigans for Tamra and the clans.
Samuel Taylor
Haven't been checking in youtube for BRs but I think that Ash from Guerrilla Miniwargaming does, or at least did, solid BRs.
Avoid Miniwargaming like the plague though.
Jayden Hill
Human death cult methinks:
Most of the MP stories thus far have the common theme of freeguild/regular dudes being screwed over by nurgle and/or abandoned by sigmar making them turn to/be avenged by nagash.
Jace Stewart
>No MP news until 31st of march T-thanks GW, this is truly the best way to keep people hyped about this event
Angel James
Stop the spam asshole
News on Thursday 25th Jan (LV open seminar) and 17th Feb (MP website)
Jason Torres
Should I buy the Death battleforce or just two SC! boxes?
Camden Clark
SC and few boxes of skellies
Elijah Rogers
thinking of getting into death with the upcoming releases but I only really like Skeletons. Is a 60 skeleton list viable?
Asher Carter
>News on Thursday 25th Jan Mind to show me the source? I want to see that GW pointed out it will be all about AoS and MP >and 17th Feb Yeah, sure. Remember the countdown? That was pretty fun too
Jaxon Reed
Skellies are the backbone of death lists. You need as many of them as possible
Nicholas Jones
>idk WarCom, aka spoonfeed me No >But m-muh new models MP is known as a narrative event and global campaign since 2017, you were a deluded fool to expect it to be 100% models.
Jackson Howard
>>idk WarCom, aka spoonfeed me Literally no info about MP news >MP is known as a narrative event and global campaign since 2017, you were a deluded fool to expect it to be 100% models I was deluded to expect any real info about the event itself - just the shadowy shit for few months, as always
Easton Nguyen
I mean it's amazing how some people completely overlook the narrative side of aos
I for one am happy to get artworks, stories, maps, videos and narrative rules. AND OF COURSE new models too (which indeed MP lacked at launch), but that's not all there is.
Jacob Scott
>artworks, stories, maps, videos and narrative rules. Too bad we haven't gotten any of those things either; Just two maps, one little sliver of that map that has details on it, some lore about the different Heros, and some Stories that build up the "Mystery"
Cameron Hernandez
Haha you’re full of shit
Juan Rogers
I was reading the plot for Malign Portents and I can't help but notice this particular section.
> The front door exploded into a storm of wooden shards, as if struck with a cannon round. Verric stumbled backwards, slipped on the rain-slick floor and fell. His head struck the cobbles hard, and he almost lost his grip on the repeater. Ears aching from the blast, vision swimming, Verric stared up at the shattered entranceway. It was no fur-clad savage that loomed over him, but a statue forged from gleaming metal, rain pouring in rivulets down its stark, white armour. Rippling arcs of lightning swirled around its form, and the warhammer it clutched in one enormous fist. The shadowed sockets of its unforgiving war mask seemed to gaze through Verric’s very soul.
Could this actually be Tarsus, the Stormcast Lord Celestant who pissed Nagash off in the audiobooks?
Ayden Murphy
Tarsus, back and converted to Nagash's cause ? Yeah maybe, also Phil Kelly mentioned him in the twitch stream
Benjamin Garcia
David Nelson
No. The white armour dudes are the purge the heretic stormhost. The peasant and his son were infected with Nurgle plague shit.
Adrian Morris
Tarsus comes from the Hallowed Knight Stormhost.
That Stormcast you mentioned comes from the Knights Excelsior Stormhost.
Thomas Murphy
It intrigued me because of the way the story implied that it was a stormcast at the door. Since it made an offhand comment of it being white armor, which is pretty close to the color scheme of the Hallowed Knights. It could be a pretty big deal if Nagash finally figured how to stop Sigmar from snagging souls of the dead from him.
Is there a link to the stream that Phil Kelly mentioned? I'd like to know more.
Jack Robinson
You'll need an account to watch it back I guess, but here is a transcript (scroll down) :
Other anons are right that if the SCE is a purging Knight Excelsior it cannot be Tarsus of the Hallowed Knights. But Nagash is definitely doing something with the Reforging process !
Luke Ortiz
Also not everyone has seen a stormcast up close and knights excelsior don't mingle with people at all. They just sit in their storm keeps all day until they need to purge people.
I don't know if people read city of secrets but they do this kind of stuff all the time. In the Novel the Lord Veritant of knights excelsior is called the white reaper. The whole point of the story is that he is clearly tainted by chaos aka nurgle. The knights excelsior are not "nice" people. Since civilisation is coming back to the realms chaos can now be more insidious to spread their taint instead of open warfare.
We know anothers stormhost like the Celestial Vindicators, hammers of sigmar, Anvils of heldenhammer... don't like the Knights excelsior
Mason Evans
Haha, your so pathetic that you claim tatters of a storyline are a good pay off for a month long timer.
Xavier Carter
>We know anothers stormhost like the Celestial Vindicators, hammers of sigmar, Anvils of heldenhammer... don't like the Knights excelsior Sometimes I think that SCE don't like anyone. IIRC they were thinking about Sylvaneth as their potential enemies
Ayden Smith
Samuel Butler
>Miniwargaming What's wrong with them?
Isaac Barnes
He is right you know.
Little videos to set the scene before the launch, short stories to continue creating the atmosphere after.
We were expecting the launch of a campaign, we got a website with cool artworks and shit, 4 videos on the protagonists, a campaign map with descriptions and locations (and a proper introduction to the wider setting with the Mortal realms video and the timeline).
So that's no "tatters", on the narrative side of things that's a pretty good launch of a year long campaign. Plus we learnt the campaign book and the LoN battletome would be coming in Feb-March.
That's more world building than the last two global campaign combined (seeds of hope and fate of konor).
Jackson Long
i....I really wish it were true user. I do believe me. but you have to crush that hope. shell out for ebay scalpers, paint up a necro sphynx...but you need to accept that youre unsupported. take solace in the total war dlc and take heart
James Moore
If all else fails, you could just buy third party models. Mantic has an alright selection of mass infantry.
Benjamin Long
At the very least, maybe we'll get something to reminisce the Tomb Kings with from Nu-Lahmia.
I'd settle for a Vampiric Khemri faction at this point, even if I can't get my original bone boys anymore.
Jacob Fisher
>Siggy left them to die when he made his magical faggot club back in Azyr >have to go down and hope they won't attack us on sight I'm sure a bit of caution was warranted.
Alexander Harris
Benjamin Allen
just looked those up, id rather go broke buying oop kings minis than mantics junk I just wish theyd make more Bone/Skele units available from the khemri line/ feel. No bone Giants? No pseudo-ushabti undead amalgams? NO FUCKING CASKET OF SOULS WHICH WOULD BE THEMATIC AS FUCK WITH NAGASH????? it hurt
Camden Morris
I seriously hope we get units like the TK constructs or units with a egyptian theme
Andrew Myers
they hate AOS and prefer to do WHFB games and it contributes to the cancer state of the game.
also fuck AOS because no aelves
Brandon Watson
>they hate AOS and prefer to do WHFB games
Is that supposed to be a negative?
Ethan Wright
They repeatedly and unashamedly fuck up basic rules every single time. The batreps are often pointless to watch, with the amount of rules disregarded or misread it's like they're playing a different game
Landon Reed
Yes, WHFB is fucking dogshit as a board game
Joshua Perez
Oh man when is this coming out?
Brody Lee
Sometimes in Feb (according to the Malign Portents painting contest)
Benjamin Rivera
>Sigmar abandons regular people to their doom >Has the gall to send his boys down to kill them as well >Still has the gall to claim to be "The God King of Man"
Fug Sigmar
Liam Lewis
kys Nagash fag, Sigmar did nothing wrong
Levi Edwards
>want to play a Destruction army >either have to play Ironjawz, who only have less than half a dozen units >BCR who have even less >Bonesplitterz who are one of the most expensive armies to collect
Adrian Robinson
>Sigmar did nothing wrong Excuse me, but invading the sovereign nations of Chaos is extremely wrong.
He had no rights to do so.
Ayden Hernandez
No no my friend, Sigmar's Tempest didn't even enter the Realm Of Chaos (being another dimension and all).
But the Eight Realms ? Azyr standing above them is a clear proof of Sigmar's right to own them all.
Chaos immigrants GTFO
>Rights Beside, right is might WAAAGH
Daniel Reyes
Chaos people have lived in those Realms for thousands of Years.
Sigmar invade them only because he doesn't like their religion, and think it's "heretical".
In reality Sigmar is a genocidal maniac and a terrorist.
Bentley Edwards
Allahu Sigmar!
Thomas Diaz
>"right to own them all" stealer of souls, stealer of land. Once petfy thief, always a petty thief.
Jack Perez
Looking to get into AoS. Was a big Lizardman player in Fantasy, but the sculpts are so out of date I want something new. Should I do Beastclaw Raiders or Sylvaneth. Help me choose Veeky Forums!
Christopher Rodriguez
Sylvaneth or Seraphon since you've already got the lizards. Either of those are pretty good.
OR BCR if you wanna do something totally different from lizards or trees.
Luis Sanchez
Between those two, Sylvaneth are stronger on the tabletop, if you care.
Nathan Kelly
Depends on what you want out of an army. BCR is super cheap. You'll never need more than a few start collecting boxes. They're quite fun to play, very low model count.
Sylvaneth are more expensive, but are also more tactically versatile, and generally havr more GW support. They play very defensively, using forests to their advantage.
Matthew Adams
That is a big damn box for a single model.
Hudson Campbell
Sigmar the traitor Sigmar the deceiver Sigmar the barbaSHUT UP HILLAGASH
Sigmar - PBUH - is the rightful owner of the Realms and was there before Chaos came
Jaxon Collins
For you
BTW : now we know Custodes and Thousand Sons release ends next Saturday...
It's time for some Malign Portents ! >inb4 Shadespire skavens
Tyler Jenkins
Shadespire Fyreslayers
Asher Clark
So, possible Chorf user here. Maybe not the place to ask since WHFB never really dealt in resin, but recasting; yay or nay? If it's the difference between $200 and $500 I may just swallow my pride and do it.
If that's not an option, I can convert. My idea was, for Ironsworn, use the Longbeards kit with tzaangor weapon/shield swaps. And for the Fireglaives, cut down galvanic Rifles from 40k on, idk, the Irondrakes kit.
They won't look as cool as the FW stuff but they'll be cheaper for sure.
What do you guys think?
Jonathan Jenkins
Recast stuff is generally of brtter wuality than forgeworld for chorfs, as FW's cats are getting old. Either go for recast or converting.
Hudson Lee
Love both.
We'll see this Thursday what's coming soonish at the Las Vegas Open preview seminar.
My bet : Legions of Nagsh, Harbingers and MP campaign book rules and fluff preview.
Blake Watson
I posted this in a thread or two ago. Got no responses.
Im making a 2k list for an upcoming tourney. I'm playing slaanesh and having trouble with filling up some points.
So far I'm thinking pretenders for double traits.
Keeper of secrets (280) (-1 to hit in combat, +1 to hit, casting, dispelling, and dunno for artefact, maybe trolly +1 to hit for everyone to get a good turn of daemonette attacks) Masque of Slaanesh Herald of Slaanesh on Exalted Chariot Battleline 30 daemonettes 30 daemonettes 5 hellstriders with banner 5 hellstriders with banner 2 exalted chariots Gaunt Summoner with familiars Balewind vortex
This leaves me at 1760/2000. I've thought about either a chaos Sorcerer on manticore and a chaos familiar or even a regular chaos sorcerer since the unique spell is pretty good. I've thought about marauders (but i'm limited on time and I have everything else to paint). Other models I already own is more daemonettes, an unbuilt exalted chariot, Seekers, 5 hellstriders, 5 chaos knights.
Connor Green
You could always pick a relevant army that will have any chance of getting support ever again...even Disposessed have better hope of that.
Josiah Sanders
Maybe try using third party models. Russian Alternative has beautiful Chaos Dorf infantry, with proper hats.
Benjamin Taylor
I mean, I've taken that into consideration. I'm either doing Chorfs or Fyreslayers or Dispossessed but out of the three, I think I'll have more fun with Chorfs. Dispossessed seems like a bad choice all around. They have nothin fun in their list.
And Fyreslayers are spam-Heavy money-cows.
Thomas Rodriguez
Oh yeah I've seen them. I was considering using a few of those for my Castellan and Daemonsmiths and whatnot at the very least.
Colton Peterson
I collect Slaanesh, but never played with or against... But by the GHB2017 your list seems okay. Just one thing, the Gaunt Summoner is Tzeentch or Everchosen, so you won't be able to keep your Slaanesh Allegiance here.
Maybe swap him for a Slaanesh Sorcerer, keeping the vortex. And add more hell striders (awesome unit)
Jason Peterson
>And Fyreslayers are spam-Heavy money-cows.
As opposed to an army that will cost you 500$ or more easily?