Is it DnD or D&D?
Is it DnD or D&D?
>Not DxD
Double D
>or d & d
D&D but use DnD to piss off people like this guy
also known as D
What the fuck do you care?
So, are you the storyteller or the dungeon master?
D and D
Dee Andy
D&D is the RPG, DnD is Dunk N' Donuts.
The name of the chain is Dunkin' Donuts, not Dunk N' Donuts.
Mistakes like that are a dime a dozen.
>or d & d
Well the problem with that is that
>dee and dee
Doesn't roll off the tongue very well
My accent makes them sound the exact same.
Dee 'n Dee
Don't you mean a diamond dozen?
It's diamond dozen, retard.
That would be Dungeons or Dragons. Surely you mean D&&D.
No it's DaD, like D and D.
King Dedede?
King DeNDeNDe?
King De&De&De
More like DBlandD!
D w/D
It's Dungeons and Dragons, which was shorthanded (officialy, even) into D&D, which has gone through a linguistic morph into DnD as people cut the sounds of "and" short, much the same way retards say and write "could of" instead of "could've" or even "could have".
In short, DnD is fine, but you might be retarded if you think that's actually the "correct" way to do it.
I want to play Dungeons or Dragons now.
I am no DorD!
>It's Dungeons and Dragons
It's not though, is it?
If you're going to be a pedant, at least commit.
for (King D=0; D
it's dandy, you bloody idiots
No its dyanddy
How unfortunate
Wouldn't D end up being 4 though?
>campaign about sprawling dungeons built by an ancient civilization with an aura that repels dragons.
>in the depths are massive dragon-slaying superweapons built to help ancient mankind survive eternally.
>dragons are beings on peace that, on behalf of god, must smite the impurity of man
>players in the present world are scavengers who must bring the end of their people for the good of the plane or slay dragons to ensure their peoples’ eternity
I think it would be if it said
Oh i understand now, I was thinking that D++ meant D=D+2, but i remembered that that just means D=D+1
D n
& b
It would end up being 3 at the end but the program would terminate before D=3 could do anything. That’s the start of a loop so the programming inside only activates while D
D Squared?
Is this loss?
Check your eyes m8
That would be... Really huge dragons, which adventurers go inside and have adventures in?
∃x[∃y dungeons'(x)∧dragons'(y)]]
Well there isn't anything inside the loop, or any other code whatsoever, so that doesn't really matter
Anything's possible.
It's ˈdʌnʤənz ænd ˈdrægənz
Or di ɛn di for short
[ˈdʌn.ʒənz ən ˈdɹæːgənz]
It's the one and only D O double G
Snoop Draggon~
I love this.
It's trash.
D&D, ampersands are underused.
ᏚᏀᎩᏅ ᎡᏅ ᏜᎩᏅ, or ᏚᎡᏜ for short
It's shit
I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as D&D, is in fact, GNU/D&D, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus D&D. D&D is not a tabletop system unto itself, but rather another component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU roleplaying, dice rules and DMl system components comprising a full RPG as defined by BGG
Many tabletop gameers run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called D&D, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a D&D, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. D&D is the setting: the rule variation in the system that allocates the system's mechanics to the other settings that you run. The setting is an essential part of a tabletop system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete tabletop system. D&D is normally used in combination with the GNU tabletop system: the whole system is basically GNU with D&D added, or GNU/D&D. All the so-called D&D editions are really editions of GNU/D&D!
Dee Ampersand Dee
A few things brought this about in the old days. During the moral panic, it was safer to abbreviate "Dungeons & Dragons" to "D&D" in front of bible-belt inquisijerks, because that wsa enough for most of them to not know what you were talking about. Then, it was alleged that TSR sent a cease-and-desist to a guy talking critically about the game on USENET. USENET sperged over it and retaliated by writing that they played "PnP", which they could defend by saying it stood for "Pencils And Papers", and which they thought would infuriate TSR because the "P"'s looked like upside-down "d"'s so it would seem like they were getting away with something. (Yes it was childish, we were pissed off kids. TSR did jack, of course.)
A few years later, the nascent Google search engine and others were unable to process a search for "D&D" because the ampersand was a reserved character used to concatenate search terms- this returned everything with the letter "D" by itself. There was starting to be more gaming content on the web by this time, so some of the nerdy people started using the term "DnD" to post things so they could be searched, just as they had formerly used "PnP", this caught on for its Google utility.
Now Google search handles the ampersand properly, so we can use the original with no problems, so it doesn't really matter now. I sometimes might use the old terms if I want to refer to D&D in the terms of those old days. Pretty sure my fundamentalist parents still don't know what "D&D" is, but yes, they still sperg about "The Dungeons & The Dragons".
Handy screencap
Okay, now l want to play Dungeons or Dragons.
Good job, user.
It's amazing what we can find to argue about
No it isn't, fuck you.
We did it reddit!
DnD because I'm too fucking lazy to hold shift and press 7 and the same damn time ffs why are they so faraway on the keyboard?
Nigga, you bumped it from Page 10. Page 10, one step from archive and trash bin where it belongs.
Fuck you. Sage.
Yes it is. You'd have to be really fucking bored to be wasting your time arguing in this thread.
D/D seems like the obvious notation to me.
Dragons: the Dungeoning