What if swords had chance to decapitate, chance to amputate, and chance to disembowel any time they were swung?
Assume the same rules for most edged weapons.
Gabriel Martinez
>What if swords had chance to decapitate, chance to amputate, and chance to disembowel any time they were swung?
>just you wait >i'll get close to ya >and i'll stab ya Gun wins every time.
Dominic Evans
Because there was a significant period of history where the two overlapped. A flintlock or a musket is a gun, is it not?
Michael Reed
>Gun is instant save vs death, 18d20 damage on a successful save >i'm talking about REALISTIC settings so no one has ever survived a gunshot?
Nathan Baker
Not every time. A sword doesn't (usually) blow up in your hand instead of swing, and a gun is actually less useful than a knife in close-quarters-fighting. So if it is a surprise attack, a sword might actually have an advantage.
I would say that guns win -most- of the time, though.
Chase Young
If a gun is made well it won't explode
also >someone lunges at you with knife >you shoot him >b-but they're were advantaged! Advantage doesn't matter. Guns win. If your setting has guns they must always win. If your setting has no guns it must have guns.
Caleb Torres
Sometimes the guy with the gun misses his one shot and has to reload while the guy with the sword stabs him. Or by realistic did you mean the opposite?
Jayden Phillips
21 foot rule.
Isaiah Bailey
In real life a much higher % of people survive being shot over being attacked with a sword. It's half the reason the lol9mm and holy shit he has a knife are memes in martial arts and firearms training.
Jeremiah Wood
Well, GURPS has realistic gun and sword damage, so fuck off.
Josiah White
Only if you can see what you are hitting and its within a certain distance.
Real combat is not I draw my gun and shoot, you are dead, the end.
You are a troll.
Before you start whinging on about reflexes, the vast majority of people in the world's reflexes aren't faster than lightning that is also a trained ninja (the lightning), there will be occasions when, on average, a person doesn't get to draw and use the gun before they have been killed by some other cause, whether it be swords or otherwise.
If you're shooting a very long distance, you also need to take into account motion of the target, windage, and many other factors.
Luke Jackson
>REALISTIC settings Bullet-Proofe Plate muthafucka Now you just have an angry swordfag buldozing through your shots and about to beat your brains in with his unscrewed pommel-cap >Buh-but I shoot him! Sorry, but unless you have super-weaboo coordination and accuracy, chances are you aint going to hit him in any of the small weaker places in the armor.
Evan Myers
What if the gun had a knife attached to it?
Evan Hall
Might be unwieldy or cause balance issues if you swing and miss, but could work. If its a long gun it would work, you'd use it like a bayonet.
Wyatt White
>If a gun is well made it doesn't explode Sure, but it needs reloading, the opponent can miss, it might jam or the like - and again, if you're in that period of history when both guns and swords were viable weapons, your musket wasn't the most reliable thing in the world. Or did bayonet charges just never work in history ever? Was sword-armed cavalry in the age of firearms just not a thing?
Alexander Brown
Better idea, what if we combines a gun, a knife, and a knuckleduster?
Joshua Hernandez
21 foot rule.
If your enemy is within 21 feet of you and your gun is not already pointed at them, they are all but certain to reach melee range before you can shoot them, whereupon they have control over where you point your gun. This range is vastly increased if the person with the gun is inexperienced or has to do something like disengage a safety or the like.
Ayden Allen
Why do gamefags want to sit around a table playing make believe when you could go on a real adventure? Is it a mental illness?
Aiden Richardson
No, a bayonet is mostly gun. What we need is a gun with a knife that is mostly knife.
Brayden Ortiz
>beating with pommel >not throwing it >le epik end rightly meme
Ayden Young
Point me to where evil cultists are trying to (and have a good chance of) awaken the dead by the sacrifice of an entire town; or where there is a dragon sleeping in its lair with a king's ransom of gold. While you're at it, show me where I can learn magic, or find a sword that slices through steel as though it were naught but paper.
Dominic Bennett
Why waste space on combat knives? Just carry another gun. Bayonets? Sounds like something a crossdresser would wear. Affix a grenade launcher, not cutlery. Don't get me started on armor. Why would you wear leather when you could drive a tank? Why drive a tank when you can sit in a bunker and have drones spot nuke targets for you? I bet you don't even have an orbital platform or capital class spaceship. Fag. My relativistic weapons have already blown up your planet, you don't even know it yet.
Landon Flores
Realistically, if someone is within 15 feet of you with a sword or knife and you don't already have your sights set on them, it doesn't matter how powerful your gun is, you die. Getting chopped at in a vital area by a sword is just as deadly as getting shot there.
Andrew Baker
If the sword only deals 1d6 damage it's already unrealistic, faggot
Wyatt Baker
Considering the vast majority of humans are lvl 1 commoners with 4hp, 1d6 seems reasonable.
Jose Hill
Eli Price
Xavier King
So we agree that most guns should do 1d4 since you're more likely to not kill someone instantly by shooting them?
Asher Cook
Can't a board just go a single day without mentioning /pol/?
Julian Richardson
I don't want to shoot somebody. I want to hit them with a sword.
Joseph Reed
Yeah, but it should ignore armor and give you some kind of initiative bonus since it is much easier to draw and shoot on someone than to get into melee and swing a bladed weapon.
John Lee
It doesn't even make any fucking sense this time. Nothing I said was even tangentially /pol/ related.
He asked why I don't go on 'real adventures' and I responded that adventures like the ones we play out in RPGs aren't possible in real life. Where was the /pol/ in that? I think user might be drunk or stupid, possibly both.
Jose Morris
>A sword doesn't (usually) blow up in your hand instead of swing Neither does a gun
Aaron Gray
>Realistic settings >Bulletproof plate Have fun with your armour weighing 200 lbs
Ayden Collins
I think what he was trying to say is when you asked where you could find evil cultists trying to sacrifice villages, and monsters and such, he was saying you could find those things in /pol/ so you should go on a crusade and put them to the sword since that's where you'll find your fantasy adventure
Brandon Butler
>it should ignore armor No it shouldn't.
>it is much easier to draw and shoot on someone than to get into melee and swing a bladed weapon Even with modern equipment that's not really true.
Joseph Brooks
But reducing someone to 0 doesn't kill them instantly.
Landon Parker
>since it is much easier to draw and shoot on someone than to get into melee and swing a bladed weapon. Uh, not really. Unless you've trained to quick draw you need to draw your gun, disengage the safety, aim at the person and pull the trigger. Those aren't actions natural to the human body, as opposed to drawing a sharp bit of metal and running to stab someone.
We've millions of years of practice using melee weapons, and not a lot at all shooting folks. The 21 feet rule applies, where if the guy with the knife starts within 21 feet there are good odds of him getting close enough to stab you before you can clear your gun from its holster, disengage safety, aim and blast him.
Josiah Brown
not even a gun, that's more like a manual vibroblade
Liam Harris
The right thing to do if you want realism is pointing the body part you want to hit and see if you miss it or not. Depending on the area it should be more lethal and/or harder to hit and the weapon you used would have different effects. Slashing someones's leg off with a sword would do much more damage than just shooting it and you'd have to take the constant bleeding into account
James Jones
And what if both combatants already have their weapons drawn when they stumble upon each other.
Robert Johnson
>trying to apply HP to a real life scenario
Wyatt Wilson
What kind of game doesn't- oh, you're playing that newfangled 3.0 edition of D&D, aren't you? Fucking newfags and their video gaming mentalities. I heard they were releasing a video game of Baldur's Gate. A video game! Mark my words this is the downfall of RPGs, and no mistake.
Ethan Thomas
Depends how close they are, cover and their relative training. If they are within arms length the knife guy has a chance, if not he's probably screwed.
Ian Torres
So I was right when I guessed 'stupid' then.
Robert Cook
I will, as the distribution makes it actually quite comfortable and easy to wear.
Also in the East, tameshi gusoku was a thing which allowed the use of armor well into the 1500-1600s which was the same period during which firearms were among the most common weapons in warfare at the time
Josiah Kelly
Elijah Butler
I see no OP magic or R1 spams or twinblades and katanas with hitboxes twice as long as the weapon itself
>gun >sword fffft. Learn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. You can't shoot or stab someone if you have been choked out and shit your pants. >point gun >get arm barred loser
Any system without decent grappling rules is trash.
Isaiah Reed
using jiu jitsu in a real fight is a good way to get the math kicked out of your brain.
Charles Moore
>an American revolution era rifle >with a m203 underbarrel grenade launcher attached
Dylan Nguyen
You know a lance was often strapped to a knight's arm? 9 foot arm bar just waiting to happen. Ever seen a hip throw? Ever seen a hip throw from a horse running at full speed? The middle ages is lucky grappling technicians didn't exist back then. Gengis Khan? More like Gengis Gracie.
Come at me with a gun, brah. Serpentine, serpentine, BAM. Double leg takedown. Then I grind elbows in your face. I do what I want. You never should have given me position.
A dragon has 4 limbs and wings? Man, you're just giving me options. The more limbs it has, the more targets I have. What's with that snakey-ass neck? Just asking for a choke.
Technical grappling is too real for basic bitch rpgs.
Daniel Hill
>The middle ages is lucky grappling technicians didn't exist back then. Glima, Knights, and the existance of the Rondel Dagger say otherwise. When two knights fought, often the best way to kill your opponent was to take them down and stab them with your rondel while keeping them pinned down
Aiden Ross
Nathan Allen
>he doesnt know about shooting from retention >he thinks you need to aim at 2 feet You're a dumb mother fucker, chet.
Ryan Peterson
I said technical grappling. They don't even have gi's.
Michael Brooks
Sometimes, you run out of ammo (especially before XXth century).
Most importantly, it's badass, and that's what fun is all about
Ryder Allen
You're already in an arm bar. The moment you point at me is the moment you realize you never should have given me your arm.
Christopher Edwards
Glima then. Or Pankration
Matthew Watson
>come to a board for fantasy and roleplaying >hates fantasy and only wants the most accurate realism in his games Maybe the armed forces would be more your speed.
Jacob Watson
They're not Brazillian Jiu Jitsu. Grappling did not reach perfection until the Gracies. You're comparing stage magic with wizardry. Not bad for an amateur, but we're talking real world application here, kiddo.
Lucas Walker
>Grappling did not reach perfection until the Greeks ftfy, nice try barbarian. You're comparing a nerf-dart gun to a Browning machine gun. Come back once you've learned trying to fight against the nation that codified professional warfare and practical combat is a foolish and wasteful endeavor
Jaxson Carter
Autism automatically disqualifies you from the military.
Ryan Gray
You've obviously never stepped into the octagon. If you had, you would know that the Greeks took formation fighting and chariots from the Sumerians and even the Sumerians respected the triangle choke.
Carter Jenkins
What is historic roleplay?
Isaiah Baker
>surviving edged weapons.gif
Ryan Hernandez
Re-enactment societies.
Lucas White
Everyone is a level 1 commoner then. Your Hit Points never increase in real life, ever.
Jayden Flores
I had a combat system that used some aspects of grappling.
There were 3 unique mechanics, the lockup, intercept, and strength test.
In a lockup, both opponents are swinging so much they can't do anything but hit each others weapons or limbs, and it becomes a stamina or dexterity test to either outlast or escape. It can at times also mean that weapons are lodged against each other and not possible to disengage.
If a limb or a weapon is intercepted, the wielder can still take action, but at penalty, while the one who pulled off the interception has a bonus, but must remain close-range and must keep grip on the intercepted limb or weapon.
In the strength test, weapons or limbs are being swung against each other so hard that one side is definitely going to suffer a broken weapon or limb, and the less strong side must pass a check each round until the eventual sometimes-inevitable break.
Leo Allen
A sword does comparable trauma to a pistol. What distinguishes a firearm is massively higher effective range
Caleb Butler
Slightly related but >Sword does 2d6 but you need to walk up to someone >Bow deals 2d6 and tons of attacks from literally miles away And still irks me when bow fags complain that my Barb managed to make 1/3th of their full attack on a charge
Dylan Davis
>1/3th One Three-th
Luis Nelson
My fault, I wanted to type 4, but fucked up.
Nicholas Sullivan
What if you have a flamethrower?
Jaxson Peterson
Shooting retention doesn't involve pointing your arm at someone. The only think you point is your gun and you keep the gun tight to your body.
David Reyes
>fiable I can't even deal with you, you retard.
Jayden Scott
I blame anime, same as with people who want unarmed and unarmored combat to be viable in settings where weapons and armor are commonly used.
Nathaniel Butler
lol, notice how no one has replied to this.
Mason Morgan
>he made a typo therefore his argument is invalid
Matthew Gonzalez
Realismfags go into the trash.
Nathaniel Myers
>21 foot In non retarded it's 6.4 meters HOW THE FUCK you allowed anyone to get so close to you?
Liam Hughes
>Not knowing what shooting retention is I'm betting a fiver you not only never saw a firearm in your life, but you are also obese 250lb sack of lard that only read an article about disarming gun-totting opponent.
Nolan Myers
Dying in a charge toward a guy with a gun is badass? What are you? French?
Tyler Johnson
Living in a city instead of forests/plains; part of the reasons why blackpowder guns achieved earlier relevance on the US frontier while swords persisted in Europe.
Julian Smith
It was present ever since in W40k and I mostly blame it for propagation of this retarded idea. And it was in W40k solely because it literally started out as Warhammer IN SPACE!, so naturally it had melee weapons. Long story short, blame Games Workshop
Cameron Gomez
I know this one. We were shown it on Civil Defense classes with subtitles. Feels weird to watch it again
... what the fuck are you smoking?
Brayden Harris
Imagine being this stupid and this fucking star-spangled American.
Colton Thomas
>1d4 What is this retarded dice.
Bentley Gomez
Being an hour an half hour long may have something to do with that.
Angel Howard
>>Gun is instant save vs death, 18d20 damage on a successful save This accurately reflects how a 22 caliber bullet has enough energy to penetrate the human skull but not enough energy to exit. This effect causes the 22 caliber bullet to "pinball" around the inside of the human skull, thus making it a highly lethal cartridge.
This is just Fudd lore though
Liam Sullivan
What time should I be watching?
Jaxson Butler
Kayden Turner
Brandon Hall
In addition to what everyone else said, in areas like the Middle East sometimes soldiers can be attacked by guys with swords because they know that even if the range and reaction time is sufficient, the soldiers can't afford to shoot. Imagine a durka durka moving at you in a crowded marketplace. You see him from a distance, you *know* he's armed, but there's a bunch of civvies between you and the durka. You could mow them down as collateral damage and take him out, but both of you know you can't afford to do that. In that context, assuming you can't disperse the crowd in time, your best chances are using a melee weapon yourself and perhaps using numerical advantage now that you know the attack is coming.
>HOW THE FUCK you allowed anyone to get so close to you? Perhaps you don't know it's an enemy. In many countries where western armies are deployed for a long time, you don't know the difference between a civvy and a turrist until he draws a weapon (or blows himself up).
Henry Foster
So you are saying you can't notice a guy carrying any sort of bladed weapon longer than the knife? And there is a reason why both military forces and law enforcement officers are trained to set a clear line of approach and instantly shot dead anyone that crosses it. Allowing anyone to get barely over 6 meters away from you is just not going to happen So what you are analyzing really here is a civilian vs civilian situation, where the only viable scenario is "civilian armed with a firearm defending their property", meaning they are already prepared to shoot and allowed to do so.
tl;dr you are full of shit and the whole situation is highly unlikely, unless you are dragged into an elaborate trap to shank you.
Jack Morgan
Realistically swords should do much more damage than guns. Guns will just make a hole in you. Swords will bisect your entire torso if you're not wearing armor.
Grayson James
>What is stopping power of a bullet I will take another obvious firearm trivia for 500
Aiden Baker
>The fact that soldiers are trained to prevent this situation from happening means this is no longer a situation where melee weapons can trump firearms You're only proving my point bub. There's a reason why soldiers are instructed to avoid that situation.